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Don’t add a deserter time out in this meta.


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Eric please also consider the slow loaders such as myself. As it is, by the time my character loads I've been auto kicked from the pvp match. Need to extend that time limit for loading otherwise I'll never be able to play.
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While you do still pop with people on the list. You don’t actually see anything they say. The problem with that is if they call incoming and are guarding, you won’t actually see ;)

I’ve an extensive troll list. Luckily most have left the game for the foreseeable future.


I had an argument with a guildie about this yesterday. We had an Alderaan match with someone who did nothing but complain about other players and brag about how great they were. The entire match they were stealthed 'guarding' nodes, except they didn't call incs or do anything to stop enemy players, they were just chillin' you know?


My guildy was pissed that our team didn't votekick her, though tbh I've never had much success with votekicking anyone in pvp, even bots are hard to get rid of. After the match he was complaining on guild chat and said 'but at least I've blocked <name> now so I won't get matched with her again. I explained that pvp doesn't work the same as FPs, and he told me that he'd done it before with another annoying player and he never saw them again. I tried explaining about RNG but he wasn't having any of it and I finally decided I didn't really care anyway.


Generally, the people on my ignore list aren't calling incs in the first place, so it's not an issue.

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I flat out refuse to play huttball anymore. I'd rather sit there and surf the net on my second monitor while I wait than play that map. I know HB is kind of SWTOR's baby for PvP maps, but I just don't enjoy it for a number of reasons related to personal taste. Sorry, but I'm gonna leave that every time.
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I flat out refuse to play huttball anymore. I'd rather sit there and surf the net on my second monitor while I wait than play that map. I know HB is kind of SWTOR's baby for PvP maps, but I just don't enjoy it for a number of reasons related to personal taste. Sorry, but I'm gonna leave that every time.


I like HB, but not QB. QB makes me anxious to carry the ball because I often have a hard time figuring out which side is which when I'm coming up the ramp. I know - yellow or purple, but it's often maddeningly unclear unless I can see enemy players clustered on one side, and even that's not foolproof. In the past I have sometimes gone to the wrong end by mistake and been deservedly raged at. HB is much more straightforward.

Edited by Ardrossan
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We also leave when we see premades over and over agan, premades that also insult the oposing team. We get piss of just because we are forced to pvp in 230 gear as new commers vs 248 augmented gear premades. So, yes, many thing must be fixed. One of them is to make only 2 tier of pvp gear, normal WZ and ranked WZ, so the farm get stoped (when a game have so much farm that game lack in creativity from devs. Also lockout the premades first of all and make a special pop button for them.
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I had an argument with a guildie about this yesterday. We had an Alderaan match with someone who did nothing but complain about other players and brag about how great they were. The entire match they were stealthed 'guarding' nodes, except they didn't call incs or do anything to stop enemy players, they were just chillin' you know?


My guildy was pissed that our team didn't votekick her, though tbh I've never had much success with votekicking anyone in pvp, even bots are hard to get rid of.

As I understand it, You can't vote kick someone thats sitting afk on a node you own because they're collecting defender points.


I like HB, but not QB. QB makes me anxious to carry the ball because I often have a hard time figuring out which side is which when I'm coming up the ramp. I know - yellow or purple, but it's often maddeningly unclear unless I can see enemy players clustered on one side, and even that's not foolproof. In the past I have sometimes gone to the wrong end by mistake and been deservedly raged at. HB is much more straightforward.

There are arrows on the side walls of the ramps that point the direction you need to go if you possess the ball, this is designed for people who play on B&W monitors.

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Keep the feedback coming. Discussions like these are helpful for us so continue to let us know your thoughts.




Only when they meet an agenda.

When posts and threads that are helpful and very descriptive get squelched via edits, deletions, topic moves, burried, and banned, they don't push the game into the future.


There are counteless other topics that received more replies and deeper discussion that all have been burried, editied, members banned/silenced.


Bully the community pushes the community away. Something SWTOR doesn't need right now.


Regs doesn't need a deserter time out. It would be detrimental to the game. Just as command ranks and command gear has bled away subscribers and the community.


The PvP community is a small dedicated few. Strong opinions and know it alls.

Many have played other games and have watched some be success stories while others games imploded by a Dev change in direction. Watching SWTOR follow failure has many on edge.


Frustrated, feed up at time spent in game vs reward. Pushing players away is the sign of a quick money grab due to SW movies, tv, comics hype before exiting.

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Here is a reason to quit a match. Last 3 have been against 5 healers. Seriously, what’s the point in playing? It’s a complete was of my time and unenjoyable.


Before lockouts should even be on the agenda or a twinkle in Keith’s eye, there needs to be match making implemented in regs. Until that happens, we will get idiots like this who think it’s ok to run 4 healer premades cause they keep dying.


Honestly, what’s the point in a lockout when these sorts of people already kill the queue and can stop it popping outside of primetime. After 3 matches I’d had enough and stopped queueing, so did many others. People started to leave those matches as soon as we saw who was on the other team.


Imagine adding a lock out to that and people wouldn’t even bother to queue for the 3 matches. They would just quit pvping.



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I had an argument with a guildie about this yesterday. We had an Alderaan match with someone who did nothing but complain about other players and brag about how great they were. The entire match they were stealthed 'guarding' nodes, except they didn't call incs or do anything to stop enemy players, they were just chillin' you know?


My guildy was pissed that our team didn't votekick her, though tbh I've never had much success with votekicking anyone in pvp, even bots are hard to get rid of. After the match he was complaining on guild chat and said 'but at least I've blocked <name> now so I won't get matched with her again. I explained that pvp doesn't work the same as FPs, and he told me that he'd done it before with another annoying player and he never saw them again. I tried explaining about RNG but he wasn't having any of it and I finally decided I didn't really care anyway.


Generally, the people on my ignore list aren't calling incs in the first place, so it's not an issue.


Next time just direct them to come to the forums. We’ll set them straight ;)

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Here is a reason to quit a match. Last 3 have been against 5 healers. Seriously, what’s the point in playing? It’s a complete was of my time and unenjoyable.






There are plenty of valid reasons to quit a match and that is one of them. If you win against that matchup it is going to be because you played objectives better and they had no DPS, because dealing damage to the other team is going to feel like hitting a parsing dummy with all that cross-healing going on. Hardly anyone on that team will be dying.


Parsing dummy matches are the opposite of fun. Watching paint dry is more enjoyable. Meanwhile if the queue is heavy enough, like say at prime time, you can drop from that match wait one minute and then find a much better match up. Lockouts would prevent that.


The thing Regs need most isn't Lockouts. Literally no one has asked for that. What Regs needs is matchmaking, and it has needed matchmaking since 2012. Matchmaking would solve 90% of the problems with Regs, including most of the drops, because most queue drops are from people who don't want to play through a match where one side got every healer in the queue.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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This just can't be solved this way. The penalty will be small? Nothing will change, people will quit the same way. The penalty will be noticeable? Anyone who would rage quit otherwise will stay and afk or stack somewhere waiting for the match end. Like some people do now (who would quit but loss of cxp is enough penalty for them). Does anyone want more people waiting for the match end instead of quitting?? Edited by SwSwine
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This just can't be solved this way. The penalty will be small? Nothing will change, people will quit the same way. The penalty will be noticeable? Anyone who would rage quit otherwise will stay and afk or stack somewhere waiting for the match end. Like some people do now (who would quit but loss of cxp is enough penalty for them). Does anyone want more people waiting for the match end instead of quitting??


I’d rather get back filled from people leaving than have people all trying quit and go sit at the node or afk in the corner. At least if you get back fillers, there is a chance you will get people who try.

Over the years I’ve had so many matches where people have left and then we got better people from backfills and we’ve gone onto win.

But since 5.0, I’ve had more matches where people just give up at the first sign if resistance, even when the game isn’t a forgone conclusion. They all go and sit at the node or afk somewhere on the map. As soon as some people on the team do it, other people can start to give up too and it’s like a cancer that spreads. I would rather they just leave the match before the cancer takes hold.

Personally I think that’s a bigger problem than people Rage quitting, at least if they rage quit, you have the possibility to get some back fillers who try. If they stay, you have no hope and may as well leave the game yourself because it’s a complete waste of your time if you are the only one on your team trying and getting 7v1 all match.

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In case you need a better reason not to add lockouts for people who leave


Just had to leave a Yavin match after falling through the map multiple times when I leaped. Then add people were doing little teleports everywhere and it’s impossible to play. My internet speed and connection to the game is actually the most stable and fastest it’s been since they moved the servers. But now we have worse dysnc than a few days ago or there is a problem with the server instances.


Until these things are guaranteed not to constantly happen, then any locks are punishing people because the game doesn’t work. That would be a great way to not only stop people pvping, but also make more people leave the game

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Surely the only people a desert timer hurts are quiters and these are people that will quit a match if they aren't on the winning or better team.


The other team is more organised so quit, their team more organised rock on.

The other team has more healers so quit, their team has more healers rock on.

They don't like the map so quit, they like the map rock on.



So there are concerns that because they can't quit they will sit afk in the corner and sulk, so this is the sort of people that should be protected by not having a deserter penalty.


People that will try and win even against the odds are the idiots and a policy of always quit if you don't like the odds is to be encouraged? Surely that would mean aside from the very rare balanced match one team would always quit till the match is abandoned. Even more so if you see that your side is at a disadvantage and then start losing people and now could be fight men down waiting on a back fill.


I don't see how deserting is good for PvP or why people that do it should be able to shop around till they are on the 'better' side. Or let everyone know thats what good PvPers do and only idiots would keep on fighting if they start losing, so everyone can cash out and shop around for a better match.

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Surely the only people a desert timer hurts are quiters and these are people that will quit a match if they aren't on the winning or better team.


The other team is more organised so quit, their team more organised rock on.

The other team has more healers so quit, their team has more healers rock on.

They don't like the map so quit, they like the map rock on.



So there are concerns that because they can't quit they will sit afk in the corner and sulk, so this is the sort of people that should be protected by not having a deserter penalty.


People that will try and win even against the odds are the idiots and a policy of always quit if you don't like the odds is to be encouraged? Surely that would mean aside from the very rare balanced match one team would always quit till the match is abandoned. Even more so if you see that your side is at a disadvantage and then start losing people and now could be fight men down waiting on a back fill.


I don't see how deserting is good for PvP or why people that do it should be able to shop around till they are on the 'better' side. Or let everyone know thats what good PvPers do and only idiots would keep on fighting if they start losing, so everyone can cash out and shop around for a better match.


Yep yep.


The OP wants every possible advantage, and no disadvantage in their PvP, including penalties for breaking the spirit of random group play. A very real desire and nothing wrong with it per se ... until they come to the forum and try to dictate what the studio should or should not do in terms of how to handle quitters.


I have no sympathy for quitters in MMOs. They are not team players.... who hang in there even when tactical circumstances are less than ideal.. and leave their team hanging. It is a very dishonorable approach to game play. Yeah yeah.. sometimes you find yourself in a random group or against a random group that is not to your liking.... so OP suck it up and play it out.. or take the debuff. But to constantly want PvP on your terms and only your terms really is weak sauce.


That said.. there are improvements that the studio could make to better address some of the frustrations presented... then again.. PvP is NOT a fair environment (because players can and will eek out any advantage they can) .. and to insist you will only play an encounter if it meets your exact parameters of play is absurd. Do so if that is your wish... but suck it up and take any penalties for your choices... since the reason for penalties and every other element of a PvP encounter is designed to minimize (not eliminate) bad player behaviors.

Edited by Andryah
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Go into pvp, oh no lag, results in a disconnect, and ends up stuck in time out for 15 mins. That would be unfortunate.


Well, that would indeed be unfortunate.... however.. since there is no way to determine if it was a disconnect due to reasons beyond the players control.... OR... a forced disconnect to game the system by the player .... I don't see how the studio can address this.


I remember back in the day.. in DAoC... it was a thing in PvP to disconnect your internet connection deliberately to DC to avoid getting ganked by a zerg... so this sort of thing is just too easy to game by the player.


Thing is.. this game does not DC all that often for most players. The client is pretty resilient.. which is why people can and will see wide swings in ping (sometimes in the thousands) and see it pop back into normal range while never disconnecting. Of course an event like this will freeze the player character in place and they will get poached into a death by opportunistic players.

Edited by Andryah
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Unpopular opinion of the day.


If you are going to slap a time on me for leaving a flashpoint, then slap a timer on those leaving the warzone. The reasons I am seeing for not doing it are the same reasons people give for leaving flashpoints. If you are going to leave a warzone slap a timer on. OR take the timer off of those leaving a flashpoint. OR slap a debuff on the person leaving so if they go into another warzone within 15 min they do less damage, receive less healing, or have their health reduced by 25%. There should be some sort of penalty for leaving a warzone, you should not be able to leave penalty free.

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I have no sympathy for quitters in MMOs. They are not team players.... who hang in there even when tactical circumstances are less than ideal.. and leave their team hanging.


To put it most cynically : To get farmed over and over again makes me a team player, yes ?


I mean, if I get farmed over and over again until my stamina runs out - but REAL MEN just have and ENDLESS pool of stamina, haven't they ? - then I'm a team player. If I quit, because I don't want to get farmed, them I am not.

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Well, that would indeed be unfortunate.... however.. since there is no way to determine if it was a disconnect due to reasons beyond the players control.... OR... a forced disconnect to game the system by the player .... I don't see how the studio can address this.


I remember back in the day.. in DAoC... it was a thing in PvP to disconnect your internet connection deliberately to DC to avoid getting ganked by a zerg... so this sort of thing is just too easy to game by the player.


Thing is.. this game does not DC all that often for most players. The client is pretty resilient.. which is why people can and will see wide swings in ping (sometimes in the thousands) and see it pop back into normal range while never disconnecting. Of course an event like this will freeze the player character in place and they will get poached into a death by opportunistic players.


Exactly, and if that system were in effect this weekend, it would've been pretty bad for me. I was up to 4k ping at times and disconnected at least 3 times.

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Again, the only people who are worried about this change are the ones that desert. Non-deserters aren't worried one bit because it doesn't effect them. This thread is basically those that desert will not support the change, and those that don't desert will support or not care about the change. Those that desert will support the OP and give all the excuses in the world as to why they should be able to quit anytime they want. Those that don't support the OP will be rewarded with a more loyal team and a better chance of winning.


I remember reading a post from Trixxie that basically said she left a warzone match one time, even on a winning team, because she felt she was carrying the team and they didn't appreciate her enough. She said she laughed afterwards because they ended up losing. This is what we are talking about here people, do you really want people like this on your team? Also trixxie was suppose to quit the game months ago when they removed APAC servers, then again after the conquest changes, made a HUGE stink about them, but then she came back around. She just needs to get used to change.

Edited by SaerethDL
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Again, the only people who are worried about this change are the ones that desert. Non-deserters aren't worried one bit because it doesn't effect them. This thread is basically those that desert will not support the change, and those that don't desert will support or not care about the change. Those that desert will support the OP and give all the excuses in the world as to why they should be able to quit anytime they want. Those that don't support the OP will be rewarded with a more loyal team and a better chance of winning.


^^ Can't argue with this point of view at all in my opinion.

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To put it most cynically : To get farmed over and over again makes me a team player, yes ?


I mean, if I get farmed over and over again until my stamina runs out - but REAL MEN just have and ENDLESS pool of stamina, haven't they ? - then I'm a team player. If I quit, because I don't want to get farmed, them I am not.


Non sequitur to the discussion, but nice try there. Some people will just create any possible scenario that lets them double down on something I guess.


How exactly are you getting farmed over and over again if you are random grouping? The debuff might actually do you some good as you are then less likely to get farmed by the same group you are claiming are farming you. You do know.. you can quit and just take the debuff.. and not get farmed, right?

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It's simple.


If a lockout forces me to play with people who behave like idiots, who have no gear, who don't communicate, don't listen, don't try to win, and are generaly trolls, I'm uninstalling this game and will be looking for one that doesn't make me feel like playing is a punishment.

Edited by Korrii
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