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We shouldn't be able to team 24/7 with a companion, this turned the game in a mmo where you can play mostly solo.


ps: another one, never understood why classes were limited to 1 kind of weapon.

I'm a bounty hunter and i managed to kill Valkorion with a blaster, but god forbid i use a rifle.

Edited by Vodolebon
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- How they shouldn't put Arcann's unscarred face in the game.

- I wouldn't really have cared if they permanently killed off all vanilla Companions.(No torches please)

- That you shouldn't have been able to get Senya without Arcann was the right move.

- Korriban is an uninteresting and unpleasant to look at planet.

- Theron's voice actor for Theron in this game isn't interesting at all and I'd say his most boring performance ever. Unlike all his other work.

- I like Theron's betrayal story and everything that came with it!

- I think Quinn's voice sounds horrible and as if he has an eternal cold.

- Male SW voice is unpleasant too, the female warrior has the most amazing voice in the game however!

Edited by Eshvara
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All previous rewards, with the exception of the Founder title, should eventually be offered again in the same way as the KOTOR Swoop Bike to give newer players a chance to get them.


*ducks* :rak_03:


... sure! *shrug* I don't see a problem with that. I have rewards like Shae Vizla, Nico, the HK-55 chapter, etc. because I subscribed back then - and I wouldn't mind a bit seeing others be able to get those same rewards, too. :) The rewards were technically free (with a subscription*). Why shouldn't they be eventually offered freely again?


But whew, talk about unpopular. :p Here, I'll help you build a bomb shelter...


*No subscriber paid extra for the rewards. They were free alongside your subscription. It's like buying a book and getting a free bookmark with it.

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(sorry, english is not my first langage^^)


- I love the consular story, the scenario in not the best but I love the aura of wisdom the consular exudes in this story. Wisdom, sacrifice, thirst for knowledge, the consular is a quiet strenght I enjoyed. Definitely my favorite character.


- I like Ashara. Yes. She is my favorite companion in the SI story.


- I think that light side SI works very well


- I loved KotFE, more that the vanilla stories (even if I love them too^^). I enjoyed the alliance between republic and empire. It made SW less black and white.


- When I learnt the name of the "traitor" in Umbara, I thought it could be a good idea, if the outcome is well drafted and well written. We will see...


- Lana is the best character ever. Well written, not black and white... it's pleasant to have a sith like her, deeper than the usual psychos. Love her.


- My favorite romances of SWTOR are F/F Lana and Aric Jorgan (I'm a girl^^)

Edited by Doloriss
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Lets take this outside.:rak_06:


Really? LOL. Honestly, I don't see what's special about him. Marr is my ideal Sith, Jadus is interesting because you can talk him down, and the pure-blooded Sith lord in the SW story is very sane. Malgus = dull. But that's just me.

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Really? LOL. Honestly, I don't see what's special about him. Marr is my ideal Sith, Jadus is interesting because you can talk him down, and the pure-blooded Sith lord in the SW story is very sane. Malgus = dull. But that's just me.


😱😱😱 How dare you!!

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-Enjoys KOTFE/ET. Love the chapters approach and monthly chapter release.

-OK with Valkorion is also Vitiate. Like Valkorion better as the Villian.

-Dislike Jedi Knight story. Consular is better.

-Fine with GC, especially with increased cxp rate.

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Let's see:


- I adore Malavai Quinn

- I find Kira and Mako bland and dull

- I find Arcann repulsive both physically and his personality

- I love male SI voice

- I hate Bounty Hunter: both the story and class gameplay (except where you punch the Alderaanian noble in the face multiple times :D)

- I hate Theron's new "driven over by a lawnmower" hair

- I don't care for Malgus or Jadus

- I like Doc

- I like Koth a lot


There's probably more, but I can't think of anything else at the moment. :)

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-I like SOR better than the class stories. KOTFE is my second favorite after SOR

-Operations are boring

-I wouldn't mind if Theron and Lana were the only companions we ever had to play with in the game again, though I do miss Vector and Doc.

-Valkorian and Vitiate being the same person was a great idea.

- I really like the Alliance, and hate the idea of going back to pub/imp.

-placing kill options on companions is always a bad idea, and should never be done.

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I'll team up with the other guy. Malgus is a total loser. What self-respecting Darth gets his behind whooped by a Smuggler or a Bounty Hunter?



Let's tag team him. He needs to be punished for this heretical nonsense. I'm fully rested now.


It's on now!!!

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Actually I'm a her, and I don't think Malgus is bad I just don't find him unique. He's a very average stereotypical Sith. Marr, Valron, and Jadus have unique perspectives and personalities.

Ohhh, well excuse me miss! :) (Though I don't think I called you a he, if I did, sorry!)

It's alright, I'm just being silly. We all have those we hate and those we do not!

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(sorry, english is not my first langage^^)


- Lana is the best character ever. Well written, not black and white... it's pleasant to have a sith like her, deeper than the usual psychos. Love her.


- My favorite romances of SWTOR are F/F Lana and Aric Jorgan (I'm a girl^^)


Yay for Lana fans. :) My OTP is Lana x my character but other than that ITA. :)

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A few more:


- I hate, HATE Thana Vesh and was so glad to kill her (even Vette approved...)

- Ashara grew on me a lot and I liked her by chapter 3

- I think it is totally possible to have gray/Dark I Sith

- I wish one could leave Senya in Asylum and not have her in the Alliance at all


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