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Conquest Changes in Game Update 5.9


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Silly KendraP, you should've known you aren't allowed to have fun and progress with conquest at the same time!


Yeah I should've known better I guess, eh. Silly me thinking it should be possible to get a guildship on a reasonable grind without paying out the ***.


Not sure how I feel now........not happy is the nicest way I think I can put it. Having the activity finder pieces in there for pvp as doable by multiple toons was just about okay......now... sad panda.


Not happy is the nice version my friend.

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Well looks like we have an answer. It was a bug and being patched tomorrow.




I thought the daily repeatable "bug" was an actual change and was excited for a whole 24 hours. Then they had to crush that and "fix" something that they needed to leave. This is the 2nd most upsetting thing they've done to me. The first being reducing the points you get from doing pvp period to the point where i have to choose which toon i get cq on.

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I thought the daily repeatable "bug" was an actual change and was excited for a whole 24 hours. Then they had to crush that and "fix" something that they needed to leave. This is the 2nd most upsetting thing they've done to me. The first being reducing the points you get from doing pvp period to the point where i have to choose which toon i get cq on.


I can't honestly say I'm surprised. Disappointed, certainly, not surprised.

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The Conquest system is based around Legacy, so it looks like this:

  • Repeatable - Infinitely repeatable on anyone
  • Daily Repeatable - Once per day, per Legacy
  • One-time - Can be completed one time, per Legacy, per Conquest


I for one see this per legacy to be worse than all the chintzy increases to values.I have sat quiet over the years while many of the doom & gloomers had their say. But you guys are not even listening to the reasonable folks out there. This does not help people with more than one character really. I'm supposed to decide if I want to use Imp or Pub for this conquest and maybe who I didn't choose for next?


I don't like it.

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I can't honestly say I'm surprised. Disappointed, certainly, not surprised.


I share your disappointment. For a week there things were looking up with the conquest system again and it was actually enjoyable. Should have known they'd find a way to knock it back down again.

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Maybe they are running out of space for databases. The change to not needing to deco strongholds to get the bonus had to free up some space. Now everyone went and created a ton of lvl 1 toons just to switch back and forth from...tying up space that they didn't want used.




Still though, I could at least BUY that as an explanation.


The other one I just thought of is IF two of the bugs getting fixed use related code, and they couldn't change one with out the other.

Edited by Darevsool
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This is why you need to make the once per legacy, per day objectives repeatable.


Points Possibilities of Mechanical Warfare NOT including infinitely repeatable missions

(150% Stronghold Bonus)


Once per week, per legacy:

Operation: Gods from the Machine – 7500 pts (1.5 hours)

Operation: The Ravagers – 7500 pts (1.5 hours)

Iokath: The Colossal – 5000 pts (0.5 hours)

Crafting: Dark Project – 3000 pts (Instant)

Critical Missions: Iokath – 3000 pts (1 hour)


Total Pts: 26,000 pts Total Time: 4.5 hours Points per hour: 5,777

W/O Stronghold Bonus: Total Pts: 10,400 Points per hour: 2,311


Once per legacy, per day:

Activity Finder: Operations – 2,063 pts (1.5 hours)

Defeat Replicator (Master Mode) – 2,063 pts (0.75 hours)

Defeat the Alpha Slybex (Master Mode) – 2,063 pts (0.75 hours)

Eternal Throne: Into the Void – 2,063 pts (0.75 hours)

Ilum Rampage 1-3 – 4,563 pts (0.75 hours)

Iokath Rampage 1-3 - 4,563 pts (0.75 hours)

Operation: Take them Down – 2,063 pts (2 hours)

Activity Finder: Socialite 1 and 2 – 2,500 pts (3 hours)

Flashpoint: Directive 7 – 1,500 pts (Instant if combined with Master Mode, 0.75 hours if not)

Iokath: Slayer – 1,500 pts (0.5 hours)

Hoth: Heroic Missions – 1,000 pts (0.25 hours)

Ilum: Heroic Missions – 1,000 pts (0.25 hours)

Starfighter: Dominate the Stars – 1,000 pts (0.25 hours)


Total Points: 27,941 points Total Time: 12.25 hours Points per hour: 2,281

W/O Stronghold Bonus: Total Pts: 11,170 Points per hour: 912



16.75 hours’ worth of work will get you 53,941 conquest points, which will result in 3.5 characters reaching their weekly conquest goal.

W/O Stronghold Bonus 16.75 hours’ worth of work will get you 21,570 conquest points, which will result in 1.4 characters reaching their weekly conquest goal.

This does not include the miniscule amount of points you get from doing the infinitely repeatable missions, which lets be honest about it, aren’t anywhere near worth the points to time ratio. Doing a random daily flashpoint will net you about 966 points per hour (385 points w/o stronghold bonus) and doing warzones about 900-1200 points per hour (360-480 points w/o stronghold bonus.





Edited by mpddispatch
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Once per alt repeatables are the only way a small Guild can try to take on a larger planet and make the conquest target. Yes, big guilds will use it to win on a lower-ranked planet, but hey! They are going to win there anyway for the achieve or just for the sake of seeing themselves as No. 1. Humans are a competitive species.


And some of us prefer to compete by taking on a challenge (trying for a bigger planet with a small Guild) rather than by going for an easy win. Please indulge us heroic souls!


One benefit of making repeatable missions on a per alt basis is that more people will be playing for longer as they work their ways through their alts. Without that, well, many of us will get one alt through and just go play somewhere else. Wouldn't it be better for the game as a whole if we spent more time on it?

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Yeah, when a bug improves the game, just call it a feature, don't hurry up and fix it.


The "bug" was the only thing making conquest halfway bearable ("halfway")l


NOTHING should be limited once per legacy per day. Until the "legacy" portion is removed, and either exchanged with "character" (or just make it repeatable) swtor will never again be alt-friendly.


Its just stupid really. Personal conquest is "PER CHARACTER", so it makes no sense in the world for some of the conquest goals to not work that way. I don't mind the once-per-week items, if they were about 3x the points. And the current infinately-repeatable items are fine too if they were about 10x the points. But the legacy one is just really really dumb.


Players like alts. Players want to use alts with conquest. Anything that inhibits that is just being flat out rude to players.


Lets face it. Until the points distribution of the new conquest matches that of the old conquest in respect to how many characters people would get to PC the new system will continue to be an absolute failure.


Players had personal goals before of getting multiple characters to PC by the end of the week. It just doesn't sit right now that it really isn't worth even trying to get more than 1 to PC.

Edited by Stellarcrusade
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This is why you need to make the once per legacy, per day objectives repeatable.


Points Possibilities of Mechanical Warfare NOT including infinitely repeatable missions

(150% Stronghold Bonus)


Once per week, per legacy:

Operation: Gods from the Machine – 7500 pts (1.5 hours)

Operation: The Ravagers – 7500 pts (1.5 hours)

Iokath: The Colossal – 5000 pts (0.5 hours)

Crafting: Dark Project – 3000 pts (Instant)

Critical Missions: Iokath – 3000 pts (1 hour)



I appreciate what you are trying to do but some of your numbers are WAY off. For example, The Colossal takes two minutes, unless you are factoring in the wait for it to spawn and find one.


Iokath takes more than an hour because you won't actually complete it in one day, not enough missions to get ten.

Edited by IshtarScorpio
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Yeah, when a bug improves the game, just call it a feature, don't hurry up and fix it.


The "bug" was the only thing making conquest halfway bearable ("halfway")l


NOTHING should be limited once per legacy per day. Until the "legacy" portion is removed, and either exchanged with "character" (or just make it repeatable) swtor will never again be alt-friendly.


Its just stupid really. Personal conquest is "PER CHARACTER", so it makes no sense in the world for some of the conquest goals to not work that way. I don't mind the once-per-week items, if they were about 3x the points. And the current infinately-repeatable items are fine too if they were about 10x the points. But the legacy one is just really really dumb.


Players like alts. Players want to use alts with conquest. Anything that inhibits that is just being flat out rude to players.


Lets face it. Until the points distribution of the new conquest matches that of the old conquest in respect to how many characters people would get to PC the new system will continue to be an absolute failure.


Players had personal goals before of getting multiple characters to PC by the end of the week. It just doesn't sit right now that it really isn't worth even trying to get more than 1 to PC.


And for all their calling conquest a legacy activity it is tracked per toon in the guild window as well. I capped 7 toons last week so I didnt appear as a major contributor even though if you added all the points up I came in 2nd.


Could we just have an explanation on the alt nerfing? It's not helping small guilds.

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I appreciate what you are trying to do but some of your numbers are WAY off. For example, The Colossal takes two minutes, unless you are factoring in the wait for it to spawn and find one.


Iokath takes more than an hour because you won't actually complete it in one day, not enough missions to get ten.


They were just estimates, some things will take less, some things will take more. But the fact of the matter remains, taking away the ability to do things once per day per toon severely hinders conquest. Ive been playing since Beta, have been Conquesting since it went live, and honestly its the only thing keeping me playing SWTOR right now. Update 5.9a is making me take a long hard look at why I'm still here. My points production has been cut in half, maybe more. Now its log in, run a Hoth heroic and wait for enough of my guildies to log on to group up and run something. If I am forced to grind conquest through 450 point warzones and 725 point flashpoints I think I would rather smash my face in the desk and log off.

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And for all their calling conquest a legacy activity it is tracked per toon in the guild window as well. I capped 7 toons last week so I didnt appear as a major contributor even though if you added all the points up I came in 2nd.


Could we just have an explanation on the alt nerfing? It's not helping small guilds.


Yeah this is the thing I don't understand. Daily objectives should never be tied to "once per day per legacy" because our conquest points aren't legacy based. If I want to run 10 alts through the same stuff every day, why can't they all get the conquest points for it?


It wouldn't make sense if doing a mission or doing heroics or FPs etc only gave out rewards to one character per legacy per day so why do they think it's a smart idea to do this for conquest points?


If you really really want to tie this stuff to legacy, then go the whole haul and make personal conquest legacy wide so each toon can contribute to a single pot. Then have staged rewards so like 15k for basic, 30k you get increased rewards, 45k you get even more etc. That way single toon players and alters alike can benefit from it.


Though personally I'd prefer to just see the logical outcome of the legacy restrictions being removed from daily objectives.

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If I am forced to grind conquest through 450 point warzones and 725 point flashpoints I think I would rather smash my face in the desk and log off.


I have to wonder if they are thinking that if they make GSF and WZs repeatable and nothing else repeatable, if that will encourage players to do those activities more.


About the only good thing about PVPing on lowbies or mids you gain besides fights is conquest. Most PVPers don't care about conquest though, and the conquest is just inadvertent.


If this is the case, they are making a huge error. It's just not smart to pigeonhole people into doing things they simply do not enjoy.


If a player likes to run heroics over and over on multiple different alts for conquest, they ought to let them do so.


Choices are always good, choices make a game more appealing to many different types of players and choices make a game more fun. I fail to see what is being gained by punishing alts.


Personally, I enjoy PVP above all else. That being said, I understand how conquesters feel and agree it's detrimental to the game sticking to this design goal of punishing alts.


I feel like every group of swtor player has had to take their lumps. First PVPers with 5.0 and the gearing system change, and now conquest-focused players. I imagine PVE players will get theirs soon enough.

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There is a saying that if something is not broken, don't try to fix it. Before the updated conquest system, the only thing that was broken was getting rewards. Why did you have to mess with the objectives? They were fine the way they were.


Having said that, this once per day per legacy bs needs to go and make it once per day per character. Let people choose if they want to run conquest on one or more characters. Limiting people never goes well.

Edited by Mdgshorty
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One of the big reasons I have decided to leave is their continuing to ignore this feedback from the community about the once per legacy per day restrictions.


So, I'm out!



PennyAnn, 2 things for you;


1.) We all know BWA does not care that you're leaving even as unfortunate as your leaving is. They simply do not care. To them it is one less individual who they don't have to put up with because of the issues you (or others) have spotlighted and championed. You're correct, they refuse to listen, ignore, and turn a blind eye to the feed back from the community as a whole.


2.) "Failure is not defeat until you stop trying." This is your signature. Do you believe this statement to be true? If so, why then, are you leaving. I know you love this game. A founder and beta tester with as much time you have invested in this game, you choose to walk away. I get that; however, your voice is one of many that is powerful and articulate. Your leaving means one less voice to hold Kieth and company accountable for their ludicrous actions over the past year or two. I wish you'd reconsider your choice in continuing the fight for what is right or admitting failure.


I wish you the best in whatever you ultimately decide. BTW, check out the new BattleTech PC game from Paradox. It is a great stress relieving game to play, that's for sure.

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PennyAnn, 2 things for you;


1.) We all know BWA does not care that you're leaving even as unfortunate as your leaving is. They simply do not care. To them it is one less individual who they don't have to put up with because of the issues you (or others) have spotlighted and championed. You're correct, they refuse to listen, ignore, and turn a blind eye to the feed back from the community as a whole.


2.) "Failure is not defeat until you stop trying." This is your signature. Do you believe this statement to be true? If so, why then, are you leaving. I know you love this game. A founder and beta tester with as much time you have invested in this game, you choose to walk away. I get that; however, your voice is one of many that is powerful and articulate. Your leaving means one less voice to hold Kieth and company accountable for their ludicrous actions over the past year or two. I wish you'd reconsider your choice in continuing the fight for what is right or admitting failure.


I wish you the best in whatever you ultimately decide. BTW, check out the new BattleTech PC game from Paradox. It is a great stress relieving game to play, that's for sure.


Because your #1 statement is true, then my response to #2 is: Why would I stay and continue to fight? It doesn't matter. It changes nothing to stand up for the players here and present logical, reasoned arguments or ask fair questions because they don't ever get answered.


I have admitted failure. And now, I am admitting defeat. My desire to play SWTOR is finally defeated (also in my signature as of today).


I appreciate your kind words, but I just don't have it in me to bash against the brick wall here anymore. Best of luck to you too. I've been hoping for too long that they would wake up and do what was right here, I can't keep breaking my own heart like that.



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Can someone confirm whether or not the „one time per legacy“-bug is now fixed? I had no opportunity to test it yet.


Just adding to the chorus of posters here: logically there is no reason at all to restrict a character tracked activity like conquest to legacy as far as repitition is concerned. None. It just does not make sense, everyone can see it - but BWA.


It is so frustrating to not only be not asked before changes, but to be completely ignored afterwards. This disrespect is even worse than the changes themselves.

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There is a saying that if something is not broken, don't try to fix it. Before the updated conquest system, the only thing that was broken was getting rewards. Why did you have to mess with the objectives? They were fine the way they were.


Having said that, this once per day per legacy bs needs to go and make it once per day per character. Let people choose if they want to run conquest on one or more characters. Limiting people never goes well.


The only thing I didnt like about the old system was the repeatable crafting. Personally I felt that crafting your way to a win was lame. It was nothing more than a resource and credit war. I believe Conquest should be about battling it out through actual game play and not crafting window wars. If they would have just gotten rid of the repeatable crafting and added the new objectives to the old system........winner winner chicken dinner.

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The only thing I didnt like about the old system was the repeatable crafting. Personally I felt that crafting your way to a win was lame. It was nothing more than a resource and credit war. I believe Conquest should be about battling it out through actual game play and not crafting window wars. If they would have just gotten rid of the repeatable crafting and added the new objectives to the old system........winner winner chicken dinner.


And crafting weeks were only a thing every once in a while. Other than that crafting was a one off. As a non-crafter I'd have loved to get rid of crafting weeks too... but unfortunately there are people who, for whatever reason, enjoy the snoozefest.


I see lots of complaints about "having" to do wz or gsf now. Maybe it's just because I am a pvper but I'm not seeing the amazing conquest to be had. This week its 17 matches won to cap 1 toon with a full SH bonus. Because wins do not normally count for anything (and we haven't gotten clarification on what was intended in Kannings "confused" post elsewhere) it's usually twice that.


This is why it is indisputably better to "unhomogenize" by letting people obtain conquest by doing what they enjoy. Those of us left have accepted the slow rate of new content as par for the course; we all most likely have something we still enjoy doing and conquest used to be a good motivator to continue to participate.


TLDR: again, scrap the ruddy legacy restriction.

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Here are my two cents on the new Conquest changes: They are most definitely NOT for small/medium guilds. These new changes heavily, HEAVILY favor BIG guilds with lots of players. Most guilds are smaller with a dozen or so steady players, and if that dozen can get credit for only ONE planetary heroic per legacy, or only one ops, there is no way that group can ever win a planet.

If the big guilds collaborate, they can essentially own Conquest forever. All they would have to do is decide who goes for the big planet one week, who takes the medium planet and who takes the small planet. With the numbers they have, no other guild could ever win. With this new set up, it's impossible.

I like Conquest. I have leveled up a dozen or so healers just for ops, and have paid for the "get level 1 to level 70 in an instant" boosts. Now it seems that money and time has been wasted.

I am retired and it's usually a great way to while away my time waiting for others to log in. I get credits and cxp/exp, but with this change, it's hardly worth my time. I don't do Pvp (not my thing) and cannot do GSF (get headaches, nausea), so I am limited to PvE things.

My guild has already lost several players directly due to the Conquest changes. They have quit the game entirely. I am afraid more are going to follow in short order, as they have said once their sub runs out, they're done. Please rethink this debacle before more go.

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