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Everything posted by Brightomegalpha

  1. Hi, A while back, I transfered one character from my main server (Mantle of the Force) to a foreign server (Red Eclipse) and with him my entire heritage's successes of that time. I stopped playing on Red Eclipse and resumed my gaming on Mantle. I completed a lot of new successes and now I wonder If I transfer a second character from Mantle to Red Eclipse, will he update my successes? Thanks!
  2. I do hope that the English version is the right one, otherwise I fear what they might ask of us
  3. Hi SWTOR Quick question regarding the patch note 5.5 in French compared to English "De nouveaux succès sont désormais nécessaires pour atteindre le rang de commandement 300 dans chaque classe." The French version states that it is required to complete achievements in order to get to rank 300 "New Achievements have been added for gaining Command Rank 300 with each Class." While the English version states, if I am correct, that we will receive achievements for reaching rank 300 for each of the 8 classes. Thus, which one of my French or English is rusty?
  4. Another 6 prime-time hours lost for Europe over a bugged patch. Did you even tested it ? So far 5.4 is nothing but bugs, a very few being in favor of the players.
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