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The big surprise in the upcoming roadmap?


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They just have to do 3 changes to GC:

- remove command ranks. Just let us chose, which command tier we want to progress

- replace assembled gear pieces with unassembled gear pieces, so that we can use every piece of gear, that drops from crates

- make it legacy-wide


However, instead of adjusting the core system, they are just fighting the symptoms with a way-to-big-gearing-system. Does anyone remember the old producer - don't know his name anymore - saying "the current system is too complex, we want something easy"?

Edited by Exocor
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I'm thinking a revised DvL event where you rank toons to 300 Command Level


I truly, genuinely, seriously, sincerely, honestly, legitimately, deeply, actually, really, hope you are wrong about that.


CXP/GC/RNG is bad enough. But, it's just adding insult to injury, as the saying goes, to not only keep a vehemently hated system in place but to also "celebrate" and/or "glorify" said system with an event, an event that would probably just recycle most if not all existing content and not add any new content.

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They just have to do 3 changes to GC:

- remove command ranks. Just let us chose, which command tier we want to progress

- replace assembled gear pieces with unassembled gear pieces, so that we can use every piece of gear, that drops from crates

- make it legacy-wide


However, instead of adjusting the core system, they are just fighting the symptoms with a way-to-big-gearing-system. Does anyone remember the old producer - don't know his name anymore - saying "the current system is too complex, we want something easy"?


I am in favor of removing the entire GC system and going back to a commendations/crystals system like we had in 1.x - 3.x.


I don't want to see it tweaked, adjusted or otherwise modified. Removing it would be a good gesture, in my opinion; it would be BW/EA admitting the system is a mistake even if they don't "say" so. you know, the whole actions speak louder than words?

Eh, I'm likely preaching to the choir.

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If you want the galactic command system removed you have to come up with an alternative.


For many that seems to be 'lets go back to how it was' so you have to do operations to get gear. Those same operations that people that have been here since the start have completed 100's of times. So not exactly an appealing prospect. Though maybe you are new and think that is their problem and you still think the operations are going to be fun. No problem stand on fleet and see how long it takes you to find 7 other people that are looking to play them on NIM (the same as tier 4 gear you can get now). Maybe if your a tank and you know what your doing and your on a standard pop server and play a peak times you might just find it. But I suspect most raiders are gone to pastures new.


So if you look at how many people can gear up with galactic command vs how many people can gear up with operations I think the devs will find even if people moan about it Galactic Command is more inclusive than NiM ops. So if they go back to Ops they will find sadly that upon completing the solo content, there is no end game grind for solo players and at best they go preferred at worse find a game that doesn't think end game has to be forced group play.

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I am in favor of removing the entire GC system and going back to a commendations/crystals system like we had in 1.x - 3.x.


I don't want to see it tweaked, adjusted or otherwise modified. Removing it would be a good gesture, in my opinion; it would be BW/EA admitting the system is a mistake even if they don't "say" so. you know, the whole actions speak louder than words?

Eh, I'm likely preaching to the choir.


I would too, but you know they won't. What would they say to the people that have ground it out already? If anything they'll keep GC in place and 300 will be the stating point for a new system.

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Has anyone made a new bingo thing for this yet or is it only for streams?


Like how many times "exciting" is listed.


Tier 5 gear.


Doing old content again.


Heavily Implied dates for content but knowing nothing is actually promised.


Classes balanced so you can grind to get back to were you were before the nerfs.


Getting back to MMo content and keeping things vague.

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I would too, but you know they won't. What would they say to the people that have ground it out already? If anything they'll keep GC in place and 300 will be the stating point for a new system.


Well I think that if they want to introduce an additional tier in GC they should probably turn all the current tiers up. So basically we'll lose tier 1 since you can buy that anyway and 1-90 will drop tier 2, 91-180 drops tier 3, 181-299 drops tier 4 and 300 drops tier 5.


It will solve at least the issue of new characters having to go from 1-90 getting drops that are already below the gear you're wearing from sm ops drops and it might give a bit more insight in how the nerfs fit in, cause a new tier of gear would make things easier again. You could argue why the nerfs at all then but they are also balancing acts and the lower level content also benefits from the nerfs because it's my opinion that lower level content has been made too easy to be meaningful. That's my opinion, but from that point of view it makes a bit more sense what they've been up to.

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Hei guys, we have great things to come.

More unique armor sets are going to be cartell market only, in order to level up your crew skills you have to pay 20 cartell coins. Oh and the next update will dwelve more into the traitor storyline with a new and unique enemy that came out of nowhere.

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Hei guys, we have great things to come.

More unique armor sets are going to be cartell market only, in order to level up your crew skills you have to pay 20 cartell coins. Oh and the next update will dwelve more into the traitor storyline with a new and unique enemy that came out of nowhere.

No no, they didn't come out of nowhere. They're a superfluous all-purpose group that can be called up to perform any duty as filler or specific role. It's all very mysterious and non-committal so it can be used at any time for anything.

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If you want the galactic command system removed you have to come up with an alternative.


A commendations/cyrstals/some type of end game gear currency like we had pre 5.0 is the alternative. With a commendation system, we save up and buy the pieces of gear we want/need.


My problem, the real problem I have is the RNG aspect. I should be able to choose which gear piece I want to get instead of it being "random". I don't want to get 25 gold relics, 40 leggings purple, and no offhand. Seriously, when I was like CR 200 all the way to 299, I easily got 2 gold relics and then I kept getting gold relics. All I needed was 2, and since they are bind of pickup, it didn't help a lot to get more than 2.


For many that seems to be 'lets go back to how it was' so you have to do operations to get gear. Those same operations that people that have been here since the start have completed 100's of times. So not exactly an appealing prospect.


I think you're getting two problems mixed up though they do seem to be intertwined.


2. Lack of new content, though technically it would be slow release of new content since we do have 1 daily area (poorly done, imo), an incomplete operation (I haven't even bothered to try it), and 1 FP (I found it to be lukewarm at best).


Both are a problem.


Though maybe you are new...

I've been playing since the spring of 2012. But, that's neither here nor there really.


No problem stand on fleet and see how long it takes you to find 7 other people that are looking to play them on NIM (the same as tier 4 gear you can get now). Maybe if your a tank and you know what your doing and your on a standard pop server and play a peak times you might just find it. But I suspect most raiders are gone to pastures new. So if you look at how many people can gear up with galactic command vs how many people can gear up with operations I think the devs will find even if people moan about it Galactic Command is more inclusive than NiM ops. So if they go back to Ops they will find sadly that upon completing the solo content, there is no end game grind for solo players and at best they go preferred at worse find a game that doesn't think end game has to be forced group play.


Don't forget also that pre 5.0, commendations and purple gear dropped from FPs in addition to commendations being part of the mission rewards. We also got commendations from GF dailies.

Dalies and weeklies granted commendations as well. You could even get basic coms in 4.0 from doing the planetary heroics.

Solo players could get mid tier level end game gear though it may take a while to get a full set. Solo players could, relatively speaking, easily get tier 1 gear and not do any group content. I want to say, if memory serves me correctly, that you could even get some ultimate coms or whatever they used to be called from solo activities. I could be wrong about that though.


I personally stick to SM ops. I've dabbled in some HM ops (TFB and DF). They really were hard, and I would not PUG for HM ops. It can be difficult even for a group of people who know their class/role well and know the mechanics.


Now, seriously, I'm not hear to stomp on your and say "You're wrong. I'm right". Maybe you and others are tired of running DF for the millionth time with next to nothing new to do. That's a legitimate grievance. I want new content too. Perhaps some of the sting would have been taken out of GC/CXP/RNG if there had been tons and tons of new stuff to do in order to grind out the GC levels. That still wouldn't address the "random" aspect, but at least we'd be doing activities that felt fresh.


I'm just not going to ever be convinced that gearing via RNG is superior to gearing via commendations and choosing specifically which gear piece you obtain.

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I would too, but you know they won't. What would they say to the people that have ground it out already? If anything they'll keep GC in place and 300 will be the stating point for a new system.


Sadly, I think this is the reality of the situation. That doesn't mean it's a good system though.

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I am hoping for a few changes that would I think help a ton, at least for me.


1. GC must go. No revamp, no fixing, just gone.


2. Final three boeses done, and out by December.


2a. Companions all returned by January 2018. At this point I don’t care how, just make it happen. Hell you want to say we all just woke up from a bad dream I am game. This story line has lived too long and it keeps getting worse.....


3. A new op for next year out by July.


4. 2-4 new flash points out by december next year all telling a story. (Solo mode for solo players, tactical mode and all the rest of the modes so it is something for everyone)


5. PVP bolster to max gear level.


6. 2 new PvP maps out by July next year.


Ok small list.....but hey ask for the moon why not.

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New rng class balance! A box with a spin button will start a large wheel in motion. This box appeara on login. This box can't be closed with out it being spun. Then based on the table for your class a new month long buff or nerf will be applied.
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