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New Conquest System: First Impressions


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Given that 99% of the feedback is entirely negative, do you honestly think you can afford to wait until tomorrow to start detailed communication with the playerbase?


By tomorrow I would want to be seeing a "drawing board" plan of what you are committed to doing to fixing this mess, with a reasonably solid timeframe.


All The Best


No need to fix what isn't broken. Winning players will adjust to the new norm in Conquest, and continue to make their Conquest goals. Players who cannot, or will not adjust will no longer breeze their way to Conquest goals with a couple of flashpoints, and some wintrading pvp here and there. Now, if you want it, you're gonna have to work for it.

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Make everything repeatable on alts - NOTHING should be once per Legacy. NOTHING!

EVERY PvP match, win or lose, MUST reward points

EVERY GSF match, win or lose, MUST reward points

State in the conquest notes if something is repeatable or not (clearly - like it was)

You've got to increase some points...those were hit far too hard.

Restore crafting to how it was, but maybe add in a diminishing return of point. Crafting is a VERY important thing to this game imo.


100% agree with that

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Hey folks,


Keep the feedback coming! Seeing your thoughts on the revamp is very helpful to the team. My plan is that tomorrow I want to get the following information into this thread: a breakdown of our intention around the Conquest revamp and a list of the feedback points that all of you have raised. This will allow you to see our thoughts on Conquests and then to highlight the feedback you have stated that we are actively reviewing internally.


Thanks everyone!


Bugs are a major problem. People getting credit randomly, we make assumptions on how it's supposed to work, but then a friend has a different outcome. We don't even know what is intended because there's no key for the repeatable icons. Does it mean per character, per legacy, or always. The bugs make it inconsistent to test. (I know dulfy has a list, but still doesn't help the inconsistency with bugs)

My input is reevaluate points, fix the bugs, give a key to the icons, put back random gf fps, assuming pvp is one win per day per legacy, make that always repeatable and consider participation reward even if it's small.

And let us turn in old isotope for blue jawa scrap or reinstate the old dark project schem.

Why weren't crafting changes put into the patch notes?

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No need to fix what isn't broken. Winning players will adjust to the new norm in Conquest, and continue to make their Conquest goals. Players who cannot, or will not adjust will no longer breeze their way to Conquest goals with a couple of flashpoints, and some wintrading pvp here and there. Now, if you want it, you're gonna have to work for it.


For someone who doesn't care about conquest you sure do keep around discussions on it.

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EVERY PvP match, win or lose, MUST reward points

EVERY GSF match, win or lose, MUST reward points

Restore crafting to how it was, but maybe add in a diminishing return of point. Crafting is a VERY important thing to this game imo.


Loosing in PVP/GSF should not award Conquest points. Conquest is about Winning.


Crafting was an 'easy mode' way to win Conquest without having to do any actual content. The changes have removed that, and made it so that *competitive players* not *crafting missions while watching television* win Conquest.


The changes, on the whole, are good ones.

Edited by translucentwolf
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Make everything repeatable on alts - NOTHING should be once per Legacy. NOTHING!

EVERY PvP match, win or lose, MUST reward points

EVERY GSF match, win or lose, MUST reward points

State in the conquest notes if something is repeatable or not (clearly - like it was)

You've got to increase some points...those were hit far too hard.

Restore crafting to how it was, but maybe add in a diminishing return of point. Crafting is a VERY important thing to this game imo.

Well said. Regarding crafting, I think that the recipes need to go back to what they were even if only for a few weeks. Or at least give us some method of turning our old isotope stabilizers into new ones.

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Make everything repeatable on alts - NOTHING should be once per Legacy. NOTHING!

EVERY PvP match, win or lose, MUST reward points

EVERY GSF match, win or lose, MUST reward points

State in the conquest notes if something is repeatable or not (clearly - like it was)

You've got to increase some points...those were hit far too hard.

Restore crafting to how it was, but maybe add in a diminishing return of point. Crafting is a VERY important thing to this game imo.


Succinct, to the point, and 100% correct IMHO.



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Hey folks,


Keep the feedback coming! Seeing your thoughts on the revamp is very helpful to the team. My plan is that tomorrow I want to get the following information into this thread: a breakdown of our intention around the Conquest revamp and a list of the feedback points that all of you have raised. This will allow you to see our thoughts on Conquests and then to highlight the feedback you have stated that we are actively reviewing internally.


Thanks everyone!


Want some feedback? Don’t remove stuff without telling us, you removed both PVP and flashpoint rewards while saying nothing?! Why were they removed? Anyone else ever hear people complaining that guilds were winning conquest by just doing flashpoints or PVP (PVP maybe as all you did was have to go into an unranked warzone and you were rewarded win or lose) but the flashpoint ones required the daily while the weeklies yeah you could finish those in a day (5 for veteran 3 for master) the daily rewards are only repeatable per day... so confused why this one was removed.

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Wow, I just got a warning for one of my previous posts. I used no foul language, like I've seen here. I didn't call anyone any names, like I've seen here. It wasn't even all that angry in tone, I was defending the 500 or so other people in this thread against the 2 people who have come on here and called the rest of us "whiners". I was told that it "wasn't constructive". I have reread my statement several times and have failed to find anything that is any more offensive than nearly ANY other post in this thread.


Someone reported you. Getting just a warning after another user reported you is basically a mod's reply that he disagrees with the report, but he has to show some action. There are probably a lot of reported posts in this thread.


Overall I Applaud the New Changes to our System and Congratulate your efforts here!! Thank you for letting us get in some advice to your teams. You guys work damn hard and our community loves you for it. Looking forward to many more years on Shan Server working the player side for you guys.


Not sure if serious or trolling? :confused:


Ok, now that I've had a chance to play and my intial fury worn off a bit, time for an attempt at more constructive criticism.


Does this mean that all your rants from yesterday occured before you actually tested the new conquest system? That is... irritating. I first tested it thoroughly, then commented.


I didn't read anything on Dulfy before this...why should I need to go to a third party website to find out what should be easy to understand in-game? I'm not new here...I really didn't think I'd need to study to play the game...yet even I'm perplexed as hell by what rewards what and how many times it does.


Baffling, isn't it?


I thought this revamp was supposed to reinvigorate conquests? I was expecting more and more varied ways to earn points, not less!


I was really hoping (and a small part of my even expecting) that they would tie the activities window to the conquest system after I saw that both UIs look similar. I really thought that all those activities would yield us CQ points. Boy, was I wrong.


Who at BW could possibly have thought this was a good idea?


Good question. It depends on the point of view though. It's not impossible that this is all on purpose and BW hopes that this leads to people going the easy way and buying CM items in order to sell them for credits with which they buy mats to get to 20k points.


Personally, I'm not inclined to spend that much time providing you feedback for something that obviously wasn't tested or requested by any element of the player base.


Qui bono? Who benefits? Who was the target group for this new conquest? What was their intention? Let's see what Eric's post tomorrow will state.


Obviously Keith and Eric have little to no clue what is going on. They have absolutely no communication skills what so ever. Eric is suppose to be the Community Support person, I would say more like the Ghost who appears once in a blue moon. The real problem is that neither of them were probably even born when the origin of Star Wars was created and they view the Star Wars Universe as a Job rather than an adventure the way all of us players do. I really thought it would be different when Keith took over, but, the grass is not always greener on the other side, maybe Ben was not all that bad, just saying.


Well, Keith is around 60, so he was definitely around when ANH was released. There are two ways to see it: Total incompetence or the opposite: They know exactly what they are doing. Just have a look at everything that happened since Keith took over. I don't believe that this is all incompetence. He got the job with a certain task to achieve and he is doing that exactly the way he is supposed to. We just don't understand why, because it makes no sense. I doubt that Keith or Eric are stupid. They do their job as intended. Which makes it worse.


As for Ben: I have been saying that all along: Ben wasn't the evil guy this forum claimed him to be.


I'm betting they'll update, (probably not anytime soon though) with a slight increase in conquest points and repeatable objectives, saying 'hey we listened'. But it was probably planned all along, like changes to command. It will make people feel happier because they took the feedback in, when in reality, the update will be the state of the grind they wanted all along, but people will be tricked into thinking it's phenomenally better.


This is very likely pretty close to the truth. I also believe that it was planned like this and they knew that they would get massive backlash about the update. That's why they didn't even bother explaining upfront. They will sit it out and continue their business as usual.


I tried making one of my husband's family recipes tonight. Worked really hard on it, he hated it and wouldn't eat more than the first bite.


Well, that is really not nice! I would have eaten everything and thanked you for the dinner, even if I would have disliked it. That said, I have yet to find food that I don't like (apart from liquorice). ;)


You literally said nothing with this.


"It's funny, because it's true." (Peter Griffin) :D


This kind of revamp should have been reviewed by actual players before ever having it go live. Something like on a......test server!!


Get outta here! You and your crazy ideas. Test server... what does that even mean. You made that up, didn't you?


A funny thought I had: Neither Eric nor Keith actually had an idea how the new conquest would be. All they had were those screenshots from the livestream. That's why they haven't told anything about it. Yesterday after the patch, they played it to get an idea about it and today Eric is making something up, I mean writing an explanation for the new conquest.

Edited by JattaGin
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Make everything repeatable on alts - NOTHING should be once per Legacy. NOTHING!

EVERY PvP match, win or lose, MUST reward points

EVERY GSF match, win or lose, MUST reward points

State in the conquest notes if something is repeatable or not (clearly - like it was)

You've got to increase some points...those were hit far too hard.

Restore crafting to how it was - maybe add in a diminishing return to points. Crafting is a VERY important thing to this game imo.


All of this plus add in a daily FP for GF and for HM folks too, for all toons not just one toon in your entire legacy. Also add back in the FP(s), PVP(s) weeklies as well.

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. Where is the proof of all the people unsubbing??


Click the blue link in my sig. There's my proof. I can't speak for anyone else, but I'll take them at their word.


Working as intended? Yeah, if you're masochistic or one of the lucky ones that doesn't catch every bug causing you to get no points for anything you do.

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Obviously, I haven't spent a ton of time looking at this, but I do have some immediate reactions:


Crafting Changes

This feels like it was slipped in under the radar in an attempt to bottleneck the ability of large guilds to manufacture victory easily. The trouble is that it also hamstrings smaller guilds even more. Requiring so much more investment to create the same old stuff should have also been announced so that GTN sellers could have reacted appropriately to the new value of finished goods.


Work vs. Reward

The difference in guild rewards between tiers does not seem proportional to the amount of additional grind.


Lack of Information

Add some tooltips. Improve some task descriptions. Why are some of the repeatable icons silver / gray and others gold? Where do we donate for Crafting: Aiding the War Effort? (On that note, why does throwing away 10 Invasion Forces, which now cost a lot more to make, only give a few hundred points?)


Individual Rewards

Adding credits and CXP to tasks makes working them into limited play time more appealing. Thanks!


Accessibility for Smaller Guilds

The concept seems excellent, but if the aforementioned work vs. reward balance isn't addressed, then there's no point to pursuing medium or large yield planets, except to earn titles, so I suspect most guilds will continue piling on the small yield conquests, defeating the purpose.


The following addendum includes my subsequent posts on this topic for the purpose of consolidation:


Isotope Stabilizers

As an addendum to the crafting changes, I notice that Dark Projects can only be made using Refined Isotope Stabilizers now. Is there still a use for Exotic Isotope Stabilizers?


Winning vs. Participating

I'd like to echo the sentiments of others here. In the past, participating in PvP content earned points, even though winning earned more. For those of us who will probably never be great at PvP and frequently join the solo queue, there's no incentive to participate anymore. I can get CXP from PvE content without the frustration of fighting skilled premade PvP groups.


One of the areas in which SWTOR is horribly lacking is some kind of training area where friends can actually teach each other to PvP in a controlled environment. It's difficult to learn and improve if one is mercilessly beaten down over and over. Nevertheless, it was worth doing for giggles if a player could help his guild by merely giving his best effort. Now our efforts are meaningless, and there's absolutely no way we're ever going to be able to compete with dedicated PvPers.


Multiple Characters

As a smaller guild, we have relied on several dedicated players to meet their goals with multiple characters each week in order to be competitive. I personally do 4 characters per week; I have guildmates who do up to 9. Due to the rewards being so low now and the frequency that they can be claimed reduced significantly, it is impractical to try meeting the personal goals with more than one or two characters, particularly if the people behind them have limited play time.


Even if my guild miraculously manages to meet the guild goal, I will personally only earn 1 or 2 encryptions instead of 4, which greatly hinders our ability to expand our flagship. The flagship grind was already extremely slow for small guilds who don't have the cash to simply buy materials outright. Coupled with the increased material costs of dark projects, this is a crippling blow in achieving our community goals as a guild.


Review: Day 1

I started earnestly around 3 PM Eastern time. I had no idea that some tasks could only be done once per legacy, so I rotated through my 4 characters and set them to crafting invasion forces using war supplies that were leftover from the last crafting week. I set them up so that the 10th one would earn the points for a particular character with whom I always struggle to earn my goal.


My first character (set for 3 invasion forces) made 5 items due to critical successes. To my delight, all 5 counted toward my goal, not just the 3 jobs. My second character was also making 3 but turned out 5, and I realized I got the achievement with him and it was marked complete. I quickly checked my other 2 characters and realized it was complete for the whole legacy, so I cancelled further production to avoid wasting materials for no points.


Two guildmates and I stormed Ilum. We first did the heroic mission, during which we were erroneously awarded credit for the two world boss tasks. After finishing the heroic, we did a single Relics of the Gree mission, then headed over to kill 25 champion turrets. Finally, we ran around killing things to earn the rampage points.


One guildmate and I decided to do Hoth heroics because we wanted to do something productive while earning the Hoth rampage points. We did 8 of the 9 heroics (I normally only do 6), killing everything in sight to earn our conquest points.


At this point, I took a break to eat. I worked on this thread a bit, ordered a pizza, and relaxed for a while. No points accrued for eating the pizza, unfortunately.


I returned to keep grinding. I entered a warzone and prayed for a win. The Lord favored me; my team won the Huttball match, and I got my points for the day. I thought I'd test the Lord in GSF. I played 7 matches. I finished my weekly goal. I did not earn a single conquest point for the effort, however, because Imperial pilots dominated every match.


In all fairness, I'm usually the worst player on the GSF team. I struggle with visual impairments, but I typically do it because I enjoy flying spaceships and grabbing a few points to help my guild. To do the entire weekly mission, however, and get nothing for my guild out of it was extremely disheartening.


I've worked for about a year to build a little guild to the point where a handful of motivated players have been putting in the hard work to get us on the leaderboard. Prior to the server merger, we had only made the board twice. Recently, though, we have made the board for the past 4 consecutive weeks.


It's after midnight now. After spending a majority of the past 9 hours grinding away at SWTOR, I've managed to get one character to 18,513 points (due to a free 10k from a bug) and another to 5,000 (due to the crafting points falling to the wrong character). My guild has 90,362 points.


Needless to say, this has been a disappointing first day under a system that I thought would really help smaller guilds like mine see MORE reward for our efforts, not less.


I am UNFORTUNATELY forced to agree with everything this person said.

I thought you guys were going to make conquest better for smaller guilds however most of the changes you've introduced seem counterproductive.

I am thoroughly disappointed with these conquest changes.


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Bugs are a major problem. People getting credit randomly, we make assumptions on how it's supposed to work, but then a friend has a different outcome. We don't even know what is intended because there's no key for the repeatable icons. Does it mean per character, per legacy, or always. The bugs make it inconsistent to test. (I know dulfy has a list, but still doesn't help the inconsistency with bugs)

My input is reevaluate points, fix the bugs, give a key to the icons, put back random gf fps, assuming pvp is one win per day per legacy, make that always repeatable and consider participation reward even if it's small.

And let us turn in old isotope for blue jawa scrap or reinstate the old dark project schem.

Why weren't crafting changes put into the patch notes?


Excellent points.

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All of this plus add in a daily FP for GF and for HM folks too, for all toons not just one toon in your entire legacy. Also add back in the FP(s), PVP(s) weeklies as well.

Yes...add all of that back in as well! :)

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Keep the feedback coming! Seeing your thoughts on the revamp is very helpful to the team. My plan is that tomorrow...


Sure thing, tell your two man team to roll-back 5.8. first thing tomorrow.

It's as simple, that even they can do it. They just have to find the software build that came before it.

The only thing that will suffer is the pride of the two man development team of having to make a roll-back.

But let's be fair it was not really something to be proud of in the first place.

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Someone reported you. Getting just a warning after another user reported you is basically a mod's reply that he disagrees with the report, but he has to show some action. There are probably a lot of reported posts in this thread.




Thanks for this reply. I'm VERY rarely in the forums, but I was pretty sure there was nothing offensive in my post. It made me more angry that I got sent a warning about it than the comment I originally responded to. Knowing this makes it a little better. Thanks for taking time to explain it to me =)

Edited by Monsuun
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Loosing in PVP/GSF should not award Conquest points. Conquest is about Winning.


Crafting was an 'easy mode' way to win Conquest without having to do any actual content. The changes have removed that, and made it so that *competitive players* not *crafting missions while watching television* win Conquest.


The changes, on the whole, are good ones.


It should 100% give conquest for losing a PvP/GSF match. It should for 1 simple reason. More people are in queu, so more pops happen for those of us that like to play those aspects of the game. If it is only for Winning, fewer people will be in queu, so the rest of us have to wait longer for queu's to pop.

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Make everything repeatable on alts - NOTHING should be once per Legacy. NOTHING!
But why? Why is that a big deal now when it was fine in the past??

It would have been nice in the past to get points on all toons, just maybe make them smaller instead of such a high yield & once a week.


EVERY PvP match, win or lose, MUST reward points

SMALL points though. Nothing so that it encourages people to just stand in stealth doing nothing.


EVERY GSF match, win or lose, MUST reward points
Same as above. Small points. That way they at least try instead of just flying into things on purpose or walking away from the keyboard.


State in the conquest notes if something is repeatable or not (clearly - like it was)


You've got to increase some points...those were hit far too hard.
Not quite sure why it's so low, considering they removed the Invasion Bonus for guilds that helped. Definitely needs to be a bit higher on some.


Restore crafting to how it was - maybe add in a diminishing return to points. Crafting is a VERY important thing to this game imo.
Ehh just restore it to how it was & leave the schedule one week ahead. Most craft to win guilds still won't be able to put up huge points with just a week of farming time. The smaller guilds will have just as much chance too.
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I like the new graphic, though the interface will take some getting used to.


I just have to echo what so many others have said, here:


The reward for the amount of effort required is enough to drive veterans away. Personally, I haven't committed to cancelling my membership yet, but I am right on the border and thinking very seriously of doing so. Many veterans in a guild I'm a member of are discontinuing their subscriptions. If you're alienating that many people this quickly, something is seriously wrong. I recommend that you address it, post-haste.

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Guys and gals, I'm pretty sure that Bioware's company policy here keeps Eric and Keith from responding to everything/anything right away. They aren't allowed to be baited, they aren't allowed to comment on anything of substance without having some sort of official stance or approval on it, etc.


I don't know this, but I'm guessing there's something like that in place.


Anyway, while I too have a few issues with the new Conquest, others have said them, so I will focus on the parts on I actually do like.


1. I like the new interface. I like that I can see what a conquest objective is without having to click on it and then check a tiny little screen below.


2. I like the concept of certain objectives being repeatable daily. I don't know which ones they are, as there is no legend, and my testing hasn't given me definitive answers yet. But I do like the concept.


3. I like the concept of different yields, and of guild rewards being uncoupled from the top 10 leaderboard.


4. I like that SH bonus is automatically tallied and shown as part of each objective. Was always a bit of a hassle adding it up in my head to figure out what I need to do to get to personal goal. That said, I hope that is with SH bonus included, as otherwise my SH bonus isn't getting factored in, since I got exactly the amount shown on the Conquest screen.


5. I like that conquest objectives give credits and xp/cxp.


6. I like the 'Next Conquest' screen, so I have an easy way to tell what the next week's conquest will be, without having to check the forums or a third-party website.


7. I like that there are no invasion bonuses anymore. I'm a bit iffy on this one, actually, but overall I think I like it. Partly because it removes that dilemma between choosing a planet that you want to conquer and choosing a planet that you think you can actually conquer based on its bonuses. And partly because now I don't have to try to balance planetary invasions based on which planet's bonus will benefit more guildies (who are trying to reach their personal goals). That said, the opportunity to get more points is a bit of a loss, and should perhaps be made up by something else, such as a slight increase to objective points across the board? I dunno.


8. I like that there are new decos you can buy based on completing conquest.


Think that's all I've got for now :)

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But why? Why is that a big deal now when it was fine in the past??

It would have been nice in the past to get points on all toons, just maybe make them smaller instead of such a high yield & once a week.


SMALL points though. Nothing so that it encourages people to just stand in stealth doing nothing.


Same as above. Small points. That way they at least try instead of just flying into things on purpose or walking away from the keyboard.




Not quite sure why it's so low, considering they removed the Invasion Bonus for guilds that helped. Definitely needs to be a bit higher on some.


Ehh just restore it to how it was & leave the schedule one week ahead. Most craft to win guilds still won't be able to put up huge points with just a week of farming time. The smaller guilds will have just as much chance too.

1 ) It's important now because it never should have been. It's important now because NOW they're willing to listen to our feedback about it. It's important now because they always thought they knew better.


2 ) HUGE points. I don't care if you hit your cap after 2 WZ's. Or...just bring it back to what it was...it wasn't out of line before. Anyone sitting in stealth won't get the medals, so they won't get rewarded...and that wasn't a huge problem before.


3 ) Same as it was before.


4 ) Agreed :)


5 ) Agreed


6) Fine with me. Crafting is king...has been since the first week of Conquests. For all it contributes to in the game, I'm willing to accept the imbalance it creates in Conquests.

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Make everything repeatable on alts - NOTHING should be once per Legacy. NOTHING!

EVERY PvP match, win or lose, MUST reward points

EVERY GSF match, win or lose, MUST reward points

State in the conquest notes if something is repeatable or not (clearly - like it was)

You've got to increase some points...those were hit far too hard.

Restore crafting to how it was - maybe add in a diminishing return to points. Crafting is a VERY important thing to this game imo.


There have always been one time pieces that you had to fiddle around with. Most weeks always had a single shot War Supply and a Single Shot Invasion Force, and specific FP's, and Commanders, and Guards, and bosses, and lots of those things were always one shot. However, take this list, add the daily random on each toon, and I think that will be what I am looking at for what I would like to see. and......work out the "is it a legacy thing or can all toons do it" piece.

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Hey folks,


Keep the feedback coming! Seeing your thoughts on the revamp is very helpful to the team. My plan is that tomorrow I want to get the following information into this thread: a breakdown of our intention around the Conquest revamp and a list of the feedback points that all of you have raised. This will allow you to see our thoughts on Conquests and then to highlight the feedback you have stated that we are actively reviewing internally.


Thanks everyone!


"Seeing your thoughts on the revamp is very helpful to the team."

Is this a joke? Very helpful to the team, really?

But juuuuust not helpful enough for you to have shared information, and asked for our feedback before the update, when you could have actually used these VERY HELPFUL thoughts, I GUESS.


And still no information on what is bugged and what is intended behavior, not even a hint. Something like "some objectives are not behaving correctly right now" or "some recipes are not showing correct ingredients" would suffice, but no I guess. So it's all intentional then?


Talks, intentions after the fact, feedback that may or may not be completely ignored. It's gonna be months of half-assed, bugged patches till this is back to aaaalmost workable, isn't it?


How about you roll everything back now, and then lets all talk about your intentions, thoughts, feelings and moods?

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Ehh just restore it to how it was & leave the schedule one week ahead. Most craft to win guilds still won't be able to put up huge points with just a week of farming time. The smaller guilds will have just as much chance too.


Regarding crafting, small guilds have the same advantage as large guilds even without advance notice of a crafting week. My NecroCrafters farm ALL the time, we dont stop. We are a small guild compared to most. This is why we crush so many large guilds despite our small numbers. Im not speaking for all large guilds, but the few I've spoken with tend to buy their mats if they chose to go after a crafting guild on a crafting week. This is where I agree with Tux, if they chose to buy mats it only helps our economy in game.


I truly think the misconception about crafting is people see large numbers and automatically think "Big Guild" when its really just a small guild with a few hardcore crafters. Not long ago, my small guild took Voss by storm with over a 134 million points. All of the guild rallied together, but the majority of the points were put up by a small handful of NecroCrafters.


In short, we dont mind the week notice because we are always prepared.

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