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Game Update 5.7 and Beyond


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If they are the Quinn and Elara lovers will be very salty.

And rightfully so. Those interaction were garbage.


At this point, how can anyone in the galaxy not know that your character has returned? I mean, when you beat Vaylin you ADDRESSED THE ENTIRE GALAXY! :mad: If I was a Smuggler or a Sith Inquisitor, I'd be pretty damn mad that my LI's just now realized where they are.


Anyways, too small an update, even for just January. Nothing to look forward to. This is really starting to hurt.

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And rightfully so. Those interaction were garbage.


At this point, how can anyone in the galaxy not know that your character has returned? I mean, when you beat Vaylin you ADDRESSED THE ENTIRE GALAXY! :mad: If I was a Smuggler or a Sith Inquisitor, I'd be pretty damn mad that my LI's just now realized where they are.


They are just playing hard to get.

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I wonder why the companions are class specific. I mean Andronikos is a pirate, he could fit literally anyone. I'd much prefer seeing him in my Smuggler's or BH's roster than in my Inquisitor's...


Considering you're the leader of the Eternal Alliance, and quite possibly the most famous person in the galaxy...how are they going to explain a love interest staying away all this time?

They've been in Wild Space. Everyone who needs to stay out of the picture for story reasons has important stuff to do in Wild Space.

Edited by Trollokdamus
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I feel very conflicted about the companion returns in 5.7, based on what we know so far. What I want most from returns is good writing that rewards the long wait. Class-specific returns have the potential to be much better than universal ones. The amount of voice-acting needed for the player character is cut down by 87.5%, leaving a lot more in terms of resources to make the return substantial and interesting. However I worry that the returns mightn't actually be substantial, that maybe BW took this opportunity to simply dedicate fewer resources to these returns. I hope the optimistic point of view turns out to be true. It'd give me a reason to feel hopeful about consular companion returns (still so sadly neglected). Edited by Estelindis
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Does "class specific" mean that the returning companions will no longer be one-size-fits-all clones of the originals? Is there any chance we can get our ACTUAL original companion back? I'm not interested in a companion who:


1) Does not show facial customizations in cut scenes

2) Mouth no longer moves when I click on them

3) Has a different name plate

4) Can no longer respond to old vanilla quests


I assume the reason we have been getting these clone replacement companions rather than the original ones has been due to game mechanics. With every class getting them there must have been some technical limitations to that. (You can see this with the bug that some people get that gives them both versions at once.) Dare I hope that "class-specific" means there is no need to alter the originals and we can get them back instead of the cloned version? You can do this with the terminal and get the original back so I know this is possible.


Because if not, that's a real problem for me. My main is a smuggler who romanced Corso and I have, since day 1, done all new content with her. But I have stopped advancing characters who are given these newer, not-as-functional companions (sith warrior for example) because I realized that I simply disliked them that much and really just want the original version the game gave me.


My main uses a customization on Corso and has since the day I got him in 2011. I don't want a different Corso in my cut scene. I also still enjoy doing older content and getting affection/responses from Corso.


Am I going to be stuck with a main who can no longer advance the story if I want to keep my original Corso?

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Game Update 5.7 – Legacy of the Creators

Release date: January 23rd

Returning Companions! (these Missions will be Class-specific)

  • Risha & Corso
  • Andronikos

After so many years (in reality as well as in game) I'm glad companions are returning & I'm not bothered who is being brought back or in what order. I'm more bothered about whether they will have the CUSTOMISATION I gave them. Corso Riggs default is as far from eye candy as you can get - he's eye poison poor guy. The fact they are coming back to their own class only makes me very hopeful they will return customised in any cut scene. I do not want to see them return as alerts using the black and white text box of doom. So Andronikos is coming back? I hope they have a good 6 year back story for him since he's so driven (let's face it, they already used my in-jail idea for Quinn - no repeats please).


I have to say it is disappointing the Theron arc is not being wound up.

I agree with you - very disappointing. I said they would drag this out for ever. It'll probably drag on until Easter...

I might have to start doing random Ops just for the change of scenery (and see how long it is before I get kicked for being just so awful at: a) my class and b) raid stuff :D ).

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[*]Returning Companions! (these Missions will be Class-specific)

  • Risha & Corso
  • Andronikos






So .. since my main is a Jedi Consular that means there not much of a reason for me to pay attention to anything related to 5.7. Nice. 1 year since KOTET and nearly 2 years since the Jedi consular's companions vanished with only a single alert return.


75 days.

Edited by Keta
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- well i planed every day from today what i will do in Swtor to March. I hope in the end of February we will get this final falshpoint.


Bug fixes huh? Dark Corruption on Iokath issue too? Two bugs on Blood Hunt too? Interesting.


Again nothing from Consular companion. This is ridiculous. How long Master Tsukito must wait for Nadia, Zenith, Felix and Tharan? No comment.


The Consular has really gotten the short end of the stick when it comes to companions, and needs to be prioritized with the next update. Knights of the Fallen Empire launched in October of 2015. It has now been two years and the only Consular companion to be returned is Qyzen.


Meanwhile Troopers had every companion return except one, and only because his VA died, and even then he at least made a cameo. Sith Warriors have had every companion return except Jaesa, and her VA confirmed she's returning soon.


How about bringing back companions back a bit more evenly, devs?

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How about bringing back companions back a bit more evenly, devs?


i'm really beyond caring (much) at this point. My main is a shadow. When KOTET ended and there was not a flood of returns it became apparent there is no plan. There still isn't. Just make a flashpoint busting all the rest out of a secure carbonite prison warehouse. It can't possibly be worse.


Unfortunately I can not rationalize staying subscribed between content updates without a serious change in communication and direction. And those updates are so few and far between that it's just not funny.


I've been known to be wrong though.

Edited by Keta
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When KOTET ended and there was not a flood of returns it became apparent there is no plan. There still isn't.

I strongly suspect there was a plan but it had to change when the original three-volume Knights Of The... series was curtailed to two volumes. I feel like the devs have been playing catch-up storywise ever since.


But there is part of me that wonders if you're actually right. In the last dev stream that talked about companion returns, there was a casual mention of someone in the team having had a great idea for a companion return story, as if this had been something that happened relatively recently rather than something all planned out long ago.


It's desperately sad to see the story become threadbare. I appreciate that people who aren't story fans were starved for content, but story has always been the absolute pillar of the game for me, and the thought that we lost so much of it because of fan reaction is really painful. I hope at least some of the lost story is being salvaged with the current approach.

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So .. since my main is a Jedi Consular that means there not much of a reason for me to pay attention to anything related to 5.7. Nice. 1 year since KOTET and nearly 2 years since the Jedi consular's companions vanished with only a single alert return.


Inquisitors got two alert returns and one 'fake' return (different character but looks and acts like the old one). So it's nice of BW to bring Nicky back :)

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Inquisitors got two alert returns and one 'fake' return (different character but looks and acts like the old one). So it's nice of BW to bring Nicky back :)


Inquisitor's have 3 of 5 missing (The Khem stand-in doesn't count). Consular's have 4 of 5 missing, the single return was the equivalent of "Go kill 50 womp rats and come back." Unless you had him at 10 affection in which case he just came back. ;)


I have no clue why this trickle continues to surprise/disappoint me. My SI will be happy to have another crewmember back (not her LI) though. My smuggler never did KOTxx so she doesn't care. ;)

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If you don't do Operations and you don't play a class with one of those returning companions, it's quite a louzy update.


I fall into that category.


I really hope there's news of a new large expansion in the works. Linear story is great but the game needs something big.

Edited by Ganden
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Hey folks,


Since we are formally in 2018 now, Happy New Year to all of you! We know there have been some questions about what is coming next, so we wanted to give you some details. The big “what is coming” type question will be addressed as always in Keith’s Roadmap, which is being worked on now. I would expect a few more weeks before you can read that. However, before the roadmap is in your hands, let’s talk about the next Game Update!


Game Update 5.7 – Legacy of the Creators

Release date: January 23rd

  • New Operation Boss: Scyva
    • Available in Story and Veteran Mode

    [*]Returning Companions! (these Missions will be Class-specific)

    • Risha & Corso
    • Andronikos

    [*]New Cartel Market Pack

    [*]Various bug fixes / updates


Although we will save the specifics for the Roadmap, beyond 5.7 you can expect additional Companions returning, a new Flashpoint, and more! Thanks everyone, we are looking forward to an exciting 2018.




So, are we done with cinematic story? Other then short wrappers for the new Flashpoints its been over a year, and it's a far cry from KOTET days of monthly chapters.

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So, are we done with cinematic story? Other then short wrappers for the new Flashpoints its been over a year, and it's a far cry from KOTET days of monthly chapters.


I think at this point even EAware don't know what they're doing any longer. Everything from KotFE onwards has been SNAFU and FUBAR in some way to the extent they don't know how to fix all the problems.

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FINALLY!!!! lol

i am glad to know there is still work being done to keep our favorite game alive! lol

please dont ever let us think there are mothballs at the ready....



Hey folks,

Since we are formally in 2018 now, Happy New Year to all of you! We know there have been some questions about what is coming next, so we wanted to give you some details. The big “what is coming” type question will be addressed as always in Keith’s Roadmap, which is being worked on now. I would expect a few more weeks before you can read that. However, before the roadmap is in your hands, let’s talk about the next Game Update!


Game Update 5.7 – Legacy of the Creators

Release date: January 23rd

  • New Operation Boss: Scyva
    • Available in Story and Veteran Mode

    [*]Returning Companions! (these Missions will be Class-specific)

    • Risha & Corso
    • Andronikos

    [*]New Cartel Market Pack

    [*]Various bug fixes / updates


Although we will save the specifics for the Roadmap, beyond 5.7 you can expect additional Companions returning, a new Flashpoint, and more! Thanks everyone, we are looking forward to an exciting 2018.



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I'm curious about why the choice to make these companions class specific. I can understand "for story reasons". I get that. I'm just curious why that route was chosen. I wonder how much it has to do with future story. I'm curious about if other companions will be that way too (I really want Scourge to meet my Warrior and have some dialogue about how the player's Warrior took his place as the Emperor's Wrath, as well as with some of my other characters). I really hope Iresso isn't class specific. Seeing him in a conversation with his former instructor Jorgan with my Trooper would be awesome.
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I really hope Iresso isn't class specific. Seeing him in a conversation with his former instructor Jorgan with my Trooper would be awesome.

I would love Iresso to have a conversation with Jorgan too. I have to admit that my hopes for that rather died when my consular was unable to mention Felix to Jorgan at any stage so far. (We also can't mention Mako to Qyzen, Risha to Vette, etc. It's unfortunate!)


[Consular Spoilers] I have a hard time believing Iresso would serve a sith or any character that sided with the Empire on Iokath. The Empire conquered his original home, forcing his family to flee. He was raised as a refugee with almost nothing to call his own. That experience clearly made him want to stand up to the Empire and fight back against their tyranny. During his military service, he was eventually taken prisoner and had some nasty stuff done to his brain on the orders of a sith. Basically, he knows at several levels how evil the Empire can be, and truly believes in protecting innocents by serving the Republic. Much like Dorne, I can't see him working for a player character at odds with his ideals. But I agree that a trooper would make sense as a character he'd be glad to work with (assuming the trooper hadn't betrayed the Republic).


Some companions make more sense than others in terms of working with every player character whatsoever. Going forward, whether various companions have class-specific returns or universal ones, I hope their return story respects the integrity of their characters.

Edited by Estelindis
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(I really want Scourge to meet my Warrior and have some dialogue about how the player's Warrior took his place as the Emperor's Wrath, as well as with some of my other characters).


Well, since you asked...


SW: So, you were the original Emperor's Wrath.


Scourge: Correct.


SW: I am actually impressed. This is my impressed face.


Scourge: [silence]


SW: ...We probably have lots to talk about.


Scourge: [leaves]

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I don't know about this "Class specific mission" thing. . . Does that mean that only my Smuggler can get Risha, and not, say, my Bounty Hunter? If that's the case, that'll annoy the hell out of me. . . I've been wanting to get some of the other classes' companions on my Smuggler for a good long time now, and I've been pretty patient about waiting, but if yall turn around and start making them class-specific, I'll be very upset. . .


I'm not really happy about that either, but there have been rumors about it for months so I've had time to get resigned to it. One of the things I liked about FE/ET was being able to switch up which classes got to run with different companions. I was really looking forward to some combinations that won't be possible now.

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