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New Conquest System: First Impressions


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The new system just made things worse for small guilds. With a core group of about 8 people, crafting and multiple alts we managed to take a few planets in the past. I do not see this as a possibility anymore.


The new update defeats the purpose of conquest, playing multiple toons and removes any incentive to pvp (I also foresee people quitting matches even more now if their team is losing).


Also, who thought that objectives such as defeating Gravak’k and defeat Surgok’k 5x each on Illum was a good idea? One time is ok but 5 times? These are world bosses that spawn only every few hours...it is basically unfeasible, especially for those who log on only during peak hours.


They are going to piss the remaining player base even more. How are they going to explain this to their finance guys? This is almost like internal sabotage.

Edited by Eriamea
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Hey folks,


Feel free to use this thread as a source of general feedback on the Conquest revamp. We will be reading through the thread (and of course the rest of the forums) and gathering feedback.




Keith, there have been many other threads about how you’ve changed conquest for pvpers so they are basically locked out of completing it weekly unless they do pve content because it says only 1 win per day.


I’m hoping is this is a bug on the screen and a poor description of how pvpers participate.


Can you please confirm if this is a bug or will this be the new system where people who only pvp will not be able to participate in conquest?


Please, I hope this is wrong and if it isn’t, you need to fix it urgently or you will drive more people out of the game and also kill pvp participation in the game.


Don’t leave us hanging either or this will fester fast and people won’t wait around to find out. I know I would like an answer today and I expect others would too.




Edit: I had been excited to get the patch downloaded and login to see the changes. But after reading about all the changes, I’ve lost my motivation to be bothered logging in or downloading the patch, my sub runs out in a few days and my motivation to resub has taken another hit. I’m not sure how much more continued disappointment in forced changes that aren’t needed, I can take till I just stop caring and unsub for good.


I hope you realise the sort of player back lash you are getting and HAVE CAUSED is nearly as bad as the introduction of the CXP gearing system. IF you don’t get ontop of this straight away and I mean this week. You will HAVE NO PLAYERS LEFT IN THE GAME. Even one week might be too much for some people, but I can tell you categorically that if you drag this out before you realise you need to reverse it or fix it so ALL PREVIOUS ways of doing conquest are returned, it will be too late to fix, you will have killed the game once and for all for me and many others Unless that is your goal like you did for APAC player, in which case, “youve nailed it”.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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- Removing points for daily \ weekly missions (pvp, gsf, fp, ops) stinks.

- Removing participation points for pvp \ gsf stinks even worse.

- New interface makes it harder to see which obiective has been completed.

- Too many 'one per day per legacy' obiectives.

The rest is OK. Stronghold bonus is actually an improvement over what we had before.

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The new system just made things worse for small guilds. With a core group of about 8 people, crafting and multiple alts we managed to take a few planets in the past. I do not see this as a possibility anymore. Also, some crafting mats that were given as rewards were pretty useful.


The new update defeats the purpose of conquest, playing multiple toons and removes any incentive to pvp (I also foresee people quitting matches even more now if their team is losing).


They are going to piss the remaining player base even more. How are they going to explain this to their finance guys? This is almost like internal sabotage.


Paragraph 1 is perfect. I am the guild leader of a roughly 10 player guild on SS and we made the board the same way. Similarly, i find it impossible to think we're making the numbers we used to.


Para 2 - again i agree.


Para 3 - im a remaining player and im very pissed. They have 16 days to convince me to stay. I feel like they are actively trying to get me to stop playing.

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Impatience is the hallmark of gen Y. Can't help you there. I'm an old X'r and can roll with changes apparently better than people half my age. If even so much as one guild can figure out how to make 1m points in the first few hours of conquest opening, so can everyone else. I find it hard to believe that all the bright people are in Unchained Wrath (not even my guild).


Not everything in life is point-and-click. Someone in Unchained Wrath had an Aha! moment and BOOM they're off and running.


You can, too.


You don't have a clue dude...

One of the guilds I'm in had 91 people online just now, everyone got the two 5K points objectives, that's 900k points for doing F*** all.

Think about things before you try to seem like you know something.

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New Idea,


Thinking about going to Bioware itself.


I am sure that either I or one of my geeky computer nerdy friends can get a email address for one of the senior members of Bioware. Maybe to get escalation this issue needs a helping hand. Will follow up on this post when I have more info.



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Hey folks,


Feel free to use this thread as a source of general feedback on the Conquest revamp. We will be reading through the thread (and of course the rest of the forums) and gathering feedback.




I'm in a guild with about 15-20 active players. About half a dozen of us are dedicated crafters and farmers. We spend hours each week gathering mats, and spending 10s of millions of credits on white bits to get prepared to take on large guilds.


I have sat on my guild ship and let my cxp boost run down 45m before logging off and saying screw it.


Last night i could potentially craft 2137 war supplies. Today I can barely make 150. With zero warning you change the requirements to make certain crafting materials? There was vague talk about changes to conquest, but nothing concerning the mats to make war supplies.


Well half the dedicated crafters i mentioned, including myself, have unsubscribed, and the others are very closely considering it. I know you only have a few weeks to fix things for some of them, you have 66 days for me.


This patch will drive more players away from the game than giving out command crates (lottery tickets) for gearing out toons


Mr. Piklez

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New Idea,


Thinking about going to Bioware itself.


I am sure that either I or one of my geeky computer nerdy friends can get a email address for one of the senior members of Bioware. Maybe to get escalation this issue needs a helping hand. Will follow up on this post when I have more info.




If you find an email, please let us know so we can flood their email with complaints. That should get their attention.

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You basically removed rewards for all repeatable content, and worse, you @#^%ed subscriber content.


Running flashpoints? Completely screwed incentives to run with alts. Daily is gone. If it pops up in daily it's still uber-nerfed.

Running ops? Only daily on one $#^& toon.

PvP? One win a day.


Stop trying to change what players do according to some dumb master plan of yours. Reward what we do already and make it better.


Make repeatable content rewarding. Stop screwing with it.

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Last night i could potentially craft 2137 war supplies. Today I can barely make 150. With zero warning you change the requirements to make certain crafting materials? There was vague talk about changes to conquest, but nothing concerning the mats to make war supplies.

Agreed, it's very unfair that these changes to conquest crafting were implemented with absolutely no warning.

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Hey folks,


Feel free to use this thread as a source of general feedback on the Conquest revamp. We will be reading through the thread (and of course the rest of the forums) and gathering feedback.




In my last post i gave feed back and I edited it to say I am considering unsubscribing over this, you can go back and read it. But the bottom line is this is the straw that broke the camels back. I’m an APAC player, one of your last remaining ones, I nearly unsubbed over that debacle, but this is far enough. I’ve now got no motivation to continue to play this game, even as a free to play person.

After discussing this with my partner, who also feels this disappoint more than I do, we have cancelled our subscriptions, which is 3 in total.

I’m not even sure a fix to this system will be enough to bring us back because our faith in you and Bioware has evaporated with this latest blunder to make the game less enjoyable.

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The new conquest has ruined playing multiple toons to get conquest. The main thing that has kept me in the game was just that. I used to be able to get 5 to 8 toons through a week because of my limited play time, now i will be lucky to get 2 or 3.

PvP if i get lucky and pop in on a good team other then that I am screwed here

No more random flashpoint rewards, screwed again

No more lockouts, screwed again

Crafting upped the amount of mats I need so I have to farm more, screwed again

once per toon per account, screwed again


Face it, you guys screwed the casual players HARD

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New Idea,


Thinking about going to Bioware itself.


I am sure that either I or one of my geeky computer nerdy friends can get a email address for one of the senior members of Bioware. Maybe to get escalation this issue needs a helping hand. Will follow up on this post when I have more info.




You can always write an in-game ticket like me - demanding that BA will rollback their useless delayed junk conquest patch that they have just released with no prior community feedback.

Or their conquest playing customers will stop playing right now.

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Bottom Line upfront: I hope you hear the cries of your subscribing customers and make major adjustments to conquest. I am trying to give the new system a chance but I am extremely frustrated.


I have a couple of observations I would like to share:


1.) Last week we were promised revenge of the revanites. Not only did that not happen but the planets we started out today were curious and familiar as we have seen them a lot lately.


2.) The legacy limits. I find this particularly a large pill to swallow. I have invested large amounts of time, energy, and money leveling alts on both factions. However, so much is once per day per legacy that most of my alts will never cap. To be very frank I find this bewildering.


3.) No Conquest points for PVP participation and one win a day per toon. I PVP alot and I find this extremely disconcerting. Not only is PVP for conquest not worth the time and effort now, but I will have to be spending PVP time doing other things just to get my 1 or 2 toons capped. You have effectively killed PVP.


4.) Crafting. I simply cannot afford to craft for conquest anymore. The multi tiered mats seems like a good idea in theory until you factor how much time and effort goes into harvesting and crafting. Not only that but the conquest points awarded seems low. I dont see how a small crafting guild will be able to compete.


5.) I do like the ability to level a companion to 50 and some of the new deco is rather nice.


I hope you review my points and considered carefully.




Dimandred Dionysus

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Hey folks,


Feel free to use this thread as a source of general feedback on the Conquest revamp. We will be reading through the thread (and of course the rest of the forums) and gathering feedback.




Changes to this system that removed things from conquest were unwarranted and I've also had enough. A person can only take so much continued disappointment.

Therefore, I have also unsubscribed because of it. Not sure I will come back this time. You seem to be trying to make people stop playing?

Edited by Totemdancer
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Man, I didn't expect people to react this negatively to a single patch. I honestly don't see any problems with it other than getting Conquest now takes more time. Big deal.


If Conquest farming is the only reason some of you still play, you might be playing for the wrong reasons.

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Man, I didn't expect people to react this negatively to a single patch. I honestly don't see any problems with it other than getting Conquest now takes more time. Big deal.


If Conquest farming is the only reason some of you still play, you might be playing for the wrong reasons.


Crafting war supplies is bugged to hell, warzone rewards from conquest are not repeatable, and planet rewards for small vs large are practically the same. These are problems. Big ones.

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Man, I didn't expect people to react this negatively to a single patch. I honestly don't see any problems with it other than getting Conquest now takes more time. Big deal.


If Conquest farming is the only reason some of you still play, you might be playing for the wrong reasons.


Well, that's your opinion and your welcome to it. But the back lash to this is overwhelming and Bioware better pay attention this time.

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Well, that's your opinion and your welcome to it. But the back lash to this is overwhelming and Bioware better pay attention this time.


I just didn't expect everyone to be brandishing torches and pitchforks over this. Not even GC had this kind of reaction when it first came out. And that was bad.

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Well, that's your opinion and your welcome to it. But the back lash to this is overwhelming and Bioware better pay attention this time.


Exactly, if they choose to ignore the overwhelming number of unhappy players it will hurt the bottom line.


I keep saying it: i want to keep playing. I like swtor, convince me you're listening and that when the players are this overwhelmingly united, we are worth listening to.


They have 16 days to tell me a plan.

Edited by KendraP
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