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Is there anything that would make you quit and/or resub? 👀✍


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Not sure if this will end up being a controversial topic, it isn't my intention to stir up something! I guess I'll find out if it was a bad idea or not. :o


As there are unhappy people, which is normal with any game, I am quite curious, especially for those"apparently according to the forums" that have unsubbed, what would make you resub?

And for those that have been around for a while happy or not, what would be the final straw if I may call it that. I've never been one to shout that I'll unsub if some of my demands are not met, the last time I unsubbed was shortly after CXP got introduced and came back when changes were made to my memory around 3-4 months later.



What would make me unsub from here on would be if we get no real direction of where the game is headed in the next few months. Apart from my long loved patch 5.8(or certain aspects of it) I've kind of been wondering what there is left to do at this time. This is by no means a threat thread!


What would make resub again should the time come that I'll unsub, could be anything from a teaser trailer for the next "Expansion" Or a more detailed post from the Devs which Keith did say he was going to make at some point.


I do personally feel, though I may be wrong, what's going on the development of the game and the people that are ultimately in charge of it!

I do want to say thank you to the Devs for all that you do and have done, even if it hasn't met all of our wishes and hasn't been exactly flawless.

In the end I am not here because I'm settling for whatever is being given. I'm here because I still want to be and ideally for a hell of a long time! ;)




TLDR; See title.

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I'm planning on ending my sub after the flashpoint because I don't really see a point in continuing. I'm playing through a few more class stories, but I'm not an altoholic and there isn't much for some of my characters to do now. I don't want to keep paying a sub to get five minutes of story packed into a flashpoint every six months. I'm sure I'll keep playing a bit as preferred, but as of right now they're giving me no incentive to want to continue giving them money.


In terms of story the dealbreaker for me would be killing off Lana or otherwise mutilating the character.


What could get me to resubscribe? Give me actual content. Not every six months, packed into a flashpoint. Give us real chapters every month or every other month, or a setup like the SoR Prelude where there's tangible content between the flashpoints. Give us real LI content. Announce a new expac, a real one, with story. Don't just allude to it, when there's something with an actual pre-order or formal announcement with a release date I'll believe it's happening.


I don't want or care about teaser trailers - put that money toward more companion content, new strongholds, new planets to explore!


Basically if they could convince me they will do more than give out content in teaspoons I'd be happy to re-up my sub. I WANT to do that.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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I don't have any dramatic "if this happens/if this doesn't happen, I'll unsub!"-story. If I feel this game doesn't entertain me enough to keep paying, I'll unsub. If I feel like playing it again, I'll resub. As simple as that.


Though, one thing that would make me less willing to sub would be if lowbie/midbie pvp died completely. My biggest enjoyment in this game is leveling through class stories, but I don't care for side quests, so I pvp to keep up with the levels. If there was no lowbie/midbie, I'd be forced to do side quests or fps (or buy the master's datacron, except I wouldn't because it feels like cheating). That would take the fun away from leveling and probably cause me to at least take a long break until side quests felt fresh again.

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I don't want or care about teaser trailers - put that money toward more companion content, new strongholds, new planets to explore!


I felt like you in the past about the trailers.

Them putting money into content is certainly a plus, but marketing is part of this kind of business and while you do of course want something to show for your trailer, people do seem to love it and it does kind of bring that feeling again!

Ideally a combination between a trailer and sustainable content would be optimal. :)

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Nothing so far has happened to make me un-sub. That said I do think that the game needs several improvements to keep it worthwhile in the future...


1. SH Overhaul and MORE DECORATIONS! Get rid of the hook limit, and give us REAL Decorations! Enough with the tech junk and Statues already! We need more furniture NOT JUST RESKINS! We need more Fabric Decos (Rugs pillows etc..) we need more Flora, and we need ALL the decos already in-game available to EVERYONE!


2. More Customization! I want Battle Braids for BOTH sexes https://www.pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=celtic%20braids%20hair%20men&rs=typed&term_meta[]=celtic%7Ctyped&term_meta[]=braids%7Ctyped&term_meta[]=hair%7Ctyped&term_meta[]=men%7Ctyped More Cosmetics that don't look clownish or corpse-like, and would it kill you to give everyone tattoos!


3. Allow us crafters to actually ENJOY CRAFTING! Give us fancy stuff to make just for Crafting! Unique Dyes, Crystals, Robes, Armor, Weapons etc...


4. Add more group content to the Group finder for Cryin' out loud. WB's, Shroud, Orican, etc.


Finally, more companion stories PLEASE! We have a ton, make them WORTH HAVING!

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I would probably unsub if they completely mishandled the return of the remaining jedi consular companions. I'm mainly in this game for story (and decorating strongholds), and my sage is the character I'm most attached to, so a lot is riding on those returns for me.
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I wouldn't say I would quit or resub as I'm still a subscriber. For me, what is dragging me at the moment is not enjoying my class anymore. They keep nerfing the classes and I'm not sure I understand the need for it. I can see they say some are OP but for me, I don't PvP so I don't see why I should have my skills, or overall capability playing a toon, be nerfed. I wish they wouldn't have nerfed Force in Balance/deathfield since it isn't as enjoyable or remove the skills from Shadows/sins like crushing darkness and lightning. Instead they replaced them with slowness, reaping strike (which procs but has a long cooldown?) and phantom stride which I find useless.


Secondly, I would like to see more customisation for the togruta and overall PvE content. I don't mind the other stuff they are putting in to appease some but these two things are what keeps me playing. Often times, I would like to have my montrals or whatever you call them be as long as Ashara's or have golden tips added at the end etc. I also agree with other people with the content taking less time to complete even though there was a huge hype about it with the majority being cutscenes.


At the present time, I'm just killing time at this point by completing the achievements in the legacy (Killing beasts et al) lol. Yet, I'm finding it a little hard to log on my downtime like I used to when I enjoyed playing my sin before the changes. I may not be here long enough like the vets but I have seen how the choices the devs have made are being more harmful to the community than good. It isn't too late for them to fix some of these and revert them. Though I have a feeling they would have their pride hurt so I won't count on it. This game was a lot of fun and can still be at times but when I'm starting to see a decline in the trolls and guild spammers on fleet and starter worlds, I'm inclined to think something is afoot. :(

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I said in another thread that if they put in a kill option for Theron that affects my choice to keep him alive ie removing him from the story like Jorgan and Kaliyo that I would unsub and I will. It would be the final straw. After him not joining the story until chpt 9 when Lana was in from the beginning. Having her as companion I think more than Theron or anyone for that matter and the lack of other companion involvement in the story, I'm just tired of the blatant favouritism of her and the prospect of her being the only real story companion left.

(Not to mention all the trailers and hype leading up to fallen empire and not one mention of Theron but Lana, Lana,Lana Despite us practically begging to know if he would be in it and they ignored us).


I have always had issues with the imbalance of romance options with there being more female LI than male LI's and if there is a betrayal you can pretty much guess it will be from a male LI. I don't count Kaliyo as it's never clear if she is going to betray you or the guy just assumes she is. Flirt options outside of class are more likely to be for a male character, more than just the one or/two for the female character depending on which side you are.

So if they pull this kill option means character death for all on Theron I will unsub.

Edited by serenitty
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Another faux expansion will probably be the death knell for my subscription. We've had 2 'expansions' that were anything but, that simply recycled old, tired dailies and the like, with no actual new worlds to explore, only a few instances that in some cases you can't even explore again after the story, like Ziost? Who the hell thought that it was a good idea to replace a seemingly interesting cityscape with a crusty giant dust bowl? 3 years for one, ONE operation, seriously?! A 3rd strike of another faux expansion will be the breaking point for me.


The dev's, imo, need to get back to basics and give us an actual world to explore and keep content fresh. Taking your shirt and turning it inside out, doesn't make it a new shirt, it just means you don't know how to dress yourself without looking like a fool.

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Unsubscribed today after finishing that "romance" with Arcann. Weak (truly weak) writing plus that bug with Theron and his "old flames" scene finally did it for me.

Small detail, you'd say, but when you are already on the fence and that very "small detail" is about one thing in the game you care about - it's huge.

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All my enjoyment in the future content hinges on how well they wrap up an entire 1 planet + 3 flashpoint "story arc" in one flashpoint, and if they do better then 5 minutes of cutscenes to do it. Also about the finale. I want to stick around for the rest of this year, but this year will be the "is it worth staying after november or is it run into the ground" proof and answer for me.
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Currently, I subscribe for a month at a time from time to time (as well as using referral links) rather than having an ongoing subscription. I would need more story content -- chapters or the equivalent, maps with interesting quests, meaningful companion quests and interactions, etc. -- to have an ongoing subscription. Content that feels like it is worth the yearly cost of a subscription. I am not very optimistic about this happening, however, as story seems to be out of favor now.
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I don't know. These stories have Dwindled down to nothing and poorly written at that. The class companions seem to have been left behind and I haven't seen any reason to believe they'll be relevant ever again. Everything I do mean everything is based on what Boyd wants (A **** train in SW) and not necessarily "Star Wars" which is/was the Main Attraction of the game. Recently they have twisted real life ethics and that's really an issue I'll have to think about for awhile to come.


Everything since Zakuul Revolves around Lana (Guess who that's a Fav. of?) It was commented so many times the Zakuul story didn't feel like "Star Wars" did they remedy that?, it got even worse. Hardly "Star Wars" anymore, the companions are nothing and the Stories that made this game great are few and far between not to mention Disturbing. Somebody wanted their shot at the Spotlight, and they ruined it for everybody. Its sad the managers have destroyed this game and made SWTOR the biggest failure in contemporary "Star Wars"


P.S. Again I have nothing against Lana but she's not the only person in the game.

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Killing an LI where I dont have a choice to save them would make me quit. Esp Theron, Vector or Aric.


Ignoring all the romances once they are all back will make me get bored and quit. Already annoyed its taken this long for the Theron ark that was supposed to have been concluded at the start of this year that we are still waiting for. Also annoyed Aric has had nothing in forever.


Story, comps and LIs is everything to me. This snails pace is hard to swallow. I already barely log in. Waiting for the Theron conclusion. That will probably keep me going a little while once it is out, unless the reuinion etc is as lame as the rest have been so far. After which ill probs just get bored and eventually unsub with lack of new story etc and 2 second lackluster reunions.


Continued story with friendship and romance arks both would see me never quit. Decent reunions with a quest and banter would have kept me going these months. Instead weve gotten zero story and half arsed reunions and im bored. Not even entertained enough to also work on alts between or get all my toons to their LIs.


Right now this level of content / lack of story its not enough.

Edited by Suzsi
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