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New WoW expansion announced! Any hurry-up for SWTOR?


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Reality intersects with Nostalgia. I'll bet reality wins, nostalgia is not all it is cracked up to be.

I completely agree with you. I'm very curious to see how this pans out, but I think you're exactly right...it'll be interesting to see though.

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Whether it works or fails.... they get points for listening to their players and trying it


Its cheaper than going after all of the upstart fan servers. We'll see how it works out. I imagine it wont be exactly like vanilla so it'll let down the nostalgia buffs and it'll also remind people exactly why there were so many changes going into the Burning Crusade. I imagine it'll get a luke warm reception but who knows

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Reality intersects with Nostalgia. I'll bet reality wins, nostalgia is not all it is cracked up to be.


Likely. I've never found myself asking for vanilla servers and always approached the subject with a "guess it's cool for some" attitude. I may give 'em a go once they're live and see what the fuss is about, could be fun? I never experienced the original vanilla either (began playing end of 2009) so nostalgia's not really a thing for me. Having to buy ammo and actually feed my hunter pets is about as nostalgic as it gets in my experience.

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Likely. I've never found myself asking for vanilla servers and always approached the subject with a "guess it's cool for some" attitude. I may give 'em a go once they're live and see what the fuss is about, could be fun? I never experienced the original vanilla either (began playing end of 2009) so nostalgia's not really a thing for me. Having to buy ammo and actually feed my hunter pets is about as nostalgic as it gets in my experience.

I tend to agree...the only exception would be SWG, but that's because the NGE made it an entirely different game than what was launched (or CU). I just don't see the appeal of stepping that far back in time with W0W...I enjoy progress and development.

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I tend to agree...the only exception would be SWG, but that's because the NGE made it an entirely different game than what was launched (or CU). I just don't see the appeal of stepping that far back in time with W0W...I enjoy progress and development.

I enjoy the refinement and development in game systems, but a big pet peeve of mine is when MMOs remove content, so for me the appeal of a Classic server is all about the return of the pre-Cataclysm versions of zones and instances.


Cata was the last WoW expansion I ever bought, in part because it outright removed so much of the "Old World" rather than using Phasing or anything like that to preserve both the old and new versions. (Although, to be honest, the bigger reason was that I jumped ship for SWTOR, and have been more than happy with that decision, so I haven't looked back.)

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I enjoy the refinement and development in game systems, but a big pet peeve of mine is when MMOs remove content, so for me the appeal of a Classic server is all about the return of the pre-Cataclysm versions of zones and instances.


Cata was the last WoW expansion I ever bought, in part because it outright removed so much of the "Old World" rather than using Phasing or anything like that to preserve both the old and new versions. (Although, to be honest, the bigger reason was that I jumped ship for SWTOR, and have been more than happy with that decision, so I haven't looked back.)


I hated what they did with Cata and how Deathwing destroyed everything! Darkshore was one of my favourite zones, the gloomyness the music, everything. Now it's just meh. I don't even want to go there anymore.:mad:

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I hated what they did with Cata and how Deathwing destroyed everything! Darkshore was one of my favourite zones, the gloomyness the music, everything. Now it's just meh. I don't even want to go there anymore.:mad:


Lol yeah. It's a shame how Cata's destroyed some areas though luckily, Stormwind has finally been fixed at least. My best memory of Cata is the pre-event though with Deathwing randomly flying over certain zones and burning you to a crisp. I was in Eastern Plaguelands leveling with my fiance when we got incinerated and while I'm laughing about it and being happy with my special achievement, I just hear him b.itching on Skype "stupid ff'ing dragon now I have to go find my corpse and repair again ffs" which just added to my amusement. :D


I think Pandaria was my least favorite expansion. It just broke a sense of immersion/Warcraftyness for me and it felt like we all just took a little holiday to this strange land and ended up having to help the locals gather hops, plant their farms while fighting off this Sha business. Some zones weren't too horrid but the entire expansion felt a bit out of place for me.

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Lol yeah. It's a shame how Cata's destroyed some areas though luckily, Stormwind has finally been fixed at least. My best memory of Cata is the pre-event though with Deathwing randomly flying over certain zones and burning you to a crisp. I was in Eastern Plaguelands leveling with my fiance when we got incinerated and while I'm laughing about it and being happy with my special achievement, I just hear him b.itching on Skype "stupid ff'ing dragon now I have to go find my corpse and repair again ffs" which just added to my amusement. :D


I think Pandaria was my least favorite expansion. It just broke a sense of immersion/Warcraftyness for me and it felt like we all just took a little holiday to this strange land and ended up having to help the locals gather hops, plant their farms while fighting off this Sha business. Some zones weren't too horrid but the entire expansion felt a bit out of place for me.


Yeah that was pretty fun, I always liked how they really wanted to make you feel something serious was going on!

Took them a long time with fixing Stormwind though, but I am happy it's all good again!:D

And I agree with Pandaria, I also didn't buy it because it just didn't appeal to me in the slightest. I skipped that expansion and returned somewhere in Draenor which I loved, but people had mixed/negative feelings over it apparently.

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i really enjoyed cata and wrath. i wasnt a fan of a few zones in BC; and i didnt really play much of the areas for Panda. WoD was, in my mind, fun in its way. but, like BC, you were heading someplace otherworldly and not a part of Azeroth. and I loved the concept of the Garrisons, but i just didnt have the time to devote to all my toons. it became overwhelming and this is from a guy that did each one of the events on every toon every event every candy bucket, chocolate egg, orphan in pvp, torch throwing, visiting everyone on foot or by horse every year--even as an egg pooping rabbit. I cant complain...i loved every second of it.


i think i could go back to WoW and, most likely, enjoy myself the whole time. however, as i mentioned, the amount of content that i would need to do would be mind numbing; we are are talking leveling through early stages, then BC, to Wrath, through Cata, then panda, then WoD, then Legion. if i start now i could possibly be done by November of next year!!. I would have zero choice but to stick to one toon per side and no alts. I dont even know if i have enough character slots open, but i did do one good thing.. i moved a bunch of my toons to either my horde or alliance bank guild....yay me.


regardless, i am going to give this a go to, at least, march. I am leveling up an assassin right now due to the effin mirror class thing while i work my sniper and bh up, too. by christmas i intend on giving RP a big effort as well. I have been doing FPs the last few weeks, but i dont see myself ever doing operations. one caveat that i really enjoy here that is too much in wow are addons. i got tired of folks booting me from a low level dungeon because i didnt have x addon: seriously....there are four other people...i dont need an addon to heal.


as for the graphics, they are stylized and i like a game that can find a style and keep it that way withough being pressured to go ultra realistic. like tOR...i like the style that its done in and hope, outside of some graphical improvements, they dont stray too far from what they have now. i would like to see more hoods down robes, though. i am not a fan of hoods.

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I think Pandaria was my least favorite expansion. It just broke a sense of immersion/Warcraftyness for me and it felt like we all just took a little holiday to this strange land and ended up having to help the locals gather hops, plant their farms while fighting off this Sha business. Some zones weren't too horrid but the entire expansion felt a bit out of place for me.
I started playing in Vanilla and quit sometime in Burning Crusade. Years later, I was between games and having trouble finding something I liked... and I realized WoW seemed to still be going strong; maybe they were doing something right, and it was time to go back.


I returned to WoW towards the middle of Pandaria. I don't normally care for weeb Asian-fetish in my Fantasy RPG... too much "American Ninja," bad 80s mullets feel for me. However... I found Pandaria to be gorgeous, the story to be good... and I really, really, REALLY loved how my characters played. Regardless of which class and spec I played, it felt GOOD. The new Monk class... so much fun I actually rolled one of each spec. Of course, I also had plenty of content I skipped (Wrath, Cata) to go back and visit, so I wasn't getting bored. Something a lot of people complained about in Pandaria was "mandatory daily grind." Meh. I did dailies when I felt like it.


I really felt though, that all the fun of my characters, was completely destroyed by the WoD "ability prune." I really found that a lot of the classes were just not playable. Not fun, not functional. They wrecked the class fantasy, and simplified my rotation to... in some cases, two buttons. I only subbed for one, 3 month stretch and a lot of that time went wasted. I tried the Legion "free week" to try the class rework... and it was marginally better, but a far, far cry from being good enough to get me to consider subscribing. Earlier, someone talked about having a conversation, in game, with someone about how bad the game they were currently play sucked, and they needed to go find another game? I've had that conversation in WoW... with my Guildmaster; "I'll be sad to see you go... but honestly, I'll probably be right behind you."


It looks to me like WoW is taking another step away from disastrous class changes in WoD, trying to bring back more abilities, and trying to recapture Class Fantasy... which is super important.

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I started playing in Vanilla and quit sometime in Burning Crusade. Years later, I was between games and having trouble finding something I liked... and I realized WoW seemed to still be going strong; maybe they were doing something right, and it was time to go back.


I returned to WoW towards the middle of Pandaria. I don't normally care for weeb Asian-fetish in my Fantasy RPG... too much "American Ninja," bad 80s mullets feel for me. However... I found Pandaria to be gorgeous, the story to be good... and I really, really, REALLY loved how my characters played. Regardless of which class and spec I played, it felt GOOD. The new Monk class... so much fun I actually rolled one of each spec. Of course, I also had plenty of content I skipped (Wrath, Cata) to go back and visit, so I wasn't getting bored. Something a lot of people complained about in Pandaria was "mandatory daily grind." Meh. I did dailies when I felt like it.


I really felt though, that all the fun of my characters, was completely destroyed by the WoD "ability prune." I really found that a lot of the classes were just not playable. Not fun, not functional. They wrecked the class fantasy, and simplified my rotation to... in some cases, two buttons. I only subbed for one, 3 month stretch and a lot of that time went wasted. I tried the Legion "free week" to try the class rework... and it was marginally better, but a far, far cry from being good enough to get me to consider subscribing. Earlier, someone talked about having a conversation, in game, with someone about how bad the game they were currently play sucked, and they needed to go find another game? I've had that conversation in WoW... with my Guildmaster; "I'll be sad to see you go... but honestly, I'll probably be right behind you."


It looks to me like WoW is taking another step away from disastrous class changes in WoD, trying to bring back more abilities, and trying to recapture Class Fantasy... which is super important.


Oh don't get me wrong, on its own I thought Pandaria (especially graphically) was gorgeous and I did like the lore behind it but "as a part of" it felt out of place for me personally. Granted they wove "our story" into all the Panda stuff but it still felt odd. The story progression for A/H from Classic to BC, to Wrath and even Cata felt more fluid (because the personas, factions, races etc. had a presence already) and suddenly... pandas. It's like throwing Hello Kitty into the fight between Luke and Vader or something.


Draenor I enjoyed plenty. Garrisons were a bit of a pain in the end especially when shipyards were added (I had alts of all classes up to lvl 100 with lvl 3 Garrisons) but otherwise I enjoyed it. I also LIKED that we didn't have flying immediately. The only reason I eventually took a break from Draenor was 1; just a bit burned out, 2; massive drama within my raiding team bringing me to a point of "Watch a movie with my fiance or log in for 3 hours of wiping, bickering and temper tantrums?" where I obviously went for the former.

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I respectfully disagree....WOW is still the KIng sadly and its because what continuous support over the years has accomplished. Sure, there will always be deteriorating but compared to other MMOs, compared to this game.....worlds apart. How come for close to a decade WOW still sits on the throne of MMO? I don't think an explanation is needed for anybody with half a brain. I myself dont like WOW as game, but am not blind for all the work that was and still is thrown in it.


Companies need to try different strategies....well...i think: releasing next to no new content for a year, server merging, closing a whole regional datacenters, lying to your playerbase, nerfing classes, reusing old content for the purpose of grinding rng lootboxes is certainly not the way to go...

Again, they are not the same. They have different paths, different resources and different player bases.

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... Earlier, someone talked about having a conversation, in game, with someone about how bad the game they were currently play sucked, and they needed to go find another game?
That would be yours truly, and it had nothing to do with how bad the game we were currently playing sucked.
My wife and I are playing WoW right now (BABB ... bio and beverage break & so she can marinade the mahi mahi I'll be grilling in a few hours). And as much fun as we are having questing through the expansion together to reach Argus, all we can talk about is how much Bioware ****ed up SWTOR.
Edited by GalacticKegger
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It's funny how people who try to make another game look bad usually have no idea what they're talking about. Almost like they don't have any experience with it- which isn't a bad thing, you don't have to like something and you don't have to try it to know you don't like it. But be honest.


Currently WoW is free to download and play up to level 20 (with restrictions, obviously). All old expansions are rolled into the base game once they are no longer current, so you get all of them free of charge, save for the current expansion.


And, last I checked, expansions were around $60- or $15 if you're patient enough to wait for a sale.




... Um. WoW isn't the game that pelts you with microtransactions even if you subscribe. You subscribe to WoW and you get all of the game. All of it- almost everything in the game is earnable if you're willing to work for it, every place is explorable, every playable race is available, every quest is doable by anyone regardless of when they were subscribed.. No paywall attached, save your subscription.


You are right that I do not play it, I did when it first came out, then there was the first expansion and it was $70 for little content and ten levels so I left. Perhaps you are right, that the expansions mean nothing and that you do not even need to buy them to get all content, but I doubt it is the case that they going to make an expansion with a big price tag and then say "never mind you don't even need to buy it".


As to SWTOR micro transactions, that is completely false. With sub you get cartel coins you can use to unlock races, extras, or packs. So with just a sub you can get all content and do all customizing that, at least last I was checked, WOW did not have....but again, could be wrong. I do know I have researched it on big gamer sites, and they all say WOW's player base is dropping a lot and low level zones are completely empty. Now this tells me, that the only people playing WOW are the ones that have the money/time already invested while new players check it out see the price tag to get content and never get past the free level 20.


I did look into it though, and does not have the amount of expansions I thought. $20 for game, $50 for legions, and $15 monthly sub. So not as bad as I thought, I will admit. But when they put out another expansion for another $50, then it will start going down that road. To me at least personally, there are 3 types of business models. Pay for content; $20 for game then $50 for each expansion. Subscription play; you pay $15 a month and the company maintains and adds all content as part of sub. Free to play; play limited/all content for free with need/extras to buy with cash for more content or perks. The fact WOW does a sub and pay for content at the same time, is just a rip off....in my opinion. But if you want to put down $85 then $15 a month, with the possibility of having to drop another large sum down the road to get added content is your choice....to me, its a bait and hook policy.

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As to SWTOR micro transactions, that is completely false. With sub you get cartel coins you can use to unlock races, extras, or packs. So with just a sub you can get all content and do all customizing that, at least last I was checked, WOW did not have....but again, could be wrong. I do know I have researched it on big gamer sites, and they all say WOW's player base is dropping a lot and low level zones are completely empty. Now this tells me, that the only people playing WOW are the ones that have the money/time already invested while new players check it out see the price tag to get content and never get past the free level 20.


I don’t believe they were exactly referring to swtor micro transactions, but micro transactions in lots of other games, which are becoming too common.

The player base in WoW always drops off a bit, but then comes back strong after the expansions. Even with a drop, it is still the most played MMO in existence and has millions of subscribers. Compare that to swtor :rolleyes:


I did look into it though, and does not have the amount of expansions I thought. $20 for game, $50 for legions, and $15 monthly sub. So not as bad as I thought, I will admit. But when they put out another expansion for another $50, then it will start going down that road. To me at least personally, there are 3 types of business models. Pay for content; $20 for game then $50 for each expansion. Subscription play; you pay $15 a month and the company maintains and adds all content as part of sub. Free to play; play limited/all content for free with need/extras to buy with cash for more content or perks. The fact WOW does a sub and pay for content at the same time, is just a rip off....in my opinion. But if you want to put down $85 then $15 a month, with the possibility of having to drop another large sum down the road to get added content is your choice....to me, its a bait and hook policy.


Swtor expansions maybe part of the sub, but consider this, swtor expansions are now rubbish and lack content and polish. They aren’t any better or even as good as most other games updates (not expansions). We shouldn’t even consider them expansions anymore because the content and refinement are lacking so much.

$50 for a wow expansion is 3.3 months worth of a swtor subscription. Considering it usually takes the average/casual WoW player 3-6 months or even longer to complete content in the expansion, it’s very good value. With a swtor expansion it’s over in weeks or at most a month.

Swtor is a poor substitute when comparing quality, content and cost. If anything is a bait and hook policy, it’s swtor because we still keep playing and are hooked even though the quality and the amount of content is constantly getting worse and we continue to put up with Biowares lack of caring about the player base.

I love swtor, but it’s not even in the same Ball Park as WoW.

I only have two complaints against WoW, it’s lack of updated graphics and the need to use addons to be able to customise the GUI.

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Its all subjective really In a sense, fun is what you make of it. if you enjoy just rolling different characters with lightsabers or blasters then SWTOR is your thing, not everyone needs a large group to enjoy this game with. its like going to the theaters some people enjoy it while others most likely these days watch Netflix...


some people like Mall and big box store Black Friday shopping, well if your Canadian, you guys in the USA are pretty cut throat... Literally!! :eek:


What’s that got to do with how Bioware have mishandled this game?

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As to SWTOR micro transactions, that is completely false. With sub you get cartel coins you can use to unlock races, extras, or packs. So with just a sub you can get all content and do all customizing that, at least last I was checked, WOW did not have....but again, could be wrong.
600 CC a month if you also have an authenticator attached to your account, which doesn't buy squat unless you save up for 6 months before making a purchase.


WoW has an entire in-game mount, pet and gear transmogrification farming subculture. They leave the entire game (including leveling zones, dungeons and raids and their loot tables) intact so players can go back and farm them. Pretty much any new item they add to the Battle.net cash shop (which is modest in size) is attached to a holiday event or a disaster-relief drive of some kind where portions of the proceeds go to charity.


This game had that same farming subculture until KotFE removed loot tables, planet leveling and group flashpoints & operations from the game.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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You are right that I do not play it, I did when it first came out, then there was the first expansion and it was $70 for little content and ten levels so I left. Perhaps you are right, that the expansions mean nothing and that you do not even need to buy them to get all content, but I doubt it is the case that they going to make an expansion with a big price tag and then say "never mind you don't even need to buy it".


As to SWTOR micro transactions, that is completely false. With sub you get cartel coins you can use to unlock races, extras, or packs. So with just a sub you can get all content and do all customizing that, at least last I was checked, WOW did not have....but again, could be wrong. I do know I have researched it on big gamer sites, and they all say WOW's player base is dropping a lot and low level zones are completely empty. Now this tells me, that the only people playing WOW are the ones that have the money/time already invested while new players check it out see the price tag to get content and never get past the free level 20.


I did look into it though, and does not have the amount of expansions I thought. $20 for game, $50 for legions, and $15 monthly sub. So not as bad as I thought, I will admit. But when they put out another expansion for another $50, then it will start going down that road. To me at least personally, there are 3 types of business models. Pay for content; $20 for game then $50 for each expansion. Subscription play; you pay $15 a month and the company maintains and adds all content as part of sub. Free to play; play limited/all content for free with need/extras to buy with cash for more content or perks. The fact WOW does a sub and pay for content at the same time, is just a rip off....in my opinion. But if you want to put down $85 then $15 a month, with the possibility of having to drop another large sum down the road to get added content is your choice....to me, its a bait and hook policy.


LOL dude that is a stretch, wow is really cheap and you can get the latest xpac Legion on sale for like 24.99 some days. Legion alone is about the size of all swtors expansions combined or bigger, so put that in your head.. also don't forget that swtor's expansions where always pay 2 play before kotet and kotfe, and will likely return to the pay 2 play expansion if they do another. Damn dude, i'd pay 100.00 dollars for a swtor expansion the size of legion and wouldn't hesitate one bit! :D

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See WoWs credibility. Obviously all that "love" hasnt kept it from deteriorating just like every mmo to date. They all go down the same path eventually, so companies need to try different strategies to hopefully break the mold.


EQ just released an expansion, but that doesn't mean its servers are flooding with players.


A 14 year old game, that is still the most played MMO in existence and still has millions of players. WoW can afford to lose a few players here and there. Plus, they always get people back when the expansions are released. Then a new game comes out and people leave to try it, but they nearly always go back to WoW because hardly any games last or are successful anymore. Long term quality games are hard to come by these days and it will probably get worse as the industry keeps wanting to add micro transactions everywhere and companies like EA gobble up good game studios and gut them and the quality goes down hill.

People use WoW as the standard they measure other games against. When those other games don’t live up to that expectation, people head back to WoW.

I played WoW for 9 years nearly exclusively until swtor was released. I wouldn’t have even bothered with swtor if it wasnt Star Wars. But swtor is now a shell of what it was or could have been. As much as I dont want to go back to WoW, there aren’t a lot of options at the moment that live up to the quality of WoW.

You can love or hate WoW or both (like me), but you can’t deny that it has the quality and is the benchmark to what every other MMO is measured against. It might be getting a bit long in the tooth (the same as it’s players and fans), but it’s still the most successful MMO of all time and is still going strong.

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600 CC a month if you also have an authenticator attached to your account, which doesn't buy squat unless you save up for 6 months before making a purchase.


WoW has an entire in-game mount, pet and gear transmogrification farming subculture. They leave the entire game (including leveling zones, dungeons and raids and their loot tables) intact so players can go back and farm them. Pretty much any new item they add to the Battle.net cash shop (which is modest in size) is attached to a holiday event or a disaster-relief drive of some kind where portions of the proceeds go to charity.


This game had that same farming subculture until KotFE removed loot tables, planet leveling and group flashpoints & operations from the game.


Exactly. So much is actually attainable, earnable if you're willing to do the content it's a reward for.

In SWTOR, Almost everything is gated behind a price tag- from mounts to cosmetic armour to decorations. Sure, the GTN is a secondary market where you can purchase such items for in-game currency, but that doesn't erase where those items were generated from. Nor does it make them a reward for specific in-game activities.


Right now there are basically no incentives to do things such as group for world bosses, other than the fun of it. And while that might be enough for some players (I do enjoy fighting world bosses for the sake of fighting world bosses), it isn't for others.. And it's a group activity. Incentives promote group activity- and activity in general.


Then a new game comes out and people leave to try it, but they nearly always go back to WoW because hardly any games last or are successful anymore.


People wonder why the MMORPG market is failing so hard- it's not because people are losing interest in MMORPGs, or because the genre has some inherent fault. It's because companies are churning out half-baked, unfinished products that are designed to suck as much money out of a customer as possible as quickly as possible with no plan for player retention, rather than exchanging a good, long term game experience for a fee. They want all the success a great game can bring, without putting in the work or respect for the game and its customers that said success would require.


And then people blame the genre, or the players, or the generation- none of those are at fault. It's the blatant lack of respect companies have for the artists, the games, the customers themselves that is damaging the industry.


This is why indie games are rising in popularity and regard. People who make games because they like to make games and also happen to turn a profit for it are the only viable future of the industry. Whether the big corporations want to admit it or not, their self destructive behaviour isn't sustainable- which is getting increasingly obvious with the successive releases of AAA games that have flopped.

Edited by SourOrange
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LOL dude that is a stretch, wow is really cheap and you can get the latest xpac Legion on sale for like 24.99 some days. Legion alone is about the size of all swtors expansions combined or bigger, so put that in your head.. also don't forget that swtor's expansions where always pay 2 play before kotet and kotfe, and will likely return to the pay 2 play expansion if they do another. Damn dude, i'd pay 100.00 dollars for a swtor expansion the size of legion and wouldn't hesitate one bit! :D


If Bioware released an expansion with the content and quality of a WoW expansion, I would easily pay $100 or even more.

But could you really trust them anymore to do it properly and have the quality?

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If Bioware released an expansion with the content and quality of a WoW expansion, I would easily pay $100 or even more.

But could you really trust them anymore to do it properly and have the quality?


True, you kind of rephrased it like I should have. I used to love Bioware.. they where my favorite company ever, kotor, dragon age, mass effect.. but no, I don't trust them anymore.. they are no longer the same company and haven't been for a while. I want my next star wars experience to be by a company that has passion in making games again.. Obsidian and CDPR come to mind :D

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