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Have you ever played content primarily because of an NPC's voice?


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I was wondering if anyone else does this and if so, which content for whose voice (or for a line they are saying).


For me, it's Depths of Manaan rep side because of Lana's voice. I know we get her as companion and she talks a lot in the chapters (not to mention the voice actress voicing about a million other characters), but something about her voice here just grips me.

Might just be the way she says "The cyborg champion is after you! I can feel its power from here, it's considerable!", which always makes me grin. :p


Shae Vizla's voice and her saying "You made it inside. Huh." is also the main reason Blood Hunt is my second favourite flashpoint.


So yeah, do you do this too or am I the only one?

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I was wondering if anyone else does this and if so, which content for whose voice (or for a line they are saying).


For me, it's Depths of Manaan rep side because of Lana's voice. I know we get her as companion and she talks a lot in the chapters (not to mention the voice actress voicing about a million other characters), but something about her voice here just grips me.

Might just be the way she says "The cyborg champion is after you! I can feel its power from here, it's considerable!", which always makes me grin. :p


Shae Vizla's voice and her saying "You made it inside. Huh." is also the main reason Blood Hunt is my second favourite flashpoint.


So yeah, do you do this too or am I the only one?

I like playing the Manaan fp Imp side for the same reason but for Theron's line. 'Lana says you're tough, let see it.' Actually I like a lot of lines from Theron from all SOR content playing imp side.


I tend to pick specific lines regardless of whether I'm ls or ds and it goes against my alignment because of certain lines.


Although I romance Theron on the majority of toons I love playing the Umbara fp because Troy Baker is amazing throughout.

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I've played a couple of female troopers on a couple of servers now because of Aric's voice, I've also repeated the reunion chapter a few times for the same reason. He does this low drop, semi growl voice crack thing which is super awesome.


I also play some characters more then others due to the protag VA's.


Just as examples, I really like Jennifer Hales voice acting, it's usually always on target for the scene ( angry when it should be, sarcastic when it should be, soft when it should be etc ) which is another reason for having more then one female trooper. I also very much enjoy the Fem JK's VA work, the consular (post class story - even class story wasn't bad, her voice was made to suit the more diplomatic stance of the char) and the BH... however I am not a fan of the Sith Warr or the Sith Inquis really, they are a little too abrupt almost constantly for my tastes when I play mostly LS chars.


To me, voice is everything.


Could other VA's do a specific character just as well or maybe better? Absolutely they could, which is why I would be ok with VA's changing if they have an issue bringing one back ( better then the alternative ). However, there is also always that chance they may ruin the character for some who don't like the voice but in a game like this that just means they would probably shift focus to another one they like better - the great part of so many options.

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I send Master Ranos on crew skills on every one of my toons. I absolutely love her raspy, sexy voice. She's ear candy to me.

I love Shae Vizla's voice as well.


They could very well be the same actress, but they are distinct enough to me that I love them in their own separate ways.


I feel the same way about the Inq and Acina. Same actress but different enough, and both are great.

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Sure, I have more Sith Warriors, Jedi Knights, and Agents than you can shake a stick at. Why? Well, I'll tell you why...


First off, love the female voice actors for all three classes. And then there are the companion voices...Richard Teverson as Malavai Quinn, I adore him. Then, of course, there is Troy Baker as Theron Shan, adore him too.


And Jedi Knight, well she gets Scourge, who is extraordinary as well. And Doc is great too. And for my agent, there is Vector and Keeper (later the Minister of Intelligence) both of whom I adore.


I live for voices and attractive pixels. Makes the game fun. <3

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I do love the female agent's voice and the male Sith warrior. My male Sith warrior felt like James Bond, he was so smooth. I also love Theron's voice.


On the flip side, I struggled to play my female Jedi consular as her dead pan voice put me to sleep. The male side was marginally better. I really truly hated it to the point where I took ds choices to at least have some change of tone in her voice. I much prefer the female Jedi Knight voice. You can be a Jedi without sounding like you're dead inside.

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Yes, it's why I love my Agent and want her back quite badly.


Also my Inquisitor as with the Revanite mask on his voice is perfect for delivering the snide comments.


On the other hand, JK is a snooze fest as is the female consular.


Oh and Shae Hotstuffs is excellent too. Does mean I would have to play Blood Hunt and KotFE chp XIV again though......I'll just take the hit and be without her sultry tones.

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The only reason my agent is male is because he sounds SO good.


And that may be the only reason he's my main.


I... may have also rolled a second operative that I justified to myself as "Oh, I need a healer" just to hear more of his voice. Sooooooo.... Yeah.


Don't judge me. It makes it so much easier to power through all of the content when there's ear chocolate purring on your screen.

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The Imperial world arc on Hoth. That guy who voices (Captain? Colonel?) Yudrass... *starry eyes*

That voice is the one I tried to imitate when reading The Thrawn Trilogy out loud, for Thrawn's dialogue. Sure, I failed miserably*, but it was fun! :D


And as for PC voices - yeeeeeeeeeeah, I freely admit to going back and doing old exploration quests just to hear my male knight, male consular, female warrior, and female smuggler. ...and female agent. Audible chocolate, as someone once described her voice? YES. (Seriously, who said that? It was *somebody* on these forums, and that description's stuck with me ever since. :p)


*I can't seem to get the accent right. What *is* Yudrass's accent? It's beautiful.

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I do love the female agent's voice and the male Sith warrior. My male Sith warrior felt like James Bond, he was so smooth. I also love Theron's voice.


On the flip side, I struggled to play my female Jedi consular as her dead pan voice put me to sleep. The male side was marginally better. I really truly hated it to the point where I took ds choices to at least have some change of tone in her voice. I much prefer the female Jedi Knight voice. You can be a Jedi without sounding like you're dead inside.


I would say that she was supposed to be that way in the original class story - there's a lot more mix to her tone past the class story, heading into SoR, Ziost, KoTFE and KoTET. In fact in some places in those I like her better then the JK ( who is one of my favs! ) She delivered what I consider to be one of the most powerful sounding alliance speeches compared to most. Jennifer Hale ( Fem Trooper) did also - but she has had experience in those kinds of speeches from Fem Shep.

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You can never get enough Steve Blum and Catherine Taber.

Blum voices Andronikos, Adm. Aygo, and many many more. Taber voices Vette, among others.


Aygo! He is one i wouldnt mind romancing! I bet he would be somewhat like Aric.... mmmm possibilities.

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Taral V does it for me. "Fiiiind the control center." - Oteg. I feel like Yoda is coaching me through life when he says it lol. And of course the General shouting, "This is my battlefield, scum! YOU ONLY LEAVE IT IN A BAG!" That line and the voice acting add depth to the character unlike so many other boss fights.


I also play Athiss just to hear that one voice say, "He will take your bodies and your ship." That part cracks me up because I always react the same --- ain"t nobody takin my ship! The thought of it fuels my fight.

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I know it's not an "NPC" voice, but I love the male Sith warrior's voice so much that I played the class twice through just so I could hear his voice. :3


I mainly play female characters otherwise, and the female Jedi consular and Sith inquisitor voices are also really good, and heavily influence what classes I play the most.

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I was wondering if anyone else does this and if so, which content for whose voice (or for a line they are saying).


For me, it's Depths of Manaan rep side because of Lana's voice. I know we get her as companion and she talks a lot in the chapters (not to mention the voice actress voicing about a million other characters), but something about her voice here just grips me.

Might just be the way she says "The cyborg champion is after you! I can feel its power from here, it's considerable!", which always makes me grin. :p


Shae Vizla's voice and her saying "You made it inside. Huh." is also the main reason Blood Hunt is my second favourite flashpoint.


So yeah, do you do this too or am I the only one?


Female smuggler. Worth playing through just because of the line delivery.

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That's me and most of this game :p I love almost all of the 16 pcs and many of the companions. I happily go through all of the side missions to hear them talk. And I poke my companions a lot...


There are some characters I hate with voices I love, like Kaliyo. I'm always torn, she has such a sultry voice. Do I listen to her beautiful voice, or space past her dialogue since I don't get an option to punch her?


And then there is some content I space past because I dislike the voices. Vaylin is #1 on my most hated list. Some dialogue her voice quite literally hurts my ears. If I'm not spacing past her dialogue I'm making very immature mocking faces while she talks :o Same with Holiday. She's an interesting character, but that falsetto Marilyn Monroe impersonation drives me up the wall! It doesn't help that Theran's voice is higher pitched than I like, so the duo has nothing to offer for my listening pleasure.

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Character class voices:


Male/Female Warrior are really good

Male BH is good

Female agent

Female Sorc


Aric Jorgans voice actor is really good, same with Shae Vizlas. The one for Darth Marr is excellent...I wish we had more of him :(


So yes, I would replay certain stories just because of how good many of the voice actors are (the above are just examples).

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Not just voice, but quality of the delivery also. And yes, there's multiple reasons I have many sith warriors, imperial agents, smugglers and jedi consulars. I love how they're acted in tone and voice. And how different they all are in every way, even new content the VA"s approach the lines brilliantly most of the time.

Companions also, ties in with it. I love Pierce (sw companion), for the voice acting and delivery, same with Adronikos, Doc, Quinn, Zenith. Actually most of the properly voiced companions, I don't personally like all the characters I mentioned here but the VA's usually act the character really well and that effort I can appreciate.

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I love the male agent, warrior and inquisitor, as far as player characters go. As for NPCs, I enjoy running the Black Talon and Esseles purely to listen to Grand Moff Kilran. He's a complete dillhole but I could listen to him talk for hours. It's almost soothing.


I also happen to love Darth Baras's voice. He's got a great presence and even though I've made many warriors I still get caught up in listening to him. I loved the witty banter he and my warrior had, and I missed hearing from him after I finished the story.

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I have three smugglers all because of Corso's voice. I could listen to him all day.


There have been many amazing NPC voices, but there was one on Voss. He was not Voss, but some guy working for whoever you had to deal with in the class story. Can't remember if it was the conselar or inquisitor. Think the inquisitor probably. Guy had the most resonant voice. Ear candy indeed.

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