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Server Merge Discussion Thread


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Legacy hold question ---

Do I need to lift all the contents out of my legacy hold and transport mules with the contents of those legacy holds to one server so I don't lose stuff from the legacy holds afterward? 6 tabs per legacy hold per server, all full, do I get 18 legacy tabs afterwards?


I doubt it, so looks like I'll be hauling stuff back and forth across servers for a while.

One good thing -- we have the time to do it (if not necessarily the cartel coins)


Legacy Bank

Legacy bank contents are not affected by the United Forces update. If you have more than one Legacy and they are integrated during the new United Forces update, then the sum total of the two banks will be added together. If this integration fills your Legacy bank slots, the extra items will go into a special storage called ‘Legacy Overflow’. This overflow will hold your extra items until you make space to withdraw them--you cannot place items into this overflow.

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Ah, it happened! Read about this on Dulfy. I guess the RP'ers feel like they lost but it's better for the game. This is something they should've done 2 years ago but better late than never. This shows the subscribers that the devs are invested in the game and want it to succeed and why should'n't it with a Star Wars movie out every year for the foreseeable future.


I want to thank the Pro-Merger people on this thread and others that persevered all thru the years keeping this issue on the devs minds despite the massive coordinated backlash they received. Congrats!

Edited by HuaRya
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This, along with the other changes announced, have brought me back.


I was super cynical with the change of leadership and the promises that were made, but to be fair to them they have followed through on every point so far.

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Hopefully this will be good for non-super guild health.


I mean one I joined recently is literally dragging people in from the street so to speak and the large majority of them are mutes. Never even say hello or anything. It's just me and maybe 4 or 5 others that ever chat.


So hopefully with a more condensed playerbase we'll get more people in who genuinely want the guild experience and not just joining for the extra XP/just because they don't get people asking to join their guilds.


i imagine it'll cause more guild drama that spill into gen chat but whatever.

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It's not that hard of a question, is it?


If I have my maximum amount of characters on Progenitor and some characters at max level on Red Eclipse, which I do to play with friends, then after the update hit, I will have over 52 characters. While it seems I can play all of them, I can't experience the class story anymore because I can't make a new character. And, no, I will not be joining any other language server (German/French) or play with a high ping on the American servers just to experience the class stories again. On Progenitor alone, I have 40 characters I use for various tasks like crafting, cargo bays, storing items and playing PvE/PvP/starfighter. You can add the Red Eclipse characters to that. I'll easily hit 50 characters that I can't or won't delete.


With this and an insurance that names will carry over missing, most people I know will switch over to WoW if a single name they had for some time is taken away. People have been saying that this should be insured during server merges for ages.


Peace out.


This was a problem with the server merges in LOTRO last year. In the end, Turbine responded by giving people a ton of extra free character slots.

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So, I just wanna get this straight.. please.


Even though I've had a character name since nearly the beginning of the game and play it often - once I get forced into another server I could lose this name because someone has played in the last 90 days over the level 10?


Can you put in a clause for veteran player names that have had it forever and have more play time over someone who may have recently started playing?

Edited by xeraphyne
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I'm very pleased with all the upcoming changes which are in the roadmap. There really isn't any issue to me!

However, there's one thing that troubles me and that's the possibility of a forced rename of one of your characters. Every time I create a character, I try to come up with a name which fits the character as a whole, it goes with his/her appearance, it goes with his/her armour, goes with his/her class and subclass etc.


I'm very attached to my character names and I really don't want to lose any of them. I currently have 14 characters and to me they're like virtual beings, renaming them would feel like a disaster to me, I'd be killing them. At this moment I already know that 3 out of those 14 characters will be forced to be renamed, if you ask me, that's a lot... Anyway, to some that might not be much of an issue, but to me it means this: delete the character, find new armour, create a new appearance and find a new name. Basicly, I'd have to recreate 3 characters, 3 characters I really don't want to delete... I spend an awful high amount of time when creating a character, I think of everything there has to be, I think of the smallest details. Every character I create is unique in it's way, renaming them means they're dead to me!


If this is the price for server merges, then I'd rather like to not have them at all. I don't want to destroy 3 characters I deeply care for...

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People have a reason to be pissed when there is ample chance that names are taken away, despite BIoware being told repeatedly they should find a framework to not have this happen. When RP servers are merged with non-RP servers to the detriment of RPers because there is no RP instance and anyone can simply annoy them and then say: "It's not an RP server, so why should anyone care?"


I unknowingly walked into the middle of some RPers RPing a few weeks ago. I will be honest with you it was a really weird experience. I left em alone and did what I was there to do and then left, but it was really strange. I would hope after the merges the community leaves the RP community alone and allow those people to enjoy the game as they want to enjoy it. Not gonna lie though unknowingly walking into the middle of an RP session is really weird.

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RIP, TOR RP community. It was fun while it lasted. But it's clear we RPers are not considered important enough as a subscriber demographic to have our issues addressed or even looked at. EA is trying to keep the game alive another year or so in maintenance mode to milk the cash shop some more, and I guess there aren't enough RPer 'whales'/gambling addicts buying the ripoff Cartel Crates for their tastes.


I'm not even mad. I'm just resigned. This game has been abusing its customer base for too long, broken too many promises (like the new raid being finished by the end of 2017, for instance) and dashed too many of my hopes even before this. I don't have the emotional energy left to react much to the mergers and what they mean. I wish the developers cared about all demographics of players, but I guess all the people crying about not getting pops every 30 seconds won out. Oh well. No point in throwing a fit or trying to argue; what's done is done. Time to move on.

Edited by AscendingSky
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RIP, TOR RP community. It was fun while it lasted. But it's clear we RPers are not considered important enough as a subscriber demographic to have our issues addressed or even looked at. EA is trying to keep the game alive another year or so in maintenance mode to milk the cash shop some more, and I guess there aren't enough RPer 'whales'/gambling addicts buying the ripoff Cartel Crates for their tastes.


I'm not even mad. I'm just resigned. This game has been abusing its customer base for too long, broken too many promises (like the new raid being finished by the end of 2017, for instance) and dashed too many of my hopes even before this. I don't have the emotional energy left to react much to the mergers and what they mean. I wish the developers cared about all demographics of players, but I guess all the people crying about not getting pops every 30 seconds won out. Oh well. No point in throwing a fit or trying to argue; what's done is done. Time to move on.


Good God you aren't even considering to try it out? How can you know if it will be as bad as you claim it will be if you don't try the new changes out yourself and see how things will turn out? Does the RP community mean that little to you that you will abandon it so easily? Fight for it, carve out a place for it in the new servers. Try it, don't give up this easily.

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I unknowingly walked into the middle of some RPers RPing a few weeks ago. I will be honest with you it was a really weird experience. I left em alone and did what I was there to do and then left, but it was really strange. I would hope after the merges the community leaves the RP community alone and allow those people to enjoy the game as they want to enjoy it. Not gonna lie though unknowingly walking into the middle of an RP session is really weird.


I gets annoying during bounty week or any time I have to go near the cantina. That and the lag.


Go RP on Taris, nobody goes to Taris. That was a lighthearted and throwaway comment before anybody gets emotional.

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I haven't looked forward to a swtor patch in years, this is the first.


About time we prioritize end game group content in both pve and pvp. No updates to ranked but I'll let it slide since east coast will finally have a viable competitive pvp server again. Hasn't been one since Pot5 season 2.


I couldn't care less about a vocal subset of the game's lessened ability to dress up Theron Shan and pretend to be The Dark Lord. The fact that RP and solo players in an MMO was ever catered to was a waste of resources and time. The stories post 50 vanilla class are cringe-worthy B sides from a high school writers club. Give us more competitive group content in the form of raids and ranked and the game might just grow again.


Server merges have been needed for 2 years, better late than never I suppose.

Edited by EnzoForMe
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Good God you aren't even considering to try it out? How can you know if it will be as bad as you claim it will be if you don't try the new changes out yourself and see how things will turn out? Does the RP community mean that little to you that you will abandon it so easily? Fight for it, carve out a place for it in the new servers. Try it, don't give up this easily.


As I pointed out in the other thread you started, saying it's the fault of the players for wanting to leave due to decisions made by the developers is unreasonable and illogical. I don't have to stay. No RPer has to stay if they don't like what the game's turning into or the tone of the player base. Don't you try to pin blame on me for looking for somewhere else to go where I'll actually have fun. Remember fun? That thing we play games to have? Not obligation? Not guilt?

Edited by AscendingSky
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I gets annoying during bounty week or any time I have to go near the cantina. That and the lag.


Go RP on Taris, nobody goes to Taris. That was a lighthearted and throwaway comment before anybody gets emotional.


Some of the most enjoyable RP scenes I had were on Taris, trapped underground with Rakghouls waiting to devour us, having to fight through them, trying to survive what seemed as impossible odds was really an engaging and exciting event.


But regardless, I get that it may seem weird, but it's their/our way of playing this game. You know how fun it is to use the real game environments for various roleplay scenes? It makes it immersive and engaging, so we really should be given the ability to roleplay out in the open without people harassing us because they have a sick and twisted kink in their mind that makes them enjoy harassing other players.

Edited by Ylliarus
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As I pointed out in the other thread you started, saying it's the fault of the players for wanting to leave due to decisions made by the developers is unreasonable and illogical. I don't have to stay. No RPer has to stay if they don't like what the game's turning into or the tone of the player base. Don't you try to pin blame on me for looking for somewhere else to go where I'll actually have fun. Remember fun? That thing we play games to have? Not obligation? Not guilt?


But you don't even know if it will be as bad as you claim it will be. You have no idea how the situation on a merged server like that will be because all of us are in this boat together for the first time. There hasn't been a server merge of this scale since many years on SWTOR and many of us will experience it for the first time. Just because you are afraid of something doesn't mean it will become reality.


And I admit I have gone too far as to insinuate the blame would be solely on the roleplayers leaving, but you haven't even tried it out and already are leaving, surely that can't do the RP community any good? You can have fun on the merged servers, you can enjoy RP there without worries or troubles but you just have to want to. If you desperately hold onto your current view then you might never see things from a different perspective.

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But you don't even know if it will be as bad as you claim it will be. You have no idea how the situation on a merged server like that will be because all of us are in this boat together for the first time. There hasn't been a server merge of this scale since many years on SWTOR and many of us will experience it for the first time. Just because you are afraid of something doesn't mean it will become reality.


And I admit I have gone too far as to insinuate the blame would be solely on the roleplayers leaving, but you haven't even tried it out and already are leaving, surely that can't do the RP community any good? You can have fun on the merged servers, you can enjoy RP there without worries or troubles but you just have to want to. If you desperately hold onto your current view then you might never see things from a different perspective.


More than two-thirds of the people I used to RP with regularly have already left the game. More of them leave every month. A few have cancelled their subscriptions in the past day based on the server merges announcement alone. Why should I stay? Am I supposed to just stick around and RP by myself when everyone else leaves? Am I supposed to keep paying a subscription out of some vague obligation to the community as a whole, instead of going somewhere else and HAVING FUN?


You're trying to spin this so hard you've twisted yourself into a pretzel. People want to leave, and they have good reason to leave. Don't try to guilt trip them for taking their money elsewhere.

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More than two-thirds of the people I used to RP with regularly have already left the game. More of them leave every month. A few have cancelled their subscriptions in the past day based on the server merges announcement alone. Why should I stay? Am I supposed to just stick around and RP by myself when everyone else leaves? Am I supposed to keep paying a subscription out of some vague obligation to the community as a whole, instead of going somewhere else and HAVING FUN?


I guess that there is no point in trying to convince someone who is hellbent on going the way they want to go. A very sad thing as I was so happy at first that the RP community would come to the Red Eclipse and I could enjoy it again.

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I guess that there is no point in trying to convince someone who is hellbent on going the way they want to go. A very sad thing as I was so happy at first that the RP community would come to the Red Eclipse and I could enjoy it again.


I asked you why should I stay. You couldn't give me an answer. You just sidestepped it with the whole 'I guess that there is no point' bit. The only answer you've given anyone is "It might not make anything worse!" That's not enough.


Stop trying to guilt-trip people into staying and paying for a game they do not enjoy. If you want to stay subbed to TOR? Good for you. I hope you have fun. I've no problem with that. I'm not telling you that you should leave. Stop telling me I should stay and that it's somehow my fault if the RP community doesn't survive the merger.

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I asked you why should I stay. You couldn't give me an answer. You just sidestepped it with the whole 'I guess that there is no point' bit. The only answer you've given anyone is "It might not make anything worse!" That's not enough.


Stop trying to guilt-trip people into staying and paying for a game they do not enjoy. If you want to stay subbed to TOR? Good for you. I hope you have fun. I've no problem with that. I'm not telling you that you should leave. Stop telling me I should stay and that it's somehow my fault if the RP community doesn't survive the merger.


I have already admitted I was wrong in putting the blame on roleplayers, so please do not continue to claim I am guilt tripping people as I already stated I shouldn't have done that.


I am trying to get an answer from the devs as to what they can do to make roleplayers have a reason to stay. Perhaps they might be willing to do something in light of the amount of roleplayers angry at the United Forces server merges.

Edited by Ylliarus
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I have already admitted I was wrong in putting the blame on roleplayers, so please do not continue to claim I am guilt tripping people as I already stated I shouldn't have done that.


I am trying to get an answer from the devs as to what they can do to make roleplayers have a reason to stay. Perhaps they might be willing to do something in light of the amount of roleplayers angry at the United Forces server merges.



Let's take a look at your post previous to this one:


But you don't even know if it will be as bad as you claim it will be. You have no idea how the situation on a merged server like that will be because all of us are in this boat together for the first time. There hasn't been a server merge of this scale since many years on SWTOR and many of us will experience it for the first time. Just because you are afraid of something doesn't mean it will become reality.


And I admit I have gone too far as to insinuate the blame would be solely on the roleplayers leaving, but you haven't even tried it out and already are leaving, surely that can't do the RP community any good? You can have fun on the merged servers, you can enjoy RP there without worries or troubles but you just have to want to. If you desperately hold onto your current view then you might never see things from a different perspective.



You 'apologize' in one half of a sentence, then go right back saying that it's the RPers who are wrong in the second half.


I've played this game for a long time. Have the Founder title. Never ended my sub for so much as a month. Have the ugly statue decoration to prove it. I don't need a 'different perspective' to know this game has become less and less fun for me over the years, both on the MMO end and the RPG end. I don't need a 'different perspective' to read the posts on Enjin of so many RPers I've known for years declaring they're leaving the game, have already left the game, or will leave the game if they lose their names (which many inevitably will). I think you're the one who needs to look at things from a 'different perspective' to understand that playing a game is supposed to be about having fun, not staying around for an obligation.

Edited by AscendingSky
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Let's take a look at your post previous to this one:




You 'apologize' in one half of a sentence, then go right back saying that it's the RPers who are wrong in the second half.


I've played this game for a long time. Have the Founder title. Never ended my sub for so much as a month. Have the ugly statue decoration to prove it. I don't need a 'different perspective' to know this game has become less and less fun for me over the years, both on the MMO end and the RPG end. I don't need a 'different perspective' to read the posts on Enjin of so many RPers I've known for years declaring they're leaving the game, have already left the game, or will leave the game if they lose their names (which many inevitably will). I think you're the one who needs to look at things from a 'different perspective' to understand that playing a game is supposed to be about having fun, not staying around for an obligation.


What do you want me to say? What do you want me to do? I apologise for those words as I should not have said it that way or casted the blame like that. I am trying to amend for that by doing all I can to get a response from the devs as to the concerns of the RP community and maybe motivate them to take measures to have the roleplayers stay around. If you want to keep repeating and holding me onto what I said that I already admitted was wrong and apologised for then so be it, but this is my last response as to that.


Look, I get that playing a game is about having fun and not having to stay because of obligations. But sometimes you need to work a bit to keep having that fun, that is what I am trying to say and what I am doing on the forums now, fighting for it so that RP'ers can keep having fun on this game and not another.

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Character transfers will be suspended on 10/24 and the service restored after the merges. No mention of price increase.

I know transfers will be suspended, I'm talking about afterward. Would be nice to know if I hate the server I'm being merged with I can get out without it being incredibly expensive.

Edited by valligurl
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Good God you aren't even considering to try it out? How can you know if it will be as bad as you claim it will be if you don't try the new changes out yourself and see how things will turn out? Does the RP community mean that little to you that you will abandon it so easily? Fight for it, carve out a place for it in the new servers. Try it, don't give up this easily.


I think this is a major hurdle for some people: fear. They may have been trolled/griefed or had to experience a playstyle outside their comfort zone (PvP) once or twice and now any hint of that experience being a possibility shuts them down. Honestly, I'm not trying to be rude or insulting, just trying to figure out the psychology behind these fears.

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