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  1. ^ this. They already created a lot of balance problems with 6.0 in both group and solo content although 6.0 had less changes than 7.0. Even today, far from everything has been fixed. Given the limited resources that they have, it baffles me to see that they are putting their efforts and money into this kind of unneeded and unwanted changes instead of real new content. Plus we will have to re-level (Hammer Station ad nauseam again?) and re-gear again to be able to continue doing the same old content 😖 Those players who are complaining that there are too many buttons and that they have a hard time doing their rotation, they don’t don’t do hm/nim ops and don’t even need to know their rotation. You don’t even need to know it for flashpoints. I play FFXIV and there are distinct classes and a lot more buttons and menus, yet the game thrives. When the expansion comes up later this year, We will be able to continue playing the old content without having to re-gear. The new gear will be needed only for the new content.
  2. It depends. In my case it is worth more than that. I am either locked out of the game until July 12 as redownloading the game would put me well over my data cap for this month and I would have to incur fees of about $115 if I were to go ahead. Redownloading will also easily take about 25-30 hours and I have the fastest connection available in my area. Not everyone lives in a location where they have access to fast and cheap internet.
  3. It should be a straight reimbursement. I don’t need/want CCs. I had just redownloaded the game due to issues with bitraider and now it would put me over my data cap. Going over the data cap would cost me much more.
  4. Any modifiable blaster rifle can follow you to the end game if you upgrade it as you level up. The rest is purely cosmetic and down to personal preference.
  5. I ended up purging my entire list and starting fresh. There were those unknown legacies but also some of very old entries I had on some toons contained people I play with now. On some days I also sometimes placed people I didn’t want to queue with because they were really bad l, kept popping in gf and I wanted fast clears but they’ve learned to play now and are no longer running like headless chickens. I also suppose that after all the years, some have gained maturity. One evening someone may have been a bit annoying (light trolling only, American politics, or RPers taking too much chat space) on the fleet on one toon but ok at other times. It didn’t matter much when such people ended up on the list of one of 40 toons but when all the lists got merged it changed things. What would be really nice is the possibility to add a comment beside each name, a bit like for the guild roster. I’d like to be able to enter the reason and the date because in some cases I do not mean it to be permanent. A very bad player can get decent in a matter of days, American politics in the chat will hopefully diminish soon, but I have no pity for people calling others names, racist/misogynistic idiots and creepy ERPers that whisper you their sexual fantasies. Still for those people BW should have more active moderation especially since this is a PG-13 game. I tend not to put all the credit spammers there as they don’t last very long and can use up a lot of space.
  6. You don't need those augments, even for NiM. Only "maybe" reason could be ranked pvp and that's it. You can do all MM fp in 270 gear. I think they just wasted the little time and money they have making those augments and I don't intend to waste time and money getting them. I am just selling all the mats I get.
  7. There is no need for 306 gear for MM fp, including Meridian: in fact MM fp are a good way to gear up. Some don't even require a real tank, some can be done with 2 players only, some players can respect and know what they are doing. I don't see the problem with the double role. Maybe have a requirement for having done a certain percentage of vet mode FP legacy wide? I prefer a player in 270 who knows what he is doing to a player in 306 gear running like a headless chicken.
  8. It's not in the notes but it is definitely in the game...why in hell did you reduced the chances to get Versatile armorings/barrels/hilts 80 so much? As if rolling amplifiers wasn't expensive enough already!
  9. On the republic side, he sometimes wanders in the bushes, sometimes he is impossible to find. If that happens switch instances; he seems to consistently show in the pvp instance.
  10. Select the type of story that you prefer, the rest is pretty much just different animations and names for abilities that do exactly the same. I sound the inquisitor storyline more satisfying. Once you know how to play a sorc, you can play a sage and vice versa as the abilities are mirrored. Personally I prefer to shoot lightning (sorc) rather than throwing pebbles (sage) but I play both.
  11. This at 200%. Not only the grind and the augments are pointless but given the little money and time invested by BW in the game it is even worse. Fix bugs, get rid of level sync which messes up stats in some cases and renders a lot of gear useless and add real new content.
  12. The recruitment method hasn’t changed. Deploying the probes in the tunnels during the event has always been a requirement. The event comes back regularly. Last time was 2 weeks ago.
  13. It is still the same issue: the few people that don't need augments and credits will get mats and sell them for more credits. If BW was looking at a credit sink for those that have too many credits, it misses the target as they will make more credits while everything will suffer from more inflation and new players or those that can't farm this stuff will have trouble getting enough credits to gear up. Vet queen was pretty stupid as only those who had the chance of have a farming group (I did) made tons on money out of it while others spent billions and it was just 2 mats. When 6.0 came out, it allowed me to gear 10 specs perfectly with yellow amplifiers and bis mods in every slot in no time while making more credits selling the new mats and augments while many others are still struggling to get enough credits for one or two toons. These new useless augments will just create bigger discrepancies and encourage gold sellers. I still don't plan on getting any new augments for my toons but rather just sell whatever mats I get from ops. No intent of getting back into ranked with all the toxic people around. Can you fix bugs, scale content properly and add new content instead of spending energy, time and money on useless stuff?
  14. Guess what? most people hate gsf and conquest has nothing to do with it.
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