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Any update on when Satele Shan and Star Forge will merge?


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I believe that was the original plan since they are both East Coast servers. Also, considering that daytime PVP pops are taking about the same time that Shadowlands was a year ago (before TEH & JC was merged) I am assuming we're getting close to that time.


No need to merge servers.

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Hmmm, even how things are currently; if both servers were merged, would the one server be able to cope with the load? ;)


Also factor in things like big updates or expansions which usually sees a surge of players returning/trying the new content - will one East Coast server be able to meet the demand? :eek:



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I believe that was the original plan since they are both East Coast servers. Also, considering that daytime PVP pops are taking about the same time that Shadowlands was a year ago (before TEH & JC was merged) I am assuming we're getting close to that time.


I do not remember that at all. Link/Evidence please.


Yes, they hoodwinked us. They put the "west coast server" in a location on the east coast...without telling anyone. It was a money saving move: one data center vs two data centers.


But that in no way is any indication that "the plan" was or is to merge the two into one.

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I believe that was the original plan since they are both East Coast servers. Also, considering that daytime PVP pops are taking about the same time that Shadowlands was a year ago (before TEH & JC was merged) I am assuming we're getting close to that time.


Not everything is decided on how many PVP matches pop. There is no need for another server merge.

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Mergers will only happen again when it becomes financially necessary or if EA think they can make more money,

If we’ve learnt anything from the last 2 years, server populations and playability aren’t on the top of the list of why they merge. If they were worried about those things they would have merged well before 5.0 and they wouldn’t have moved the west coast server to the east coast.

IMO, merging the servers was just an excuse to save money on two data centres in the US and also save money on maintaining more older hardware than necessary. The merger was a purely financial decision, I don’t believe player consideration was anywhere near the top of why they did it. I’m not even sure it was a minor consideration.

The next merge will be to keep the game profitable by cutting costs, nothing more. At that point, it won’t just be SS and SF merging, it will be about merging all of the games servers into one to save money. They will only be able to do this once the population reaches a certain point across all servers so as to not overload the merge into one.

No one knows or can predict when the games total population will reach that point. But Bioware are certainly trying hard to find out by making mistake after mistake.

Personally I dont think they will ever merge again. Most likely, EA will just shut the game like they have done wilth so many past games that weren’t fully dead yet. Especially if they lose the SW license or they release another game they don’t want swtor to compete with (possibly Anthem?)

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I believe that was the original plan since they are both East Coast servers. Also, considering that daytime PVP pops are taking about the same time that Shadowlands was a year ago (before TEH & JC was merged) I am assuming we're getting close to that time.


I think that is their end game plan. Probably in their original ideas for screwing over the west coast and APAC players and moving it all east coast. They could, if needed, eventually combine the only two remaining East coast servers into one.


It's their contingency plan but I also feel it is not at that point just yet. Even using your example, daytime isn't what one would call prime time. Thats usually in the evening when most are off work. I feel thats the data they will go by and we just are not there yet but I would not at all be shocked to find merging the east coast servers are a real backup plan bioware has ready.


Just not yet.

Edited by Quraswren
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Why would this happen? There's already 3 instances on fleet for both pub and imp during prime time hours. Its only slow after 1 am server time.


That’s not actually the case, especially not during the week. Last night on Satele on the pub side there was one instance with 51 people at 12am. There was one Imp at 84 people. By 1am, that had fallen to 32 people on the pub side. I didn’t check the Imp fleet at that point.


I’m not advocating a merge at this time. But I think it’s important to realise that the prime time is also shrinking and doesn’t go for as long as it did 3 months ago. Plus out side of prime time, it’s becoming a ghost town.


You can still get some lvl 70 pvp pops, but forget about lower brackets. I was queued for 6 hours and no pops, then when it popped pub vs pub, the stupid queue put 4 people on one team and 8 on the other and it ended in 30secs. Then instead of putting us in Arena matches (there were obviously at least 12 of us in the queue), it made us wait 50 mins for an 8 man map that on had 10 people in it (I guess the other 2 got sick of waiting)


This is one of the major issues for pvp outside of prime time. You can have enough people in the queue for Arena matches, BUT THE QUEUE ONLY WANTS TO MAKE 8 MAN MATCHES MOST OF THE TIME SO IT MAKE US WAIT HOURS. KEITH, PLEASE FIX THIS.

On a side note, I did see a fair few people higher than lvl 30, RPing on Korriban at 12:30am last night. But there still weren’t more than 20 people on the planet.


Dromund Kass started to pick up in the early EU morning with people getting up and doing the daily Heroics. I actually had to wait for respawns on Drommund. There was still only one instance and less than 100 people, which I assume were mostly SH dwellers.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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