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Original Companion Romances Revised To Include LGBT?


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A romance in this game is just the screen darkening for a moment. Just create a "darken screen now" button and viola! Romance anyone!


I like a little dialogue... I'm not a big fan of just "wham, bam, thank you mam".. I dont say no to it, πŸ˜‰.. but some small talk is always nice.. at least let me get her name πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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We can't start going back and revising things (games, movies, books, etc) for things like this or else where would it end? All we can expect and suggest is for things to be in future versions and that's more than fair and justified.


Otherwise people can argue just about anything to be retrofitted such as having morbidly obese characters or wheelchairs or pretty much anything else.


And I seriously doubt it's as easy as people seem to think it is to just go back and change a few lines of code.

Its an MMO. expecting it all to stay static is insane. MMOs change, thats what they do.

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I would prefer not but here is why. I prefer characters to be written as people with distinct perspectives not replaceable widgets to be gamed by the player. It breaks story immersion for me. If you make a straight character, leave them straight. If you make a gay character, leave them gay. If you make a Bi or pan character, you get the point. Why should I care about a character when storywise they are really just reflecting what any given player wants to see at that moment? They stop being characters and start being more like exchangable furniture for me.


I feel this way beyond romances too. If the character dislikes something, give them a reason and don't go back on that without some character development. I feel the story is better, more whole, and easier to write when starting conditions are made with a rationale and followed through on.


However, I admit I play the game more to see the story than to game it.


This is the most rational reply in the thread, tbh.


Let me try to add my perspective:


I was a child in the 80's and watched the LGBT community during those initial struggles. I'm glad that I have been able to see that segment of our population achieve some equality during my lifetime, and to have society realize and accept that sexuality is driven by biology. There are those who argue in it being a choice, but they're the minority (vocal minority, but still the minority).


Personally, when I see requests by fans to change popular media characterizations so that their sexuality is mutable, I feel like it undermines the progress made since the 80's. It begins to subtly change the narrative from sexual orientation being driven by biology back to it being a matter of choice. In this case, it is argued as 'player choice,' and personalizing the experience, but to me it feels like it ruins individual characterizations.


I would rather there be an inclusion of more LGBT characters rather than changing existing characters. Respect for individuality cuts both ways, right? Socially, we frown on expecting LGBT people to 'conform' to hetero norms, so why should we ask for hetero people to conform to LGBT norms? Put another way, I don't expect my gay friends to turn hetero any more than they expect me to turn gay. Our personal sexual identity is part of who we are, and hopefully our friends like us for who we are - not who we get our freak on with.


So no, I don't want to see existing characters have their sexuality changed in game. What I want is to see a more diverse cast of characters that better reflects individual variation and social complexity.

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I could get behind this. The whole "it ruins immersion" thing is an argument that never held water to me. If you romance a male character with a female character, in your storyline they are straight. They aren't interested in men or other women, because they're interested in your character. And the same goes for any character relationship involving any genders.


Aside from that, if that ruins your immersion, does it also ruin your immersion to know there are a couple thousand other versions of that same character accompanying and/or being romanced by others? Does it ruin your immersion to know that you aren't the only Sith Warrior or Jedi Knight? There is no difference between knowing these things, and knowing others can engage in romance with the same character that you can.


A character being available for romance to anyone doesn't diminish who they are as a person- there is way more to a person than what they prefer in the bedroom, and if anyone were to disagree with that, I would be concerned about their priorities.


Selfishness is no reason to keep others from having the same capability to enjoy a game as you do. Your ability to engage in romance with a certain character will not be diminished in any way- in fact, allowing everyone to do what they feel is right for their character can only benefit the game. Options are important, and I will always speak up in advocacy of allowing more options to be available to a wider audience.


And for those who are particularly interested in the romance subplots, the more people who can romance these characters, the better. More people will become interested in seeing them return, and seeing them get more screentime. More support for your cause.


Who loses here?

Seeing every BH running around with my mako ruins the immersion. I mean, I know she is a clone and all, but did everyone have to go to Mako Mart?

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Seeing every BH running around with my mako ruins the immersion. I mean, I know she is a clone and all, but did everyone have to go to Mako Mart?


Sure we did, she was on special and the alternative was a bit on the nose 🀒

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Considering that people's sexual orientations do seem to sometimes move along the Kinsey scale as they go through life, or find that they're suddenly attracted to specific people regardless of gender (man crushes, etc.). IMHO it's not out of the realm of possibility that an original companion might find that they're now swinging a different way. And the SWTOR universe seems to be open in that respect.


But I don't think revising the original class stories is going to happen. Truthfully both genders could use more options, especially female characters - in the original class stories, my Sith ladies never bothered with anything more than the Pierce one night stand, because their options were not to their liking. And some of the others are awful - the marriage scene with Doc still makes me cringe. In the expansions, my SW and Lana totally hit it off, though, and did pursue that relationship.


What we can probably hope for is more variety going forward. I don't think it would be unreasonable to have perhaps a few more options with old companions that have rejoined the story. It would be totally plausible, too, IMHO, to have a classic companion saying, "I wasn't sure how I felt about you back then, but now I really like you," regardless of gender.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Unfortunately I don't ever see this happening as much as I wish that it would. I am a lesbian irl and adore some of the characters in swtor but they are male only.


It would be nice if a few of the more logical characters

(Nadia, Mako, Risha, Kaliyo) were remade for possible romances

but then Nadia needs work in general, personal opinion is that her romance should take place /after/ her non-romanced storyline once she has had time to grow as a person and get over her grief.


I love how the game literally glitched to try and make Mako a female love interest.. lol.. it is kind of frustrating honestly that all the characters my girls would actually care about are guys only >.> now I'm not saying "make em all bi!" But there is so much ship tease between some characters (my hunter and Mako again, my sage and Nadia at the end of her story with the force bond) that it seems like something that /should/ have been in the game was cut out of the game.


Sorry but none of my characters are in to Lana, she is too dark.

Most of my characters run very light, my sage is pure light infact

My hunter goes darkside when people deserve it but that's it

they match up perfectly with the people they would end up with if i had a choice but not with the love interests actually available. So most of them stay single.


I would be happy to just have new characters that are actually important to the story, have their own actual relationship arc and personal story who are unique to each class rather than 1 option 1 size fits all even though they really don't characters like the two we have now. I would love a reasonably lightside female mandalorian for my hunter, or a couple more lightsided force users on my jedi, and lightsided sith for my inquisitor ect

Edited by Aryalandi
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no thanks, just because you like lgbt doens't mean the writers have to.


Lets respect the writer's integrity.

TY ;)


So what you are saying is "no because I don't like lgbt?" Because that is all I can get out of this post. When did anyone say that they "have to"? i don't see how this insults the writers integrity in the least.

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no thanks, just because you like lgbt doens't mean the writers have to.


Lets respect the writer's integrity.

TY ;)

It isn't about what the writes like or don't, lgbt should be included in swtor. Most of us including the op agree that going back to change things just isn't worth the hassle! It's not like people are being unreasonable.


I also don't see what "the writers integrity" has to do with anything.

Edited by Eshvara
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I don't see why they couldn't add it in a way. Not go back and patch it in necessarily, but as companions come back maybe some of them have the option added to start a romance with them, expand on the romances to include it in the future. Because, honestly, it's sad to see that my only lgbt romance choices are Theron, Lana, and Koth. And as much as I love those three, I don't really like romancing the same characters across 30 alts because there are no other options.

I'm not saying that all companions should be made bi so any could romance them, but there are quite a few that could easily work for a romance with either gender. It could just be added in in future patches the same way they'd have to add a whole new romance option. Just expand on the characters, sexuality is pretty fluid, it wouldn't be that far fetched.

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Its an MMO. expecting it all to stay static is insane. MMOs change, thats what they do.


So you're perfectly fine with them not moving forward for a year while they go back and revise everything just so bubble-wrapped safe-spacers can feel special?


Ok, once that's done they need to go back and put wheelchairs in the game. And then after that I want visible amputations so I can be a one-armed commando with an assault cannon. And then after that they need to make every single medical condition that we know of, such as shingles, flesh-eating disease, face transplants, etc as custom options for my characters.


If they don't do this I will feel sad that I'm not being included with normal people.


FFS, change FORWARD, it's IMPOSSIBLE to go back and change things trying to make the entire world happy. Play the game or don't, you buy it for what it is, then cry and whine to try and force them to change it so you like it? FFS

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It isn't about what the writes like or don't, lgbt should be included in swtor. Most of us including the op agree that going back to change things just isn't worth the hassle! It's not like people are being unreasonable.


I also don't see what "the writers integrity" has to do with anything.


And if we really want to take this point, IIRC the writers DID want LGBT romances in the game originally but were overruled by higher ups who were jumpy at Lucasfilm. I can't remember which thread it is, but there is apparently a voiceover outtake where one of the companions (I want to say Kaliyo) talks about having a same-gender spouse. And there are a few things in the game that also speak to LGBT acceptance that did filter through...like the female Sith Warrior can call out Vette's sister for not taking women as customers, and Lord Shaar on Belsavis hits on everyone.


IMHO it shouldn't make anyone upset if there's tolerance and inclusion in a game. If you don't want your character to romance a same-gender companion, don't make those dialogue/story choices. If your character is bisexual or gay/lesbian, make those story choices. Simple. It's not as though it affects any other player's story one way or the other.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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I get the LGB romances, but what are the T romances?

T stand for Tech.

I totally agree with the OP, I want to romance T3M4 and M1-4X. We will make the necessary adjustments to their chassie. All you need is a powerdrill.

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IMHO it shouldn't make anyone upset if there's tolerance and inclusion in a game. If you don't want your character to romance a same-gender companion, don't make those dialogue/story choices. If your character is bisexual or gay/lesbian, make those story choices. Simple. It's not as though it affects any other player's story one way or the other.


Yeah, I don't like shoehorning though or making all characters multisex, it's bland and the other BW games don't do it anymore, why should swtor? Those things do annoy me. I'm all for inclusion, just not in that way.




T stand for Tech.

I totally agree with the OP, I want to romance T3M4 and M1-4X. We will make the necessary adjustments to their chassie. All you need is a powerdrill.


I'm surprised there isn't an AI romance for males to be honest! Someone like EDI from mass effect. Scorpio doesn't count!:rak_03:

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Yeah, I don't like shoehorning though or making all characters multisex, it's bland and the other BW games don't do it anymore, why should swtor? Those things do annoy me. I'm all for inclusion, just not in that way.


I have no issue with their making one or another companion/NPC exclusively one orientation or the other, like the Sith Lord on Makeb who was only gay and could not be romanced by female characters - nor do I have an issue with their making some characters straight only. IMHO it's about having the variety. having more of those bisexual/available to all characters and not just straight relationships.


Although I am glad that Lana/Theron/Koth are all available to both genders.

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So you're perfectly fine with them not moving forward for a year while they go back and revise everything just so bubble-wrapped safe-spacers can feel special?


Ok, once that's done they need to go back and put wheelchairs in the game. And then after that I want visible amputations so I can be a one-armed commando with an assault cannon. And then after that they need to make every single medical condition that we know of, such as shingles, flesh-eating disease, face transplants, etc as custom options for my characters.


If they don't do this I will feel sad that I'm not being included with normal people.


FFS, change FORWARD, it's IMPOSSIBLE to go back and change things trying to make the entire world happy. Play the game or don't, you buy it for what it is, then cry and whine to try and force them to change it so you like it? FFS


Comparing being lgbt to illnesses and injuries is a terrible example. There's nothing even close to similar between the two, i mean aside from it not being a choice.

But yes, in this example, I think it would be pretty awesome to be able to have a character that had an amputation and be like, i don't know, arcann? What a great idea! :cool:

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I'm surprised there isn't an AI romance for males to be honest! Someone like EDI from mass effect. Scorpio doesn't count!:rak_03:


Males? Come on now, females have had battery operated buddies for years now. Don't leave them out!!!


I just see HK now:


Statement: You've been a naughty little sith haven't you?

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Well it will never happen but I don't support the idea either. I want characters to be unique, ever since Shadow of Revan every character is bisexual which just doesn't make much sense. I'd rather they add unique characters, gay exclusive and what not.
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Well it will never happen but I don't support the idea either. I want characters to be unique, ever since Shadow of Revan every character is bisexual which just doesn't make much sense. I'd rather they add unique characters, gay exclusive and what not.


They're not even bisexual, they're just playersexual. But I agree on gay/straight/les companions. Diversity is important!

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They seem bisexual to me. But personally, I've always rejected the idea that Bioware companions are playersexual.


With regards to the OP, I wouldn't mind if some of the remaining class companions are returned as LGBT. I probably would even pick one as a LI in one case (if Risha was one).


But as others have said, I think going back and changing all the old class companion content to also include same sex romances would be an enormous use of recourses that wouldn't be very practical, or worth it my opinion. I mean, imagine how much of Kira's romantic dialogue, for instance, would have to be re-recorded to say something other than "Tough Guy."


And frankly, I don't think it would be fair to anyone because the people who would want to use that option would have to start over and wouldn't be able to do it on their existing main characters.

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