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How many leave Odessen Proving Grounds


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The map has a great advantage. It is too complicated for the intelligence level of the ordinary premade player.:D Rep and imp are also mixed. This together gives Pugs a chance to win a game.


So it is too hard for premades, but well within the intelligence of PuGs.




Most groups don't have a friggin clue about how to play Odessen and leave at least half of the map uncovered in every single round.

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I love it because more than any other map, simply playing the battlemods and objectives correctly *a little bit* almost guarantees a win for your team.


And it is such a spectacle of derp. I can't believe the number of times I've been able to run in with a shutdown mod and cancel a capture point because the defenders were too busy deathmatching to notice.


My favorite are the dudes that hang out with a group capping an already activated point while holding the activation mod.

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I guess it's just accentuated for me because of my already high lag. I'm glad it works well for others, but it's a wasted pop for me.


But I would like to see all WZs mixed faction


At first I didn't like OPG but overtime it just kinda grew on me. One thing I like about it is the uncertainty of where the enemy is. Alot of the maps you pretty much know where the enemy is going to be at least at most times. The turns in the hallways make it so you never know what you might be confronted with when you turn the corner, or when you crest the uphill slope. The inclusion of catwalks was an interesting touch.


As far as mixed faction. I hate that. While objectively it is better for queue times and more maps with faster queues would definitely be a good thing, fighting along side jedi kills the immersion. I want to kill jedi, not help them or be helped by them! I'm old school, Jedi and Sith are diametrically opposed enemies, they are polar opposites and anathema to what each of them hold dear. They should kill each other on sight. I always enjoy warzones so much more when it's pubs I'm fighting, just feels right. [All pubs must die!!]


But yeah, it would help with queues, no question.

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I don't know what kind of people you guys are playing against, but without either a full premade or a **** ton of luck you aren't winning these simply by trying on TRE.


The RNG of the Battlemods and Objective Spawns combined with the cluelessness of the average pug and the retarded requirement to wipe ALL enemies from a node before it can be taken..

Make it that you can try as hard as you *********** want, you aren't going to win **** unless you are lucky.



So yes, I leave them most of the time because I can't be bothered with all of that.

Edited by Evolixe
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It gets some time to get use to. Currently my third favorite map after NC and CW. It does have issues, but the fact that it is faction neutral and the least susibtable to being a heal fest gives it a nudge over VS and HG.


I quit QB and HB instantly unless they I am in a premade.

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I guess it's just accentuated for me because of my already high lag. I'm glad it works well for others, but it's a wasted pop for me.


But I would like to see all WZs mixed faction


I agree mixed faction should have always been a thing. Nothing worse than getting on a full imp team and the pubs are running around with 5 players the whole match.


I also think that map is insanely buggy. I constantly have people turning invisible and vanishing thru floors and I can't target them.


I find the objectives kind of annoying to. Your team is on the opposite side of the map in their node, and the enemy team is on the other side in theirs. If you leave you wont get the points ...so half the time its just standing around or being ganked by a zerg moving to a new point. I don't really care for the map, though I still put queshball on the bottom of the list...I just cannot stand the rangefest on that map.

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I don't leave any WZ. Quitting WZ's screws up the queue's and leaves teams gimped to start matches and is generally a major D-Bag move that millennial snowflakes think is ok because it doesn't matter if they screw with other peoples time since they are special!


I dont leave WZ after it started but there is a specific reason WZ has a 2 minute timer to fill before it starts, so if people leave/drop you do not start without a full team. Trying to blame a specific age group is as dumb as it gets. And for the record, BW does not give a flying f**k about the quality of ques. Players cannot fix this if the system is so a** backwards.

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I dont leave WZ after it started but there is a specific reason WZ has a 2 minute timer to fill before it starts, so if people leave/drop you do not start without a full team. Trying to blame a specific age group is as dumb as it gets. And for the record, BW does not give a flying f**k about the quality of ques. Players cannot fix this if the system is so a** backwards.


If I am in a warzone and see someone that camps on the top of the node, or does less than 200k dmg while fighting in mid the entire match...I will leave...especially if I know multiple people on my team are bad. Also if the match starts and you run to mid and you see the same healfest that ended up with no one dying the entire round I will leave. I will not waste my time with matches like these, they are boring, and a waste of my time.


Why do people care? It's one thing to quit just because you die, or other lame reasons. However, I am not going to sit on a team I have already seen fail multiple times, especially against some double premade on the other team that consists of 8 fotm, if my team was half competent I might stick around...more or less I just try to dodge them by requeing after I leave and get into another cycle.

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I don't leave any WZ. Quitting WZ's screws up the queue's and leaves teams gimped to start matches and is generally a major D-Bag move that millennial snowflakes think is ok because it doesn't matter if they screw with other peoples time since they are special!


There are evenings on Harb where this wz pops six times in 1.5 hours. I'm good for two maybe three OPG per night. I'm lucky when I get more than one hour of SWTOR in, and it's boring to play the same map over and over. There is nothing snowflake about leaving a wz if you want a different map, especially this one. It fills with either faction after all.

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I don't leave any WZ. Quitting WZ's screws up the queue's and leaves teams gimped to start matches and is generally a major D-Bag move that millennial snowflakes think is ok because it doesn't matter if they screw with other peoples time since they are special!


I also don't leave any WZ, not even Arenas.

Now, i don't mind early quitters (if just pop and quit with like 1 min left before start) as long as its a peak hour (and 70s). I mean quitting when pops are rare and teams only have like 6 player each at best (like usually is in lowbies and mids) creates a problem.



Now, going back at OPG, i love the map. It is true that having too many new people on your team can be frustated, but i still like it.

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It gets some time to get use to. Currently my third favorite map after NC and CW. It does have issues, but the fact that it is faction neutral and the least susibtable to being a heal fest gives it a nudge over VS and HG.


I quit QB and HB instantly unless they I am in a premade.


I'm going to start quitting Quesh at minimum, maybe HB too. It's just too random for whether or not you have that one guy on your team that actually will try and score or not. I'm certainly not that guy (on my Jugg anyway.)

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I love it because more than any other map, simply playing the battlemods and objectives correctly *a little bit* almost guarantees a win for your team.


And it is such a spectacle of derp. I can't believe the number of times I've been able to run in with a shutdown mod and cancel a capture point because the defenders were too busy deathmatching to notice.


My favorite are the dudes that hang out with a group capping an already activated point while holding the activation mod.


I have to agree, plus 1-2 people on a team can carry the whole match if they understand the mechanics, tactics and colour mods.

I'm actually pretty good at the map, it's the bugs and lag that make me leave.

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I'm going to start quitting Quesh at minimum, maybe HB too. It's just too random for whether or not you have that one guy on your team that actually will try and score or not. I'm certainly not that guy (on my Jugg anyway.)


I'm that guy/girl in Hutt Ball that plays to win. I've carried whole teams to a win. I personally don't understand what's so hard about Huttball. The mechanics are so easy to figure out and even some of the simple tactics and strategies do fine to win a match.

Most the problems stem from people "not playing Huttball" because they are too busy death matching. I've had matches where I've gotten the ball 6 times in a row and been left alone to run the ball from the spawn to the line. I did no damage and no healing and got abused because of my stats. I guess they didn't realise I won the game for them 😉

I miss Ranked Huttball and I hate them for removing it, especially after Eric let slip he thought a Huttball league was a great idea. Having it ripped from the game left a hole in my heart 😢

I will say 99% of the time the worst players in Huttball are the snipers because they have no idea how to play the class in the match. Camping and farming numbers or using the excuse of defending by camping is not how you play Huttball with that class. The last 3 Huttballs I've played with my sniper I've scored more times than anyone else on my team. Snipers should stay with or just ahead of the ball carrier if attacking. Sitting in one place all match isn't fun and is just stupid. I've run past so many defending snipers just camping to score goals it boggles the mind.

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There's some basic game design problems with Odessen.


1: You spawn in a random location which forces you to check the map. And also is disorientating. I understand they thought this might be interesting but it sucks.


2. You play against a mixed faction. Alright, that's what some people want but it dilutes the competitiveness.


3. The power-ups are extremely hidden so that only a very few players know how to get to them. Yes, you think everyone is stupid but it hinders game-play for most people.


4. The map is symmetrical. It needed to be more organic for a better perspective. I won't mention some good maps in other games at this point. This is not a cop out, I know for a fact that organic or more natural looking maps are better in most cases. Yes, I know this is a man made platform but it can still be non symmetrical.


5. The map is too big. When someone calls for help somewhere, it takes too long to get there.


This good things about this map:


1. The power-ups. They are cool and fun to use, and fun to kill someone with a power-up.


2. It's fun to defend a node.


3. The high level in mid is fun sometimes.


4. It's fun to bounce people off bridges.


I'm sure I missed some things but that is basically why people quit Odessen a lot. With a few tweaks it can be a great map for all.

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3. The power-ups are extremely hidden so that only a very few players know how to get to them. Yes, you think everyone is stupid but it hinders game-play for most people.

Lol what? They are not hidden at all. There are 4 places for them, 2 by the sides of the north node, and 2 on the second floor platform near the spawning points.


They randomly spawn, yes. But not hidden.

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Snowflakes have hurt feelings... call the police.


If you quit a warzone, you're saying that YOU are more important than everyone else playing the game. I understand mommy told you that you're special, I'm just telling you that your mom is an idiot.

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Odessen Proving Grounds is the BEST by far of all the wartypes. Its not perfect, but much better than cheat-ball or interrupt-nodecap maps. Yes, it takes a little intelligence to play so dumb people will probably not have fun but there are a lot of people who like to flex the brain a little.


The main reasons why it is greatly superior are:

1.) Mixed faction. The only wartype 70 pubs can play now with the enormous gear faction imbalance.

2.) When capping nodes, you can do so while FIGHTING. "OMG, you mean I can join a PvP and actually fight while doing something smart for the objectives? No way!"


The bad thing about it is that it is stupid you can be pull-bumped off the ledge outside.


Irrelevant: Doesn't matter that it is a mini-maze map, that's not what is important. Maybe the next 5 wartypes they make will have 1 & 2 above without the maze map. Really they should change all existing maps to have mixed faction and figure out how to make the objectives non-iterruptable.


The only wartypes I leave when they pop are both cheat-ball maps and 4v4 if one side has more healers than the other.

Edited by Stellarcrusade
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Odessen Proving Grounds is the BEST by far of all the wartypes. Its not perfect, but much better than cheat-ball or interrupt-nodecap maps. Yes, it takes a little intelligence to play so dumb people will probably not have fun but there are a lot of people who like to flex the brain a little.


The main reasons why it is greatly superior are:

1.) Mixed faction. The only wartype 70 pubs can play now with the enormous gear faction imbalance.

2.) When capping nodes, you can do so while FIGHTING. "OMG, you mean I can join a PvP and actually fight while doing something smart for the objectives? No way!"


The bad thing about it is that it is stupid you can be pull-bumped off the ledge outside.


Irrelevant: Doesn't matter that it is a mini-maze map, that's not what is important. Maybe the next 5 wartypes they make will have 1 & 2 above without the maze map. Really they should change all existing maps to have mixed faction and figure out how to make the objectives non-iterruptable.


The only wartypes I leave when they pop are both cheat-ball maps and 4v4 if one side has more healers than the other.


I pretty much only leave 4 v 4s for the same reason you do.

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Odessen is my favorite map by far. Much more focus on small skirmishes instead of boring 8v8's with no one ever dying (voidstar).


I agree, since 5.0 launched voidstar is pointless. 9 out of the last 10 times I played neither side got a bomb on the first door, noobs probably do not know that there is anything beyond that door. Its like an 8v8 boxing match where everyone is wrapped in bubble wrap, hardly anyone dies. The stronger team may kill a couple on the other side, but they just respawn and its impossible to get enough people down to prevent interrupt.


Maybe for level 70 the force field on the spawn point needs to be 5x as long as it is now.

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