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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server Merge Discussion Thread


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If you want to keep people playing this MMO, you need to bring people together. I've had some character names since 2012 but who cares about a name when there's no point in logging in because there's nobody to play with.



  • Regarding legacy cargo hold: just dump any overflow into mail and let players figure it out.
  • Strongholds/guild ships? Thrill of the redecoration?
  • Conquests? Let people join the mega guilds if the achievements mean that much to them. That's how it's always been anyway.
  • Currency caps are character-based. I don't see why that's an issue. Edits: I was just thinking credits. Still seems a minor issue.
  • You deal with merging legacies already.
  • Total character number? Keep a second server for all the accounts/characters that haven't logged in in 3+ years. That would probably lower your data storage by 99% on the active server (hyperbole to emphasize the game population is dying).


For you a minor issue, for others not so and thankfully BW agrees that it is not a minor issue so they are working on solving this problem before they even say merger.

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Please go solo player you won't be affected at all so your opinion doesn't matter so again don't like people don't play MMOs. So Bye Bye :)


Please tell me a solo star wars that offers anywhere near as much story as this game does and I will gladly leave you to your mmo.

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If they merge servers, they might want to look into doubling the amount of characters you can have unlocked on an account. Ive go a full server's load on my home server, and several on other servers. A merge would be a bit catastrophic if they don't up the character limit. Edited by xmarcusprimex
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If you want to keep people playing this MMO, you need to bring people together. I've had some character names since 2012 but who cares about a name when there's no point in logging in because there's nobody to play with.



  • Regarding legacy cargo hold: just dump any overflow into mail and let players figure it out.
  • Strongholds/guild ships? Thrill of the redecoration?
  • Conquests? Let people join the mega guilds if the achievements mean that much to them. That's how it's always been anyway.
  • Currency caps are character-based. I don't see why that's an issue. Edits: I was just thinking credits. Still seems a minor issue.
  • You deal with merging legacies already.
  • Total character number? Keep a second server for all the accounts/characters that haven't logged in in 3+ years. That would probably lower your data storage by 99% on the active server (hyperbole to emphasize the game population is dying).

Overflow... I have over 2,000 items in stock. Certainly would not find it funny to manage that through the mail box

Strongholds... do you even have any idea of how much time it takes to properly decorate those?

Character number... moving off non-active characters is a no go

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For you a minor issue, for others not so and thankfully BW agrees that it is not a minor issue so they are working on solving this problem before they even say merger.


BW agrees to a lot of bs in an impossible attempt and effort to please anyone and their grandma, even the most irrelevant and selfish interest groups in the big picture regarding the overall health of the game and its future, while the game declines into meaninglessness.

And that for a long time now and it's maybe even too late after these 2 years of unmatched ignorance and incompetence shown by Bioware. It's time for immediate action now, better yesterday than today, instead of absurd tries to please any moron, may it be people who have thrown away or sold gear for their apperance slots or whatever other similar personal inflicted issues.


The only things they need to make sure are solved and transfered and still existant afterwards is the status quo of the actually existing stuff now, gear, strongholds including placed deco, cargos, etc., both personal and guild. And they need to figure out the issue with the character limit for the supernerds who have two digits of characters in the higher range. And some solution for names, guild and personal.

But it's impossible and not needed to please anyone, especially those who made obvious personal mistakes in the past and for instance got rid of stuff for their designer slots and similar things. This game is at stake and not ANY personal absurd concern should be considered. Regarding some totally absurd stuff you read here in this thread you can just shake your head in disbelief and question what the f... is wrong with people.

Edited by Khaleg
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BW agrees to a lot of bs in an impossible attempt and effort to please anyone and their grandma, even the most irrelevant and selfish interest groups in the big picture regarding the overall health of the game and its future, while the game declines into meaninglessness.


But it's impossible and not needed to please anyone, especially those who made obvious personal mistakes in the past and for instance got rid of stuff for their designer slots and similar things. This game is at stake and not ANY personal absurd concern should be considered. Regarding some totally absurd stuff you read here in this thread you can just shake your head in disbelief and question what the f... is wrong with people.**snip


Totally share your sentiment. It's frustrating to read some of the posts where they declare they will tolerate ZERO inconvenience in a mega server merge.

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BW agrees to a lot of bs in an impossible attempt and effort to please anyone and their grandma, even the most irrelevant and selfish interest groups in the big picture regarding the overall health of the game and its future, while the game declines into meaninglessness.

And that for a long time now and it's maybe even too late after these 2 years of unmatched ignorance and incompetence shown by Bioware. It's time for immediate action now, better yesterday than today, instead of absurd tries to please any moron, may it be people who have thrown away or sold gear for their apperance slots or whatever other similar personal inflicted issues.


The only things they need to make sure are solved and transfered and still existant afterwards is the status quo of the actually existing stuff now, gear, strongholds including placed deco, cargos, etc., both personal and guild. And they need to figure out the issue with the character limit for the supernerds who have two digits of characters in the higher range. And some solution for names, guild and personal.

But it's impossible and not needed to please anyone, especially those who made obvious personal mistakes in the past and for instance got rid of stuff for their designer slots and similar things. This game is at stake and not ANY personal absurd concern should be considered. Regarding some totally absurd stuff you read here in this thread you can just shake your head in disbelief and question what the f... is wrong with people.

I couldn't agree more. I'd rather have a few very populated servers than multiple servers with populations spread out with only about 2 servers that are mainly active.


The overall heath of the game is at stake here and this game cannot continue to play like a singleplayer game with group aspects any longer. It needs to go back to its MMO roots, encourage group play, continue with group PvP and PvE content, and stop trying to please players who honestly should be playing singleplayer games.

Edited by Talon_strikes
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Wow. Just... Wow. I think it's pretty clear who's opinion really doesn't matter. Intolerant is as intolerant does.


Thank you for proving my example and fitting the bill of that statement. Irrational defense when no realistic one can be given is expected. Truely it should be really clear what is not mattering at all. Ignorance is as Ignorance does. But I digress as no actual contribution was made and thus a response to this is really not even necessary. But there is no need for further dialogue for such low priority. :)



Fix the issues about guildships and names and merge them soon before it's too late. Which it maybe soon. Procrastination only hurts the game more.

Edited by FerkWork
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.... instead of absurd tries to please any moron....


Like the morons who want a server merge, no matter the cost to other players? A server merge isn't going to improve your experience if a huge chunk of the population leaves because of it.

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Like the morons who want a server merge, no matter the cost to other players? A server merge isn't going to improve your experience if a huge chunk of the population leaves because of it.


A better and cheaper way to boost group content pops is to bring the F2P and Preferred players back into end game content. They need to bring back WZ and OPs passes and look at some way to let F2P and Preferred players experience some of the other end game activities again. There is a huge untapped pool of players out there right now. The subscriber only end game content was an interesting experiment as a subscriber reward but has ended up damaging the game.

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A better and cheaper way to boost group content pops is to bring the F2P and Preferred players back into end game content. They need to bring back WZ and OPs passes and look at some way to let F2P and Preferred players experience some of the other end game activities again. There is a huge untapped pool of players out there right now. The subscriber only end game content was an interesting experiment as a subscriber reward but has ended up damaging the game.


I think you may have quoted the wrong person there.

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I couldn't agree more. I'd rather have a few very populated servers than multiple servers with populations spread out with only about 2 servers that are mainly active.


The overall heath of the game is at stake here and this game cannot continue to play like a singleplayer game with group aspects any longer. It needs to go back to its MMO roots, encourage group play, continue with group PvP and PvE content, and stop trying to please players who honestly should be playing singleplayer games.


You mean like the ones that do group content with their friends and guild instead of doing group pickups. Give me a break, just because someone doesn't use group pickup for operations, flashpoints or uprisings doesn't mean they don't do those activities, just means they play with friends and their guild instead. Just because they merge a server doesn't mean your agenda of having people in ques is going to increase if people are playing with friends and guilds, which is still doing group content, but that wouldn't help your agenda would it.


There are some servers that are actually doing fine, though people have said we are delusional. I play on Ebon Hawk and the server population is fine.

Edited by casirabit
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I love how this thread and others like them have moved along. What was once:


We don't need a server merge cause our population is fine


has now turned into:


We don't need a server merge we do everything you need to do in our guild


down the road a bit more will it be:


I don't need a server merge I just log in and hang out in my stronghold trying on outfits

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I love how this thread and others like them have moved along. What was once:


We don't need a server merge cause our population is fine


has now turned into:


We don't need a server merge we do everything you need to do in our guild


down the road a bit more will it be:


I don't need a server merge I just log in and hang out in my stronghold trying on outfits


Actually it has always been we don't need a server merger because our population is fine because we do everything we need to do groupwise with our guildies/friends. I don't think anyone has said the overall population of the game is fine, just that server mergers won't fix the problem for more than a couple of months at best. They won't bring anyone back or keep a significant number of people from leaving. New and better content is what is needed and is a better place to spend money than server merges.

Edited by DWho
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It'll definitely kill off the little nomadic communities who enjoy being on the "dead servers" They'll just clear off and find another game.


If BW is even considering the "name thing" the merge is going to happen.


The US will likely all be piled onto the East Coast as that's got the upgraded servers. Europe would likely be 3, German, English and French.


It won't help anything of course as the whole problem is, player divide. Those who just want to play through the stories and not bother with the MMO stuff and vice versa. PvPers are NEVER happy of course.:p


BW don't have the time or budget to keep two sides happy. I sit in the middle though as I do both. Though not anything excessively grindy, which is another problem the game has. Recycling content.


Tl;dr: Pretty sure merges will happen but it won't do anything much to help the game IMO.

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Actually it has always been we don't need a server merger because our population is fine because we do everything we need to do groupwise with our guildies/friends. I don't think anyone has said the overall population of the game is fine, just that server mergers won't fix the problem for more than a couple of months at best. They won't bring anyone back or keep a significant number of people from leaving. New and better content is what is needed and is a better place to spend money than server merges.


Until your 'guildies' drop away as they always do and you are left to recruit on an empty server. Yes Franklin people play the game for a spell and then they fade, sometimes they return but most often you are left with 500+ in actives in a guild that you keep for sentimentality. Those lovable officers that used to do celebrity impressions on mumble as you drank the night away playing sm operations are gone, they have been gone since 2013.


The benefit of a mega server is you always have access to the active players of a game. Yes there are people playing SWTOR for the first time or renewing their sub. The problem is there is only a 1 in 17 chance you will get to MMO with them.

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Until your 'guildies' drop away as they always do and you are left to recruit on an empty server. Yes Franklin people play the game for a spell and then they fade, sometimes they return but most often you are left with 500+ in actives in a guild that you keep for sentimentality. Those lovable officers that used to do celebrity impressions on mumble as you drank the night away playing sm operations are gone, they have been gone since 2013.


The benefit of a mega server is you always have access to the active players of a game. Yes there are people playing SWTOR for the first time or renewing their sub. The problem is there is only a 1 in 17 chance you will get to MMO with them.


Instead of advocating taking the choice away from those players who do NOT want to be merged, or play on a "megaserver", maybe advocate making it easier for players to make an informed decision as to choice of server.


Make it clear that all servers no have PVE and PVP instances, so that those desiring PVP are not "restricted" tot he old PVP servers.


Label the old PVP servers as "very low population" and require that any player creating a character on those servers confirms that they understand it is a "very low population server".


Label Harbinger as "highest populated West Coast" server (if not "highest populated server overall") andEbon Hawk as "highest populated East Coast server, with the largest RP community".

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Instead of advocating taking the choice away from those players who do NOT want to be merged, or play on a "megaserver", maybe advocate making it easier for players to make an informed decision as to choice of server.


Make it clear that all servers no have PVE and PVP instances, so that those desiring PVP are not "restricted" tot he old PVP servers.


Label the old PVP servers as "very low population" and require that any player creating a character on those servers confirms that they understand it is a "very low population server".


Label Harbinger as "highest populated West Coast" server (if not "highest populated server overall") andEbon Hawk as "highest populated East Coast server, with the largest RP community".


Very much agreed. Server information like that is one of the things I look for when playing a new MMO. It's ironic that BioWare reduced the capacity to make an informed server decision by removing such information.

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Very much agreed. Server information like that is one of the things I look for when playing a new MMO. It's ironic that BioWare reduced the capacity to make an informed server decision by removing such information.


BW may no longer be spoon feeding that information to players, but the information IS available. It may require a modicum of effort to find, but it IS available.


That said, I still think BW could, and should, provide more information regarding server populations and communities. How much information should be provided is another matter.


Should they label Harbinger as "most populated server, but also most toxic community", for example? Shouldn't they be letting that person who wants a higher population server, but a GOOD, RESPECTFUL community know what they are signing up for if they choose Harbinger, just as people think they should let the person who chooses one of the old PVP servers know that they are choosing a "dead server"?

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