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Winter/Spring 2018 Roadmap Update


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Hello! First, thank you for the roadmap, it looks great! Thanks for all the hard work you put into it!


I only have one question: Will it be possible to begin a romance with Arcann even if we have already completed KotFE and KotET storylines? I am asking because I was really looking forward to Arcann romance and now I'm worried it won't be available for those of us who have already completed the chapters.


Thank you, and of course, may the Force be with you! ;)

Edited by Luxiana
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Well, I theoretically have Nadia and Lana - so two.


But Lana is Sith so out of the equation, and Nadia is still off in "doing-it-right-for-returning-companions" limbo.


All The Best


Again, it's only two if you're looking at this in a vacuum. And that's disregarding the fact that you also have flirt options.

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So let me get this straight...


The ops we were promised would be finished within a year (the first new one since 2014) is taking closer to a year and a half to complete, AND it won't include all the difficulty modes promised despite the extra delays and development time.


They're writing in a new romance for a mass murderer character to cater to a small vocal fanbase, while many classes' original love interests (male and female) are still as MIA as they have been since October 2015.


After they went through and nerfed the classes across the board to lower their DPS and eHPS to what the Keith and Eric called their 'intended numbers', they're putting out a SECOND tier of augments that let you go above their 'intended numbers', that you have to grind a new poorly made flashpoint to acquire schematics and mats for.


Amid rumors about Disney considering taking away the Star Wars license from EA, we can't get news of any changes or content to come further than 2 months into the future.


I haven't checked the forum in a few months, hoping to see some sort of improvement upon my return. Instead, communication has gotten worse, and there's even more writing on the wall.


Have fun with maintenance mode everyone!

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Again, it's only two if you're looking at this in a vacuum. And that's disregarding the fact that you also have flirt options.


Well as we are talking about Lover Interests then it is ONLY two.


NPCs we can Flirt with but have no other contact with are NOT LI's.


All The Best

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Personally I was looking forward to a new expansion and a clear plan on future goals from the DEV's.

It looks to me as though the next two months we get: 4-5 companions who return (please let it matter), a new FP and the conclusion of Gods of the Machine with Izax (finally). New Augments... I've already maxed out command rank on most of my Alts and I don't feel like spamming one new FP that many times.

I'm sorry to say i don't feel satisfied, concerning all the negative things going on with EA I'd like to see information winning us over that we don't have to feel SWTOR is being affected in the times to come.


I've loved this game since launch and played for many hours with guilds and strangers alike.

Please give us some information about an upcoming expansion, something to really look forward to.

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I realized that my original response was a lot of opinion and feedback and that the questions part might be lost in the TLDR, so I have repeated those in reduced format to just include the questions bit in the hope that it will be easier to answer, and therefore more likely to get a response. Cheers!


March 13 – Game Update 5.8 - Command Authority


  • Izax, The Destroyer - The 5th and final boss from the Gods from the Machine Operation. There will be two modes with Izax; Story and Master mode. This also means we will not be offering a full Master Mode for all bosses in the Operation. This was an especially difficult decision for me to make, as I have loved the interaction between developers and our raiding community. Yet, based on what we’re planning for this year and beyond, it’s better to focus on the upcoming group content.
  • However, we are going to run a special Izax event for those who are worthy enough to defeat him. Everyone who does will have an opportunity to receive a new achievement, a special and unique Title, and a new and very enticing Legacy-based reward.
  • Note, we’ll deliver the Title and Reward when we launch Game Update 5.9 – The Nathema Conspiracy.


#1 - When you say: "it’s better to focus on the upcoming group content", what content are you talking about? Flashpoints? Because if you are not planning a new raid, or the promised difficulties for the raid you're finally getting around to finishing, what group content do you refer to?


#2 - How will having one boss at Master Mode level affect the completion of the weekly for VM for that raid? Can we also expect increased rewards for that boss and completion of the weekly since the final boss will not be the same tier as the rest of the raid?


Conquest Revamp:

  • We have all enjoyed receiving our rewards each week! Ok, in reality, we’ve had our fair share of issues this past year, but going forward, we want Conquests to be a consistently fun activity for Guilds and individual participants.
  • As a result, we’ve made substantial improvements to the Conquest system including a new interface, new daily objectives, new missions, and more. Most importantly, we have rewritten the backend system to ensure you benefit from your weekly efforts. Look for details in an upcoming blog or forum post.
  • A new Conquest Vendor will appear for those who complete their personal conquests each week. It’ll initially have Decorations and a new Companion boost called the Commander’s Compendium which will increase your active companion to influence level 50. More on this below.


#3 - What currency will be used for the conquest vendor? Will it be a currency that is part of your personal conquest reward?


#4 - Will this currency be legacy-wide to make it easier to accumulate and spend? Not every conquest week sees the same characters competing. A crafting week I might complete conquest on a completely separate set of my characters than if it is a PvP objective focused week. This means that (like the Light and Dark tokens) a multitude of my characters will have tokens that are completely worthless because they can't ever be used. A legacy-wide currency would solve this problem, as I could build up a stack of said currency much like Unassembled Tokens, and spend when I have enough to buy... and with the character I want to use them on.


Commander’s Compendium – Personally, I like having various companions with influence level 50 available and depending on the fight, I might want a ranged DPS, or a melee type healer, or whatever. I also like the various animations and barks from a variety of our companions. We are introducing a new companion gift that can immediately raise the influence level of your companion to 50, but it’s expensive, requires some crafting, and requires you to complete your Personal Conquest objectives before you can purchase it from the vendor.


#4 Again - (Because I feel like this is really important to making this change awesome vs. worthless)

Will it be Bind on Pickup or Bound to Legacy? I think making it a legacy binding item is important, because the characters I wish to use it for are not necessarily going to be the ones who are regularly completing conquest each week and accumulating the currency to purchase this item. I do not believe this item should be able to be sold or traded to others after purchase, but should ABSOLUTELY be bound to legacy to be very worthwhile at all.


April – Game Update 5.9 - The Nathema Conspiracy


  • This year’s story has shown the final ramifications of the path that Valkorion first chose when he devastated Nathema, so it’s only natural that we go there to bring that story to its exciting conclusion.
  • We’ve added powerful new Augments for those who need additional stats to help take down Izax in Master Mode. Or, you simply want to be OP! In this new Flashpoint, we’ll provide legacy-based Crafting Patterns (Bind-on-Pickup – BOP) which will drop randomly off mobs and Bosses. If you’re one of the lucky ones, you may also find a Bind-on-Equip (BOE) version of the same patterns. We’ll follow up with the materials needed to craft the Augments.


#5 - Why are there new augments again already? Doesn't this make the investment in the ones you just released 2 patches ago a waste?


#6 - How can Bind-on-Pickup (BOP) be legacy-based?? This makes no sense as written.



  • Izax offers an amazing new reward
  • We are providing a new vendor just outside the Gods from the Machine Operation offering special items to those players who have earned an achievement for killing Izax, The Destroyer.

#7 - What currency will be used to purchase items from this vendor? Will anyone in your legacy be able to purchase them? Since the achievement is legacy-wide it would make sense that the rewards would be also, but some confirmation would be great.



  • Companion Return: Felix Iresso – The Jedi Consular’s loyal soldier has had a rough time these last few years – can the Consular help him?
  • Companion Return: Mako and Akaavi - Bounty Hunters and Smugglers are reunited with this duo, who’ve been working together during the players’ absence.

#8 - Are these returns going to be for the original class only?


Beyond April – Discussion Topic!

As we look back to 2017 and now beyond the conclusion of the traitor storyline, we are planning to continue delivering content in the same manner throughout 2018. When you look at the total year, you received a wide variety of both multi-player and solo activities including a new story, Strongholds, Starfighter updates, a new Warzone, two new Flashpoints, and a new Operation, along with many Quality of Life improvements.


We heard feedback from some of you indicating you missed having a more “traditional” expansion and you’d rather wait so it all comes at once. I like having updates released regularly versus waiting long periods of time in-between patches. Although this remains our current plan, we are also laying out what we’ll include in a 6.0 Game Update. We’ll keep you informed of our summer, fall and winter plans throughout the coming months.


#9 - Does "delivering content in the same manner throughout 2018" mean that there will also be a new operation that is released one boss at a time?


#10 - Do you intend to (generally) provide the same types of other content and in the same amounts as you did in 2017? Or can we expect now that Galactic Command fixes and server merges won't interfere that we'll see an uptick in the content release cadence?


Thanks in advance for your responses to any/all of these questions.



Edited by PennyAnn
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Great Content are you joking? Or just High?!

1. New Story that is boring as Hell; that they are milking dry.

2. One reskinned Warzones

3. 2 lackluster Strongholds

4. 1 Bad Starfighter Map and Still Gunship Spam

5. 2 Buggy FP with 2min of story maybe

6. One New OP that they couldn't get done by the end of the year and now only one boss with "MM"

Look at ESO they invested in the game and now it's got over 1.5 Mill. players. And the one thing we know for sure as for numbers this game does not. It's clear Keith was given orders to just keep the lights on and get as much money out of this game without putting anything back into it.

All of that content was fun for myself and others, and continues to be fun. If youre not happy, your expectations may be too high. And fyi, this isnt ESO, nor is it trying to be, nor does it need to try to be.

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"We’ve added powerful new Augments for those who need additional stats to help take down Izax in Master Mode. Or, you simply want to be OP! In this new Flashpoint, we’ll provide legacy-based Crafting Patterns (Bind-on-Pickup – BOP) which will drop randomly off mobs and Bosses. If you’re one of the lucky ones, you may also find a Bind-on-Equip (BOE) version of the same patterns. We’ll follow up with the materials needed to craft the Augments."


The majority of people i play with dont even have the 236 augs and those that do, have them on only one toon. PLZ NO new augments or gear of any kind until 6.0. Thx.

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I sure wonder *** is from ground on wrong with people who are wishing for being the stupid, superficial, uneducated and any decency and moral lacking courtesan of a major criminal and mass murderer.


"space Eva Braun". - ***, people are sick... aren't they?!


I think it comes from a crying need for attention and constant validation, which is displayed in other ways as well like 'post litter' that says nothing, but has to be a part of it, whatever 'it' is.




But what do I expect from them. They have blinders on for some companions. They assumed everyone hated Koth so for the most part until after Umbarra he didn't exist if you romanced him because they think everyone agrees with them.


Now with Arcann they believe everyone likes him. I don't. This actually has made me decide from now on Arcann will die on every character I have just because they have decided he is everyone's favorite. I am sick and tired of being told who the favorite character is and how everyone likes Arcann or everyone hates Koth.


I don't expect too much any more either. As you say they have blinders on for some of the comps. Funny how they cater to one vocal group, but not to another vocal group 4x the size that would like to see more Quinn, after the awful return that companion received. I can't stand Arcann and resent the implication by the devs that I love him. I don't. I can't voice my HATE and DISGUST for Arcann loudly or clearly enough.


You know who would make a lot of sense including in a Nathama story? Lord Scourge.

He's always been interested in prophecy, that's where the Scions come in, and he could be looking for a way to end his immortality.


This ^^


Oh I agree, absolutely. That dead horse has received so many beatings its compost by now but you know, Bioware, it's entirely possible.


I guess they have to round it up to the number of Revan beatings lol.

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This has probably been one of the more depressing roadmaps I've read in a while. It really does feel like the game is on the brink of maintenance mode and it makes my heart hurt thinking that.


No doubt the idea of a NiM Power for Izax is pretty cool and I'm happy to see something like that. But at the same time, confirming no Master Mode for the new Operation is very souring for the long term. It basically sits at the level of Rav/ToS in a way and will likely be one of the lesser played Ops just like Rav/ToS at higher difficulties. Where no one ever pugs it on the fleet, HM raiders struggle to prog/clear it, and NiM raiders want more. It leaves both the HM and NiM community to dwindle because some leave out of boredom while others out of frustration. At least that's my memory of 3.0 from beginning to end when the raiding community seemingly dropped over the course of a year.


Seeing new augments again leaves me baffled. The improvements to conquests rewards are nice especially for those that still continue to enjoy it, but as someone that lost interest like many back around 3.0, it's really more of a feature to entice the newer players or those that more so took it up recently within the last year it feels like as the rest of us are likely burned out from it.


Maybe in the end I'm just jaded, soured, pessimistic. Maybe the confirmation of no Master Mode Gods is just pouring over unnecessarily into other aspects for me. I've usually been really excited over reading roadmaps and always have left happy. But this one has me fairly bummed. When I see regular content cycles of Raids from WoW and FF14, both games which I've tried and have no interest in, it's painful to see the lack of resources given to keep a decent content stream of larger group content in the game. Honestly even from a flashpoint standpoint, 2 in the last year, only one new pvp map that is nothing more than a reskin. It's nice to see the effort put forth, and I do appreciate it. But the problem is it isn't enough content quick enough. It doesn't compare to other games. I don't want to abandon this game, I love it too much. I just wish the development team was given the resources it needed to really put forward the content stream that many in the community wish this game had, especially given we pay the same amount for a subscription as those other games.

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Pretty well what I was expecting, so not disappointed. Happy with some of the phrasing actually. Haters gonna hate - this isn't the most content-pumping MMO, and I don't really care. There are other games out there that fill my "frequent content need". At least new things are in the works, and some of the stuff they delivered in 2017 was very good IMO. Others may disagree, but wanted to point out to the devs that I for one appreciate the work you guys are putting into this. Keep up the good stuff - look forward to the next few updates! <3
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Thank you for the update, I appreciate the communication and the information provided.


When I sit down to play SWTOR, I do so from a Lore and Story perspective. I very rarely run operations, unless it during a fun night with my guild, and I have not participated i much PvP or GSF content, I'm here for the stories.


I want to echo what quite a few folks in this thread have already stated about companions. The original companions should be the focus of any companion story development before the KotEE or KotFE companions get developed further. There are folks that are heavily invested in those companions, their story and their interaction with those character that had that all ripped away and see the time/focus spent on the new characters introduced in KotEE and KotFE as a poor decision when it comes to companions.


I spend more time replaying the class story lines, Rise of the Hutt Cartel, and Shadows of Revan than I do in the new content, because it's just not as compelling storytelling, for me.


I doubt the pure class story lines will ever return, but pleease put more time/effort into the stories of the returning companions than you did on the recent ones.


Also I completely agree with the need for more representation in the relationships. More variety, more choices, heck, even the chance to drive a companion away with certain choices, would make for more story opportunities. Give all players the chance to see their type of lifestyle relfected in companion interactions.


Thank you.

Edited by IvoryTiger
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Underwhelming, as expected.


Yep not surprised at all. People will come in here and say there's no pleasing people like you and that's fine you're probably right. I'll be sticking to WoW, they just added new allied races and revamped leveling to make it fun again. That will hold me over for the next 7 months until the new expansion comes out for WoW.


I was expecting more from SWTOR updates, but it seems like they are just continuing with a trickle of small updates and nothing very groundbreaking and not addressing a lot of the issues that are still plaguing this game. I'll pop in to check the story content out but other than that I have no reason to sub.


I could care less about a romance with a character I have no interest in romancing. The fan girls and boys pushing for this are wasting precious developer time when they could be working on more engaging content and fixing outstanding bugs. Before anyone pops in here and attacks this part as well, remember that the team is a fraction of what it was at launch and they do not have as many people working on this game as they use to. To ask them to add in companion romances is basically pulling away from development on other parts of the game like Ops content and other interesting activities they may have in the works.


Regardless, I am done with my assessment of this update. I hope those who see this update as sufficient are satisfied with the end result, I for one am not and it saddens me because I really wanted to continue to play this game on a more dedicated level than I have.

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No doubt the idea of a NiM Power for Izax is pretty cool and I'm happy to see something like that. But at the same time, confirming no Master Mode for the new Operation is very souring for the long term. It basically sits at the level of Rav/ToS in a way and will likely be one of the lesser played Ops just like Rav/ToS at higher difficulties. Where no one ever pugs it on the fleet, HM raiders struggle to prog/clear it, and NiM raiders want more. It leaves both the HM and NiM community to dwindle because some leave out of boredom while others out of frustration. At least that's my memory of 3.0 from beginning to end when the raiding community seemingly dropped over the course of a year..


Yup, I agree with this. I thought that the tuning of Tyth was too high when I was in beta, but I was ok with it at the time since I figured they would nerf it when the 2nd boss came out. But they haven't at all, so now we are left with hardmare ops again, where no one is happy. I am pretty confused, because I know a couple NiM progression groups that have cleared everything but the apex bosses, who still struggle with Tyth and A&E (my group, which is 25/26, took about a month each to clear the first 2 bosses, we are working on Brontes now).


Basically, I love joining pug HMs whenever I can, since my raiding time has been curtailed, or at least filling in. But I never see anyone pugging for VOTMG HM, which is really sad. It is substantially harder than any of the other HMs except for TOS and Rav, and I don't think it would surprise anyone to learn it is one of the least played as well.

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This isn't what I was hoping for, but it's not the end of the world either. Some quick observations:


1. If your business model is based on subscriptions, it makes sense to release content in a piecemeal fashion so folks don't sub for a month, complete the content, and unsub until next year.


2. If we are going to see a similar level of content as last year, it will probably include more playable content because the server merges took a huge chunk of development time.


3. "We won't release a huge expac" != we won't release the types of content that have been associated with expacs in the. In other words, this doesn't mean it's the end of new planets, new daily areas, new local quests, etc.


I'm still subbed, and no longer have any reservations about resuming CM purchases. So, they passed my test.

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Well as we are talking about Lover Interests then it is ONLY two.


NPCs we can Flirt with but have no other contact with are NOT LI's.


All The Best


I'll try to explain again in the hopes that you will understand. Using just my force using characters, since force users are the only ones I'll take through FE/ET and thus have access to these options, let's compare love interests. I have two Consulars, two Inquisitors, and a Knight. All male. Each of those classes have two LI's from story companions (one each for the gender binary), and three LI's from FE/ET (these being playersexual rather than heterosexual as are the story comps). Comparing a cishet male with myself, an androsexual.


A cishet male has the choice of:

  • Nadia for the Consulars
  • Ashara for the Inquisitors, and
  • Kira for the Knight, as well as
  • Lana for all characters

A total of four across all characters with each character having two choices, as well as numerous flirt options throughout the game that, while not relationships in themselves, add flavour to the character's character.


I have:

  • No one for my Consulars
  • No one for my Inquisitors
  • No one for my Knight, until I get to FE/ET
  • Koth and Theron become available only after playing through most of the game

A total of two choices, in total, for all five characters. The only one's that got to flirt were the Inquisitors on Makeb, those chances were few, and once I left Makeb Lord Cytharat, if still alive, ceased to exist.


A cishet male gets to choose between, at least (some classes have more), two possible love interests per character, and since one of them is a story comp there is variety. I get two options. Total. Period. Across all classes.

Throughout the entire game, and one of them limits me to a particular play style (Koth), while the other has been missing for several months (Theron). The new option, Arcann, again requires that I have played a particular way. So yeah, I do want another female LI option. And I want that option to be playersexual so that gynosexual individuals have another choice other than Lana, but your complaining that you don't have any choices, or only one choice, to someone like myself or others who really are limited in our choices reeks of cishet male entitlement.

Edited by ceryxp
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1. If your business model is based on subscriptions, it makes sense to release content in a piecemeal fashion so folks don't sub for a month, complete the content, and unsub until next year.

They actually dont lose out on money evem if you were to unsub for 4 months of each year. More than 4, amd they start losing very little, especially if you go month to money subs when you are actually subbed.

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You are being unreasonable.

Quality of Life improvements: Gaining influence on companions while sending them out for crafting missions, higher speed on vehicle, legacy unassembled components, able to mount while moving.

Also I consider the new activity window a big improvement. Notice how nobody is complaing about it? That is the sign that most like it or are at least ok with it. Also that bug about sending multiple things I really don't know what you are talking about.


The influence gained while sending companions out on crafting missions is miniscule, the higher speed on mounts was unneccessary for the most part given the amount of jump points already in the game, legacy unassembled components were a good move ...I'll give you that one.even if it was just a softening of the horrible cxp system which was introduced at the end of 2016/start of 2017...mounting while moving was pre 2017 I'm pretty sure. The new activity window I can live with tbh but I'd point to it being a feature that not a lot of people were looking for at the time we were given it when there were other bigger issues that needed attention. The bug I refer to regarding mail is where you are sending each item to an alt or another player and with each item a pop up tells you (incorrectly) that sending the item will mean that it cannot be traded(or something to that effect). Before the bug you could just click the 8 items into the mail and send. For people like me that craft and send materials and crafted items through the mail system in their 100's its terribly annoying. Thanks for replying though...I welcome being corrected if I am being unjust.

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I sure wonder *** is from ground on wrong with people who are wishing for being the stupid, superficial, uneducated and any decency and moral lacking courtesan of a major criminal and mass murderer.


"space Eva Braun". - ***, people are sick... aren't they?!


I think it comes from a crying need for attention and constant validation, which is displayed in other ways as well like 'post litter' that says nothing, but has to be a part of it, whatever 'it' is.




I don't expect too much any more either. As you say they have blinders on for some of the comps. Funny how they cater to one vocal group, but not to another vocal group 4x the size that would like to see more Quinn, after the awful return that companion received. I can't stand Arcann and resent the implication by the devs that I love him. I don't. I can't voice my HATE and DISGUST for Arcann loudly or clearly enough.



This, so very much. Well said as always. ♥

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They actually dont lose out on money evem if you were to unsub for 4 months of each year. More than 4, amd they start losing very little, especially if you go month to money subs when you are actually subbed.


How do they not lose money if we unsub? I'm not being snarky, just not understanding how that works.

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