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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Sweetheart, I'm so glad for you!



Yes, you got to kill him! Well, no, you got to watch him die! Well, not quite but at least you've been left under the impression he's dead, that'll feed your dark soul! And yes, Satele did look sad, didn't she? If only she was powerful enough to save him. Oh wells.






actually you can see him die right before the place explodes in his face


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I really wasn't too sure I wanted to even play this story, I sat for a good few minutes before deciding to take my sage through getting Felix first. She romanced Theron but I was dreading how it would end. I am glad I did though. Though I am worried what the

Leaving him to die option will mean, I am a little hopeful that this really is the end of the alliance and they will get back to the old way and not be too reliant on cinematics for all the storytelling, and that it wouldn't matter if some don't have him anymore. Awwww and when he referred to himself as the idiot spy boyfriend <3 <3 <3

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actually you can see him die right before the place explodes in his face


He hangs his head but that does not necessarily spell death and yes, there are explosions that smoke up the place. Obscuring our ability to see Satele save him at the very last second. He'll be back, even if you thought he'd died. ;) If only they'd actually let you finish the job so you could be sure but no, you were forced to walk off without ever getting to lay a hand on him yourself. Pity. That just makes me all the more relieved you feel so happy about this, it's nice to see players can still appreciate the content even if their dark desires aren't fulfilled.


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He hangs his head but that does not necessarily spell death and yes, there are explosions that smoke up the place. Obscuring our ability to see Satele save him at the very last second. He'll be back, even if you thought he'd died. ;) If only they'd actually let you finish the job so you could be sure but no, you were forced to walk off without ever getting to lay a hand on him yourself. Pity. That just makes me all the more relieved you feel so happy about this, it's nice to see players can still appreciate the content even if their dark desires aren't fulfilled.



in sateles mail she is says he will be remembered she even says she felt his death, so rip. lol


Edited by ThomasStarWars
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The Zildrog room on Nathema was exploding as Satele sensed it presumably from Coruscant, Theron would be long gone by the time it would take her to get there.



there is a mail from satele which says she felt his death.. i dont know where people get their delusions from


Edited by ThomasStarWars
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I'm actually really happy with the way this went. The FP itself was actually a lot of fun and



I loved the interaction all the way through with him. Leaving him isn't a kill option per se. Now the ******s get to cry instead of those who like the character and that makes me even happier :D. Love the proposal bit. He's as adorably awkward as ever. At least some things never change.



Holy crap on what they did with the fleet, though! Slightly pissed about that, but, with everything else, I'll take it :D

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I'm actually really happy with the way this went. The FP itself was actually a lot of fun and



I loved the interaction all the way through with him. Leaving him isn't a kill option per se. Now the ******s get to cry instead of those who like the character and that makes me even happier :D. Love the proposal bit. He's as adorably awkward as ever. At least some things never change.



Holy crap on what they did with the fleet, though! Slightly pissed about that, but, with everything else, I'll take it :D



seeing him die and not killing him is more satisfying than just killing him. seeing him beg and cry alone as the sweet kiss of death touches his drying lips. the ultimate dark side ending.


Edited by ThomasStarWars
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Come on now people, whatever you believe may or may not have happened, do you really have to go in here to ruin other peoples fun? Just let anyone believe what they want to, it does not exactly matter to you.

If you feel like Theron died, good for you, you can always celebrate it in an appropriate thread.

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you seem to be reading way too much into it. you should become a writer, you can provide deeper things than bioware can.

I already am! At least, of my own drivel. :p



In any case, yes, it could be finite, he could be dead to you and anyone else who took the DS option. It could be they did it this way to soften the blow for us Theron fans. However, it can also be they wanted to maintain the possibility of giving him a big story presence in the future, allowing him to re-appear alongside say, Lana once more even while you thought and were lead to believe he had perished. Both are equally possible, I'm going with the option that makes me feel best even if I may be proven wrong in the future.



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Come on now people, whatever you believe may or may not have happened, do you really have to go in here to ruin other peoples fun? Just let anyone believe what they want to, it does not exactly matter to you.

If you feel like Theron died, good for you, you can always celebrate it in an appropriate thread.



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Come on now people, whatever you believe may or may not have happened, do you really have to go in here to ruin other peoples fun? Just let anyone believe what they want to, it does not exactly matter to you.

If you feel like Theron died, good for you, you can always celebrate it in an appropriate thread.


Thank you.

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I already am! At least, of my own drivel. :p



In any case, yes, it could be finite, he could be dead to you and anyone else who took the DS option. It could be they did it this way to soften the blow for us Theron fans. However, it can also be they wanted to maintain the possibility of giving him a big story presence in the future, allowing him to re-appear alongside say, Lana once more even while you thought and were lead to believe he had perished. Both are equally possible, I'm going with the option that makes me feel best even if I may be proven wrong in the future.


Only one person knows the answer. Anyone know how to get a hold of Troy Baker? He'll know and should spill since it's his job on the line.

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Come on now people, whatever you believe may or may not have happened, do you really have to go in here to ruin other peoples fun? Just let anyone believe what they want to, it does not exactly matter to you.

If you feel like Theron died, good for you, you can always celebrate it in an appropriate thread.


I love the way they handled theron. It makes everyone happy.

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Only one person knows the answer. Anyone know how to get a hold of Troy Baker? He'll know and should spill since it's his job on the line.

If Troy knows anything he'd likely be restricted from spilling via NDAs. But he's on Twitter if you want to go ask.

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I do have a question for anyone who's done it. Did dialog change for his reasons with DS vs LS? I have a DS character, but she's farther back in the story and I was just wondering if he meant the betrayal if you actually deserved it :D
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I do have a question for anyone who's done it. Did dialog change for his reasons with DS vs LS? I have a DS character, but she's farther back in the story and I was just wondering if he meant the betrayal if you actually deserved it :D



nope its the same thing for dark side and light side from what ive seen.


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