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Game Update 5.4a


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A little thought :


Imagine i was a electricity company and people stay in the dark for 6 hours and I say the first 25 to say "Kowabunga" on the phone get a free Key ring...


How would my customers react ? Would they go see another Electricity Company ?


^ This guys gets it.


If we are posting here we are currently in a time period WE HAVE PAID FOR.


We are not getting the service we paid for.


Ergo we are ALL entitled to compensation.


All The Best

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I have seen this come up quite a bit in the thread, so lemme tackle it! We don't really have the ability to extend it with the patch today. To put that change in now is risky and could create some issues, which we certainly don't want more of today.


However, Keith, Charles, and the team are highly aware of this request and talking about what options we have for this. It may not be today, but if we can get something done around this, one of us will let you know!




Do this and leave the daily CXP where it is and I'll consider all as forgiven. :D

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Yea I agree with the fact that everyone should be sent something or a free sub day or something that everyone can receive as a whole instead of putting out codes only a few select of ppl that's constantly refreshing the forum pages waiting for the next code cause I personally don't do that, not saying there anything wrong with that but I just don't partake in that activity. I would just suggest free cartel coins to all players doesn't have to be that much but enough where it would satisfy the fan base. Thank you.
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Again, we are actively moving towards a possible fix now. We then need to test it to ensure it corrected the issues of this morning. I will pass on updates as I have them.




Another 6 prime-time hours lost for Europe over a bugged patch. Did you even tested it ? So far 5.4 is nothing but bugs, a very few being in favor of the players.

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I LAUGH AT YOU ALL, THIS IS JUST A GAME, I've been off for the past few days, was going to get some gaming in.... hasn't worked out too well, hehe. These guys are bustin their butts trying to get it back up with whoever they have available, cut them some slack and quit whining so much. The codes are BS, just get the game up is all I'd like to see. Good luck Dev. Team, and please relax player base.:)


Coming home from a tiresome workday and wanting to chill out a little, why should I accept a malfunctioning software I pay many dollars a month for?? Shame in you!

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Ok this is the last post I will be writing. I think you all should be ashamed of yourselves just because something went wrong does not mean you need to take it out on the people trying to fix it and worse you demand they give you things thats just down right wrong and i am ashamed to be apart of this community if thats how it is
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You are Funny, ... meanwhile in Europe its Primetime but you are complaining tha in 2 Hours ppl come home from work


that was fun ^^


Don't think he was complaining, I think he could simply imagine how the s... would hit the fan if it's not done before US prime time.

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I have seen this come up quite a bit in the thread, so lemme tackle it! We don't really have the ability to extend it with the patch today. To put that change in now is risky and could create some issues, which we certainly don't want more of today.


However, Keith, Charles, and the team are highly aware of this request and talking about what options we have for this. It may not be today, but if we can get something done around this, one of us will let you know!




What I want is to play the game...


And after that, I want to get my lost time back that has been shedded by this huge clown-show.


And after that, I want the game to be properly fixed so that it is fun again.


And after that, I want my Umbara Stronghold without this stupid cap on the number of strongholds one can own...


And after all that stuff, I want the stuff you just handed out to a few lucky people while the rest of us are left sitting here dumb-founded at the incredible slap in the face we all just got.

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Hey Eric! In case of that the issues happened at European Mean-Time, it would be nice if you would post your Updates in German Dev.-Tracker, too. The German subscribers would be very happy about this support. For sure I will not complain about your bad German-translations. :D


Same thing for the French forum.


Do you remember there are French and German speaking players / costumers ?

Edited by La_Clef
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No because if the electricity is out the phone wont work




Plus, not having power for 6 hours is perhaps a little bit different from not being able to play a game. I mean, I'm not happy about it either, but let's try to keep a little bit of perspective here.

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With that in mind I am going to hold off on it. Again, I apologize if people felt slighted, I only meant it is as a fun downtime killer! I will be more sensitive to that in the future.


Give away codes for trivia questions or an internet treasure hunt or something merit based. We are all gamers after all :rak_04:

Edited by KevinQCowart
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Best bday present guuyyssss! :p JK no just focus on getting it back up. But if I come home from work and its still down im going to be a sad Jawa :( :'(



LOL already happened for all European players.


So dear Shathelina,


thank you for only thinking for yourself and your American buddies, while forgetting that this should be a community.


Thank you.





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I have seen this come up quite a bit in the thread, so lemme tackle it! We don't really have the ability to extend it with the patch today. To put that change in now is risky and could create some issues, which we certainly don't want more of today.


However, Keith, Charles, and the team are highly aware of this request and talking about what options we have for this. It may not be today, but if we can get something done around this, one of us will let you know!



Next Tuesday is just fine ;)


The boost to CXP has truly been uplifting for this game...PLEASE extend the "event"...

Hi Eric,


Could you perhaps edit your initial post to summarize what the issues have been/are? I only just came on and might save me/others searching the forums to see what is going on for discussion purposes and what to look for perhaps when things do come up.



Keep up slacker :p

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