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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Oh it will be righteous


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While nerfing the merc, the devs must not forget to nerf snipers' defenses and operatives' insane DPS with their annoying knife spam attacks.

yeah ikr, also they can stun lock you for the entire match. That's not fair, remove ops please

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I was hoping it was Keith.


Pretty sure that's Joe, what I'd like to know is why they invite someone that only started playing the game 2 months ago to their HQ though. I guess he's more the sort of person they want around.

A Snave, too expensive (have to fly-in and accomodate) and too much critique, Doc or Dacri.. too much critique.


I mean it's entirely obvious that Joe is enacting much of his enthusiasm but that's apparently much better than someone who just doesn't agree with you on a lot of things. Not that I'm surprised.

Edited by Evolixe
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Pretty sure that's Joe, what I'd like to know is why they invite someone that only started playing the game 2 months ago to their HQ though. I guess he's more the sort of person they want around.

A Snave, too expensive (have to fly-in and accomodate) and too much critique, Doc or Dacri.. too much critique.


I mean it's entirely obvious that Joe is enacting much of his enthusiasm but that's apparently much better than someone who just doesn't agree with you on a lot of things. Not that I'm surprised.


Who TF is Joe?

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It brings me some level of sick pleasure that so many ****bags spent all that time to grind up 300 command levels/full gear on merc and now its getting beaten with a nerf bat.


probably just stay merc (well, one of them, I have 4 classes atm), considering all my 248's are heal gear

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hunting merc rerolls is going to be such fun


Why? They will all be on sorc healers again queing as premades of 4 heals. We will be back to 2-6 healer/tanks in every single warzone on each side. I just can't WAIT! 5.0 was better than 4.0 imo...even with mercs. At least snipers countered mercs...what countered sorc heals? Nothing.

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Listening to everyone on this forum post is disgusting. All of you are frothing at the mouth at the very IDEA of a merc nerf. "BAN IT" "DESTROY IT" "NERF IT INTO NOTHINGNESS" yeah just so another broken class can come back.


Honestly, I think most of the merc haters are sorc FOTY enthusiasts who have been ruling swtor for years and suddenly the inflow of mercs and net *which has never changed but suddenly a major issue* that actually counters Supreme leader Sorc to actually try. I am all for toning down mercs dcds...but dmg shouldn't be touched.


I take back everything I said about heals...just put dark heal on a 9 second cooldown and the ability to instant cast it and the healing in the game is balanced.


Well once the mercs are nerfed im sure the Swtor Justice Warriors will demand more nerfs to everything but precious sorc heals.

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Why? They will all be on sorc healers again queing as premades of 4 heals. We will be back to 2-6 healer/tanks in every single warzone on each side. I just can't WAIT! 5.0 was better than 4.0 imo...even with mercs. At least snipers countered mercs...what countered sorc heals? Nothing.

Net, ironically enough.

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Why? They will all be on sorc healers again queing as premades of 4 heals.
are you high? no they won't

We will be back to 2-6 healer/tanks in every single warzone on each side. I just can't WAIT! 5.0 was better than 4.0 imo...even with mercs. At least snipers countered mercs...what countered sorc heals? Nothing.
I'm going to recommend you go back in the patch notes and revisit 4.7, when sorc heals *finally* took a massive dent to their force management, which significantly reduced their HPS by requiring them to consume far more often than they had previously. Corruption has never been farther ahead of the other healers than it was from 4.0 - 4.7.


mercs needed to get nerfed and it has more or less nothing to do with healer balance, spare us the salt

Edited by yellow_
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Ermahgerd the saltsplosion has already begun!


Look. It's been obvious that mercs were going to be nerfed since literally the first week of December. The only amazing thing is it has taken so long. I was expecting it in 5.1 TBH.


I agree that it is likely the nerf will be overreaching, and that sucks for mercs. But there are very few times in many years of MMOs for me that I can remember where a nerf was so clearly coming.

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Why? They will all be on sorc healers again queing as premades of 4 heals. We will be back to 2-6 healer/tanks in every single warzone on each side. I just can't WAIT! 5.0 was better than 4.0 imo...even with mercs. At least snipers countered mercs...what countered sorc heals? Nothing.


Upvoting for truth. Calling people salty is a nice projection tho

Edited by Ooha
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Warzones will finally be less cancer. I love it. .


No no no... they are only cancer because you CLEARLY need to l2p. /snickers


On a serious note, what could they possibly due to make Merc unplayable? even in 4.0 with no dcds they were still a formidable foe in regs (rank was bad, but still) even if they tweak 1 or 2 things about mercs they will still be buffed in comparison to 4.0


I think that's what was so frustrating about the merc buff... everyone knew they could use some type of anti global dcd to help in rank, but anything more and your treading on OP territory. BW in true fasion didn't give af and just buffed them to insane levels of annoyingness. Mercs are so high into OP land that any nerfs isn't really going to be a nerf in the truest sense, just brought back down to the realm of reality.

Edited by DenariusJay
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Listening to everyone on this forum post is disgusting. All of you are frothing at the mouth at the very IDEA of a merc nerf. "BAN IT" "DESTROY IT" "NERF IT INTO NOTHINGNESS" yeah just so another broken class can come back.


Honestly, I think most of the merc haters are sorc FOTY enthusiasts who have been ruling swtor for years and suddenly the inflow of mercs and net *which has never changed but suddenly a major issue* that actually counters Supreme leader Sorc to actually try. I am all for toning down mercs dcds...but dmg shouldn't be touched.


I take back everything I said about heals...just put dark heal on a 9 second cooldown and the ability to instant cast it and the healing in the game is balanced.


Well once the mercs are nerfed im sure the Swtor Justice Warriors will demand more nerfs to everything but precious sorc heals.



I agree, I don't think Merc's DPS should be nerfed. The issue with them is their over the top survivability and healing as a DPS spec coupled with the DPS. Although I do think that Arsenal shouldn't be the only spec in this game with 30% surge to their crit, they were the only class that didn't get that nerfed back in 4.0. 35+k HSs are alot more than any other class can do most of the time, if at all. But, their general DPS shouldn't be touched otherwise.

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While nerfing the merc, the devs must not forget to nerf snipers' defenses and operatives' insane DPS with their annoying knife spam attacks.


well here we go another Nerf Operatives even on just a PSA about the impending tuning down of mercs...you know there is a mirror class too that sounds like fight club. Maybe the devs will do everyone a favor and delete them. When scoundrels/operatives get focused they explode. Get some focus on them from your teammates and no issues. Now back on point thanks for the PSA original OP.

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If they put mercs into a state where their dcds are still a bit better than they were before 5.0 I'll still be able to rek noobs like I did before 5.0, if they nerf their damage though that will be not so fun. Edited by Romeugues
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If they put mercs into a state where their dcds are still a bit better than they were before 5.0 I'll still be able to rek noobs like I did before 5.0, if they nerf their damage though that will be not so fun.


I hope they remove 70% hp kolto and give it to PTs. Just that.

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