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Cancelled Sub re: PVP issues


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I didn't buy SWTOR expecting a PvP game. I was not suprised to find out once I started playing it that *gasp* it's not a pvp game. If you want a good pvp game go play something like EVE or Darkfall or if you like controlled environments guild wars(2!). Buying a themepark MMO and expecting good pvp is like walking into the desert to find water.
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theyve never made a game like this before~ gotta give them some time.


idk why you nag about pathetic issues like UI? really? you're a dps, and apparently a bad one. I doubt your UI being a bit more polished will intensify your ability as a player.



shorter version: what you are now is about as good as you're going to be, and a new UI wont help.

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1%'ers is a term used to detail the minor few who claim they are supporter/savior for the majority by being louder and complain more to make their speculations heard and treated like fact.


The term has been around since the mid 30's 1% are often the first to lay blame, freak out, and make attempts to cause major general disturbance by flooding the most common used media resources with false and misleading topics/generalized hate.


The 1% that is being refered to in terms on a forum is that they are actually a very small minor collection with similar opinions compaired to the vast majority of people who play the game and enjoy it on all features and care less about the forums, let alone post on it, they are more indepth with the story/game play/pvp ect to worry about why the pvp forum is being spammed by the same 25people over and over again.


Well written, but based on past posts by Cobra, this may be too much for him to comprehend.

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Due to the overwhelming list of PVP issues with this game I have cancelled subscription. I encourage everyone else who cares about PVP to do the same.


Here are the major ones:


1. Unresponsive UI

2. Laggy WZs

3. WPVP has almost no purpose besides the daily/weekly

4. Camera always default to close zoom



1. Ctrl U?

2. Better ISP?

3. WPVP is fun that is enough purpose for me rewards would be awesome but I have faith they are coming

4. Scroll wheel works wonders and I have never noticed this...

5. I figure they are working on things that are way more broken than your ego.


PvP has issues but it is still a good time. Of your major issues only one of them is legit but i can see how that would be overwhelming for you to not get rewarded and have BW hold your hand all the way through the game.

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1. They'll fix it.

2. Stop downloading ****.

3. Not many capped players yet.

4. Learn to zoom out.

5. Game hasn't been out longer than 2 weeks yet. Stop trolling.


nuff said, dawg.


And the whole game and community will be better off without him. The only thing he could contribute would be money but well...some money isn´r worth it.

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what a little punk this OP is...I WANT MY PERFECT GAME, AND I WANT IT NOW MOFOS! as the dude above me just said, THE GAME JUST CAME OUT, why don't you go watch some anime and learn that games aren't CATERED to the minority of pvp players.




Seriously losers and leetists (or both) alike....give it SOME time.

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and what part of "story driven MMO" did those ******* not understand? BioWare clearly stated their priorities. A wicked cool Story that feels alive and is simply EFFIN AWESOME. And on that they delivered. They cleared my bar with room to spare in that department.


I don´t like the crafting system that much and that you get gear thrown at you left and right making crafting obsolete.


But I also like the PvP mechanics alot...alot. The fact that it is sometimes laggy and that the UI sometimes doesn´t respond to well is not a gamebreaking factor cos it can be fixed.


Only someone who goes into a nerd rage eating his keyboard erytime an unresponsive UI gets him beaten up in a warzone can complain this much. Stop drinking energy drinks as a main source of fluid intake and buy some common sense.

Edited by Frontplayer
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the game has been in development for 6-8 years... no reason anyone should be complaining and there should be no issues, DON'T RELEASE A UNFINISHED GAME!


No MMO has EVER been released finished NOR will there ever be one! Get over it and deal with it while they fix it or find a different type of game you enjoy because if you keep expecting this you will just move from MMO to MMO always disappointed.


Cash is king, your needs come last will always be the mind frame of big companies and big companies make these games so move on.

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I have been playing MMOs for more than 10 years and this is the most unbalanced pvp I've ever played and that is saying something. This is a huge problem for people looking to pvp but what makes it worse is the developers don't communicate to the community at all about it. Even if it's only been 2 weeks the games release is when they should be speaking to us the most. It is very very worrisome and they might be surprised how many people they have left playing after the first month.


He never tried Rift either where Sabs could spam 1 five times to plant charges then press 2 and boom your dead.

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You realize that the game came out 8 days ago right? There is nothing more to say, one week is not enough time to make game play changes to a game.


Please stop falling back on "It was only released ... ago". It's not like there's not been other MMO's available to study since early 2000's. These are issues that have plagued all other MMO's that offer PVP. Google them and take a look. If Wow had these same issues early on in their PVP system 8 years ago, would it hurt to actually take a few moments and study up on it?


Cryptic didn't either and they're learning their lesson with Star Trek Online. It goes F2P Jan 12 because they're hoping that they'll get their revenue back into swing due to the lost subscriptions because they didn't pay attention to the gaming community issues either.

Edited by BladesWill
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There is no level balance in match making, who wants to go into a PVP being level 36. While getting your %%% kicked by level 50 players. It's like a feather weight boxer, taking on a bunch of heavy weights. It's just not going to happen, needless to say I won't be playing PVP till I'm level 50.
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I would have to agree the PVP needs MAJOR work. However it is too early to cancel sub it's been out a week i'll give them 2 months if the PVP does not improve this MMO will be a MAJOR failure and you can take that to the bank. Lag, not being able to Q for the WZ you want, lack of world PVP, bad UI, not keeping track of your PVP stats, the list goes on and on. BIO WARE IM BEGGING YOU ADDRESS THIS ISSUES ASAP. cause many other aspects of the game is GREAT and it has amazing potential. but bad PVP will destroy this game for many many ppl.
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There is no level balance in match making, who wants to go into a PVP being level 36. While getting your %%% kicked by level 50 players. It's like a feather weight boxer, taking on a bunch of heavy weights. It's just not going to happen, needless to say I won't be playing PVP till I'm level 50.


I'm 37 and I have no problem killing 50's.


Then again, I actually have somewhat decent player skill and made the effort to gear up my character.

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Please stop falling back on "It was only released ... ago". It's not like there's not been other MMO's available to study since early 2000's. These are issues that have plagued all other MMO's that offer PVP. Google them and take a look. If Wow had these same issues early on in their PVP system 8 years ago, would it hurt to actually take a few moments and study up on it?


Cryptic didn't either and they're learning their lesson with Star Trek Online. It goes F2P Jan 12 because they're hoping that they'll get their revenue back into swing due to the lost subscriptions because they didn't pay attention to the gaming community issues either.


For further information this would be a 1%'er.


Cryptic allowed ST to fail because they developed a failed space combat system, Rail, or also known as "Railing" which has been refered to by Dev of EVE and BW, Cryptic refused to adapt the engine they built for CoH/V for ST, you know the whole you can fly and fight 360* and figures a standard system that was pre corsed on a flight path would fit better.


After implamenting it, they found out that the system they used could not be reveresed with out allowing the game to die and start over from scratch, this happens to many MMOs, they come and go, to get bent out of shape over it is pointless, to get bent out of shape for a secondary feature that is mildly popular is still pointless.

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Unfortunately I don't see myself resubbing if there isn't detailed PVP news on content, enhancements and bug fixes.


I am truly let down by the PVP in this game. All the excuse people are giving to defend this game are bs. Compared to other triple AAA titles released, SW:TOR PVP content is lacking, shallow and incomplete. There is no excuse, especially with the budget they bragged about and bringing in experienced WH PVP devs.



If we don't hear anything by the 21st... I'll be moving on too.

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I am primarily a PVP player and even I'm not whining about it. This is a PVE game with PVP tacked on and has most of the same shortcomings as other themeparks with a similar approach. I like the warzones much more here and I can't wait for more to be added. That being said, yeah, there are the usual issues, but if you are cancelling because of PVP you picked the wrong game to begin with.


well said, they will fix pvp issues when they're finally shuffled to the top of the list.

just gotta be patient is all because there ARE more important game issues they're working out atm

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Originally Posted by Skyrat

I am primarily a PVP player and even I'm not whining about it. This is a PVE game with PVP tacked on and has most of the same shortcomings as other themeparks with a similar approach. I like the warzones much more here and I can't wait for more to be added. That being said, yeah, there are the usual issues, but if you are cancelling because of PVP you picked the wrong game to begin with.







Rinse repeat. Same old thing people say to justify every game and nothing ever comes of it.

Edited by ChuckThePug
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