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Was it worth it?


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I have been here since launch and only missed maybe 4 months of paying for sub and i can say honestly that i spent my money on something that i have enjoyed and would spend it again and will spend it until they decide to move on from this game. So yeah it has been worth it to me.:cool:
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If you had an active sub from start until now, you would have almost paid 1300 dollars for a single game. You can build a fairly nice gaming rig with that money, now I ask.. do you think it was worth it?

Been here since beta, never stepped away once. It's been worth every penny...cheapest form of entertainment I could ever ask for.


edit: CRAP...just did the math on my cable bill for the same time frame (game released Dec 20, 2011, so your numbers are slightly off I believe - 5 years 8 months 11 days)...but in that same time, I've spent nearly $13,000 on cable TV...now THAT sucks!!!!

Edited by TUXs
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Yes, easily. I have also bought Cartel Coins and a new computer so my total is even higher but well worth it for 5.5 years of entertainment. :)


Computer Games are one of the cheapest forms of entertainment compared to cable TV, movies, restaurants, seeing a band etc.

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Absolutely, have played since beta and except for a oopsy moment when I received a new debit card, i have been subbed for this game. Has it drove me crazy at times, broke my heart, made me scream at my computer like a crazy person.....yep. Even when all my friends left to go play WoW, GW2, ESO etc and even when I went and played there with them I still kept my sub going and probably always will. This format is still the best out there for really getting you into the story. I almost "become" my character. The other games you just run up to npc to get directions on what to kill and go do it...yawn. So I will continue to berate the game in my various ways and play it until it up ends and dies...or I do. ;)
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Not since launch (I didn't know about it exactly) but as soon as I was told about it, I was here - just before RotHC, and have been a recurring monthly sub ever since. No regrets - have been very happy with the game, not to mention the obscene amounts of money spent in the CM (possibly some regrets there, but that regret spreads beyond SWTOR).


Worth it? Without a doubt. :jawa_smile:

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If you had an active sub from start until now, you would have almost paid 1300 dollars for a single game. You can build a fairly nice gaming rig with that money, now I ask.. do you think it was worth it?


That's it? Never gave it any thought. Hell, I give them more grief than I feel I should now.

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If you had an active sub from start until now, you would have almost paid 1300 dollars for a single game. You can build a fairly nice gaming rig with that money, now I ask.. do you think it was worth it?


One of my friends likes to get drunk. A beer in a bar costs around 5 Euros, depending on the brand. He drinks around 30 beers per night. That's 150 Euros. So he gets drunk 10 times for 1500 Euros. Horrible hangovers included.


My former boss likes cocaine. I don't know the price for that, but I'm sure 1500 Euros doesn't bring you that far. Side effects included.


One night with a classy escort surely costs 1500 Euros, I suppose. Probably leaving you feel mentally empty the next morning.


I spent (maybe; I have no idea) 1500 Euros on Swtor. Almost 6 years worth of playing a (sometimes more, sometimes less) fun game.


To each his own, I say. But I think that I got the most out of those 1500 Euros. ;)

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my entire family's been playing on and off since launch. i always keep coming back. i've bought cartel coins, expansions, and now am paying for my own subscription.


with all the money i've put into it, i think it's definitely worth it - i enjoy playing, i love star wars, and it's fun. i might quit again someday - who knows? - but i'll probably come back.

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$18 dollars approx a month, for entertainment. Yes, it's worth it considering how often I play and how much I enjoy the game. I don't need to pay to enjoy the game, I choose to. It costs far less to sub to swtor then it would for me to hit the town for a night, and seeing as me and people don't get along, this is the better choice xD


I prefer getting access to a game for free and subscribing to lift the restrictions a lot more then say WoW's spend tons of money buying access to game and every expansion, then sub too.

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Lord yes it was worth it over these what? 6 years of playing or so...


I've spent countless hours playing swtor - some I played as one pissed off camper, some I've played as if the game were new as in beta... But worth it? Of course it's been worth it.

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I've been playing since beta and I take breaks here and there. But I still enjoy coming back to the game. I am quite sure anyone who has been playing and paying since the start either forgot they were subbed or enjoys the game :D
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I started subbing this game 4 years ago this coming January been playing since it went f2p and I do not regret it a bit sure this has been a bad day because of the botched update but for the most part this game is always up and going they will get it fixed and then I will go back to my sith marauder and resume my spree of mayhem muhahahaha. Edited by EvilNomad
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To answer the original question. yes. Cheap at the price. However since I do 6 month sub, It's actually only 1082.90 (with tax) -and I'm paid up until Jan.


In that same time I've spent far more on, cable TV, movies, eating out, vacations, cell phone service, electronics, wine and scotch. I've also bought/ built 3 gaming rigs.


Let me ask the op a question. What would you do with that new gaming rig if you didn't buy any games, or sub to any games?

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I'll take this a step further . . .


How much time and money have you spent playing video games? Don't forget to include costs of modems (28K, 56K, DSL, T1, T3, Cable, etc), monthly cost of ISP, upgrading sound and video cards, replacing broken keyboards and mice, canned air and monitor wipes, and last, but not least, the number of boyfriends/girlfriends that dumped you because you love video games and they hate them and don't understand AT ALL why you love gaming so much.


I also 100% agree that video games are by far the cheapest form of entertainment. I still remember the first time I saw Asteroids at the 7-11 near my house back in 1978 . . . Yeah, I love video games . . . a lot . . . :D




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Yes, easily. I have also bought Cartel Coins and a new computer so my total is even higher but well worth it for 5.5 years of entertainment. :)


Computer Games are one of the cheapest forms of entertainment compared to cable TV, movies, restaurants, seeing a band etc.


Same here (the CC, not the new computer) and I've spent way more going to the movies or on fast food than I have on SWtOR. ^_^

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If you had an active sub from start until now, you would have almost paid 1300 dollars for a single game. You can build a fairly nice gaming rig with that money, now I ask.. do you think it was worth it?


Yes - well worth it. In fact my 'rig' costs more alone than this excluding the monitor which would be another 20 months or so for that alone.


I personally look at it in entertainment value. At about 8,500 hours of play time over 1,300 hours that is $0.15 an hour. Name other forms of entertainment you can have that cost that little that are not "walking in the park" or "people watching".

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