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Theron Shan (5.9) Request


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Not saying we don't need fresh faces but I have no interest in financing someone new. I have years invested in my romance with Theron. I don't want to just throw all that history out the window for some shiny new LI. Especially with the recent track record with LIs. At some point they will find themself in a kill situation too.


I do not want a kill option for Theron, but I don't want one for Lana either. If the choice is forced on us...I will not play the content. I will just have to collect Theron from the terminal and watch someone else's play through on YouTube. And wait for my sub to run out.


I'm with you on this. Kill option for either or both of them = I'm done.

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I do not want a kill option for Theron, but I don't want one for Lana either. If the choice is forced on us...I will not play the content. I will just have to collect Theron from the terminal and watch someone else's play through on YouTube. And wait for my sub to run out.

I'm with you on this. Kill option for either or both of them = I'm done.

Best scoot over and make room on the couch because I'd be right there with you both. Hate to say it and I never thought it would come to this but if this ends with kill options, I'm out.

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Oh, BW writers love to do that - to say something soothing to wildest dream of community after some storm about yet another crazy illogical decision made by writers (probably not only BW writers and not even only writers). We know for a fact that you could kill Quinn in beta and the only reason he was kept alive is technical - he was the only healer. His speech after he failed leaves nothing to "he failed on purpose" interpretation.


But fans hadcanoned the "no real betrayal" before "duality" was squeezed out of the author, so, they (you) did not even needed reassurance. Now it's Theron's turn. I do not like to do writer's work correcting their laziness and thoughtlessness, but there are always those who do.


The author had left Bioware years before he responded to the question on Twitter. He gained nothing by lying and he was by no means “squeezed.” I’m sorry you are so cynical and don’t believe the early writers were good enough to have subtulty and nuance. I personally don’t think they were all hacks.


The fact that there was a kill option for Quinn originally does not negate that the author intended for him to be different according to how you chose to play the story. Is that so shocking for you in a game that can have very different outcomes for light and dark side choices? In the very story where Jaesa can be radically different according to your choice?

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I don't approve.


We also have pie. Join us! :)


In all seriousness I would hate to stop subbing and all, but there has to be a line in the sand somewhere. People have been begging and pleading for these companions on this board for almost a year. If they're going to be so blase about that they giggle through the interview about the kill option...it's enough for me.

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We also have pie. Join us! :)


In all seriousness I would hate to stop subbing and all, but there has to be a line in the sand somewhere. People have been begging and pleading for these companions on this board for almost a year. If they're going to be so blase about that they giggle through the interview about the kill option...it's enough for me.

:( Gawddammit IoNo!

While we may not have the same LI, and you rather loathe mine,:rak_03: I've had quite a lot of nice chats with you, on the forums as well in pm's! I'll miss that if you do decide to unsub, depending on whatever happens with the story.:o

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:( Gawddammit IoNo!

While we may not have the same LI, and you rather loathe mine,:rak_03: I've had quite a lot of nice chats with you, on the forums as well in pm's! I'll miss that if you do decide to unsub, depending on whatever happens with the story.:o


I agree, I enjoy talking with you too. I'll have to give you an email address or something. I think we're living proof cross-faction alliances are possible. :)


I hope it won't be necessary to stop subbing. I've never hoped so much that I've been wrong about this prediction of mine. I hope they're pulling our chains. But if they're not, well...they obviously don't care about keeping my business.

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I agree, I enjoy talking with you too. I'll have to give you an email address or something. I think we're living proof cross-faction alliances are possible. :)


I hope it won't be necessary to stop subbing. I've never hoped so much that I've been wrong about this prediction of mine. I hope they're pulling our chains. But if they're not, well...they obviously don't care about keeping my business.


Yes it is!! And I'd like that. :) I've met a few nice people on here including you that I'd hate to lose contact with. While not everything is perfect here and sometimes just way too tense, I am really thankful for the people I have met and became friends with! Some of you gals really enriched my time here. :d_cool:

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Not saying we don't need fresh faces but I have no interest in financing someone new. I have years invested in my romance with Theron. I don't want to just throw all that history out the window for some shiny new LI. Especially with the recent track record with LIs. At some point they will find themself in a kill situation too.


I do not want a kill option for Theron, but I don't want one for Lana either. If the choice is forced on us...I will not play the content. I will just have to collect Theron from the terminal and watch someone else's play through on YouTube. And wait for my sub to run out.


I'm with you on this. Kill option for either or both of them = I'm done.


Best scoot over and make room on the couch because I'd be right there with you both. Hate to say it and I never thought it would come to this but if this ends with kill options, I'm out.


I'm with you guys too. This is it, after so many years enjoying the game I've been backhanded enough times that a kill option for Theron will be the final straw. It's my line in the sand. I have to set the bar somewhere.

Edited by Asmodesu
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I'm with you guys too. This is it, after so many years enjoying the game I've been backhanded enough times that a kill option for Theron will be the final straw. It's my line in the sand. I have to set the bar somewhere.



agreed --- I am with you guys --- same here ....

kill option for Theron and I am gone --- permanently --- I want him to have a story and dialogue!

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The author had left Bioware years before he responded to the question on Twitter. He gained nothing by lying and he was by no means “squeezed.” I’m sorry you are so cynical and don’t believe the early writers were good enough to have subtulty and nuance. I personally don’t think they were all hacks.


Sorry, my answer indeed looked like I meant "writers do it out of fear" - no, I did not mean that. Usually it happens after debates with developers, at some point writers begin to justify their sloppy work (that quite often became sloppy after cut offs and editing) and at the end give most passionate fans the answer they want.


Btw, there is no cynicism here, pure realism based on long years of observation (and participation) of said discussions. Can link you one example of radically changed view of one of the BW author but personally saw more.


The fact that there was a kill option for Quinn originally does not negate that the author intended for him to be different according to how you chose to play the story. Is that so shocking for you in a game that can have very different outcomes for light and dark side choices? In the very story where Jaesa can be radically different according to your choice?


True, one does not exclude another. But all the dialogs options (and as any who had femSW and run into it I obviously exhausted all of them) do not leave any room for interpretation. Those dialog lines and interactions between all participants (SW, Quinn, Baras and team) scream one thing - badly patched and barely stitched together mess of a plot line. But power of imagination overcomes anything.

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I'm with you guys too. This is it, after so many years enjoying the game I've been backhanded enough times that a kill option for Theron will be the final straw. It's my line in the sand. I have to set the bar somewhere.

Would seem quite a few are prepared to walk away from SWTOR if they present us with a kill option for Theron. Counting five here so far, I know of three more and that's not including those who won't post about it or don't even frequent the forum. A shame it's come to this but I agree, the line has to be drawn at some point and this is it for me.

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So even if death wouldn't mean the end, would you people who are quitting, still quit? I hope that makes sense...:rak_02::rak_03:



I would quit and keep an eye out on the forums, social media etc. for any news or indication that Theron's story involvement continues despite the kill-option. Should I see that yes, the story and interaction for him does continue (with actual new content being provided, not just mere speculation) then I would resub but if his kill-option benches him the way it has others, I won't be back.

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So even if death wouldn't mean the end, would you people who are quitting, still quit? I hope that makes sense...:rak_02::rak_03:


If they actually bring out Theron still being a main story character LI after a kill option, I might come back, but it is highly unlikely seeing as in theory he could be gone for half the player base if such an option is available.

I'd quit until that is proven to be how they'll do it.


Of course it's all on the 'if' he gets a kill or leave option. If he does what I suspect and leaves the Alliance for everyone I'll definitely quit.

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If they actually bring out Theron still being a main story character LI after a kill option, I might come back, but it is highly unlikely seeing as in theory he could be gone for half the player base if such an option is available.

I'd quit until that is proven to be how they'll do it.


Of course it's all on the 'if' he gets a kill or leave option. If he does what I suspect and leaves the Alliance for everyone I'll definitely quit.


I can go with this. If he still has viable story after the kill option, I might come back once it is proven beyond a doubt. But if he is gone for good, whether a kill option or by leaving the alliance, I'll be gone for good also.


Some things are just a bridge too far and one too many straws.

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Even if Theron is gone but Scourge returns + "fan service" ?


As much as I adore Scourge, Theron really is my line in the sand. Who's to say they won't do the same to Scourge or Saganu or whoever down the line.


Nope, Theron gone, so am I and I don't think I'll be alone.

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As much as I adore Scourge, Theron really is my line in the sand. Who's to say they won't do the same to Scourge or Saganu or whoever down the line.


Nope, Theron gone, so am I and I don't think I'll be alone.


:( awww

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So even if death wouldn't mean the end, would you people who are quitting, still quit? I hope that makes sense...:rak_02::rak_03:


If Lana and Theron remain vital parts of the story maybe.


If they are bricked and have the same level of story and LI involvement as characters like Koth, Vette, etc (which is zero). the answer is no.

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Man we are going to need a huge couch. And lots of ice cream.


I am not really a pub player, so Scourge won't tempt me back. If, and this is a big if, Theron is given a kill option, but still plays a role in the story for those that didn't kill him that will sway my decision. I know that they put in Arcann content after he was killed, but I don't think that will be a common thing. The same goes for Lana. I don't want to make a decision between the two. Theron is my merc's LI and Lana is one of her closest friends.


My fic stays very close to the main story as it allows for two main characters, my merc and my warrior. So, Vette and Torian survive, but I killed an OC in their place. But I have been thinking strongly about veering away from the main story, because I am afraid of where this train is headed. (yes I went there.)

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