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Vet question pertaining to longevity


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This is a two part question:


What do you spend your millions on, and do you need new things to do with credits?


Please don't reply with what has been done, or what cant be done. I'm returning player, so I haven't heard every suggestion under the sun, just trying to get a feel for what people think


Small comments regarding longevity welcome.

Edited by JpDelano
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just rephrased, reply again please


I spend my (very limited) credits on whatever I fancy at the time. Typically, just a new outfit for a character or companion. Though, mounts are fun to collect, too. I don't chase after the crazy expensive stuff.


Between that stuff and unlocks for characters, I'm set. And usually still short of the cash needed for it all.

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Since the few things I might want are gouged to **** these days, the odd GTN purchase is either cheap armor/weapons for appearance or toys (mostly of the regen sort). A while back I was unlocking some emotes but those get gouged pretty high too after a while.


Credit level: If I have a mil on a character I consider that very well off. My agent sitting on 3.8 mil is practically an heiress in my books. As such I rarely splurge above the 300k mark.

Playstyle/time: I just do the odd FP and class stories. I'll do heroics but I won't farm them with the machine efficiency apparently required.


Do I want more things to spend on? Not really. I've almost got everything I wanted as far as shinies and it's pretty liberating not to worry about credits otherwise. Funny I was debating the same point with someone in another thread, except there the argument was that hundreds of millions are apparently required to reach that state. Not so. Any expenses of actual gameplay are more than covered, so I'm very much content.

Edited by CrutchCricket
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This is a two part question:


What do you spend your millions on, and do you need new things to do with credits?


Please don't reply with what has been done, or what cant be done. I'm returning player, so I haven't heard every suggestion under the sun, just trying to get a feel for what people think


Small comments regarding longevity welcome.


Well, with 5.0 I have used my in game credit wealth to essentially bypass GC completely. I simply equip any new 70 on my account with the latest crafted gear (currently 246) and continue on playing whatever I choose to play. Costs about 30M per character (+/- depending on if I get the item from a guild mate at cost or if I buy off the open market) credits, and I have now completed a couple dozen different characters on my account. If and when I get any set bonus drops via GC, I apply the armoring and mod/enhance to a moddable piece of gear...but this is generally limited to my three main characters. It's pointless to chase better then 246 gear for alts... and for some alts.. even 246 is overkill. Crafted 228s (which are cheap to get) + full augments is actually fine for many alts to be honest.


I also generally purchase at least one copy of any new CM item that enters the game that I think I may want to use in the future.


I learned many years ago in playing MMOs that in game currency such as credits provides a lot of freedom in terms of game play. Of course you need an actual wealth creation plan where income persistently exceeds expenses and you need to work the plan. Personally, I do most of this via GTN trading as that provides the best leverage of time/effort for return in this particular MMO.


As for new credit sinks.. nah... don't need them. See.. what people fail to realize is that a wallet full of credits IS in fact a form of credit sink as any credits accumulated but not spent are in fact removed from the active economy. Sure, you can spend them later and they reenter the economy but the fact of the matter is most players with an actual wealth accumulation plan in their game play will earn more then they spend so in essence the wealthy players are freezing a lot of the available credits in game inside their wallets.

Edited by Andryah
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Cosmetic fluff. I have most cartel armors and I'm a sucker for mounts. Anything with stats I get through crates or the occasional drop.





But...it takes one to know one ;)


I'm a sucker for cosmetic gear as well...and I'm stupid enough to buy entire sets that I don't even like just to have them for an unlock in the case I do...:o

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But...it takes one to know one ;)


I'm a sucker for cosmetic gear as well...and I'm stupid enough to buy entire sets that I don't even like just to have them for an unlock in the case I do...:o


I do this, with weapons etc too xD

but only if they are outrageously cheap!



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As I stated before, I like playing characters, not just stories, and when I create a character, I also give them their own wardrobe for new chapters/locations/encounters, so I like to collect/create outfits. My armor unlock in collections is at 57% (270/475) and I own another 125 full sets that will be unlocked upon first use of any single piece.


So, I'm collecting armor and I use my credits mostly for obtaining armor and vanity items (plus mainhands, mods, enhancements for my 2 raid sets). I've been playing since launch, I've been bankrupt at the beginning of 3.0/SoR, I slowly crawled back into moderate wealth through low-level crafting (I enjoy it), I haven't played for most of the time 5.0/GC has been live, I sit on ~200M credits and the current price level on the GTN doesn't really allow me to be too generous with my credits when shopping for outfits.


But limitations and decisions are the spice of life, so I try to make the best of it, creating new outfits with what I have and what I can afford and what I definitely "need" (like gifted shadow chestpiece for Senya <3).


Being able to customize NPC outfits in KotFE/KotET is really giving it new life IMO and helps customize each character's story experience.


I haven't unlocked speeder piloting 4 and 5 on most of my characters because it's ridiculously expensive and I really, really don't "need" any new ways to spend credits. ;)

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I'm a sucker for cosmetic gear as well...and I'm stupid enough to buy entire sets that I don't even like just to have them for an unlock in the case I do...:o


Or the boots are the only decent piece but you have to get the whole set for the unlock. Yeah I do that.

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Sitting at about 100 million, mostly because of running heroics for the CXP and selling everything that drops since I already had gear better than the Outlander stuff. Mostly I use it to buy encryptions for the Guild Flagship, scrounge for deals on the GTN, and buy legacy unlocks (don't need to do that now since most of my 6 legacies got merged to one server)
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only things I have bothered to buy -- new hairstyles for the characters ( have bought 2 so far)

really, I don't buy much, because I don't NEED much .... gear is awful but well, /shrug -- since I don't raid, I am at the mercy of galactic command gear crates .... but that is fine by me


I also buy companion gifts -- still have two companions to get to 50 .... and I have used my credits to max out my harvesting on 4 toons and also max out their crafting skills ( haven't used them yet, but they are ready ) .... maxing those two things out took most of my credits, but imo it was worth it

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Sitting at about 100 million, mostly because of running heroics for the CXP and selling everything that drops since I already had gear better than the Outlander stuff. Mostly I use it to buy encryptions for the Guild Flagship, scrounge for deals on the GTN, and buy legacy unlocks (don't need to do that now since most of my 6 legacies got merged to one server)

Ok, I'm curious. How many heroics did you have to do to get there? What was teh routine? And when you say sold everything, do you mean the locked lockboxes? The unlocked lockboxes? Or their contents?

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Ok, I'm curious. How many heroics did you have to do to get there? What was teh routine? And when you say sold everything, do you mean the locked lockboxes? The unlocked lockboxes? Or their contents?


More heroics than I care to think about. I still have about 2000 Alliance crates in my cargo hold (and probably opened about as many for the characters I took through Odessan and completing the legacy sets associated with them). I was doing about 20 heroics a day (which is about half a million with selling greens and blues picked up along the way). I also sold the purples that dropped for between 200k and 300k each and averaged about 1 of those a day though they usually took a day or two to sell. A typical day was Coruscant (4), Correlia (4), Black Hole (4 plus the heroic), CZ-198 (4 plus the heroic), Hoth (6), Belsavis (6).


I started the whole process at about 25 million (which was basically what I had saved over 4 years of playing). At the time Coruscant, CZ, and BH could be done in about an hour total. The other 3 were about 30 minutes for each planet. Hoth was nice because you could complete 3 of them in the same area (they were open world so now with increased populations they are a lot harder)


Edit: Now that I think about it, I believe they nerfed the payout on the heroics at some point after I got most of the way there.

Edited by DWho
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To answer the OP I spend mine primarily on:

  • legacy unlocks for alts
  • stronghold decorations
  • companion gifts
  • the occasional armour/weapon/crystal/dye from the GTN


I'd like to spend it on more natural (not holo) decorative trees and plants for my stronghold and I will probably buy more black/black dyes. If I didn't spend on all the stuff I get my alts, I would be an in-game billionaire :rolleyes: Though I do begrudge spending several million on one item (but if male Twi'lek dancers are involved I will :D ).

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This is a two part question:


What do you spend your millions on, and do you need new things to do with credits?


Please don't reply with what has been done, or what cant be done. I'm returning player, so I haven't heard every suggestion under the sun, just trying to get a feel for what people think


Small comments regarding longevity welcome.


Buying full sets of cosmetic armor, tunings, etc. and then unlocking them with cartel coins. Long ago money was spent on high level crafted barrels and hilts but sadly that part of the economy has been RNG'd.

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Alts start up money (I usually send new alts about 300k) but because I typically only have about 20mill or less in total across all characters I've slowed down on making them. I'm a sucker for armor sets and mounts I can unlock in collections. Though most of the cooler stuff is so ridiculously expensive now, I can't afford it. I wait for direct sales on the CM.
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But...it takes one to know one ;)


I'm a sucker for cosmetic gear as well...and I'm stupid enough to buy entire sets that I don't even like just to have them for an unlock in the case I do...:o


I rarely equip a complete set. I mix and match. Therefore I even buy sets I don't care for just to have the gloves ... boots ... belt ... etc.

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