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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Can we go back to 3 pillars and make this game fun???


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sorry bioware, the 4th pillar(or as i like to refer to it: the crutch that's barely keeping this game alive) is a complete bomb and has no place in mmos. Maybe for the main story, but to spend 100 million on overpaid actor/celebrities just to hear their voice read off a script.......yeah....not the wisest investment of money....


So you would like them to remove what makes this game different and that they focused most of their efforts on that they marketed to EVERYONE since the game was announced simply because you don't want it? Good luck with this change happening.

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besides....based on the bland voice acting i've seen in 40 levels of gameplay, why don't they just offer 1000 dollars or a lifetime sub to one of the average joes that plays this game. That way they can spend their resources on creating good GAMEPLAY....ya know, the thing that will ACTUALLY bring people back to subbing for the LOL 10 YEARS LOL they plan to keep this game alive.




hahahha...10 years......

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you want to pay to hear peoples voice? why not just go outside and conversate with someone. Me? I like to pay for a GOOD game to play, not more voice acting that is literally everywhere you go in life.


I hear people talking all day....and if i want a good story i'll read a book. When I want a good game, I want good gameplay, not simply voice acting.


one you have never picked up a book in your life , two no one cares you will be gone Jan 20 , maybe the problem is all the voice acting in game is keeping you from hearing the voices in your?


head again i say .


troll is always fail

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And when you re-roll an alt are you going to listen to the same exact 140 hours of non-class dialogue that you already listened to?


There's a big long key on your keyboard, I think its called the spacebar. You should learn to use it if you dont like listening to the quest givers.


Personally, I like it. Better than picking up a quest and not even reading the quest log before heading off to do whatever random task it is. You can easily play through other MMO's without knowing what the heck is going on in the lore, at least this game makes the lore more entertaining.

Edited by Dukibritches
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I normally just lurk and don't often like to post on the fourms - however when I got near the end of this thread I felt compelled to chime in.


I absolutely love the story and the voice acting adds a dimension to the game that, in my opinion, sets it apart from any other MMO experience I've ever had. This game is very much akin in my eyes to a cinematic experience, for my class the story is powerful, moving, emotional, and gripping. Since I also happen to be a Star Wars fan, I find the experience even more amazing. It's like your starring in your own saga. To me, BioWare pulled this off incredibly well.


I feel bad that others aren't having the same experience I am because I'm having a wonderfully fun time.

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Bioware voice acting is not only one of the most expensive parts of their games, but also one of the best, and that's way they pay so much to do it the right way in every title they make. If you remove that, you *********** kill one of the coolest things of this title.


I have played Wow, Aion, Warhammer, Aoc... And at mid level I was already bored. Man, SWTor is so much fun :D

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that's also creating a single player experience, and keeping the million people who play this game from talking to each other and socializing.


i swear to god the ONLY time i hear people talk in general is when they are looking for a heroic or flashpoint group.



Bottom line, the heavy story focus is ruining this game(as an mmo)


Yes, let's ignore the 2/4 player daily heroic quests, flashpoints across the entire leveling range, the social points system, the bonus reward experience for doing regular single-player quests in a group (bonus XP for helping others complete quests) and not to mention the ACTUAL enjoyment of playing with friends.


Let's ignore all of that, smash the spacebar during all conversations, do everything in our power to race to the top and intentionally turn the game into another MMO grindfest (because we expected Bioware to reinvent wheel, fire, and the steam engine all at the same time) and then complain that Bioware created a single-player MMO that's just like WoW.

Edited by Bibdy
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sorry bioware, the 4th pillar(or as i like to refer to it: the crutch that's barely keeping this game alive) is a complete bomb and has no place in mmos. Maybe for the main story, but to spend 100 million on overpaid actor/celebrities just to hear their voice read off a script.......yeah....not the wisest investment of money....


i disagree.../thread


seriously if wanna go back to old school crap mmos were DULL as sin, had no depth, no story, and no real reason to read or listen to whats going on... WoW is that way bud! enjoy your pandas =3

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Long time lurker first time poster...


It seems what we have here is a group of people who whine and piss and moan over and over again. I'm starting to wonder if these people that make the same cliche "THIS GAME SUCKS or BIOWARE MAKE THIS GAME FUN or my personal favorite "OH MY GOD THIS GAME IS BROKEN!!111!!" I can't help but think these are the same group of people that go to EVERY NEW GAME not just SWTOR but anything from SWTOR to Hello Kitty Island Adventure, Find everything negative about the game then just moan and whine. THIS IS WHY, I almost never come on to any forums rather it be Bioware/Ubisoft/EA ect..ect.. When ever a new game comes out there's always a group of people who feel the need to ***** and moan. WE GET IT, YOU'RE DISSATISFIED, Now please take a number and go join the others. :mad:

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sorry bioware, the 4th pillar(or as i like to refer to it: the crutch that's barely keeping this game alive) is a complete bomb and has no place in mmos. Maybe for the main story, but to spend 100 million on overpaid actor/celebrities just to hear their voice read off a script.......yeah....not the wisest investment of money....


Wait, what? The one defining attribute this MMO distinguishes itself upon you want them to what? Yank? So it can be like all the other MMOs?


I am really trying to find something constructive out of your rant, help us out here.

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And when you re-roll an alt are you going to listen to the same exact 140 hours of non-class dialogue that you already listened to?


A lot of the dialogue is the same but I've found that a lot of it isn't. There are differences both in what is said to your character and what your character might say based on the class, gender, and species of your character.


Now that's not true for all class/species combinations. I've rolled two Bounty Hunters of different species and so far everything has been the same for them both (they are also the same gender). But doing some of the same quests with my Chiss IA there have been differences.


I can also tell that some of the dialogue in class quests are affected at least by species based on the way the NPCs talk to my Twi'lek SI.

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I like the writing and story so yes... I will


Took me two hours to find a few entries in Ord Mantel last night. I'm not using a guide. I'm actually finding them myself.


Possibly. If they are I will go right to learning the recipes...



Will do broseph :cool:


This your first MMO?


I have to ask, is this your first mmo?


Because a class quest that after 11days from release is still broken for loads so they can't play the lvl 50 content on a planet is a joke.

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Wait, what? The one defining attribute this MMO distinguishes itself upon you want them to what? Yank? So it can be like all the other MMOs?


I am really trying to find something constructive out of your rant, help us out here.




Let me ask you this


If the story was done the same way but there was no VA work would it change your decision to play?


I think for most people it would not.


Basically the OP is saying they will never make back the costs of the VA due to having the quests done via VA. It seems like it was just a waste of time and money.

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A sizeable portion of the voice acting talent clearly went to waste on alien mumbling, forcing me to try and read small text while listening to it.


Not easy task for me, but I'm sure I'm one of the minority here.


I also agree some of the story is very weak, but at least it's not as weak as the beginning of RotJ!

Edited by Talimar
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Story based MMO.


What part of that did people miss when they paid for the game.


If you don't like story progress then go elsewhere. They never advertised as anything other than a story based MMO.


We all knew it coming in here.

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And when you re-roll an alt are you going to listen to the same exact 140 hours of non-class dialogue that you already listened to?



That was the plan yeah, listened to it in beta, then again in Early access and again whenever I make more alts. It's a part of the game that I am really glad is there.

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that's also creating a single player experience, and keeping the million people who play this game from talking to each other and socializing.


i swear to god the ONLY time i hear people talk in general is when they are looking for a heroic or flashpoint group.



Bottom line, the heavy story focus is ruining this game(as an mmo)


GOOD, this is what ive always wanted. Do you want to listen to some young kid rattle on garbage, i certainly dont. Single player mmo with multiplayer aspects when and where i choose. FORSURE.


Im sorry if your life is so devoid of social aspects, but i talk to people everyday, and quite frankly, im sick of them, im here to play, not to socialise with them.

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