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Compassion, Healing or Love for the Broken Dark Princess: Vaylin Appreciation <3


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Saber hilts have been platinum?


Oh, for that, I thought when it came to using the saber to sacrifice a bunch of people we were back to the Vaylin companion. I think there is at least one that's been platinum, the one related to the giant robot, but I'm not sure it came in a pack.

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Oh, for that, I thought when it came to using the saber to sacrifice a bunch of people we were back to the Vaylin companion. I think there is at least one that's been platinum, the one related to the giant robot, but I'm not sure it came in a pack.


Tyth's pike? I think that was in a pack, but I don't recall which. I know it was on the CC awhile back though.

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Tyth's pike? I think that was in a pack, but I don't recall which. I know it was on the CC awhile back though.


I guess I just got it and didn't notice it, then. I just found it in a character's bag one day and didn't remember getting it from a random roll.

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Tyth's pike? I think that was in a pack, but I don't recall which. I know it was on the CC awhile back though.


it was ?! ...where was i :( ..damn it...


Also ..here is hoping we can have a Vaylin ressurection thing :p i need my crazy sister - in - law lol :rolleyes:

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Although she was a compelling character... keep one thing in mind... SHE IS DEAD!

Gone. Erased from the galaxy.

She can not get back. You can not get her back.

Hoping for her to be brought back is as futile as hoping to see all the in game bug fixed within the next two years.

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Although she was a compelling character... keep one thing in mind... SHE IS DEAD!

Gone. Erased from the galaxy.

She can not get back. You can not get her back.

Hoping for her to be brought back is as futile as hoping to see all the in game bug fixed within the next two years.


Or you know? She's not? and even if she is? Cloning? Resurrection? Time Travel?

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Or you know? She's not? and even if she is? Cloning? Resurrection? Time Travel?


And you think BW is going to waste time and change the story? Arcann was a much easier change as he is still alive (for those that let him live).


But for all the reasons...

Cloning? Really? You do understand that even though you create a double of a person, it doesn't mean that they will be the same person right? Personalities are shaped by the environment. You might want to read a bit on studies of identical twins separated at birth. So are you telling me, it is not Valyn's personality that interests you, but the way she looks? That seems shallow.


Time Travel? And change what part of the story? Pity Professor S.W.Hawking is not alive anymore to help you understand its effect.


Resurrection? Many are still waiting for Darth Malgus to come back. How many years has it been now?

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Or you know? She's not? and even if she is? Cloning? Resurrection? Time Travel?


Plus, sorry, but if they can keep pulling I'm back with Vitiate, I have no problem with them pulling it with his daughter. Once. To fix just how awful the story was and how behaviors were imposed on our characters that I, at least, would never have chosen to do.


But that's not really what this thread is about. I'm just weary of having the story explained. Just because we dislike her story in no way means we don't understand it.

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I don't want her back in physical or Force Ghost form, but I do want to hear stories of her childhood from Senya and Arcann.


And that's what this thread's about. Thanks for that. All things considered, I think we'll get more of the "Every world Vaylin terrorized" than anything good, or any kind of reversal of the things that make me hate the whole thing, but fingers crossed that something better will happen.

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Okay, which one of you of you caused this? ...








... step forth to receive your new sacrificial dagger and robes! :D


Does this mean the thread has levelled up ? :) Now with exclusive haters :D


Next Tuesday ... all the drama will be yours! ;)

-Snorts- ALL of it? So kind :p Are you sure we won't miss it :rak_04:?


All things considered, I think Vaylin acted to protect herself and Senya benefited from it. I can't see the way it's written any other way, really. It's striking to me that she never considered the possibility that a fragmented and confused mind might have simply hesitated to actually kill her own mother, or even reflexively act to save her, even if only for a moment. They were pushing that narrative even then, in my opinion to the detriment of what could have been a more interesting character in Vaylin and a more interesting dynamic with Senya.


I think they were trying to set up the whole "even her mother stopped believing in her" thing. And the problem for me is that it says more about Senya than about Vaylin. That she didn't even consider that, even if ultimately proven wrong. It sets my teeth on edge.

I guess I read that short differently :o I thought that was exactly the implication, that Senya couldn't help but hope that Vaylin did it to help her (Even if it was a momentary lapse), That she tried to temper that hope with the other plausible explanations. I know your very angry with the writer for how it turned out, but I feel that they were trying to do it better/ more sympathetically towards Vaylin; from the stuff that did make it in and some of the bits that were cut. The writer's build and love these character's the same as we do :( If something harmed their narrative I don't think it was the writer's choice, they have to work within the constraints of their medium, there are likely factors we aren't aware of :(


-Gasps- All caught up. I apologise for my tardiness Prophet, I got distracted -Bows Head-



Also, who keeps stealing our stars :mad::rolleyes:

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Does this mean the thread has levelled up ? :) Now with exclusive haters :D



-Snorts- ALL of it? So kind :p Are you sure we won't miss it :rak_04:?


-Gasps- All caught up. I apologise for my tardiness Prophet, I got distracted -Bows Head-



Also, who keeps stealing our stars :mad::rolleyes:


It's gained sentience!


If it gets us our beloved Empress, I'll have some back. :p


"You prove yourself worthy to the cause Acolyte, truly you are gifted with the spirit of Tyth!"


My intelligence voodoo guy showed me this ... not sure where he got it, but I like his version better.

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It's gained sentience!


If it gets us our beloved Empress, I'll have some back. :p


"You prove yourself worthy to the cause Acolyte, truly you are gifted with the spirit of Tyth!"


My intelligence voodoo guy showed me this ... not sure where he got it, but I like his version better.


You are too kind :D

Your intelligence guy has access to the good stuff that much is clear, now we all need to figure out how to get on his feed :rak_04:.

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I guess I read that short differently :o I thought that was exactly the implication, that Senya couldn't help but hope that Vaylin did it to help her


I not only thought that this was the intent when I first read it, I thought it so much that I actually believed it was explicitly stated. I mean, it even seems to be in the title. But when I read it after playing chapters 6 and 8, when they decided to not give us any choices of how to treat her, when they didn't even do one word changes that would have given us one (e.g. "You can be saved" instead of "You can't be saved", and she still says, "I never wanted to be"), and a mother giving up on her when she she nearly killed herself because she wouldn't give up on her son, all by the same writer, I just couldn't any more.


I was actually shocked on the re-read that a line like that wasn't there, but after a moment, I nodded and realized how well it fits. After that, I can't see the title as relating to anything but her son, who she genuinely never gave up on.


Angry? Maybe. It's been over a year, now, I don't know if that's the right word. I am still disgusted by it, I think because the "mental illness makes one a monster" trope is just too common, so I keep getting reminded. Plus, from the choices they gave us, from how we were required to treat her, I sometimes feel like we were meant not to have sympathy for her. Then I re-watch Betrayed, hear Jarak's journals, and just sit scratching my head. The spot where that first clicked was after the Unnecessary Choice, where we get the options of "You sick, twisted...", "Now you'll suffer", and "I didn't care anyway". Where's, "I'm sorry for what happened to you, but he/she was the last." The fact that they had an actual line where we could call for her to surrender, but replaced it with "You can't be saved". It makes me think that someone thought that not giving us real choices was justified, because the audience as a whole would approve. And, by and large, they appear to have been right.

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I don't know I don't think Senya gave up, but I do think she realized like in the past when she left she was in an impossible situation. As for PC the only time we use her conditioning against her was before we knew about Nathema and really what else did we have to work with. You can show some empathy but I think Vaylin had a subconscious death wish.
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I not only thought that this was the intent when I first read it, I thought it so much that I actually believed it was explicitly stated. I mean, it even seems to be in the title. But when I read it after playing chapters 6 and 8, when they decided to not give us any choices of how to treat her, when they didn't even do one word changes that would have given us one (e.g. "You can be saved" instead of "You can't be saved", and she still says, "I never wanted to be"), and a mother giving up on her when she she nearly killed herself because she wouldn't give up on her son, all by the same writer, I just couldn't any more.


I was actually shocked on the re-read that a line like that wasn't there, but after a moment, I nodded and realized how well it fits. After that, I can't see the title as relating to anything but her son, who she genuinely never gave up on.


Angry? Maybe. It's been over a year, now, I don't know if that's the right word. I am still disgusted by it, I think because the "mental illness makes one a monster" trope is just too common, so I keep getting reminded. Plus, from the choices they gave us, from how we were required to treat her, I sometimes feel like we were meant not to have sympathy for her. Then I re-watch Betrayed, hear Jarak's journals, and just sit scratching my head. The spot where that first clicked was after the Unnecessary Choice, where we get the options of "You sick, twisted...", "Now you'll suffer", and "I didn't care anyway". Where's, "I'm sorry for what happened to you, but he/she was the last." The fact that they had an actual line where we could call for her to surrender, but replaced it with "You can't be saved". It makes me think that someone thought that not giving us real choices was justified, because the audience as a whole would approve. And, by and large, they appear to have been right.

Anger can last, and I didn't mean it as a bad thing (Bad response etc.). Mental health is a common subject in our house, I also have a problem with mental illness = monster/ evil, but I just don't read it that way I guess.


There are moments that feel that way but I just read them as flaws for meta reasons, rather than that that was the story the writers were trying to tell. I generally get the positive reads you mention on what you think they were aiming for. With a few areas where it hasn't quite worked for one reason or another.


Though to be fair my brain does seem to have an auto correct feature where I here/ register what was intended, instead of what is said word for word.


I petty much see all Vaylin, Arcann and Senya as having mental health issues of some sort thanks to Valky (Different types and intensities).

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