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Game Update 5.7 and Beyond


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....I am especially disappointed since I have been looking forward to Risha and Vette meeting since 4.0. (Their backstory had them grow up together like sisters before being separated). The smuggler class might get some dialog about this but I doubt it.


I do hope they kept the original stories in mind when they made this alert and included a variation where the smuggler takes Vette with him as the companion for this chapter. I'm gonna be VERY DISAPPOINTED in the writing team if they don't.

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Everyone gets Doc, Tharan and Zenith while all the others are only for their original class.


My expectations are rock bottom yet they still manage to disappoint, if i wasn't on the receiving end i would probably appreciate it more, but from the outside it must be interesting to watch the creative ways BW finds to grief their playerbase.

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Class-specific means that only the Class that those Companions are originally from will be able to get them. So in this case...

  • Risha & Corso - Smuggler only
  • Andronikos - Inquisitor only



Many of them will be, but not all. It depends on the story we are telling with that particular Companion returning. I will make sure we note that for the future returns so you know which is which.




I am so utterly happy about companions becoming class specific again. Finally they'll have some more uniqueness to them instead of being interchangeable furniture for our toons.


Also, the list of companions is by far too long and too much. Would you ever allow for us to return to 6 or 8 companions like pre-KotFE and that we could choose who we'd have in our companions list? Perhaps it could become something called "active companions" or a more riveting name, but essentially we could compile a list of comps on our own from the entire list of all the ones we have. Then when we have 8 active companions we could change out some to diversify if someone would want or having specific sets of companions in your active companion list would give you a bonus to something. Like Gault and Vette together give a slight boost to the amount of credits you earn, while Lana and Theron give you a CEXP boost. You'd still have only 1 companion you could summon but you would only be able to summon them from thw active companion list.

Edited by Ylliarus
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Good question. Right now it is not planned that you can access these Companions via the terminal on other Classes. However, I passed the suggestion on to the team as something we could possibly implement down the line.






Hmm giving players Choice That Matters:)

I already hear that for some is a huge offense and blasphemy.

The story is on rails... the companions should be too? :D:rolleyes:

Edited by Nebdar
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I don't understand why people are so opposed to letting those who want cross-class companions just yank them out of the terminal. Are you seriously saying that it shouldn't be allowed for anyone because you personally don't want it? Using the terminal would mean that no companion is forced on you, you make the choice to go pick them up or not. Why does it matter to you how other people want to play the game? It's not like letting someone else pull a Jedi comp out for a bounty hunter means that it's going to automatically shove that companion in *your* companion list. It literally has no effect on your game,.


I'm not trying to be rude or a troll, I honestly don't understand why people are so concerned with how other people play the game. It's supposed to be fun for everyone. For some that means melding it all together, for others it means keeping it separate. Why the insistence that your way or my way is the only way? What's the big deal with offering different options for different players? This is the same basic argument that keeps popping up regarding several aspects of the game and it sincerely baffles me.

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Pretty sure I explained this in my post by saying it was MY OPINION based off the various feedback I've personally seen myself on the forums overs the time comps have been missing. I never said it was fact that they were more important than anyone. I said they seemed more popular. Is Guss Tuno equal to Kira? No. People obviously like Kira more.


In my experience, Kira, Jaesa and Scourge are probably the three most loved comps of all. Definitely all in the top 5 at the least.

Well, in fairness, I wasn't comparing Guss and Kira. Maybe some people do like Guss more. ;) But I was commenting solely on LI companions, so not on him.


Who's most loved/popular depends on where you look. The Quinn thread for example is enormous and was very active for a long time even before he returned, but he tends to be more popular with women, so if someone doesn't look where women are chatting, maybe they won't see how loved he is.


In any case, although your previous post that I quoted did talk about which companions were more popular, that actually wasn't what I had an issue with. I was questioning the claim of what makes a "big story character." And, to me, every LI companion has the potential to be seen as such, depending on how one conducts a playthrough. No one is obliged to have a romance with a companion, or even to talk with them much at all, so they don't have to be big parts of a character's story, but equally they can be. They can be the person to whom that character ends up feeling closest, the one who comes into battle with them at every opportunity, who helped to achieve momentous things across the galaxy. Especially in the cases of companions who are with the player character from the start of the game, like Corso, Mako, Vette, Jorgan, etc., they have an almost equal right to fame and aclaim if they were always the active companion.


I guess that's why certain moments in the Alliance storyline drive me nuts, like when Quinn and Dorne show up on Iokath and Lana's all "I captured these assassins." No, Lana, you should remember Malavai and Elara from Manaan, Rishi, Yavin, Ziost, etc., where (in some of my playthroughs) they helped as much as the SW or trooper PC did. The PC apparently made enough of an impact for Lana to hunt them down and free them from carbonite, but she has no idea who Quinn and Dorne are? Even if she's amnesiac about meeting them earlier, surely the fact that (in some of my playthroughs) they're married to the PCs and she's supposedly engaged in widescale efforts to find them might ring a bell? It's so incredibly silly.


Any companion, especially any LI companion, can be a huge story character. But, as I said, they don't have to be. This simple fact probably reflects more than anything else how flexible the class stories actually were. Back then, we had freedom to bring different companions with us, rather than a particular one being forced upon us for any given bit of story. (At least the end of KotET had the Arcann/Senya or Lana/Theron duality.) Maybe we didn't fully appreciate it then, but that choice of which companion to bring could end up having a huge impact on how we felt about our story and how it looked to us.


But anyway, the fact that any LI companion can be a huge story character means, to me, that none of them deserve to be sidelined in their returns, or after the returns. Doesn't matter if it's Corso or Kira. Corso can matter just as much to a smuggler as Kira might to a knight.

Edited by Estelindis
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So just because you only have one alt through KOTFE or whatever amount it is BW should cater every piece of content to make sure every class can get everything making being different classes even more irrelevant than it already is story-wise? I disagree. Strongly. And there's simply no point even debating it.


No a reunion certainly is not off the table. I already explained this. Risha will be available for the at LEAST 80% of the playerbase who has a smuggler alt. Vette is available for all. If she is alive in a smuggler story a reunion is very much possible during the alert mission. I didn't say it would be in the "main story". And by no means is it necessary to be included in the main story. It's a fun little reunion cutscene. Makes perfect sense to me that you need ideal circumstances to see something unique like that. Why does it have to be easy for you to do it? The scene is still available for you to see if you put some work at it. Otherwise your out of luck, that's not BW's fault. You would still have the opportunity to see it if you really wanted to.


Pretty out there of you to say "most people" wouldn't get to enjoy a reunion played out in the alert. Like I said. I'm pretty sure "most people" are willing to put the work in. Or already have an alt through KOTFE with Vette alive. I mean, I have the same issue as you with doing KOTFE with non force users, it's ridiculous and stupid and makes no sense whatsoever. My only Smuggler is only at chapter 1 of KOTET and has been for ages because I just couldn't bear it anymore. But will I grind it out and finish it up so I can see the alert? Of course I will.


I'm pretty sure a lot of the reason we got sub par companions appearing in main story before such as Kaliyo was whatever voice actor strike was going on or whatever crap that was was hindering availability or at least that's what I had always heard.. I find it hard to believe they left out Scourge purely by choice in an Emperor story. It was likely because the high ups at EAWare wouldn't pay the damn VA's properly


Hang on, so because YOU don't like Doc you want him to return in an alliance alert you can ignore and ruin potential main story stuff with him for all those who DO like him but yet you say you deserve to have Risha be main story just for a silly reunion with Vette?


Okay, now you're just ranting and slinging personal insults, so this will be my last reply to you before you go on ignore. If you'd actually read my other reply, I acknowledged that every character is important to someone, and thus there are pluses and minuses to the class-specific alerts. Please point out where the word 'deserve' was used at any time. Right, it was not.


First, the v/o strike did not affect SWTOR in that the cast was already signed to long-term contracts and thus were available. Troy Baker voiced both Zenith and Theron. Zenith didn't return. Etc. If you're really willing to believe that BW is handling things well with the companions, when we're two years out and several key ones are not back, that's your choice, but it's a bit foolish.


Secondly, you explained nothing about Risha, and you are incorrect. There are eight classes in this game. Out of those eight classes, only one of them will have access to Risha and Corso. That means that, if we assume a player has one of each class, they will get Risha on 1/8 of their characters. That means only 12.5% of their characters will have access to this Alliance Alert. The same holds true for Sith Inquisitors and Andronikos.


So please, illuminate the class as to how an activity that is only available to 12.5% of the available class characters - ASSUMING, as well, that they have completed KOTET - is somehow something available for "most" and how everyone's going to see that awesome reunion scene, which, let's be honest, they probably didn't care enough to write.


I'm not the only one who has complained about this. We've had no new content for the story since November, there is none on the horizon that is available to all...and the only minimal story content they are providing is available to 12.5% of the classes. Those companions from the minimal story content are going to likely be immediately bricked since they're only available to 1/8 of the classes, and thus cannot be in the main plot at any time. So perhaps some of us aren't going to be throwing confetti about this.

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You know what would be great? If the LI's gave out a daily quest. Just some random, "Hey, Agent (or whatever), can we do XYZ together?" And then you do whatever "kill 10 Wampas" mission with that companion which grants some influence with them.


It'd be almost as good as DA:I's "Hey Cullen, Dorian, whomever, can you spare a moment so we can spend some time together?" Yeah, there's the kissing scene, which would be great, but man, I'd just settle for a random kill 10 X mission so long as there's a short, voiced cut scene (it can even be the same one every day! I don't care! Just make it FEEL like it's a living world!)


I saw a mod for DA:O that was like that, where you could choose like six different activities for Leliana and the Warden to do together. Yes, there were some love scenes there you could request, but you could also just give Leliana a hug, or go for a walk with her, or drink some wine, or whatever. I would LOVE if you could grab your LI in your stronghold, or the base, and get a list of little activities to choose like that.


I'd also love a daily or weekly companion mission. Just something cute outside the main story to spend time with the LI.

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I saw a mod for DA:O that was like that, where you could choose like six different activities for Leliana and the Warden to do together. Yes, there were some love scenes there you could request, but you could also just give Leliana a hug, or go for a walk with her, or drink some wine, or whatever. I would LOVE if you could grab your LI in your stronghold, or the base, and get a list of little activities to choose like that.


I'd also love a daily or weekly companion mission. Just something cute outside the main story to spend time with the LI.


I loved how DAO handled the love interests. Even if there were just little repeatable conversations or embraces that would be awesome.

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Would love to see something along the lines of the Citadel DLC for ME3, it gave companions one last time to shine and some sweet romance scenes with our LI to. Here it could give everyone an extra scene or two with our SWTOR LI maybe set on the Odesson base? I know due to so many VA's etc: etc: it'd never happen but it would be a great way for everyone to have some more time with their companions and/or LI whomever they may be. Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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Yet we're all still here!:rolleyes: (As in the eternal complainers)


I like enough bits of the game to stick around, but that doesn't mean I like all of it or the direction it is heading. I haven't liked the overall story since KoTFE and KoTET (although there were individual chapters or characters I liked) and think removing the original companions was a major mistake. I also am not a fan of the current content drought we are in. It's fairly clear that SWTOR is not one of EA's priorities at the moment and the development resources just aren't there.


If not for enjoying PVP & RP I'd have probably left. Group activities are keeping me around, not the game's story.

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So basically we might as well get our CLASS companions that are left by using the Companion terminal back in our HQ on Odessen? If we are not ALL, Regaining all remaining Companions like we did through out KOTFE & KOTET, which made no difference what class they are from we had missions that introduced all companions in the most part to our players. So, if they are only coming back as class stories mission, and only that class would be regained what ever companion that is left. Then like i said before, we might as well get them back through the Companion terminal.


Why wait, right?


...because you want to experience the story which will hopefully eventually come? As it is, as soon as you get access to the companion terminal on Odessen, you can get all your old comps back. If they have a chapter return in KotFEET, they become unavailable to use at the start of that chapter and available again when you've officially recruited them.

I don't understand your conundrum. Either you get your class comps back as soon as you can, or you don't. It makes no difference to the story and it makes no difference to anyone else but you. The chapters will still be what they are, and these new class specific Alliance alert-(min?)chapters will be whatever they turn out to be. Either play them or don't. It makes no difference to the story or anyone else but you.



With regards to an alliance alert being something to do at least, come on, who doesn't have an alt SI and Smuggler at this point? It's not like the people complaining will actually not get to play the alerts. Pretty much everybody has alts of each class at this late stage in the game.


Indeed. I've been baffled at there apparently being lots of players who don't have alts of all classes. Granted, I don't have more than a couple who have finished KOTFEET, but unfortunately many more who have started it. I'm not looking forward to dragging more of them through, but at least they don't have to get further than what is it, Chapter IX of ET? to get access to Alliance Alerts.

Either way. These players who don't have lots of alts wouldn't be here expressing their annoyance if their class had a companion being returned. In a couple months they'll get their class quest-thingy and those who still have to wait will be here instead.



Overall, the more I think about this, the more I like it. Class specific companions being returned through Alliance alerts means those who dislike KOTFEET don't have to slog through it all to get comps back. Those who really hate it haven't started it with their alts, and thus the comp returning is a moot point as they still have the original ones.

I still would like for anyone of any class to be able to summon these comps through the terminal, just because it would make more people at least a bit happier, and it wouldn't harm anyone else in any way.

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Most players I talk to in game, and from reading these forums, seem pretty fed up with the FE/ET Legacy issues. The Theron storyline is little better, and Iokath is an unmitigated disaster.


So, if we are getting Class Specific Companions back why not make that the new "content driver". With a little bit of clever story writing (something lacking for the last few years) it should be possible to write a Force Story Arc that could have a Force User Companion as the returning companion, but have it change based on Class. JK could get Kira, Consular could get Nadia etc. Likewise it should be possible to get a Non-Force Story Arc to return Mako, Corso Riggs, Doc, Zenith based on class.


Two story arcs, a few variant "chapters" along the way based on Class, and hey presto you've got replayable content that will deliver multiple Companions back via "content" and not via "console".


Honestly, my main no longer gives a damn what happens to the Eternal Alliance, and he has little to no feelings left for Theron and his tantrum led machinations. But he would scour the galaxy, and risk falling to the Dark Side (he has NEVER once gained a DSP) to be reunited with his Padawan - Nadia Grell, because it his sacred duty to protect and train his Padawan.


All The Best

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fyi folks there are probably a fair number of people that dont have and alt of each class... but speaking only of myself i have exactly 2 level 70s (main trooper and alt sniper)... and then low(er) level SW, JC and BH. I spend most of my in-game time on my main and im looking to progress the story first and foremost on my main. I do still want to see some of the stories but generally alts are a distraction for when i get bored of my main. I would say thats just me... but really odds are then whenever someone says/asks "am i the only one who.....?" they arent... lol
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I saw this and my first thought was "We've reached the level of announcement of an announcement." I've sadly come to expect this. Even when they actually do the responsible thing and give us a date, they either miss it or give us a bug filled mess. Ops bosses... There hasn't been enough people on in the guild I play to run them.


From what I read, I am not entirely sure if the 3 companions listed are class specific only or, more hopefully whatever recruitment for them is somewhat tailored to your class. Is it too much to hope for at least separate distinct recruitment dialogues rather than the 2 we normally get (the class specific and the others)? If it's the former, then really it's another Pierce/ killer droid mission that will likely languish.


More packs. I learned long ago to buy the pieces I want of the GTN and hold my Cartel points for unlocks.And seriously.. more micro transactions is a selling point???


And let's not forget. We have to wait about 2 weeks for an announcement of when they will likely announce these awesome expansions. I'm just too meh to even be disappointed anymore.

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I still don't understand why Risha will only be returning for smugglers.


EVERY player who played KotFE has (or had) Vette. There is the connection to Risha for all classes. This was one of the most interesting cross-faction story bits back in Vanilla: the Vette-Risha-connection.


Through Vette Risha could have easily been introduced to any class. Even a dead Vette could have done that. For example she could have send a letter to Risha and Risha shows up eventually to meet with Vette. Either there is a wonderful re-union scene or a heartbreaking "I'm sorry, but Vette hasn't made it" scene. And then Risha would stay either because she wants to stay with her friend or she wants to avenge her or whatever.


Missed opportunity imho. I do hope that at least the smuggler gets to see some kind of at least mentioning of their connection. I'm not sure though that someone at BW remembers that those two actually know each other. :/


In my experience, Kira, Jaesa and Scourge are probably the three most loved comps of all. Definitely all in the top 5 at the least.


Well, taste differs. These are 3 of my most disliked companions, for example. I don't care for either of them.


Conditions to make Dorne join on Iokath: Side with Jace Malcom. If you are a Trooper, you must also have not killed Jorgan. Regardless of original faction or class, you do not get her if you side with Acina


Out of curiosity: Is there any player who killed Jorgan on a trooper char? If so, why?

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I am really disappointed about class specific companions. For me that is a step backwards and not forward, sorry. I already planned out preparing a story about my smuggler and Andronikus to create their own little pirate band either as follow up to the Alliance (I hope they keep it alive) or next to it. Now BW robbed me of this chance (current developement state). I second the notion of allowing all companions to all chars for this. That way the ones with the necessary imagination skills can build their own stories in the back and the other players can have their will too by ignoring the terminal.


I also do not share the premise of "there are several chars who would not join the other side". It was war against a common foe and then "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" applies. As you meet peeps from the other side, friendships even love with the former enemy can and will arise. So why the heck should Corso stay away from his big love and biggest uniting force of the galaxy (my Outlander(s) is designed that way) just because of a "point proven" from six years ago? Life happens. Especially when imagination of the player can solve such a conflict easily? Nah, I dont think it is impossible for imperial chars to have Corso, sorry. (I do not like Corso and will ignore him when I can. But without thinking much about it, I see several approaches to getting him on an imperial char if that is the players wish.)


The suggestion to make all chars available on the terminal is actually a very good one. It leaves everything in the players hands. You can grab them but you must not. And the other side can even have the false self suggestion of meaningfull content for classes.

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.And seriously.. more micro transactions is a selling point???

Indeed. I've argued many times that cartel packs have become a surrogate for actual content and this is evidence of exactly that.


The game is suffering because individual activities in game are not rewarded. It's an RNG fest and grinding credits for the GTN. And that's why people do speed runs on everything and last bost runs in the gf to maximize the CXP/minute. But it devaluates all content and reduces it all to CXP generators rather than content to enjoy.

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The game is suffering because individual activities in game are not rewarded. It's an RNG fest and grinding credits for the GTN. And that's why people do speed runs on everything and last bost runs in the gf to maximize the CXP/minute. But it devaluates all content and reduces it all to CXP generators rather than content to enjoy.


That is the best summary I have seen of the problem with the game’s current design philosophy. We are no longer encouraged to play interesting/challenging content to obtain cool rewards. We are encouraged to fork over $$ or min/max every moment in game on recycled content. What I wouldn’t give for something new that was as interesting as datacrons. Where are the new quest lines? Where are new planets, new origin worlds or new races? Not every story needs to advance the (now utterly uninspired) main quest line.

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Okay, now you're just ranting and slinging personal insults, so this will be my last reply to you before you go on ignore. If you'd actually read my other reply, I acknowledged that every character is important to someone, and thus there are pluses and minuses to the class-specific alerts. Please point out where the word 'deserve' was used at any time. Right, it was not.


First, the v/o strike did not affect SWTOR in that the cast was already signed to long-term contracts and thus were available. Troy Baker voiced both Zenith and Theron. Zenith didn't return. Etc. If you're really willing to believe that BW is handling things well with the companions, when we're two years out and several key ones are not back, that's your choice, but it's a bit foolish.


Secondly, you explained nothing about Risha, and you are incorrect. There are eight classes in this game. Out of those eight classes, only one of them will have access to Risha and Corso. That means that, if we assume a player has one of each class, they will get Risha on 1/8 of their characters. That means only 12.5% of their characters will have access to this Alliance Alert. The same holds true for Sith Inquisitors and Andronikos.


So please, illuminate the class as to how an activity that is only available to 12.5% of the available class characters - ASSUMING, as well, that they have completed KOTET - is somehow something available for "most" and how everyone's going to see that awesome reunion scene, which, let's be honest, they probably didn't care enough to write.


I'm not the only one who has complained about this. We've had no new content for the story since November, there is none on the horizon that is available to all...and the only minimal story content they are providing is available to 12.5% of the classes. Those companions from the minimal story content are going to likely be immediately bricked since they're only available to 1/8 of the classes, and thus cannot be in the main plot at any time. So perhaps some of us aren't going to be throwing confetti about this.


Personal insults? Show me where? Point it out? Quote it? That's just a complete and utter copout is what that is xD I never said anything "insulting". If anything YOU were being very dismissive and insulting to ME. I gave my opinions. And YOU replied to ME telling me everything I had said was stupid and wrong. So how exactly am I insulting YOU?


Risha and Vette. EVERYONE HAS THE OPPORTUNITY TO SEE IT IF THEY WISH THE WAY I EXPLAINED IT. Can you get this through your head? Just because some LAZY people won't put in the work to get a smuggler where it needs to be doesn't mean your blocked from accessing the goddamn mission. Get real. Are you "blocked" from ever seeing Valkorions special lines concerning your class in chapter 12 of KOTFE? NO. If you put the WORK in and get to that point with that class, you'll hear it. Stop trying to make the story even more one size fits all so you don't have to put in a little work. What the absolute heck are you even talking about with this 12.5% nonsense? So unless you get Risha and Vette reunion scenes on EVERY character then basically nobody has gotten it? Again. Get real. Characters aren't the same as players. There might be millions of characters on this game but there aren't millions of players. So to say "12.5%" of the playerbase is all who will get Risha because 12.5% is all that is playing that class is complete nonsense of the highest order.


People do not just play one class for their entire time on the game. That ridiculous. And even if they did, that hardly means they should have easy access to every single piece of content from that single character does it? Are you seriously suggesting that BW makes the classes even MORE irrelevant to the story than they are now? Cos that's worked out so well so far hasn't it? What would be the benefit to suffering through KOTFE on a smuggler without this mission to look forward to as a extra cool point? This definitely gives ME my incentive to finish up KOTFE/ET with mine. Say they return Mako in a class specific mission next, I'd love that too, then my BH has a real reason to want to suffer through the story. It gives some small difference to the story going forward based on class and I for one couldn't be more pleased. And frankly I couldn't care less if you disagree. Just man up and grind out the story with a smuggler. Or do without seeing it. Simple. BW is not obligated to hand everything to you on a silver plate. You pay a subscription fee for access to the current game. Nothing more nothing less. They are not obligated to make sure every class can do every new piece of content they put out and nor should they be. All that does is completely hamstring the main story and overflow it with pointless auxiliary characters.


Done with you. Not bothered with someone who cries because they can't take what they're dishing out.

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Overall, the more I think about this, the more I like it. Class specific companions being returned through Alliance alerts means those who dislike KOTFEET don't have to slog through it all to get comps back. Those who really hate it haven't started it with their alts, and thus the comp returning is a moot point as they still have the original ones.

I still would like for anyone of any class to be able to summon these comps through the terminal, just because it would make more people at least a bit happier, and it wouldn't harm anyone else in any way.


What I like about it in particular is the incentive, it's always been SUCH a chore for me to take any non force user through KOTFE because of how ridiculously stupid it feels. But now I have a reason to do it.

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Well, taste differs. These are 3 of my most disliked companions, for example. I don't care for either of them.





*Sigh* again, I was simply stating my own beliefs of who is most popular based upon my own experience and what I've seen people asking about on the forums. Not saying anybody is wrong to dislike them or right to like them. It is obviously all subjective. Many people have a companion they hate for example, I literally don't hate any of them. I like every single one in their own way. But it's just an opinion.

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What I like about it in particular is the incentive, it's always been SUCH a chore for me to take any non force user through KOTFE because of how ridiculously stupid it feels. But now I have a reason to do it.


You only have to get through chapter IX of KotFE and do To Find the Findsman (Yuun) to start getting alliance alerts. You don't have to play through the rest of KOTFEET.

If future returning companions had their own proper chapter-chapters, you would have to play through it all to get to the new chapters.

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I guess that's why certain moments in the Alliance storyline drive me nuts, like when Quinn and Dorne show up on Iokath and Lana's all "I captured these assassins." No, Lana, you should remember Malavai and Elara from Manaan, Rishi, Yavin, Ziost, etc., where (in some of my playthroughs) they helped as much as the SW or trooper PC did. The PC apparently made enough of an impact for Lana to hunt them down and free them from carbonite, but she has no idea who Quinn and Dorne are? Even if she's amnesiac about meeting them earlier, surely the fact that (in some of my playthroughs) they're married to the PCs and she's supposedly engaged in widescale efforts to find them might ring a bell? It's so incredibly sill.


There were a ton o plot holes in FEET. That was one. One. What should have happened in that scene was a check as to the player characters class, Sith Warrior or Trooper? Then a separate dialog of something along the lines of "Look who I found" oh and this assassin lurking about too (as your character didn't know the other NPC from plain vanilla). If it was any other class then the dialog we got.


A lot of continuity conflicts could have been avoided at no and very little costs throughout FEET by minor dialog changes or the addition of a single line of dialog. I seriously doubt anything will change with the return of these non Jedi Consular characters. ;)

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