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Why did I lose my guild name


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So I got a reply from CS, and I am calling ******** on this, utter ********.

Using spoiler tags to keep this clear.




It's (Name Redacted) from the SWTOR Customer Support Specialist Team. It was great speaking to you today and I have been able to get one of my colleagues in the In-Game Department to have a quick look at the case. By the looks of it the reason why the guild needs to be renamed is due to the server consolidations which happened.




I am not aware of any server consolidations, merges or anything of the sort for a long time.



All guild names are unique so only one guild can have (Name Redacted) and by looking over the login history of (Name Redacted a guild may have been created when you were not active.




As in brand new, taking MY NAME that is YEARS old.



In terms of what we can do is to recommend selecting a new name for the guild as it is outside our Customer Service control. The Stupid decided to perform server consolidations and they have picked which guild keeps their name.




What made them worthy of getting my guild name that I have had for years.



You can always reach out to the Developers via the forums and see what they say. I apologize for the long wait time on this issue and the fact you have lost the guild name you had for years.



Eric, Keith are you reading this? I need some help and some official input here please.


Confirming the age of the guild in writing right there.



I did try my best to see if there was any solution but like I mentioned to you over the phone some issues are out of our hands.




Where is it? What do I pay you for?


I see no valid reason for my guild name to be taken here, this is a travesty and although most of you won't care, remember if it happens once it can and will happen again.

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Well from the looks of things, I'm fairly certain it's one of two things. You may have been part of a merge (I don't recall when the last one happened), in which case, if you were moved to a destination server, the destination server name always takes priority, which could have forced the change.


Alternatively, there is a distinct possibility that it could have been reported for a violation (what that could be I have no idea. Maybe religious reasons, or someone who's more of a Diablo fan taking offense. I might be reaching here).


As for what you pay for, you pay for access to the servers. That's all. So to jump down their throats is a bit overdramatic and unnecessary. At the end of the day, these are pixels in a video game. Take a deep breath and relax. In the grand scheme of things, it's just a name.

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Well from the looks of things, I'm fairly certain it's one of two things. You may have been part of a merge (I don't recall when the last one happened), in which case, if you were moved to a destination server, the destination server name always takes priority, which could have forced the change.


I paid in coin and dollars to move over 20 characters from my old server to Harbinger, it cost me a lot as this was back when the transfers were at their peak rate, of 1800 ish coins. Do the math..... This cost me hundreds of dollars in coins.


Alternatively, there is a distinct possibility that it could have been reported for a violation (what that could be I have no idea. Maybe religious reasons, or someone who's more of a Diablo fan taking offense. I might be reaching here).


I really do not see this as a possibility


As for what you pay for, you pay for access to the servers. That's all. So to jump down their throats is a bit overdramatic and unnecessary. At the end of the day, these are pixels in a video game. Take a deep breath and relax. In the grand scheme of things, it's just a name.


Yes it is just a name, but this is not justice, this is not fair and this is worth fighting for.

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There were server consolidations back in 2012. I have no idea how long you've been away but they reduced the transfer cost to help server consolidations in November 2016. If you're not a paying sub then weird things can happen to your guild without an active subbed guild leader. Maybe it's possible that another active group of players created a guild with that name while you were inactive. While inactive, you may not retain the name maybe. That's what I'm getting out of it. There have been mass transfers to populated servers.
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So I got a reply from CS, and I am calling ******** on this, utter ********.



Yeah that sucks, I definitely think you should question BW actions here. I'm not aware of a server merge in the last year; I think the last one was over 2 years ago. If the name change came during the last couple of months, I would want to know the exact reason for this happening and how it can be avoided.


On a side note, have you considered using variations on the letters in Sanctuary? (i.e. ā,ą,ă, etc.) I know its a bandaid fix, but they're acceptable characters and it would appear to be the same.



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Gone are the days you can walk away and expect to have your name when you return.


My wife didn't play TSW for like 7 months, she was subbed, just didn't play. They erased all her chars names because she had not logged in for 6 months, even though she was subbed. Not that it matters in the big picture, TSW is being wiped.


The old TSW servers are not being wiped. They will remain up for folks to play on. Its clearly written on the FAQ section over there.



I'm confused, I thought they were just changing the payment system and in-game perks similar to ESO, WildStar and other games. They're wiping all the toons?


They are changing the combat progression and making a lot of graphical updates. Thats about it but as ive said above...they are not wiping the old game.


Read the FAQ here if you wish:


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There were server consolidations back in 2012. I have no idea how long you've been away but they reduced the transfer cost to help server consolidations in November 2016. If you're not a paying sub then weird things can happen to your guild without an active subbed guild leader. Maybe it's possible that another active group of players created a guild with that name while you were inactive. While inactive, you may not retain the name maybe. That's what I'm getting out of it. There have been mass transfers to populated servers.


I was away for a few months in the lead up to Mass Effect Andromeda, I played a couple of characters through ME3 and then a couple through ME:A when it was released.


I came back to the game about 4 days ago.

By back I mean started playing again, barring a few credit card issues I have been subbed since the game launched.

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I have no opinion on this other than to point out:


Those saying it was reported and forced name change for religious reasons, ever walk from a contested area to a safe area (like a faction base), there is a splash message that says...wait for it... Sanctuary.

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I have no opinion on this other than to point out:


Those saying it was reported and forced name change for religious reasons, ever walk from a contested area to a safe area (like a faction base), there is a splash message that says...wait for it... Sanctuary.


Don't try to accuse Bioware of consistency.

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I have no opinion on this other than to point out:


Those saying it was reported and forced name change for religious reasons, ever walk from a contested area to a safe area (like a faction base), there is a splash message that says...wait for it... Sanctuary.


That is where the original came from.

Back when this was as thriving guild we wanted to make a safe space for all to be themselves and play the way they wanted to play.

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Just name it THE SANCTUARY and move on. There are more important things in this world to complain about other than a simple fix for a name.


Fyi, my original character since launch had to have its name changed when servers were consolidated way back when. I was not happy but it didn't consume me. I spelled the name slightly different and kept playing.

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Here's what I think happened.


A guild wanted to create Sanctuary on Harbinger, but you already had it.


They created Sanctuàry, then reported your guild for being too similar.


You'd being premium and not logged in for long enough that they favoured the NEW but paying guild over you (it's unfair, but that's how some CS operate*). Your guild name didn't expire, the other guild took it after reporting your guild name.



*A guild who I shall not named, severely exploited the game but got a slap on the wrist because he's probably dropped $1000 on SWTOR.

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Just name it THE SANCTUARY and move on. There are more important things in this world to complain about other than a simple fix for a name.


Fyi, my original character since launch had to have its name changed when servers were consolidated way back when. I was not happy but it didn't consume me. I spelled the name slightly different and kept playing.


There is no justification for this happening NOW.

There have been no consolidations no mergers.


This is wrong and it is a worthy fight. They can't just take from players like that.

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Here's what I think happened.


A guild wanted to create Sanctuary on Harbinger, but you already had it.


They created Sanctuàry, then reported your guild for being too similar.


You'd being premium and not logged in for long enough that they favoured the NEW but paying guild over you (it's unfair, but that's how some CS operate*). Your guild name didn't expire, the other guild took it after reporting your guild name.



*A guild who I shall not named, severely exploited the game but got a slap on the wrist because he's probably dropped $1000 on SWTOR.


I spend easily a grand a year on coin, costs me over $100 each time i buy a pack of 12k.

I hear what you are saying and I will fight this as far and as long as I have too.

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There is no justification for this happening NOW.

There have been no consolidations no mergers.


This is wrong and it is a worthy fight. They can't just take from players like that.


Actually, they can. It sucks, but they can. Read the ToS/EULA for this game sometime. You don't own anything on the servers--not your characters, your guilds, your gear, nothing. They do. EAWare can giveth, and they can taketh away at their whim anything on the servers. We all had to agree to those conditions to play this game in the first place, so... yeah. They can change any guild name they want, for any reason.


Sorry, you're probably SOL here. I'm not saying it's right, I'm saying it's reality.

Edited by AscendingSky
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Actually, they can. It sucks, but they can. Read the ToS/EULA for this game sometime. You don't own anything on the servers--not your characters, your guilds, your gear, nothing. They do. EAWare can giveth, and they can taketh away at their whim anything on the servers. We all had to agree to those conditions to play this game in the first place, so... yeah. They can change any guild name they want, for any reason.


Sorry, you're probably SOL here. I'm not saying it's right, I'm saying it's reality.


Maybe they can

But that does not mean I am going to bend over and take it......

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I would bet money that the name was reported by someone as crossing some sort of religious lines. If you cannot see that, maybe take some time to reflect on it. Could have even been a deliberate reporting, by someone who did not like you are was a guild member. /shrug.


I'm not taking a stance on the name, nor implying you did anything wrong..... simply helping you understand why it might have been forced with a rename. Neither you, nor I, nor any other player, decides what to do about a reported name... the studio does.


AND: The fact that you have a name for a long time, even years, does not mean it cannot get reported and actioned later on.


If that was the case then the CS email would have said so.

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If that was the case then the CS email would have said so.


Yeah, that's why I suspect it was reported for being similar.


If you get a gullible CS they can convince them that their Sanctuàry is the real one and that yours stole their name.

Then all they have to do is wait for them to take your name and they can rename their guild.


I hate to think that other players did this on purpose... but it seems plausible.

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So I found the GM of the guild that has my name and tried to reason with him.

It did not go as well as I hoped.


I understand his point of view but I will not let my name go that easily.

It really is a pity he did not give me the chance to give him a good reason.





Now unless he is lying and I don't believe he was, this is a new guild with manually selected name so why was my guild name put back in the pool, there was no consolidation that was all lies as we suspected.

I want answers.


Eric Musco


Allison Berryman


Someone has to make this right.

Edited by QuinlanSaathis
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Not going to happen. It's a game. It's not real. Step away from the computer and relax



It's gone. Just move on and let these guys work on something important to the community. I'll leave you with a well known quote...

"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."

Dr. Who - Battlestar Galactica

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Not going to happen. It's a game. It's not real. Step away from the computer and relax



It's gone. Just move on and let these guys work on something important to the community. I'll leave you with a well known quote...

"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."

Dr. Who - Battlestar Galactica



Not going to happen.

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Not going to happen.


Why not?

Look, stuff happens. It's frustrating, but you've done all you can. Name your guild something similar. When I moved one of my characters from Jung Ma to Begeren Colony, I logged in to find their name was already taken. I'd had that name for...ah, gosh - upwards of a year, I believe. I just shrugged and named them the exact same name, with the last letter - i - being replaced by an ì. Worked perfectly, and you can't tell the difference unless you're staring straight at the letter for a while. No fuss. You can do the same. One name isn't worth all this effort scrabbling over it.

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Why not?

Look, stuff happens. It's frustrating, but you've done all you can. Name your guild something similar. When I moved one of my characters from Jung Ma to Begeren Colony, I logged in to find their name was already taken. I'd had that name for...ah, gosh - upwards of a year, I believe. I just shrugged and named them the exact same name, with the last letter - i - being replaced by an ì. Worked perfectly, and you can't tell the difference unless you're staring straight at the letter for a while. No fuss. You can do the same. One name isn't worth all this effort scrabbling over it.


I understand your point and when I moved I had to do the same thing to most of my characters, and I was happy to do so. I was the one moving and someone else had rightfully gotten the name first why should they lose it.


This is not the case here, there is no legitimate reason for this and I have been lied to about it, I have not done all I can, not by a long shot. I will be calling them again tomorrow.


This is unfair, worse, its deceitful and underhanded and I will not just accept it and move on.

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So I found the GM of the guild that has my name and tried to reason with him.

It did not go as well as I hoped.


I understand his point of view but I will not let my name go that easily.

It really is a pity he did not give me the chance to give him a good reason.





Now unless he is lying and I don't believe he was, this is a new guild with manually selected name so why was my guild name put back in the pool, there was no consolidation that was all lies as we suspected.

I want answers.


Eric Musco


Allison Berryman


Someone has to make this right.


Take the screenshot down now. Naming and shaming is not allowed on the forums. You'll get in big trouble. You are also not helping your case by breaking forum rules.


Under those circumstances as the person described, I'd bet real money on you not being able to get the guild name changed back. You can't win them all. My advice would be to move on, pick a similar name, and be done with it.

Edited by AscendingSky
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Take the screenshot down now. Naming and shaming is not allowed on the forums. You'll get in big trouble. You are also not helping your case by breaking forum rules.


Under those circumstances as the person described, I'd bet real money on you not being able to get the guild name changed back. You can't win them all. My advice would be to move on, pick a similar name, and be done with it.


Point taken.

Fixed it.


I will not however move on, not done yet.

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