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Everything posted by Sheyshen

  1. I saw that the Z0-0M scanning glitch is listed under the known bugs but I'd like to mention that the same UI glitch is happening for all scanners not just with Z0-0M, I got it today while taking an alt through forgotten world/iokath during the cutscene where Lana is scanning the building, as well as during the one with Z0-0M's (that's listed on the main post) on friday
  2. !!! Really looking forward to the weapons in the outfitter and the shared tagging! Thank you guys for keeping us up to speed with the additions and changes coming in 7.0! (small question, but will there be any additions/updates to companion customization coming as well? like allowing us to change arcann's gear and give senya her old look back?)
  3. couple more: Sort option in the collections window that shows only what the character you're on has access too (so it only shows things that you have unlocked on that character specifically or made account wide, i have lots of stuff in collections but I only unlock my absolute favorites to be able to get on alts.) Repeatable class stories, set up similarly to chapters so they're only available after completing the story. Have it separated by sections (planets I guess? so you can pick or choose what you want to replay, or by chapters, the class ones are long but it's something) from the first planet/prologue all the way up to Ziost. More customization for all races, cybernetics for non humans, tattoos that aren't class specific, jewelry for non-rattataki/zabrak, more hairstyles/lekku patterns/etc, more scar options. phasing for some of the heros with slower spawn rates (mutations on taris, that one with the possessed dude on dk, for example) cutscene with Senya, doesn't have to be anything big, but just something of a post kotet catch up since she was unconscious for most of it. Also can have the 'better not hurt my son' convo there for arcann romancers (since she is the only mom that actively cares about her kid that we run into, no offense satele) update to the family tree to include companions, (i.e. my smuggler is married to theron, and my sith is married to my trooper, but i can only set up the family tree to display one of those relationships.) and a personal request *cough* thexan *cough* he's still kicking around out there probably, we've seen other npcs survive worse *cough*
  4. Agree agree on both of these, i missed being able to unlock the HK chap by like 2 weeks so it'd be fantastic to have a second opportunity to get it again since they had Niko as a sub reward again recentlyish. There's always tons of things that would be fantastic to have added, but: 1- A (repeatable) romance scene where you can just get a quick kiss or something from your romance choice, like what they have in dragon age. It can just be restricted to having to be accessed in a rested area like the vanilla companion conversations were. It doesn't need to be a long cutscene where you're having long conversations with your romance, but just something so it doesn't feel like everything is happening in the background of the story and then forgotten as soon as the story is over. 2- Obligatory hide hood option. Covert headpiece that has a hide hood functionality like the Lashaa Force Expert's Headgear (it's a headband that hides hood but also doesn't make your hair disappear) 3- Companion customization, I know they're working on letting us change Arcann's gear (which I'm patiently/impatiently waiting for since I have something all set aside for him already) but an option to use Senya's old kotfe skin would be so lovely. Or Lana's SoR skin. I love the new ones, but I do miss the old ones too. I'll add more as I think of them.... since I'm sure these have been said before elseware before anyway
  5. I think they've been quite 'transparent' with this. I mean Keith has been clear that it is being fixed today, and that he will let us know when it's finished so those still affected can contact support. (see below) Contacting support before he's even posted that the cc distribution is finished won't make them show up any faster. Just let them work, and contact CS if there's still nothing after Keith gives us the update.
  6. This was bugged on my smuggler, I got Sumalee on her even though she was pretty much 100% lightside during her class story as well as after. I was really confused when she started going off about the pirate fleet and it was pretty upsetting to see someone that my girl considered a good friend turn on her after years of radio silence. Also not looking forward to the Agent if it's watcher 2, or the inquisitor if she gets Khem, those are not going to be fun cutscenes. Hopefully none of the others will be bugged.
  7. I have a bit of a half the bug it seems. I have my entire legacy bank from one server, but am missing a good half the items that were in the other bank pre-merger. I had gone to delete a character (since it was a duplicate to my main) and when I went to put things in the legacy bank before deletion she recieved a large amount of mail containing most of what was in the second legacy bank. I deleted her after cleaning out her mail (because that's the only reason I had logged on her at the time) so will any of those items that were missing just be lost forever? Or will they just be sent to a different toon? It's not a huge deal, just some mats, gear and some legacy gear (that I think a good amount were duplicates anyway) but it'd be nice to know if it's gonna be lost in the void forever or not due to the character deletion.
  8. Also if you see that you don't have the flirt interaction for Lana in the cantina in chap 9 and you know you've flirted with her enough to get it to come up, try cancelling the cutscene and resetting the chapter and flirt with Theron when he shows up. It's an odd fix but I suggested it jokingly to a guildie of mine and it fixed it so it might work for you too.
  9. Comparing being lgbt to illnesses and injuries is a terrible example. There's nothing even close to similar between the two, i mean aside from it not being a choice. But yes, in this example, I think it would be pretty awesome to be able to have a character that had an amputation and be like, i don't know, arcann? What a great idea!
  10. I think it'd be best to tell him to leave you alone and just put him on ignore whenever he whispers you and if he keeps it up report him. Otherwise, don't talk to him anymore, if he's managed to track you down for 3 years and keep talking to you across multiple characters and servers, that's creepy.
  11. I don't see why they couldn't add it in a way. Not go back and patch it in necessarily, but as companions come back maybe some of them have the option added to start a romance with them, expand on the romances to include it in the future. Because, honestly, it's sad to see that my only lgbt romance choices are Theron, Lana, and Koth. And as much as I love those three, I don't really like romancing the same characters across 30 alts because there are no other options. I'm not saying that all companions should be made bi so any could romance them, but there are quite a few that could easily work for a romance with either gender. It could just be added in in future patches the same way they'd have to add a whole new romance option. Just expand on the characters, sexuality is pretty fluid, it wouldn't be that far fetched.
  12. I'm not sure if some of these have been said, but I'd like to toss some ideas that I'd love to see on here as well: -I'd love to see more customization for our characters. Like tattoos, hairstyles and colors, jewelry/earrings, scars, and have them be for any class. -Even tattoos on the body rather than just the face (zabrak having no body tattoos always seems wrong to me) . -Wouldn't mind a new class if there's room in the budget, even something zakuul related like a knight or something would be interesting. -Return of some class specific npcs, (like how tai cordan shows up in kotfe, it's nice to see familiar faces through the story) as either story npcs or even companions -cross faction anything (guilds, groups, events.) Or having the Iokath choice have an impact outside of Iokath. -solo modes for the remaining fps and ops (at the very least for oricon) -Option to hide hoods. and possibly capes as well -one on one interactions with companions (like we had in the class stories) and expanded romance interactions -the agent choice to join the SIS being addressed am I still an active agent?? does Theron know? -new race options; Nautolan for example -more flirts. (my smuggler lost so many after hitting kotfe. she became so serious about everything it was sad) -cybernetics being extended to limbs as well (I'd love to have a character with an arm like arcann's alright) I hope this is what this thread was meant for. Most of my enjoyment from the game comes from character customization and the story, so seeing that being expanded upon would make me keep a sub going for sure.
  13. So looking forward to these fixes! But quick question: will there be a fix to the armor preview window? And will Arcann ever be added to the decorations like the rest of the companions? He's still the only one missing.
  14. Yes please! We need more chiss and saganu was one of the coolest you get to meet!
  15. I agree. especially on the agent thing. It did feel like a lot of the relationship development went on behind the scenes rather than was made as a part of the story. Many of the companions that were brought in had very little background to them in kotfe, so, especially, if it was a returning companion from a different class than what the outlander was, it didn't really make much sense for how they were so attached to them come kotet. At the same time, if the companion was a returning comp and not a romanced version there were so many interactions that didn't make sense either (vette being confused on why you would save her on a SW? really? after everything we went through?) And for the SIS thing, there were so many good times to bring that up, especially with a romanced Theron. My agent romanced him and would likely have told him as soon as she thought it safe to do so. Apologies for the rant, but I really did feel like there was so much missing when it came to the companions, both old and new. And I really hope that they add in something because it felt so focused on Arcann, Vaylin and Valkorian that we lost quite a bit on everyone else that was involved and never really got a chance to connect to any of them. (no offense, because I love Arcann to the moon and back, but there were more people than just him, he doesn't need to hog the spotlight.) So i hope that there will be more to do with the companions, both new and old, even if it's just little things, and introduce, maybe some more options for romances (arcann, cytharat, scourge, etc.), and some familiar faces that actually get to stick around. (like jonas or vowrawn or anyone else from the class stories)
  16. That's not what they mean by that. It's more like how if Wrex dies in mass effect 1 he won't be in 2 or 3. But if he lives, he's in all three games and has an actual involvement in the story. Unlike right now in swtor, if a character has the option to die and you don't choose it they get kinda pushed to the side and may have a couple lines but no real importance story wise. This would actually make our choices matter.
  17. It's not just you, as a lady myself, I thought Corso was very creepy. I love the smuggler to death, but I just never warmed up to him as either a romance or even a friend to a female smuggler, he just rubbed me wrong with how he acted with my girl. So pretty much every one of my smugglers romanced darmas during the class story and then theron after because of it. But speaking of smuggler npcs. Numen Brock would be a cool one to have come back. I liked that sweet talking twi'lek.
  18. Shhhhhhh. Don't break my heart. It could've been worse, I could've said skavak. I'm still upset about being forced to kill him. I actually kinda liked him.
  19. Well, I mean, I guess I could've suggested one of the relaxed vestments or covert energy sets. But I didn't want to sound too greedy.
  20. I agree!! but I'd also like to add in the option to be able to change his clothes. Because as much as I love the white tunic, there's just something about the idea of him in, let's say, canderous ordo's vest that sounds like it would be great.. Let us see those arms of his!
  21. How wonderful! If optional death doesn't rule them out, I'd love to see come of the class story npcs return as possible companions or something. Like Jonas, Darmas, Ardun, Jaxo and the like. I mean, Ardun would especially fit the male force user. Wouldn't trade an arcann romance for them, but it would be great to have them back
  22. Good to see I'm not the only one who loves him dearly.
  23. Yes, it would be great to see her again. Jonas, and Watcher 2, and Darmas as well!
  24. I don't think it'd be necessary to introduce an all new character who's a male force user (though it wouldn't be bad either) but maybe just expand on the ones we have. Add more to who we know, add the option to romance them. I know there's a bunch of people who have wanted to romance scourge for years, and me and another large group of people who've wanted to be able to romance arcann since he was first introduced. I'm not against a wider variety of companions, but I'd rather have the older and current companions expanded upon rather than have a completely new one be added in.
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