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Class Changes: Corruption Sorcerer / Seer Consular


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One thing that I'm sure y'all consider, but wasn't mentioned specifically, is the HPS on one vs multiple allies. I think the current player consensus is that Operatives are far better at healing multiple targets, Merc is best at burst healing a single target, and Sorc was kind of in-between. That's been my experience, at least.


A Sorc is more of a utility healer when it comes to PvP, I think.

It might not have the best burst healing, or aoe healing, but it's ability to screw with enemy plans is unmatched.

And now you're going to actually have to do that a lot more again rather than just standing there and healing through it.


It's also by far the least viable healer to be a killtarget. Anyway, lets see where this gets us.

I think we should have these changes tested before going live though.

I mean making these changes, concluding they are too much and then putting Sorcs stuck with them for 4+ months would be a murder given neither of the DPS specs are really any threat.

Edited by Evolixe
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I play Sorc, I understand it requires a nerf to balance it with other classes. However this nerf that you are planning will put it back into the dark ages when noone played it. I mean if this is your idea of balance then I really don't understand how your team gets it's numbers or where you get your information. You are nerfing the entire Sorc kit and also increasing the cost of the abilities, I mean this is just crazy, I may aswell install that other terrible mmo now.
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well that makes decisions easy - just canceled my subsription and moving on to another game


what did i expect from class balancing?

* medium buff to telekinetics dmg

* medium nerf of healing output of seer


what would i get (i wont because my subscription ends before)?

* no buff to telekinetics dmg (rofl, class seems "balanced" - the combat team must be completey brainless) :mad:

* massive nerf to healing :confused: - so that the class will just end as complete "cannon food" in pvp and no fun to play (being first target because of easist healer target to kill with same healing output as others is not funny at all)


thanks alot, made the decision to quit really easy :D

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I think most of these changes are fine and warranted, but I do think that there are some here that just go above and beyond what is required to bring this spec back in line.


Revivication being nerfed makes no sense. Sorcs already have pretty bad AoE healing to begin with, and this is rather expensive to use. There is no reason to touch this ability.


Roaming Mend needs a nerf. I think everyone can agree with that. However, a 30% nerf is a little extreme, especially with the force cost increase combined with the nerf to Revivication.


Dark Infusion cast time nerf with Resurgence is just ridiculous really. That ability is already not that rewarding to use in most situations to begin with.


I get that in PvE Corruption is strong, and PvP it is really strong, but this isn't balance. This is swinging the pendulum to the far end of the opposite side of the spectrum. Please put these changes on the PTS and allow NiM raiders and Ranked PvP teams and solo queue players test these and give you feedback. You need to see how these changes affect the highest level of play in the game. I think that you have taken a class that is overperforming and hti it so hard that now it is going to be the worst healer by far. Kneejerk reactions to public outcry never serves anyone's interest in the long run. You need real balance. I get that you guys have a target dps/hps/dtps in mind, but do you ever stop and think that there is more to the game than just those values. I don't know how much the combat team plays, but these changes scream of someone who has just read the feedback from the angry forum posts. Also is 248 gear even being taken into account here? It just seems that each and everyone of these balance change posts is working off 242 gear to me.

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Okay, nerf was needed, but tbh, not in this way. PvP problems? They are absurdly mobile. Solution? Buff damage absorption, obliterate the crap out of their mobility and there you have it. A perfectly balanced healer. :D


PvE I don't have comments tbh. It was good as it was so... :p


One can only complain on PvP matter about this one.


Again, bring heals back up as they were and just do a bit of nailing on the knees of Sorcs while increasing damage reduction so they aren't OP. :o

Edited by memerobot
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Please put these changes on the PTS and allow NiM raiders and Ranked PvP teams and solo queue players test these and give you feedback. You need to see how these changes affect the highest level of play in the game. I think that you have taken a class that is overperforming and hti it so hard that now it is going to be the worst healer by far. Kneejerk reactions to public outcry never serves anyone's interest in the long run. You need real balance.


I concur. You have my full support sir. Lets have the other changes in there too.

So we can actually see how they all play into eachother.

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Nerfs to Corruption are fine, but please don't nerf dps sorcs' self-heals while you're at it. Maybe shift a couple of the base class nerfs to the Corruption tree? Or you could just actually buff Lightning spec in same patch that you nerf Corruption :) Any nerfs whatsoever to dps sorcs are unacceptable atm.
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I think most of these changes are fine and warranted, but I do think that there are some here that just go above and beyond what is required to bring this spec back in line.


Revivication being nerfed makes no sense. Sorcs already have pretty bad AoE healing to begin with, and this is rather expensive to use. There is no reason to touch this ability.


Roaming Mend needs a nerf. I think everyone can agree with that. However, a 30% nerf is a little extreme, especially with the force cost increase combined with the nerf to Revivication.


Dark Infusion cast time nerf with Resurgence is just ridiculous really. That ability is already not that rewarding to use in most situations to begin with.


I get that in PvE Corruption is strong, and PvP it is really strong, but this isn't balance. This is swinging the pendulum to the far end of the opposite side of the spectrum. Please put these changes on the PTS and allow NiM raiders and Ranked PvP teams and solo queue players test these and give you feedback. You need to see how these changes affect the highest level of play in the game. I think that you have taken a class that is overperforming and hti it so hard that now it is going to be the worst healer by far. Kneejerk reactions to public outcry never serves anyone's interest in the long run. You need real balance. I get that you guys have a target dps/hps/dtps in mind, but do you ever stop and think that there is more to the game than just those values. I don't know how much the combat team plays, but these changes scream of someone who has just read the feedback from the angry forum posts. Also is 248 gear even being taken into account here? It just seems that each and everyone of these balance change posts is working off 242 gear to me.


I agree, this is borderline too much of a nerf if not too much. Do not penalize the dps tree sorcs (poor souls) more. Aoe healing is not the problem on sorc healers it is fine as is. Single target burst healing by doubleing up roaming mend on one target is. You want a PvP ranked meta with 4 dps teams now or merc healerz with their god shields???

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I'm not going to comment on the healing amounts nerf

but BW, please.. if you're going to be nerfing sage healing, heal the actual healing, not the quality of life..


I don't have any trouble with force management, but it's simply. Not. Fun. At. All.

and now you're planning to make it even worse, simply to bring the hps down to the target hps



nerf healing, not QoL (actually, I'm already having close to no fun on my healer anymore, though it used to be my main for years; I was hoping for a QoL buff, not this ****)

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well, I could see a small nerf for sorc healers, however this is over the top. My raid team just lost a healer. I hate Operative healing, and Merc healing isn't my cup of tea. (to many long casts for merc).


Personally the only real change that needed to be done is to make Roam mend not able to hit the same target twice. That would fix most of the issue's I saw for PvP, and not screwing PvE Operations healers.

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An interesting approach, but looks like the numbers are quite a bit higher than people anticipated and the changes are certainly going beyond what I hoped and expected. I have played Sorcerer/Sage healer for several years now and I won't stop due to these changes, but I must say they look rather excessive.


Nerfing the spec is needed, I don't think anyone disagrees with that. As an avid PvPer, I have been complaining about Roaming Mend for ages, because it heals a lot more than such a braindead move should. Similarly, in PvP Sorcerers have excellent mobility and they are not particularly vulnerable to interrupts. When it came to raw healing numbers though, it's not like they were miles ahead of the other two classes, but Sorcs have had an easier time delivering their heals. In that respect, I believe the nerf goes too far and might brutalise the class' potential in PvP. As a sidenote, some of the healing nerfs are also a kick in the teeth for the brave DPS Sorcs who still play PvP.


Another problem comes in PvE. The dramatic changes to the Sorcs' raid healing potential will definitely be felt in fights that have heavy raid damage. Nightmare mode Styrak, for example, will become exceedingly annoying for Sorcerers. Naturally these changes also have a devastating effect on the Sorcerers' ability to burst heal, which is a real pain in Nightmare raiding situations.


Again, I think changes were necessary, but is there any point in resorting to massive, sweeping changes as a first move? Especially given how rarely changes happen in this game, it looks like this could rather radically alter the viability of Sorcerers. Raid healing, burst healing and sustained HPS are all getting brutalised in these suggested changes, which is a real shame. Maybe reconsider the numbers?


I mean this is going to hurt a LOT. However.. this could be very good.

A little afraid these nerfs being so big sorcs would become obsolete though.

Quite so. I would be curious to see how big the impact is on the raw HPS potential of the Sorcs, but looks like it will be reduction of at least 10%, which is a substantial change to say the least. Looks like the idea is to use a cruise missile to crack open an egg.

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well that makes decisions easy - just canceled my subsription and moving on to another game


what did i expect from class balancing?

* medium buff to telekinetics dmg

* medium nerf of healing output of seer


what would i get (i wont because my subscription ends before)?

* no buff to telekinetics dmg (rofl, class seems "balanced" - the combat team must be completey brainless) :mad:

* massive nerf to healing :confused: - so that the class will just end as complete "cannon food" in pvp and no fun to play (being first target because of easist healer target to kill with same healing output as others is not funny at all)


thanks alot, made the decision to quit really easy :D


if ur talking about non-dot dps sorc then it doesnt need buff to dps. It has enough dps if played well, i see many dps sages having r1-3 ranks dps in warzones. Tele needs some ability to make their casting uninterruptible for some times, since tele sorcs are having bad dps only because people are focusing/ interrupting them. Dot spec needs some buff to dps yeah.

Edited by omaan
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As has been suggested in this thread, testing these with Nightmare raiders would be interesting. I can see quite a few fights becoming just completely absurd for Sorc healers.


but yeah, this is kinda extreme..you are making sorcs to that point where they require a buff xD wish you guys would nerf mercenary's defensives like this too.

It was a good run us Sorcerers had at least.

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the hps nerf will be between 10 and 20 percent, depending on how much aoe is used. my guess is it will average out at around 15 percent.


and I mean in 8's a decent merc healer will do 8500 hps and a decent sorc healer will do 10k hps...the math checks out...

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You know the nerfs are bad when this gunnery commando here doesn't feel so bad about his own nerfs anymore.. Feels like another case of "they're too strong in PVP so lets gut them to the point it screws over endgame PVE". This will also hurt casual raiding since the majority of healers are sages/sorcs and well, let's say there's a premium of even half-decent healers around (in my experience.)
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