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Conquest Changes in Game Update 5.9


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Very simple solution. Remove the once per legacy. Remove it so we can play on our alts. We have no new content currently, with no new content coming up. So if you insist we replay this game over and over and over again, remove the once per legacy, or give us new content.


MAKE this alt friendly, or give us a reason to play our mains always.

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I'm running low on "care" these days.


Frankly, they wanted feedback and the feedback has been overwhelming. The changes, on the other hand, have been underwhelming, disappointing and frustrating.


Conquest is dead to me.

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I wish they would return things to the way it was before the beginning of this conquest week, where we could do the rampages on various alts to help the guild, because not all the all the people in the guild even does conquest, and all we do is small yield and we have been reaching that mark, but not sure if we can even make it this week with the changes.
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Please remove the "once per Legacy" dailies. We don't want them. Making it "once per toon" dailies would totally work to make alts viable once again. Conquesting on alts gives me something to do in between content drops. Please listen to the community!



Edited by AlainaFlute
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Yeah...pretty much all of our guild abandoned the game over conquest changes. I've just logged in for sales while I still have an active sub. Gave conquest another shot today. Heroics are still limited to 1 per legacy per day?!? If they had removed that restriction I could probably have talked my guild into coming back. Such a stupid change....like so many of the other changes. The rewards are just not worth the time and we really, as a smaller guild, have nothing to co-operatively work towards anymore. Encryptions for the ship are too much of a grind now...and having a ship is just for cosmetic fun, no bonus.


We' re just tired of it all and the lack of response from the devs. I know their hands are probably tied with budgeting and what decisions they are allowed to make, but it's just too much for us to stomach.


One thing that could help since conquest is obviously not going to be any fun anymore is that they bring back a large event like DvL...only up the rewards quite a bit. Some cool mounts or an automatic tier 4 set for legacy....or some of the high-end schematics....or an Ultimate Hypercrate.


For now, we've moved on to GW2 and are really enjoying it as a guild, but we really hope swtor will entice us back. We're all big Star Wars fans.

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Very simple solution. Remove the once per legacy. Remove it so we can play on our alts. We have no new content currently, with no new content coming up. So if you insist we replay this game over and over and over again, remove the once per legacy, or give us new content.


MAKE this alt friendly, or give us a reason to play our mains always.


This ^^^ ... exactly this ^^^

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Very simple solution. Remove the once per legacy. Remove it so we can play on our alts. We have no new content currently, with no new content coming up. So if you insist we replay this game over and over and over again, remove the once per legacy, or give us new content.


MAKE this alt friendly, or give us a reason to play our mains always.

I could not agree more!!! Perfectly stated.

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Please remove the "once per Legacy" dailies. We don't want them. Making it "once per toon" dailies would totally work to make alts viable once again. Conquesting on alts gives me something to do in between content drops. Please listen to the community!




You got my vote. Not that it means anything. I really think it silly to have rampages one per legacy per day. It isn't like you can just mail it in. You actually have to be out there participating.

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Please remove the "once per Legacy" dailies. We don't want them. Making it "once per toon" dailies would totally work to make alts viable once again. Conquesting on alts gives me something to do in between content drops. Please listen to the community!




/sign - my greatest wish to bring back fun to conquest.

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Please remove the "once per Legacy" dailies. We don't want them. Making it "once per toon" dailies would totally work to make alts viable once again. Conquesting on alts gives me something to do in between content drops. Please listen to the community!




Well if we're making this a petition...



The legacy restriction is the most ridiculous nonsense theyve ever come out with. From the beginning this game has been about alts- seeing all the stories, etc.

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Well if we're making this a petition...



The legacy restriction is the most ridiculous nonsense theyve ever come out with. From the beginning this game has been about alts- seeing all the stories, etc.


I'd suggest making a succinct short thread requesting the legacy restrictions be lifted. Then all of you that have conquest guilds, friends who focus on conquest have them post a /signed on that thread to try to draw attention.


Direct it at Eric, seeing he is back. Perhaps he will respond.


I tried to create something similar, but he never responds to my threads or posts. I feel like if I create a thread on this topic it will only liken the chance you get no response, plus Kendra and others honestly know the conquest system so much better than me.

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I want the old conquest back. This conquest is for massiv guilds and not for everyone. EA says everyone can play this game how he or she wants. With this conquest this is wong. I think EA want to break the contract with disney because they make not the money they want to make. But I think that EA is guilty for this situation because they see only the profit in the moment, but not the chances in the future.

At this week i start after 8 years with wow again, and i am impressed what they do for the players. New content, new classes, new races and many more. And no lies like " how better the new conquest is". Thats the point the make me really thick, you try to sell us cow dung and say that the cow dung it is gold. Eric I hope you get a new job because i feel you pain that you must lie to us.


Sry for my bad english.

Edited by Orakel
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Please remove the "once per Legacy" dailies. We don't want them. Making it "once per toon" dailies would totally work to make alts viable once again. Conquesting on alts gives me something to do in between content drops. Please listen to the community!






I created a new alt yesterday, and leveled it up to Nar Shaddaa story line. Except I have to stop now, since doing NS would count for Nar Shaddaa Rampage, and I don't want the points on the new alt. I can't do flashpoints either, because they count for Socialite and once I do them with one character, I can't get the points to someone else again on the same day.


So BW, not only are you preventing people to do CQ with alts, you are also succesfully preventing playing story line with alts who do not participate in CQ.


Get rid of legacy restrictions, before you get rid of players who are paying your salary. :mad:

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I created a new alt yesterday, and leveled it up to Nar Shaddaa story line. Except I have to stop now, since doing NS would count for Nar Shaddaa Rampage, and I don't want the points on the new alt. I can't do flashpoints either, because they count for Socialite and once I do them with one character, I can't get the points to someone else again on the same day.


So BW, not only are you preventing people to do CQ with alts, you are also succesfully preventing playing story line with alts who do not participate in CQ.


Get rid of legacy restrictions, before you get rid of players who are paying your salary. :mad:


You should PM this directly to both Eric and Keith; there's no way anyone at Bioware considered the law of unintended consequences :(

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I would like to point out that some dailies are still bugged and resetting occasionally too. But I also don't particularly want them fixing this until the system is better for alts.


I really do not understand the "legacy" focus. If anything conquest is a guild phenomenon and the alt nerf hurts everyone, but those of us you claimed to have been trying to help worst of all. Even an explanation as to the logic would be nice.

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I would like to point out that some dailies are still bugged and resetting occasionally too. But I also don't particularly want them fixing this until the system is better for alts.


I really do not understand the "legacy" focus. If anything conquest is a guild phenomenon and the alt nerf hurts everyone, but those of us you claimed to have been trying to help worst of all. Even an explanation as to the logic would be nice.


This, there's a person in my guild who's capped multiple toons on the same day doing the same objective over and over again while here i am stuck with only one.



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Removing the legacy restriction would be great, but also returning the crafting schematics needs to occur. There is -no reason- to continue to need sub assemblies from levels 2 - 9 from -all- crafting disciplines to assemble a single invasion force. The points no longer justify mass manufacture of invasion forces as a method to finish conquest. Every week has been a single 3k award (at full stronghold bonus) for a single character for crafting an invasion force, hardly game breaking or even much of any significance toward guild conquest objectives. It -does- however mean that method to convert to dark projects and then trade for encryptions is closed.
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This, there's a person in my guild who's capped multiple toons on the same day doing the same objective over and over again while here i am stuck with only one.




Isn't that boring, doing the same thing over and over again ?


I mean, when I come home from work, I want to have fun, not work like this over and over again. I'm happy to get my conquest points for 1 toon, and I'm content with that. I'm not greedy.

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Please remove the "once per Legacy" dailies. We don't want them. Making it "once per toon" dailies would totally work to make alts viable once again. Conquesting on alts gives me something to do in between content drops. Please listen to the community!






Why did they spend so many years encouraging people to make alts, up to the point where they designed a whole event (Dark vs. Light) that required you to make alts and level them up and redo old content with them... only to now decide you shouldn't be able to get any benefit from alts anymore? That's positively schizophrenic on their part.


There were legacy-limited restrictions on various conquest activities before, but those were always the ones who gave out a whole bunch of points, like completing a specific operation or world boss. But they've gone waaaaaay too far with legacy restrictions now. For example: now every player is limited to a single heroic mission a day per legacy for points? That's ridiculous! Under the old system, you could repeat all the heroics for a featured planet on every toon you had. It wasn't a ton of points for each heroic you did, but you could still do it on each toon and get points for them all each day if you had the time. One heroic per day per legacy is way too restrictive.

Edited by AscendingSky
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One heroic per day per legacy is way too restrictive.


I don't even do Conquest but /signed too. This is an alt centric game and punishing playing alts is terrible design. If you think about it, this is the second system they've punished us for having alts. GC is per character and not per legacy also. Sense a pattern?

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Isn't that boring, doing the same thing over and over again ?


I mean, when I come home from work, I want to have fun, not work like this over and over again. I'm happy to get my conquest points for 1 toon, and I'm content with that. I'm not greedy.


This is my point. The only thing more mind numbingly boring than killing 150 random npcs is crafting.


But there are people that enjoy crafting. So why cant everyone just get conquest however they want like we used to?

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Removing the option to grind heroics for conquest was a really stupid idea.


This was one of many changes that killed conquest for alts and is one of many factors that makes me not enjoy conquest any more.


Again, I'd have kept pushing after completing the guild's ship in the old system. Now, when the ship is done, I'm done (and probably my guild too).

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  • 2 weeks later...
Removing the legacy restriction would be great, but also returning the crafting schematics needs to occur. There is -no reason- to continue to need sub assemblies from levels 2 - 9 from -all- crafting disciplines to assemble a single invasion force. The points no longer justify mass manufacture of invasion forces as a method to finish conquest. Every week has been a single 3k award (at full stronghold bonus) for a single character for crafting an invasion force, hardly game breaking or even much of any significance toward guild conquest objectives. It -does- however mean that method to convert to dark projects and then trade for encryptions is closed.


It's very silent About conquest and further changes - is any hope lost that there will be changes recommended by many people?


I still hoping for changes to the "once per legacy" and the crafting disaster.

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