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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Walmart PreOrders


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When it comes down to it, yes I'll wait (I don't have any other options, really, if I want to play) but this whole experience has just been frustrating and these forums are my last outlet.


That will end on the 20th, when we won't be able to post here without a the game codes that won't yet even be in the mail.



Because now it's not Walmart - now it's Bioware.


And I kind of like Bioware.


But that's being tested right now.


Agreed. It's hard to understand why Bioware would withhold the game - why not allow us all to receive the boxes before launch day? - but to combine that with the lack of a grace period is truly perplexing. If Bioware won't get us the games by launch, let us enter the game codes a week later.


I'm encouraged that Amazon appears to have made headway in negotiating with Bioware. Perhaps Wal-Mart will, too.


If not, then please, Bioware, keep the goodwill so many of us have toward you. Reinstate the grace period.

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This is ridiculous. My WalMart order for the CE got cancelled. They took the 150$ + out of my account since July when I bought it and they refunded me the $ just last week.


I"m certainly not happy about this marketing ploy. You had tons of time to do this right and still goofed it.

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That will end on the 20th, when we won't be able to post here without a the game codes that won't yet even be in the mail.


Which is a mistake on BW's part. When we need updates on this situation were not going to get them cause guess what were locked out of the only way of getting that information.


Agreed. It's hard to understand why Bioware would withhold the game - why not allow us all to receive the boxes before launch day? - but to combine that with the lack of a grace period is truly perplexing. If Bioware won't get us the games by launch, let us enter the game codes a week later.


Here is why you won't get game codes emailed, except from the direct download purchases, cause they can't guarantee who will get what box. Let's say they give me a code, a week later you get your game and go to enter the code from your box. They say were sorry but that code has already been entered. The reason your code doesn't work from your box is cause they emailed me the wrong code.


I'm encouraged that Amazon appears to have made headway in negotiating with Bioware. Perhaps Wal-Mart will, too.


If not, then please, Bioware, keep the goodwill so many of us have toward you. Reinstate the grace period.


It would be nice if they reinstated the grace period, but I don't hold out much hope.

Edited by APhantasm
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You're not alone...


I'm hearing it may not come until later in the month... even as late as the 29th or 30th?


For something I ordered over 3 months ago here in NA and seeing other folks halfway around the world get it earlier this month already... What the heck is going on?


EDIT - This is in regards to the CE Box edition.

Edited by Liithium
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Posting this because we need the lulz: What I've Been Dealing With In The Mean Time


:rolleyes: I just can't win these days... still, it's a pretty humorous read.


On Topic: There's really just no reason for any of this.


  • Walmart says they don't have the CE, that it's been discountinued, etc...
  • BioWare says they've "worked with retailers" to ensure we get them on the 20th, but specifically leaves out Walmart, even after the cancelled orders debacle.
  • EA... cackles to themselves in their pit of money? :confused:


And in the end the paying customers that wanted to invest the most in the game are strung out with no explanation, no reassurance, no grace period, etc...


How does this seem like a good or fair idea to anyone???

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If I don't have my game or at least a tempory beta code to input on the 20th. I will totally blame EA/Bioware for it.


If they can get the game to people early over in EU then they can get me my game ontime.


I still don't understand this two different street dates when everyone complained about the two different launch days.

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You're not alone...


I'm hearing it may not come until later in the month... even as late as the 29th or 30th?


For something I ordered over 3 months ago here in NA and seeing other folks halfway around the world get it earlier this month already... What the heck is going on?


EDIT - This is in regards to the CE Box edition.


Because the folks in Europe are being treated better then we are. They had a release day 5 days before North America's release date. How fair is that?

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Your right there. The fault lies with BW, if they had shipped last month. The retailers could ship for it to arrive in time for Launch.


The real fault is the original promise of a grace period, without which I would have never ordered a hard copy at all. This issue better be resolved because missing 6 days of release is unacceptable for me and all of my friends who are already considering cancelling.

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The real fault is the original promise of a grace period, without which I would have never ordered a hard copy at all. This issue better be resolved because missing 6 days of release is unacceptable for me and all of my friends who are already considering cancelling.


You will be lucky if you can cancel. Not sure which thread I read it in, but I read someone else tried to cancel their Walmart pre-order. And Walmart wouldn't let them cancel, because of it being in processing.

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You will be lucky if you can cancel. Not sure which thread I read it in, but I read someone else tried to cancel their Walmart pre-order. And Walmart wouldn't let them cancel, because of it being in processing.


You just walk in a retail store with it sealed and return it, no issues and I certainly wont have any regrets if I had just spent 6 days not being able to play while every other retailers customers were fine.

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The whole point is that we really shouldn't have to do any of the sort.


Bioware can expedite shipping to retailers.

The retailers can expedite shipping to customers.


It really wouldn't cost either company that much at all to do this and would make all of their customers happy + reduce the load of their customer service calls.


But then, I'm using common sense and not being greedy.

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Yes, we all know the story by now; stuff got cancelled, but not really, but some yes and others no and the rest are in processing, etc... etc... Frankly, whatever. A glitch happened and both Bioware and Walmart did what they could to resolve it. I'm not here about that.


What I'm here about is, having called in multiple times throughout the process to check on my order, ensure it's not messed up, ensure it's still coming, etc... and being told that

  1. Walmart Doesn't Have Any Copies of the CE Yet
  2. They don't expect to until the 20th
  3. They don't think they'll mail it until the 23rd
  4. I may not receive my CE at any point this year

It's out of their hands, they say. They don't have it.


Well, I'm still waiting on an email response from BioWare as to how in the heck I'm supposed to be okay with this when we're not getting a grace period. (Tried calling, however, I couldn't get through. The automation literally told me to hang up in three different languages).


I'm not talking a few days... I'm talking multiple weeks, even though I ordered well in advance.


I don't know where to go from here. When it comes down to it, yes I'll wait (I don't have any other options, really, if I want to play) but this whole experience has just been frustrating and these forums are my last outlet. I've gone back and forth with Walmart so many times that I'm just at my wit's end. This isn't a pleasant experience and, yes, you can bet I won't be going through them again - I wouldn't have in the first place if I could avoid it. However, now they're telling me they don't even have the item when we've got reports of people in Europe already picking up their copies from the stores and, well, that's frustrating on a whole separate level. Because now it's not Walmart - now it's Bioware.


And I kind of like Bioware.


But that's being tested right now.


I don't think I'm being unreasonable to want my product in time. Is there anything else that can be done? Anything I haven't tried? Because otherwise I guess I'm just hoping this nudge makes someone sit up and say "I feel like helping someone today."




I don't know if Amazon still has CEs available, but if I were you, I'd cancel Walmart and get it from Amazon. Yea, you will not get into the game before 20th, but at least you will get in it before x-mas, instead of next year.

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I don't care about Early Access, but I want the Collector's Edition that I already paid for in full. I want my soundtrack, and statue, and star map, can I get an Amen?!


I have not been refunded any money.


I love Walmart.


My Processing order on Walmart.com says that it can be delivered anytime from the day I pre-ordered the CE until 12/29/11.


A more definitive answer would be swell. This is worse than Comcast!


Thanks brah!

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I think the part that bothers me most about this situation is that I'm going to get to play for a few days and then have to wait a few weeks or so before I can play again. All I can say is this, there better be some really awesome stuff in the CE store or something to make the inconvenience worth it.


I don't understand why the game couldn't ship at least on the 15th if you pre-ordered. A part of the pre-order is early access so....why can't that at least be the "release" date for pre-orders also?


Heh...as a fellow CE owner, they seemed to have diminished the value of said "vendor" Check out the "Security Key Vendor" and tell me what you think as it has a striking resemblance to the CE vendor...



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Give Wally a little faith. :-)


If you were a multimillion dollar corporation in the midst of a holiday shopping season, would you tick off tens of thousands of customers over a game?


No doubt in my mind they are putting the pressure on eA/BioWare.


Worst case, they will probably overnight it or toss you a gift card.

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I don't know if Amazon still has CEs available, but if I were you, I'd cancel Walmart and get it from Amazon. Yea, you will not get into the game before 20th, but at least you will get in it before x-mas, instead of next year.


No one has CE's anymore. I checked every single retailer that BW lists and none of them have it for sale anymore.


Why not change your order to in store pick up?


Cant any of you forum people think outside the box....or leave your homes ***


Because Walmart won't let us. There is no option on my Pre-order to change shipping methods or I would.


I don't care about Early Access, but I want the Collector's Edition that I already paid for in full. I want my soundtrack, and statue, and star map, can I get an Amen?!


I have not been refunded any money.


I love Walmart.


My Processing order on Walmart.com says that it can be delivered anytime from the day I pre-ordered the CE until 12/29/11.


A more definitive answer would be swell. This is worse than Comcast!


Thanks brah!


Your lucky mine don't even say when it will be delivered. The only thing on my order that has a delivery estimate is the Pre-order key I already received weeks ago.

Edited by APhantasm
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I just emailed Walmart through their customer service and bluntly told them I did not order in september for this to arrive late and if they are not going to deliver on or before the 20th to cancel the order and I will get it digitally. I would prefer to call though.
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I don't advice emailing Walmart. The only times I emailed them I got only automated responses. I never heard from a live person. I would try calling, though as far as cancelling is concerned - good luck.


I have read someone else posting on this forum they tried cancelling and Walmart would not let them since it was in processing.

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I'm going to paste what I posted in the other Wal-Mart threads regardign my experience with them over the CE. It's quite unbelievable to be honest.


You guys really wouldn't believe the responses I've had from Wal-Marts customer support service now about this.


First issue: The glitch saying the pre-orders were cancelled

Second: They tell me it was a glitch and not to worry everything is fine.

Third: I get an email telling me my credit card was incorrect and to update it. I did that.

Fourth: I finally get billed, but they bill me TWICE for one order.

Fifth: I call Bank of America they refund the second fee Wal-mart charged me.

Sixth: Wal-Mart customer service representive tells me not to worry everything is fine again. He says my order is processing correctly and will be in Wal-Mart's store near me for me to pick up on the 29th. I raged because I DID NOT ORDER SITE TO STORE DELIVERY! I told them that and said I paid extra money for expedidited shipping to my HOUSE.

Seventh: The customer service rep emails me back when I inquire about the previous mistake and he says the following, Thanks for contacting us but we're sold out of the item in question. You can take a look at our website though the next few days and the item you wish to buy might be in again for you to order.


...The guy thinks I'm asking if the item is in stock. He doesn't seem to realize I pre-ordered it months ago and have already been charged the full fee for it.......


I sent one more email and I plan to just call them tomorrow. I am so fed up right now. I've been stuck on Processing for a week now, and was billed days ago. And with Bioware giving us the middle finger and not giving us a grace period it means those of us who are told we may have to wait until the 29th just don't get to play for 9 days after our early access ends. That's unacceptable to be honest.


If Wal-Mart tells me it won't be shipped within the next few days I'll have my bank do a chargeback on the money Wal-Mart took and just order the Digital Deluxe from Origin. I wish I would have done that to begin with now.



Oh and to make matters worse. I had to send the same emails to Wal-Mart multiple times because they mistook my questions for feedback and said to post my 'feedback' on the appropriate forums.... I don't even know how these customer service reps at Walmart can be this slow in the head.

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Oh and to make matters worse. I had to send the same emails to Wal-Mart multiple times because they mistook my questions for feedback and said to post my 'feedback' on the appropriate forums.... I don't even know how these customer service reps at Walmart can be this slow in the head.


Not to poke fun at this matter as I honestly feel bad about what has occurred to people concerning this, but I always wonder what a job posting for this type of job would look like...

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