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Commanding Legacy and mirror classes


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I feel sorry for Eric and Keith but if this is the way you communicate to your playerbase you both have to QUIT. If you INTEND to roll this out as Eric put it ("on me")...YES indeed it is ON you but both should QUIT.


This is what is very wrong with Bioware and not that playerbase is whining but management does have issues after issues. They don't listen to the playerbase and yet they meant bananas when they say apples?


In the real world, I'm very sorry but both should be fired specially if you work for merit. Even if you roll back what was said still leaves a very bad precedence of huge catastrophic miscommunication. Perhaps, someone was trigger happy to say "lies" before it was caught and that is still unethical as well. This is not an unionized company and any logical playerbase would demand your resignation.


Goodluck with this.

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I'll admit - I trusted Keith. I believed what he said because, well...why wouldn't I? I will not make that mistake again. I feel very betrayed.


You know, ever since 4.0 the game has centered on...well, what did they call their last trailer?


It really makes me wonder what sort of working environment is at EA/Bioware that so much is about betrayal and traitors. :eek:

Edited by ThrakhathSpawn
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I'll admit - I trusted Keith. I believed what he said because, well...why wouldn't I? I will not make that mistake again. I feel very betrayed.


I'm right there with you. I was so happy when we got Keith. I was one of his big cheerleaders. I believed in what he said. I believed in him. And what did we get? Second verse, same as the first. A lot of lip service and a lot of lies and broken promises.


I'm a Founder. I've stuck with this game on a continuous subscription. I have the ugly virtual statue to prove it. I've put up with a lot of nonsense from the devs and EA mouthpieces, and I've stayed with the game because I love Star Wars and I love the friends I've made through the game. At one point, I loved this game too. But enough is enough. I'm tired of EA's poor service, poor communication, and poor product.

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LOL If you say so. The game needing server merges has needed to happen a couple years now.


And getting paying customers to quit leads to more. :rolleyes:


But I guess thats the meta-game now. How many people can we convince to quit?


I'm right there with you.




I hate I never got there but truthfully I got exactly what I expected. A new boss moves in and throws out all the things people want to hear around here and a big one was more communication. Gamers fell for it hook, line and sinker but like how it normally plays out., it never last long and it's just fluff talk from the new guy. He's from customer server after all right? PR?


Turns out more communication is not better communication and people are confusing the two.


bioware and thus keith and eric and whoever else have lost a large amount of trust at this point and with that, the players will continue to dissolve, go against each other and go against bioware and it will only get worse and worse and only bioware is to blame for this fiasco.


You don't get to throw out such a lie, watch gamers waste hours upon hours of playtime for a goal to then watch the rug get pulled out from under them. Only to turn around and say oh sorry. Misunderstand. Everything is general and non-specific and my bad. It doesn't work like that. It's doesn't work anywhere else and it sure isn't working here.


They lied. Withheld important information and hoped they could smooth it over after the fact with a hollow oops, we made another catastrophic mistake and mislead nearly every gamer.


It's clear keith isn't making things better around here.

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And getting paying customers to quit leads to more. :rolleyes:


But I guess thats the meta-game now. How many people can we convince to quit?


Trust me, Tux isn't quitting. lol He will go down with this game.

As stated before, he just usually isn't this out for blood on a simple matter. lol


And if someone is NOT happy with the game, posts nothing but negativity & riding the devs down, then yes I will tell them to quit. Just like all others should because clearly they are not happy with the game, so why keep subbing to it just to harass?? (Like the troll who is bent on tracer missiles, who has just reappeared again. lol)

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And if someone is NOT happy with the game, posts nothing but negativity & riding the devs down, then yes I will tell them to quit. Just like all others should because clearly they are not happy with the game, so why keep subbing to it just to harass?? (Like the troll who is bent on tracer missiles, who has just reappeared again. lol)


I agree. We need to get as many of these gamers that find negativity to quit. You don't like a portion of the game? We got to get them to leave.


You got some negativity for swtor. Get out.

You dislike what the devs are doing and post how you dislike it? Get out.


Whatever it takes we got to get these gamers that criticize the game negatively to leave.


How do we go about getting more poeple to quit? Simply saying it won't work we know that.


What are your thoughts on it? How can we get more to leave this game?


I think I know. If there is some way we can get the devs to lie and withhold information on something important that would aleviate CXP grinds for alts, that would do it but how are we to get bioware to do something as stupid as that?

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I think I know. If there is some way we can get the devs to lie and withhold information on something important that would aleviate CXP grinds for alts, that would do it but how are we to get bioware to do something as stupid as that?


My sarcasm meter is screaming!

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I do agree that, if the CXP Legacy Perk is going to be a thing, then it should be as originally advertised. I see this distinction of Mirror Classes to be really unnecessary. Either players are already playing the Mirror Classes (I've got all 8 class stories, and those characters are 70th and working on CXP) or they favour a specific kind of class, in which case they are still putting in the time to level at least 4 characters to 300 CR. Making a distinction between those two play styles is unnecessary and clearly pissing off a lot of players. From a business perspective, there is no significant gain (players devoting time to leveling characters) but plenty of loss (players upset at this public relations fail).


For me, personally, it doesn't matter so terribly much. I don't have any 300CR characters yet, I get no perks. If I did, I think I might not care..? I mean, getting a character to 300CR just means... what? You can't get any more Command Chests? You don't get to be 71st level when you're done that grind? I mean... do you? For me... drop the cap. Or, remove the ranks. Every "X" many command points earns you a box. How many boxes have you earned? I dunno. I don't care. Oh look, I got another box. It's got stuff in it. I like stuff.

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According to -eric, "When Keith put information on the perk in the roadmap, it was meant to be fairly general". So he said what he intended to say. The problem is that he left out important details that he already knew about and according to -eric "we realize if we had been more specific we could have saved some of this frustration".


So, the intended to say what they said according to -eric, and they realize that if they had been more specific they would have save us some of our frustration.


Now I am not quick to call things like this a lie, but they have admitted here that they did omit information by intent, and because I believe that they did that to make the perk seem better that they knew it was, I can understand why some people might think that they were lied to.

Did they admit that or was that comment damage control?


We'll never know the truth but I think they just didn't communicate well and then when we found out there was more to it and it blew up in their face, they tried to save face with comments like this. It doesn't really matter in the end. Either they were dishonest at first or later.


Stuff happens and that's ok. I just wish they were able to just be honest about it. They walk a fine line here between losing face and losing credibility it seems but whichever way they go with that they lose out.


I am convinced that when they talked about it initially they simply didn't know the details. Then when it backfired they started making up stories. But that's still opinion and I could be wrong.


If they really had wanted to keep it general at first (and why the hell would they want to do that in the first place?)...then they could've simply said that you could get more bonuses by leveling characters to 300 but that how that works and which characters would apply would be explained later. Then we all would've known that we didn't have the full story yet. They didn't do that though. They explained it as if that was the whole deal. It's just not very smart all around, no matter how it turns out.


I'll live. Already getting over it but still ticked at the communication disaster this ended up being. Again, not necessary, but they get themselves into these binds. It's just discouraging at times.

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Now at 32 pages.


One post from Eric, and nothing from Keith.


The silence is deafening.


Guess they think one gold post saying 'Oops we did it again' covers the mistake/lie/rug pulled out from under the players and everything will be OK.


Really fearing the upcoming merges. If what is being communicated is not what really happens, its all over but the screaming.

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I do agree that, if the CXP Legacy Perk is going to be a thing, then it should be as originally advertised. I see this distinction of Mirror Classes to be really unnecessary. Either players are already playing the Mirror Classes (I've got all 8 class stories, and those characters are 70th and working on CXP) or they favour a specific kind of class, in which case they are still putting in the time to level at least 4 characters to 300 CR. Making a distinction between those two play styles is unnecessary and clearly pissing off a lot of players. From a business perspective, there is no significant gain (players devoting time to leveling characters) but plenty of loss (players upset at this public relations fail).


For me, personally, it doesn't matter so terribly much. I don't have any 300CR characters yet, I get no perks. If I did, I think I might not care..? I mean, getting a character to 300CR just means... what? You can't get any more Command Chests? You don't get to be 71st level when you're done that grind? I mean... do you? For me... drop the cap. Or, remove the ranks. Every "X" many command points earns you a box. How many boxes have you earned? I dunno. I don't care. Oh look, I got another box. It's got stuff in it. I like stuff.


I have one character at 300 and still get crates, so even when you get to 300 you will still get crates every time you advance, though you will not see your rank move up but you will still get stuff so I wouldn't worry about not getting stuff.

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I have one character at 300 and still get crates, so even when you get to 300 you will still get crates every time you advance, though you will not see your rank move up but you will still get stuff so I wouldn't worry about not getting stuff.


^What Casi said. Once you hit 300 that's when the true RNG grind comes in because that's how you attain Tier 4 gear. Which for me has been nothing but dang relic & earpiece heavy, yet not even the ones I need!

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At this point I think that they should just increase all cxp in the game by at least 100%, and then keep the perk the way they that it is now. That way we get something that we want and they get something that they want.
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Now at 32 pages.


One post from Eric, and nothing from Keith.


The silence is deafening.


Guess they think one gold post saying 'Oops we did it again' covers the mistake/lie/rug pulled out from under the players and everything will be OK.


Really fearing the upcoming merges. If what is being communicated is not what really happens, its all over but the screaming.




Though I suspect this may be by design (why would they want to do this by accident) a good way to annoy people enough to quit is to ignore the things that matter and then post a bunch of times about down time that is already listed in the roadmap. Its not as if the road map was full of information it was possible to see when the extended maintenance was without Eric needing to pull it out.


The subscription fee is almost negligible. It's unlikely that its a case of wanting to subscribe but being unable to cause of the massive cost of a monthly subscription, instead its feeling its a waste of money cause there is nothing to do or because the development team seem to be so out of touch its not even a game that seems like it will be worth playing. And one way to make it seem like they are out of touch is ignoring players and their concerns. Which seems to be what they are doing with reckless abandon.

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I'll admit - I trusted Keith. I believed what he said because, well...why wouldn't I? I will not make that mistake again. I feel very betrayed.

To be honest, I don't care anymore. Don't have any faith nor even hope left.


I'm just subbed so I can still sell and buy decos for my Strongholds and eventually help my guild healing in OPs.

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Guess they think one gold post saying 'Oops we did it again' covers the mistake/lie/rug pulled out from under the players and everything will be OK.


My issue - Is when is "Oops we did it again" going to be DONE happening? Seriously - it's a non-stop theme that keeps repeating itself and they never learn from the mistakes. Why do the users constantly have to POINT out "HEY why did this change" or wait until the last minute to hear about changes coming?


From my viewpoint - the Management team of software development can't seem to do its job.

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I have one character at 300 and still get crates, so even when you get to 300 you will still get crates every time you advance, though you will not see your rank move up but you will still get stuff so I wouldn't worry about not getting stuff.



...again, don't really see the point of a cap at all, then. I mean, the only point I can see of CXP at all is that you get gear through Command Crates. If you still get gear, why have a cap?

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...again, don't really see the point of a cap at all, then. I mean, the only point I can see of CXP at all is that you get gear through Command Crates. If you still get gear, why have a cap?


Certain tiers give specific gear. The higher tiers you get will give you better gear. Tier 4 is the highest but also the most difficult one to obtain the gear you need for your character. I have gotten some gold relics but nothing that my scoundrel healer uses so I wind up disintegrating it since even if I could send it to my operative healer it wouldn't even do her any good.

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