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SWTOR Autumn Roadmap 2017


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1. So the next stat increase in gear is walled off behind ONE Flashpoint only? Really?


reading is an amazing thing.


Please note we will not introduce a new set of Tier gear for Galactic Command this year! Instead, we will be offering a special set of Augments to enhance your existing gear. These will drop in the Copero Flashpoint or can be purchased from a Copero vendor. In addition, we’ll offer an even better version of augments you can craft from materials gained through both PvP and PvE activities.

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Will you be able to pick which server you go to, or is this a forced server merge based on what server you are on now? Because I would love to go back to playing on east coast servers, but because of the lack of population on all of them I moved ALL my toons to Harbinger. Now with this I absolutely want to go back to east coast.
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You are ever so right!


I can't even find the proper words for my disappointment with this road map.




They would have had to get to the boring ones eventually, but with the hints about it being agent related I was really, really really hoping it would be Vector.


Nothing in this roadmap seems to pertain much to me, but I'm pleased that it's making people so happy.

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So cynical blackmail to make us resub?


If you are not a subscriber get ready to lose your character names?


Low, even by EA standards, low.


All The Best

Nah..of all the things that could upset me, this is the least of them. I'm subbed, I should take priority. I PAY for their services...others don't. Pay up or suck it up.

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Nah..of all the things that could upset me, this is the least of them. I'm subbed, I should take priority. I PAY for their services...others don't. Pay up or suck it up.


Yep, balls to freeloaders.


Oh and why does Darth Hexxid sound familiar?

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So cynical blackmail to make us resub?


If you are not a subscriber get ready to lose your character names?


Low, even by EA standards, low.


All The Best

You're turning into quite the drama queen here Spuds. What exactly is unfair about paying customers getting priority?

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A lot of your questions are easily answered and very well explained if you actually took time to read the roadmap, and the game update page. Not sure where all the confusion is since it is very detailed. All in all I like what I see. There is a lot of content coming, maybe not all this year but beginning of next year. A lot of QOL updates which the game has needed. So for all the people that have been screaming that the devs do not listen, well you can't say that anymore. All the issues may not be fixed but most are.
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So cynical blackmail to make us resub?


If you are not a subscriber get ready to lose your character names?


Low, even by EA standards, low.


All The Best


Totally disagree with you. When it comes to character names subs should take priority, we are the ones paying for the game services. If you want to ensure your names sub, if not roll the dice. Their solution makes total sense to me.

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Exciting news!


Pumped about Darth Hexid, disappointed to hear so little about our companions (particularly Arcann), but I understand that, as others have been saying, this is more of a foundation and multiplayer focused update. I hope that they do a good job of bringing Raina back, especially after the disappointment with Quinn and Elara. Ah well - I look forward to seeing how everything plays out :) I believe in you Keith!!

Edited by Mewsy
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Oh and why does Darth Hexxid sound familiar?


She was the companion reward if the Dark Side won the DvL event. The light side won and those that got far enough were rewarded with Master Ranos. So she's been off dangling out of site with no way to acquire her ever since.

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Thankfully I play on the German servers and thus there won't be much competition for names, but I can say one thing right away: If I lose a single character name, that was my last day in this game I've played since beta. A single name.


I never wanted mergers, and will not pay with my characters' identities for your inability to keep a larger player base.

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Will you be able to pick which server you go to, or is this a forced server merge based on what server you are on now? Because I would love to go back to playing on east coast servers, but because of the lack of population on all of them I moved ALL my toons to Harbinger. Now with this I absolutely want to go back to east coast.


There will only be two "north american" servers. They don't specify which one is east or west coast, but it looks like Star Forge is going to be the east coast server, since alot of the current east coast server names are all moving to Star Forge, and The Hot Prospect is basically Harbinger, with two other dead servers merged into it.


The new servers are what I'm really digging.


I know the lack of content may be disappointing for some, but I'm liking the fact they are redoing there infrastructure and rebuilding the foundation before adding more content. Group finder overhaul, legacy wide currencies, more stream lined ways to engage content, etc - these are all desperately needed changes. The revamped foundation of some of these major features, on new servers, gives me glimmer of hope that they are reinvesting in the game. I don't mind waiting for some newer content if it means the overall game is going to run better and function better on newer hardware and infrastructure. I'm pretty excited to see how this all plays out, bigger population servers, more players, faster pops. I'm digging it.

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A lot of your questions are easily answered and very well explained if you actually took time to read the roadmap, and the game update page. Not sure where all the confusion is since it is very detailed. All in all I like what I see. There is a lot of content coming, maybe not all this year but beginning of next year. A lot of QOL updates which the game has needed. So for all the people that have been screaming that the devs do not listen, well you can't say that anymore. All the issues may not be fixed but most are.


1000 Times This. It's incredibly detailed and people are selectively pick and choosing. My favorite negative comment was from someone who said BW was increasing RNG because they are adding a complete bonus slot in crates of getting a mod, a cube, or CXP bonus, but COMPLETELY ignored:


From the Roadmap:


"Also with A Traitor Among the Chiss, we’re changing how Disintegrate works – instead of receiving more CXP, we will provide you with Unassembled Components for armor and weapons. In addition, you can send those components to any character in your Legacy as we’re changing these to be Legacy-bound consumables."


That is not just a huge boon for mains, but for alts as well.


All in all good stuff!



Edited by Jdast
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Okay, PvP Questions:


- What is the new Warzone? Ruleset? Planet-setting? etc.

Yeah, you probably won't answer this just yet but curious minds wish to know! Please. <3


- Will you guys be doing OPEN PTS testing of the new Warzone?

Okay, this is very important and I really hope you guys do this. Also, having the scheduled testing weekends for Odessen was fairly successful (in terms of turnout) so it would be great to see that again especially if Devs participate!


But yeah, I'm excited to have a new Warzone as long as the ruleset is good lol. And please for the love of god, I hope there are no RNG components (like Odessen has).


Also, The Hot Prospect? Really?

Edited by Pandoras_Jar
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I am excited to see the Chiss being used in some story stuff, they're my fav race. I'm happy about credit being added to the Legacy bank. I like the extra slot in command crates and the possibility of getting a chance cube that way. I'm glad the traitor storyline is going to be wrapped up. I'm trying to point out the things I do like because I'm pretty disappointed but want to be fair and rational.



I am not usually one to jump on here and complain. In fact, I've even sent Keith a thank you message. However, I'm extremely unhappy right now. What I'm seeing here is that a single companion is returning. So, the guys are going to get an LI back, but after taking one from the ladies (and gay men) you're not bringing one back for us. The agent now has BOTH female LI's back, but where is Vector? Not happy about this at all and I think the decision to bring a single LI back is very disappointing.


Story content, oh look, a flashpoint. Yay, 2 minutes of cutscenes followed by a flashpoint. All I have to say is that Theron better end up not truly betraying us. Also, please, please, please make sure this one is not the buggy mess that Crisis on Umbara is.


Server merge. Okay, I get the logistics behind doing this. I didn't want it, but I get it. I guess I can expect to have to repurchase stronghold rooms and rename toons/guilds.

Edited by DuchessKristania
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There is a lot of content coming, maybe not all this year but beginning of next year.


I'd love to find out what you consider to be content, because we didn't get anything today. Promises of stuff down the road, while for PVE folks like myself, it looks like there's one flashpoint coming in November and that's it. What other content are you seeing for someone like me who doesn't PVP? (Don't mention Op boss, they're six months behind at least on that.)


And by the way, "early next year" is the same promise we got LAST fall. We've literally had almost no content at all since 2016 and it's OCTOBER.

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With the RP servers now being merged into PVE servers, does this mean we will now get a RP instance added, like we have PVP and PVE instances of a server?


I recall this was much discussed when instances were first added and the designations removed from the server listing. The RP community would appreciate this immensely, for many reasons, not least of which being that RP servers do tend to have rather different cultures which will now be essentially washed away. While the truly dedicated trollers might be mis-wired enough that they'd take the initiative to go to a RP instance just to troll, for the most part I believe a RP instance would benefit RPers who would prefer to minimize trolling as well as those folks who may truly not want to see RP in their game environment. Instancing should have no effect on people still using group finder queues so it seems like an ideal solution.


Your RP community doesn't ask for much, and doesn't need much to keep them happy - do please consider them in a choice like this, and throw a bone their way. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is already wincing in anticipation of the server culture impact the merge will have as it is.


(This being said, other posters have mentioned the need to improve respawn rates on open world objectives, and doing so in the PVE instance would be crucial to preserving the purpose/integrity of the various instances. Right now the deterrent to people flooding a PVP instance for open world objectives is the willingness-vs.-reluctance to engage in PVP, and that consideration would not exist for a RP instance. Addressing respawn rates would seem to be an important factor for many reasons, not least of which is just going to be the increase in traffic.)

Edited by JediBoadicea
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I left The Harbinger in no small part due to the insanely long respawn rates of certain necessary Daily Heroic Objectives that, when combined with a very populated server, result in some Dailies becoming infuriatingly frustrating to complete.


Please, please, please, please, please, fix:



  1. Hit 'Em Where They Live - Republic Balmorra

    1. Increase number of Deadeye's
    2. Increase the spawn rate of Deadeye's
    3. Instance the zone

[*]Justice for the Lost - Republic Balmorra

  1. Increase number/type of targets that drop Database Access Codes
  2. Make Database Access Codes a guaranteed drop for ALL group members.
  3. Instance the zone

[*]Mutations - Republic Taris

  1. Increase number of Irradiated Rakghouls
  2. Increase the spawn rate of Irradiated Rakghouls
  3. Instance the zone

[*]Possessed Hunter - Imperial Dromund Kaas

  1. Increase the spawn rate of Valen Korik
  2. Instance the zone

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Nah..of all the things that could upset me, this is the least of them. I'm subbed, I should take priority. I PAY for their services...others don't. Pay up or suck it up.


You only lose a name if someone else has your name on another server and wins a contest (sub vs f2p or played time vs played time). People flipping out over assumptions without reading get 0 sympathy from me.

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They would have had to get to the boring ones eventually, but with the hints about it being agent related I was really, really really hoping it would be Vector.


Nothing in this roadmap seems to pertain much to me, but I'm pleased that it's making people so happy.


I was hoping for Vector to return the most as well. In fact I would like to see more than 1 companion returned, because waiting for 2 years for them return is unbelievable.


This is supposed to be a story driven mmo. It was supposed to be different. In the beginning it was. Now it just borrows and copies from others, imo.


I'm happy others are getting what they've wanted and asked for too. But in true BioWare fashion, they've catered to one group while completely shutting out another.


I don't know why it's so hard for them to figure out putting content for everyone is what benefits them because then they have both groups happy.


While I preferred the 1 - 50 experience of the game over anything they've released since, RotHC and SoR was closest to being done properly. Again, just my opinion.......which apparently means little to nothing to BioWare since I prefer story and companion interactions. They dumped ME for Anthem and now story and companions for mergers and forced grouping. I'll stay subbed till the end of t he year to keep my names, but after that.....not sure.


I feel like I've whined and ranted enough. Sorry!

Edited by TinaLovesHan
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