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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New Conquest System: First Impressions


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Just look at where most of the guilds ended up. The rewards are too similar, so most people are doing the low tier. The point gain is so small for everything that most guilds didn't risk not reaching the mid and high tier goals.


My GM is cracking the whip for us to repeat one damn FP over and over because we're not an ops guild and nothing else is realistically repeatable.


Alts are dead. I enjoy switching to my alts and reaching the weekly for them. It's fun. Excluding alts is excluding fun. I actually ****ed up and got points on an alt on a non-repeatable so I have 6k conquest points sitting on an alt I won't be able to get to the minimum. Awesome.


This is a colossally unfun patch that you guys have cooked up. It makes conquests tedious and stressful. Not fun. I think all y'all were doing was looking at numbers and not thinking how this will feel to play. From the front line, it feels crappy.

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You know anyone can make mistakes. It takes courage to admit it , strength to correct it, and integrity to make amends for it . Only a fool tries to continue in it.

This was a huge mistake. The worst I've seen since launch. I hope your "team" shows some integrity and corrects it or I for one won't continue to put my money in it. Feel free to check my account. My history will show that I've spent better than $100 per month in SWTOR for quite a while and your lack of response to the community is quite disturbing. and aggrevating.

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Day 2: First day I was able to get 1 toon to conquest goal, mostly because of 10K from a glitch right out the door. Today I spent 9 hours grinding away on a toon. At the end of the day I had accumulated a whopping 5k. At this rate, I can get my second toon to goal in 4 days. This means that by Saturday I will have 2 toons at goal, assuming that I can make that same 5k every day, for which there is no guarantee given that so many of the objectives are 1 offs. I am a self confessed altaholic. I make no apologies for this. One of the things about this game that I enjoy is playing multiple toons. Now, there is no incentive to having more than 1 or 2 toons, at least not for conquest. Honestly, I really feel no motivation to even participate in conquest at all, which makes me sad since one of the things that I truly enjoyed each week was doing exactly that. Doubly discouraging is that in my guild I am one of the Conquest leaders, how am I supposed to motivate my guild mates to "press on towards the mark" when everything is so FUBAR. This entire update is a major SNAFU on EAware's part. Obviously someone on the "jolly old upgrade team" was asleep at the switch. The stated goal was to provide parity between large and small guilds, you failed. Just roll the whole thing back and start over.
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Not only for that but also because this no reward for losing will a. Only encourage leaving a war zone as soon as the odds of winning seems low b. Immediately leaving it if you are backfill in a losing match. (Which will happen even more now since a. Is encouraged)


* Lower lvl Alts need to be able to participate in conquest through crafting, pvp, Flash Points and GSF (like they used to)


This. Saturday I made a new character, Sunday this character hit the conquest target. It still took quite some dedication but through mostly Warzones (and a few heroics) I managed. Not only is this now impossible, WZs won't even pop half as much as they used to.


I could try with GSF, but the rewards have been so decimated that you'd need 94 WINS with full SH bonus, we're not even getting 94 matches let alone the wins.


Back when conquest came I remember it being good for getting people to queue up around the board, both in PvE and PvP of any kind. If I recall correctly this was the intention of the whole system back then. People were given incentive, that is now taken away. If your logs don't show that, give it a few days until everyone sees what a failure these changes have been.


Not all was bad, I told a friend about the hidden vendor and the decorations, first response was "That may make me get into conquest again." so I added the bad news which made her go "There goes my idea of getting the points through warzones.".

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for reference, I created a spreadsheet comparing the rewards of objectives for Relics of the Gree from that last pre 5.8 conquest round to the 5.8 version to get an idea for how much harder it is under the current point values to meet the personal goals/guild goals. Comparing the yields paints a pretty bleak picture.




Pre 5.8 there were 17 objectives to choose from that rewarded conquest points. Of those 5 were removed:


Unranked Warzone Participation

Warzone Weeklys

Starfighter Weeklys

Group Finder Flashpoints

Galactic Flashpoints Weekly


5 New objectives types were added replacing those:


Critical Missions for a target planet (Ilum/Iokath)

Critical Missions for an Event (Gree)

Group Finder: Uprisings

Crafting: Aid the War Effort

Starfighter: Mission Objectives


1 Objective Type kept the same maximum potential yield: Specific Operations - Any Difficulty (TFB and the Grey Secant). This objective is essentially unchanged from pre-5.8


4 Objective Types were "lightly nerfed". I use this term ironically. The efficiency (time/materials invested vs conquest point yield) of these objectives were reduced by a factor of 5 or less. Lets be clear, requiring 5 times more time and effort investment for the same yield is a MASSIVE UNSPEAKABLE NERF, but these have to be classified as the light nerfs due to the following category


Specific Flashpoint Hardmodes - base yield reduced from 1000 to 750, up to 3x planetary invasion bonus removed. Efficiency reduced by a factor of 4 in optimum play.

Specific World Bosses - base yield still 2000, up to 2x planetary invasion bonus removed. Efficiency reduced by a factor of 2 in optimum play.

Warzone Win - base yield reduced from 500 to 330, up to 2x planetary invasion bonus removed, frequency changed from repeatable to daily. Efficiency reduced by a factor of 2.6 in optimum play, maximum yield for this activity reduced from unlimited to 5775 per legacy per conquest.

Target Planet: Heroic Missions - base yield reduced from 500 to 330, up to 3x planetary invasion bonus removed, frequency changed from repeatable to daily. Efficiency Reduced by a factor of 4.54 in optimum play. Maximum yield for this activity reduced from 18750 per character per daily available for planet per conquest week to 5775 per legacy per conquest week.


The remaining 7 objective types fall into the "Heavily Nerfed" category. The conquest efficiency of these objectives were reduced by an aggregate factor in excess of 5. That means your time and/or material investment to obtain the same results has quintupled or worse.


Crafting War Supplies - base yield unchanged. Cost of materials increased by circa 2.5 times, crafts required per objective increased by a factor of 10. Efficiency reduced by a factor of 25.

Crafting Invasion Force - base yield reduced from 2000 to 750, cost of materials increased by circa 2.5 times. Efficiency reduced by a factor of 6.66. Maximum yield for a conquest week actually went up from 5000 to 13125 points per legacy per week by moving to daily.

Target Planet: Rampage - base yield changed from 1000 to 330, up to 3x planetary bonus removed. Efficiency reduced by a factor of 9.09 at optimal play. Maximum yield for a conquest week reduced from 7500 to 5775 per legacy per conquest week in spite of moving from one time to daily.

Target Planet: Champions of the Opposing Faction - base yield changed from 1000 to 500, up to 3x planetary bonus removed. Efficiency Reduced by a factor of 6 at optimal play. Maximum yield per week increased from 7500 to 8750 by moving from one time to daily.

Starfighter Match - base yield changed from 500 to 130, up to 2x planetary bonus removed. Requirement changed from participation to victory modeled as a 50% efficiency decrease on aggregate as each match should have a roughly equal number of winners and losers. Efficiency reduced by a factor of more than 15.

Group Finder: Operations - base yield reduced from 2000 to 750, up to 2x planetary bonus removed, objective moved from repeatable to daily. Maximum yield reduced from unlimited to 13125 points per legacy per week.


Taking the raw average of objective efficiency losses under the 5.8 system, completing the personal goal for the week takes 8.76 times more time and material investment than it did pre-5.8.


Excellent post.



Besides the quantified reduction in efficiency I only want to add that the new system if you want to participate also forces a complete change in gameplay at least for me and I suspect for many others.





Pre 5.8 there were 17 objectives to choose from that rewarded conquest points. Of those 5 were removed:

Unranked Warzone Participation

Warzone Weeklys

Starfighter Weeklys

Group Finder Flashpoints

Galactic Flashpoints Weekly


For me and I suspect for a large number of players the majority (let's say 80% plus) of my conquest points came from there. This was my normal gameplay and I accumulated enough conquest points along the way to make the personal target with sometimes an occasional bit of crafting or specific uprising added in.




5 New objectives types were added replacing those:


Critical Missions for a target planet (Ilum/Iokath)

Critical Missions for an Event (Gree)

Group Finder: Uprisings

Crafting: Aid the War Effort

Starfighter: Mission Objectives


Now in order to still get the conquest goals I would have to completely revise my gameplay in something which I can only describe as a mindnumbing grind.


Critical Missions for a target planet (Ilum/Iokath)


Ie. repeat an already played to death Heroic or specific FP over and over again.


Critical Missions for an Event (Gree)


I have maxed out reputation for all events years ago. The bosses I still like to do as they have a good time vs reward factor but all the other event specific missions offer nothing to me anymore.


Group Finder: Uprisings


This is actually a good addition. Never understood why you got a reward for the FP's and not for uprisings.


Crafting: Aid the War Effort


Has been discussed to death already. Yeah repeat crafting could have used an adjustment (fi a hard cap on the number of conquest points you could get from them) but the new crafting format is just a horrible money and timesink with next to no reward.


Starfighter: Mission Objectives


Never played starfighter so no opinion on that one. Adding an objective in itself is always good though.

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Thats exactly what it means.


They had every intention to screw over gamers with these changes. Changing them will be like what they did to GC and year long wait just to get it to something just barely acceptable but still screwed up at it's core.


I'm strating to believe that bioware really doesn't know what they are doing after all this time. The stealth changes, the added grind, the massive hit to alt toon play.


Just terrible and at this point know why bioware screwed this up helps no one.


The affect from the patch feels like what they did with 5.0. The sentiment feels the same.


- Stealth changes

- More grind

- Alt unfriendly


All of those were part of the “theme” in 5.0.


You would have thought they’d learnt their lesson from that debacle.


Honestly, I don’t think Keith has as much control as we think he does. He doesn’t come across as someone without a clue or out of touch. He plays the game a lot himself and I know he has friends and a raid group he belongs too.

The impression I get after seeing a repeat of the same “themed” problems we had in 5.0, leads me to believe someone or someones above Keith are pushing this agenda and Keith is put in the hot seat as the perpetrator of their agenda.


Remember, Keith wasn’t in his position when they made 5.0, so I think it points to another influence behind the scenes. If that is the case, then the person(s) have no idea how to run a successful game or maybe they are actually trying to actively sabotage the game from within. It wouldn’t be the first time mid management or even higher management people have sabotaged other departments to get more resources or just because they don’t like something or someone(s). Company politics can become so viscous that all other considerations or affects go out the window, including customer retention and success.


Its the only thing that makes sense because I find it hard to believe another fan and dedicated player of the game would think these changes to conquest (as theyve been released) would be good for the game and accepted in a positive way by the player base. I just don’t think Keith is that dense.


So I address this part to the powers pulling the strings, “STOP Messing with the game and let them make it the way the players want and not what fits your personal agenda. You have no business being in a customer focused business because you don’t understand or even care about your customers”


If this was just a massive mistake made by Keith, well this is the second one after the move of the servers. I really hope this is the last one because that’s already two too many.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I am GM in a Top10 Conquest Guild with 1000 members.

Since the launch of 5.8 - no one is doing conquest anymore - like 0 - including me!

I don't blame them - why would anyone want to play this very very bad and very very broken system.

Instead people are offline so the overall activity in the Guild has dropped off the cliff!


Roll-back 5.8!

There is nothing positive about the new system - like 0!

Let us do Conquest and play the game like we used to.

Bring back the old system now!

If not - you will lose your Conquest Guilds and a lot more.

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I wonder what Disney would have to say about another EA screw up that causes the mass public to explode like this


I doubt they’d be surprised. They are apparently already in talks with Activision and other game producing companies to give them access to the SW licence because of EAs poor management of the IP.

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I am GM in a Top10 Conquest Guild with 1000 members.

Since the launch of 5.8 - no one is doing conquest anymore - like 0 - including me!

I don't blame them - why would anyone want to play this very very bad and very very broken system.

Instead people are offline so the overall activity in the Guild has dropped off the cliff!


Roll-back 5.8!

There is nothing positive about the new system - like 0!

Let us do Conquest and play the game like we used to.

Bring back the old system now!

If not - you will lose your Conquest Guilds and a lot more.


Oh, the drama!

First the inaccurate blah blah about "1000 members" while actually meaning 1000 chars and then the drama and exaggeration about "NO ONE doing conquest anymore" while you can't even avoid doing conquest, at least on one char or two. I'm a guild leader of a guild with 180 sub accounts, an unknown amount of free players and 850+ chars - points flow automatically when people play, there's no way to avoid it.

The system needs to be tuned, no question, and nobody with a grip and experience with Bioware would have expected that they are actually able to release something that makes sense/was thought through with at least some love and sense for detail and logic/accuracy and works from scratch (because only Keith plays this game within that company being one of the reaosns I guess, general unprofessional work flows are another).

Galactic command anyone? - which is ok now but was probably the biggest imaginable f... up and mega grind when it was released by the former "rng is exciting" producer.

Give it time and avoid the drama please, that is especially true for the "we need a rollback" kind of "clowns". I rofl'ed in disbelief when I've read that the first time yesterday. People are just drama queens and irrational. The pussification of the society. :-)

Edited by Khaleg
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I did not read the whole Thread (70 Pages in 2 Days - wow!), so sorry if the question has been posted earlier;


I would like to know if it's working as intended that some repeatable quests are counting points only once a day? Doing a single Gree-Quest for example is really ridiculous ...

Edited by Han_Salo
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I did not read the whole Thread (70 Pages in 2 Days - wow!), so sorry if the question has been posted earlier;


I would like to know if it's working as intended that some repeatable quests are counting points only once a day? Doing a single Gree-Quest for example is really ridiculous ...


Yes, there are now, in addition to the known one time and repeatable objectives, also daily repeatable ones. Needs to be tuned, no question, but it's basically intended.

Edited by Khaleg
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I don't think that there is need for a Rollback. But there are for shure things to do better in the new conquest system. In my opinion it would be better to count em up instead of a simple crying for a rollback ...


I think there is a wrong decision in the weighting of the individual goals - some operations are earning 7,500 points + group finder points, a single PVP- or GSF-match only brings a handful of points (even only in a win) ... there is potential for a change I think ...


Yes, there are now in addition to the known one time and repeatable objectives also daily repeatable ones. Needs to be tuned, no question, but it's basically intended.

Thanx 4 the answer.

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You would have thought they’d learnt their lesson from that debacle.


I genuinely don't think there's anyone left intelligent enough to learn such a lesson without repeating it for themselves.


EVERY single thing they did wrong with the launch of Command Ranks they have repeated, and even doubled down on some of them, for Conquest.


The ONLY logical conclusion left is that a) they are all so incompetent as to need constant supervision just to achieve basic life skills, or b) they are deliberately trying to run players out of the game.


All The Best

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I genuinely don't think there's anyone left intelligent enough to learn such a lesson without repeating it for themselves.


EVERY single thing they did wrong with the launch of Command Ranks they have repeated, and even doubled down on some of them, for Conquest.


The ONLY logical conclusion left is that a) they are all so incompetent as to need constant supervision just to achieve basic life skills, or b) they are deliberately trying to run players out of the game.


All The Best


Or c) their forecasts have predicted that with those changes that give less rewards for more time put into the game, subscriptions will stay up with no need for additional new content in the next months.


Take a look at the threads. Yes, we have a few people raging - with good cause, I might add - then roughly a day later. the usual handful of apologists trickles in, showing that all of this is just the customer's fault, then we get a noncommital post asking for comments, and everyone is falling over themselves to repost, give long liists for improvements and whatnot, exhausting their energy for something completely useless, since none of those suggestions will make a difference. But hey, they heard you, right?


It's getting boring to watch this. It's really the basics of any and all customer management trainings. Customer complains, you go "We hear you!" and continue doing whatever you were doing. Customer will ***** a bit longer but is usually stupid enough to keep paying. And the cycle continues.



I gave new and "improved" Conquest a try, and it was a PITA. Before the update, Conquest was the only reason that would get me to PVP, or make me run GF FPS. Now that it's no longer worthwile, there is no reason to bother. *shrug* But at least the ops lockout "exploit" is fixed, I'm sure there are at least 4 people on the forums who will rejoice. Let's hope they are enough to carry the game.

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Oh, the drama!

First the inaccurate blah blah about "1000 members" while actually meaning 1000 chars and then the drama and exaggeration about "NO ONE doing conquest anymore" while you can't even avoid doing conquest, at least on one char or two. I'm a guild leader of a guild with 180 sub accounts, an unknown amount of free players and 850+ chars - points flow automatically when people play, there's no way to avoid it.

The system needs to be tuned, no question, and nobody with a grip and experience with Bioware would have expected that they are actually able to release something that makes sense/was thought through with at least some love and sense for detail and logic/accuracy and works from scratch (because only Keith plays this game within that company being one of the reaosns I guess, general unprofessional work flows are another).

Galactic command anyone? - which is ok now but was probably the biggest imaginable f... up and mega grind when it was released by the former "rng is exciting" producer.

Give it time and avoid the drama please, that is especially true for the "we need a rollback" kind of "clowns". I rofl'ed in disbelief when I've read that the first time yesterday. People are just drama queens and irrational. The pussification of the society. :-)


Clearly you know nothing about the state of my guild or the state of the game after 5.8 - guild members are leaving my guild after 5.8. that's never a good sign!

Just go back to sleep troll.

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Feel free to use this thread as a source of general feedback on the Conquest revamp.

You have asked for it, now here are my 2 cents - without reading all the other 70 pages.


Conquest is definitely broken now. Whether it is buggy or this was done intentionally - in a company with a decent quality management system such bugs would have been found and dealt with - remains to be seen. :mad:

It looks like the rewards (in conquest points) for grouping together were removed:

  • No daily flashpoint group finder reward
  • Daily reward for group finder operation only once per legacy

This will have a severe negative impact on group finder activities. <sarcasm> Well, no reason to deal with mismatched pickup-groups in veteran flashpoints anymore. One problem solved. </sarcasm> :cool:


By removing the daily and weekly rewards for Galactic Star Fighter and reducing the points for a won game to such a feeble amount there is also no incentive to fly space combat anymore. The same applies to ground PvP. Why would anyone group anymore when they receive 0 points for a lost match? In addition to the shame of losing they would also have wasted their time for no conquest gain at all. :eek:


The new interface needs to be overhauled so that you can distinguish between objectives that can be completed only once per legacy or individually per character. This is really important for daily repeatable objectives. Without this information planning your activities for different toons becomes a gamble.


TLDR - Bring back daily rewards for vet FPs and GF ops, increase points for GSF and PvP

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It might be you after all! Try a deodorant. :-)

You are the first troll to make it to my ignore list.


That is exactly what I thought - what an unprofessional and childish remark by Khaleg. Such a pity that you cannot downvote posts.

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You have asked for it, now here are my 2 cents - without reading all the other 70 pages.


Conquest is definitely broken now. Whether it is buggy or this was done intentionally - in a company with a decent quality management system such bugs would have been found and dealt with - remains to be seen. :mad:

It looks like the rewards (in conquest points) for grouping together were removed:

  • No daily flashpoint group finder reward
  • Daily reward for group finder operation only once per legacy

This will have a severe negative impact on group finder activities. <sarcasm> Well, no reason to deal with mismatched pickup-groups in veteran flashpoints anymore. One problem solved. </sarcasm> :cool:


By removing the daily and weekly rewards for Galactic Star Fighter and reducing the points for a won game to such a feeble amount there is also no incentive to fly space combat anymore. The same applies to ground PvP. Why would anyone group anymore when they receive 0 points for a lost match? In addition to the shame of losing they would also have wasted their time for no conquest gain at all. :eek:


The new interface needs to be overhauled so that you can distinguish between objectives that can be completed only once per legacy or individually per character. This is really important for daily repeatable objectives. Without this information planning your activities for different toons becomes a gamble.


TLDR - Bring back daily rewards for vet FPs and GF ops, increase points for GSF and PvP


I second that. Especially gsf and pvp are a joke, as if someone didn't use one brain cell to come up with that. I don't care about daily fps since this is the most boring and redundant content in the game anyway but if people want it back for conquest points, why not?


But this "Daily reward for group finder operation only once per legacy" is a good thing to get rid of the until now tolerated ID kill exploit. Very much needed and long overdue (although I am a leader of a guild which benefits from this until now). It was always a tolerated exploit because Bioware was unable and/or too lazy to fix it, it was never fair and ok to begin with. It distorted a fair competetion.

Edited by Khaleg
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The only conclusion i draw from this is that you did not want us to know.


There is another conclusion. Might sound odd at first, but hear me out:


When they e. g. made the livestream, the guys on screen actually didn't know themselves how the new conquest would be. That's why they didn't address it properly. Why didn't they know? Because there is no actual coder anymore in their office. They are all at the Anthem office. And over there, someone got the task to revamp the conquest system. The new UI is a copy of one of the Anthem-UIs. Actually, our new conquest is a test for the planned Anthem-conquest.


Now, BW of course had ideas how the new conquest would supposed to be. But they didn't actually know how it plays out before the patch went live. Eric surely got a bad feeling about it, but what can he do except drink some nerve-chilling tea.


On a sidenote: There hasn't been new Cartel Market stuff lately for the whales to spend money on. That's odd. But the reason is also that the guy is now at Anthem and he is behind schedule 3 weeks for the new stuff.


The delay of the patch also happened, because the Anthem-guys didn't deliver on time. And Keith simply doesn't know these things upfront.


Think about it. This scenario would explain almost everything. Keith sends a draft to the Anthem team and has to wait until he hears, reads or sees something. He gets the message at the last minute: "Patch won't be ready. Quality reasons. Delay". And so he does, expecting that that they make the patch even shinier. But instead, what happened was that they hadn't even started it, because quality was a typo and was supposed to read quantity.


Just kidding. Or am I?


Two days ago I could craft 40 thousand war supplies. Now I can't even craft one


That's a tough number to swallow. But it's true.


Personally the revamp wasn't something the people asked for. This revamp was a waste of time from you guys. Time and money put into something that wasn't broken.


Also true. However, read my text above: Our new conquest is a test field for a similar scenario in Anthem. It's not the first time they used Swtor as a playing field for new stuff in other games. They won't admit it, but it's probably true.


Can someone from BioWare let us in on the super-secret meaning of the purple triangle in the Conquest Objectives list? Thus far it appears to mean "randomly gives Conquest points for completing activities".


Might be an RNG-feature to make conquest more exciting? 25% chance of getting conquest points?


Some players are willing to work hard for conquest, and some are not.


Some people work hard to make a living and then they play games FOR FUN! I have a great job that I love. But it includes long days being out. Yesterday I came home at 23:00. What do you think: Would I like it if I would have to WORK this game? Nah. I played it to chill out AFTER work. I finished the Iokath weekly and did one Gree mission. And then I went to bed. I'm still not at 20k, so I have to do this Gree daily again tomorrow. Now that's fun. Or wait, no, it's not. It's tedious.


Anyone who uses the word "work" in the context of a game doesn't understand what a game actually is and should not participate in discussions about games.


Day 2: First day I was able to get 1 toon to conquest goal, mostly because of 10K from a glitch right out the door. Today I spent 9 hours grinding away on a toon. At the end of the day I had accumulated a whopping 5k. (...)


9 hours in one day? I play maybe 9 hours per week. They cannot seriously think that most players have that much time to play.


One last observation: I checked the guild conquest scores last night on Malgus. In the top tier was no guild even close to the needed minimum points. Of course, there is still plenty of time. But the players in this guild most likely have done all of the one-time objectives and the ones that can be repeated don't yield many points. I'm curious if they will be able to get to the threshold. My prediction is that only 1 (if at all) guild gets the reward for top tier this week. In result, no one will go for top tier next week, because it's pretty much impossible.


I am in one guild which is probably the largest on the server. They would have enough points for the top tier, but they went for second tier, probably because of the Iokath achievement.


In the lowest tier, most guilds in the top 10 were not even close to the 460k or whatever the threshold was. I don't see how these small guilds will be able to quadruple their points until the end of the week unless there come new dailies that yield good points.

Edited by JattaGin
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This is a good post. ^


Pretty much exactly how I feel about what they have done with this patch as well as the Galactic Command one. I quit shortly after the last big patch where they gutted the gearing system and added the Galactic Command RNG system.


I don't have a lot of emotion invested this time, but marvel at how out of touch this game is with it's players and what they enjoy/like in the game. They truly seem to do more work ruining what is decent in the game, to the point it has to be purposeful and by design.


Tanking the game on purpose I'd say.


It's the only thing that makes logical sense any longer.


BW couldn't even make a CM pack on time for this update. Maybe that's something good for players.


I hope Anthem bombs as badly as it can. It might be petty, but they just let SWTOR go under in almost the worst way possible, and kept taking as much money as they could from its players the whole time.

Edited by arunav
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Anyone who uses the word "work" in the context of a game doesn't understand what a game actually is and should not participate in discussions about games.


So much this.


These people who claim we should just work harder at a game spout the word "work" like it is some kind of special thing that only they can do, and everyone else is inferior.


If they have the energy and time to "work at a game" it almost certainly means they are short-changing their employer on the actual work they should be doing at work.


All The Best

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So much this.


These people who claim we should just work harder at a game spout the word "work" like it is some kind of special thing that only they can do, and everyone else is inferior.


If they have the energy and time to "work at a game" it almost certainly means they are short-changing their employer on the actual work they should be doing at work.


All The Best




Work — to perform or fulfill duties regularly for wages or salary.

Play — exercise or activity for amusement or recreation.

Enjoyment — form or source of pleasure.


I play for enjoyment. Not work. If I have to work to play and enjoy the game, then BW needs to put me on their payroll.

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