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Unsubscriber rewards.


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Setting aside the fact that this particular MMO has NEVER had a program of veteran rewards (which is essentially what long term subscriber rewards are).... I do think they should give those that already have Nico and Shae something as part of this. But you know what... like all of the rest of you... I have no actual vote on what they do or don't do....only my opinion.


If it were me running things at Austin.. I would give any player who already has Shae and Nico a token that boosts said companions to level 50 influence. And I guess, since some players will already have them at level 50... make said tokens BoL so they can apply them to some other companion if they like.


I like that idea, it would be nice to have the boosts, though my main crafter already has her 8 man team done to 50, but I would love it on my second main. :D


And, no, I don't think anyone has been slapped in the face. Yet. Yet.

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I like that idea, it would be nice to have the boosts, though my main crafter already has her 8 man team done to 50, but I would love it on my second main. :D


And, no, I don't think anyone has been slapped in the face. Yet. Yet.


That's a slap in the face that you think that!:p

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Yeah, what about the people that already have them? This one is even more of a re-subscriber reward than the last one, at least people that stayed sub got something new. Now people that stayed sub probably just get another item on every character that they cannot use because they have two of it. I already get a full bank tab of items I don't touch on each character I make.


Just make it a subscriber reward tab in collections already and remove the mails and just give the unlocks so people can summon what they want.


If I hadn't already removed the recurring billing I would do it now, not just because of this, it's everything they keep doing.


Maybe it's an April Fools and you only got the one that won the popularity on that (anti)social media site I don't go to? Or maybe we get something completely different. I doubt it, they don't want to invest the resources to really add anything new.

Edited by Lyshar
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I never liked the concept of exclusive rewards given for being online at a specific time. People have lives that sometimes force them out of the loop and so they can miss a specific deadline.

Some people that use the Founder title have played the game less than some people that can't have that title.

Being online for a reward is not a feat, it just requires to be online during a specific period.


From a game design PoV, it never felt right to me to deny forever to a part of a playerbase access to some content, items, ...I understand some frustration is needed but imo it should always end after enough time have passed or after enought in-game activities have been done.


If BW wants to reward subscribers, they should create a real veteran reward program, like a growing pool of items subscribers can choose from based on how long they have been sub, the longer players have been sub, the more rewards they can get.


So having the CE, founder title, Niko, Shae, KotOR Swoopbike...I don't mind others being able to get them too.

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If it were me running things at Austin.. I would give any player who already has Shae and Nico a token that boosts said companions to level 50 influence. And I guess, since some players will already have them at level 50... make said tokens BoL so they can apply them to some other companion if they like.

I like this idea, especially if the tokens are Legacy bound so that I could up a favored companion to Influence level 50 (either for crafting, or for an active companion). Distributed like Shae and Nico -- one for every existing character I have, and also one for future characters I create. That would be nice.


I don't care if 100s of Shaes and Nicos running around. The last time I was miffed about seeing a duplication in game was a Fess dressed exactly like the outfit on one of my favorite Smugglers. I despise that lizard, so that hurt, LOL! There have been changes in the past few months that aren't to my liking, and negatively influence my decision to continue to sub. I don't know what will be the breaking point where I just unsub. Giving out prior sub rewards again isn't that breaking point. However, in the future "be a sub by/on a certain date" rewards won't influence my decision to continue my sub. Because now I know that if it's something I want, I can always sub later and ask for it to be made available again.

Edited by Nmyownworld
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Personally I don't care if they give them out as a reward again. What is wrong is that the people who supported this game for years get nothing as a subscriber award in April. Not really a subscriber award if not everyone who is subscribed gets something of value. At least make the sellable on the GTN so those of us who already have them can sell them later to someone who doesn't.


Or let us vendor them for 250k each, or trade in for a Commander's Compendium, or just about anything that doesn't make us feel unappreciated and shafted.

It's kinda interesting to watch and experience first-hand just how Bioware are making one weird decision after another. No matter what they do, they end up disappointing lots of players. It's very strange that they seem so unable to figure out beforehand that people are going to rage over their quite frankly bad ideas.

..."bad ideas" as in not having anything for those who already have both Shae and Nico, in this case. I don't mind that those who missed out the first time are given another chance.

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I'm also surprised noone in their rage cared to notice what this all means for the game. They're putting everything on CM for direct sale, they're selling ex-sub rewards again... the one last grab for cash is all too obvious.


I am surprised people are surprised even at that...as if the pathetic amount of content (except according to delusional braindead white knights) wasnt proof enough...along with the server merges.

It is funny to me though that BW are unable to even create 1 new generic companion and had to go give Nico and Shae instead.. What is next BW?? What can old thing can you reuse as a sub-reward ...considering your game is deprived of new content and uses only old things for people to grind...


Another funny thing is the CM direct sale...Before 2017...hell even before 2018 which are the worst years of the game...any new platinum saber such as the Dark Honor Guard one now was flooding the GTN 2 days after it was on CM...Do you wanna check how many DHG sabers are on the GTN now? 5 at the moment...and this is for Darth Malgus...Soon there wont be enough even from the space barbie fans who buy those ridiculous things from the GTN...The whole situation speaks for itself. For any initiative to exist for a lot of people to buy new shiny, there must be new content to try and show it on.


Shameful. very shameful. You people managed to run this great game and IP to the ground. The same what you did with ME IP. If you think this will be forgotten or forgiven in retrospection to Anthem you have got another thing coming.

Edited by ExarSun
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I never liked the concept of exclusive rewards given for being online at a specific time. People have lives that sometimes force them out of the loop and so they can miss a specific deadline.

Some people that use the Founder title have played the game less than some people that can't have that title.

Being online for a reward is not a feat, it just requires to be online during a specific period.


From a game design PoV, it never felt right to me to deny forever to a part of a playerbase access to some content, items, ...I understand some frustration is needed but imo it should always end after enough time have passed or after enought in-game activities have been done.


If BW wants to reward subscribers, they should create a real veteran reward program, like a growing pool of items subscribers can choose from based on how long they have been sub, the longer players have been sub, the more rewards they can get.


So having the CE, founder title, Niko, Shae, KotOR Swoopbike...I don't mind others being able to get them too.


While this recent development shows they are bringing old rewards back again. I have to say, for obvious reasons, that giving the "Founder" title to people that clearly weren't "founders" would be idiotic. If anybody expects to get a title that was only designed to show that a player actually bought the game at the beginning, without having done so, they are being unreasonable. I don't think I've ever seen anybody ask for it, but just wanted to point it out. Some things were clearly meant to never return.

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If you subbed for Nico and/or Shae back when they originally came out then you got your reward. You got to have them as companions at the time you were promised them. People who weren't subbed were not able to play with them at that time. You got what you agreed to pay for. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think they ever promised they'd be exclusive rewards FOREVER.


If you don't like that there is no other sub bonus now other than Nico and Shae then by all means don't subscribe. However if you're talking about unsubscribing that means you're already subscribed which implies that you're happy to sub even when there is no promised reward beyond the quality of life stuff you always get for subbing. So what's the problem?


That said throwing in something new even if it's just some cartel coins or a title or something would be cool too just so everyone does get something.


It seems you dont understand what does the word exclusive means.

From English dictionary:

2. adjective

Something that is exclusive is used or owned by only one person or group, and not shared with anyone else.


If it is EXCLUSIVE for one group of people it must remain so forever lol, otherwise it is not exclusive but just a temporary share

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It seems you dont understand what does the word exclusive means.

From English dictionary:

2. adjective

Something that is exclusive is used or owned by only one person or group, and not shared with anyone else.


If it is EXCLUSIVE for one group of people it must remain so forever lol, otherwise it is not exclusive but just a temporary share

Did they ever claim these rewards were "exclusive"?:


If BW was ever using the promise of exclusivity as a selling point for the original promotions, you'd think they would have driven that point home -- "get it now or you'll never, ever get another chance!" and such -- but the word "exclusive" doesn't seem like it showed up in the promotion for Nico, and I don't particularly recall seeing it with Shae either.


(And note, there's a difference between [1] saying you "must" do something to qualify for a specific promotion, or it is your "last chance" to qualify for a specific promotion, as opposed to [2] saying that the reward for that promotion is exclusive to that promotion for all time.)

Edited by DarthDymond
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If you subbed for Nico and/or Shae back when they originally came out then you got your reward. You got to have them as companions at the time you were promised them. People who weren't subbed were not able to play with them at that time. You got what you agreed to pay for. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think they ever promised they'd be exclusive rewards FOREVER.
I couldn't care less if every person logging in gets them - it's that they're calling these a "subscriber" reward when they're clearly not. I've been a subscriber and I'll get NO reward.
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My problem isn't about the perceived exclusivity, or fighting over the semantics of what "must" means. I'm pissed that the people who purposefully refused to pay money to the game, causing the dearth of content we've suffered are now being rewarded, while the people who stuck around and "kept the lights on" are getting nothing extra.
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Shouldn't you be calling the new shae and nico give away "unsubcriber rewards"? In all fairness the only people being rewarded are the ones that weren't paying you during the worst content drought ever. How many months of nothing did we pay for to originally get these companions? The only thing "those" subscribers are being rewarded with is a reminder how dishonest you people are.


Crap like this doesn't get more people to play the game but instead encourages people to stay away because of how mean spirited the forums are.


Is this how self-centered we have become? Every single released reward has to pertain to us? Those who either unsubbed before then or never subbed prior and came in after the fact are simply screwed?


Pardon me but that is the biggest pile of garbage I ever heard. That is selfish and narcissistic and utterly dumb.


I am one of the original collector edition people. I got a whole bunch of freebies that have not been in the game since.


If tomorrow, BioWare said they were releasing that to everyone who is the subscriber, I would have zero issues with it. I got to have it exclusively for quite a long damn time. At this stage of the game if they want to open things up in order to bring more positive attention to the game I say let them.


At the end of the day we are playing a damn game. Someone's life is not going to be ruined because BioWare decides to re-release a reward. If nothing else, my year away from the game has given me enough perspective to realize that people do need to get out once in awhile and stop taking everything so damn seriously.

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I couldn't care less if every person logging in gets them - it's that they're calling these a "subscriber" reward when they're clearly not. I've been a subscriber and I'll get NO reward.


Frankly, it doesn't matter. you as well as I and many others have become the victim of something as a result of living a lot of Our Lives online and getting too many internet arguments.


People online parse words and try to find the smallest issue with the way something is said. From there it launches a negative reaction. This isn't just true of games but I'm noticing that now finely across everything.


My point is, we've become too over sensitive because of all this word parsing that we have done as Internet denizens. We all need to just chill the hell out.

Edited by ZionHalcyon
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It must be serious, if we are in agreement ;)

I was thinking the same thing as I replied lol...I stepped away for a moment, came back to my screen and was like "Hmmm...what was I disagreeing with CrazyCT about again?". ;)

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Frankly, it doesn't matter. you as well as I and many others have become the victim of something as a result of living a lot of Our Lives online and getting too many internet arguments.


People online parse words and try to find the smallest issue with the way something is said. From there it launches a negative reaction. This isn't just true of games but I'm noticing that now finely across everything.


My point is, we've become too over sensitive because of all this word parsing that we have done as Internet denizens. We all need to just chill the hell out.

I'm not parsing words at all Zion...they're literally calling these subscriber rewards. LITERALLY!

Today, we are announcing ‘Subscriber Rewards’ coming April 3, 2018.

See? Those are THEIR words...not mine. I've been a subscriber and I'll get no reward.

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Your facetiousness loses sight of the importance of what has happened by reintroducing what was supposedly a one-time subscriber reward, and the repercussions of what it means, namely, that one-time enticements, regardless of who wants what, are no longer one-time, so they lose their enticing power.


Whatever the reward may be, whether one such as yourself likes that reward, is irrelevant. Get it now, get it later, doesn't matter. Oh gee, you missed out on something you really wanted because you already rage quit over the last BW fiasco. No problem! Just wait until news hits of something you really want coming back again, sub, and you'll get it.


That does nothing for the loyalty the rest of us ever showed the game.


did they actually tell you it would be one time or did they tell you the requirements to get it at that time? did you get told it was "exclusive" or did you assume?

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