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Engi snipers > Nerf pls.


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ehh, tbh, what does it matter what class one plays against engi sniper. You just won't see melee beating equally skilled engi sniper.

I play decep sin and conc oper mostly. Sure, i beat most of them i see in wz's, but we all know there is tons of bads in there. But when i duel against a sniper that i know to be good, i can't and won't beat them.


I'm asking about classes for 2 reasons I know a tonne of Mercs complaining (which makes it a L2P issue for them) and maybe some people who know some tactics to negate engineering can help people who don't.


1v1 is a foregone conclusion skill being equal. But the game isn't about 1v1. Double team a sniper with 2 Sins and you'll watch them crumble.

There are lots of classes you can't 1v1 with other classes. That's not how balance is setup.

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Icy, despite the fact we disagree on this subject, I have never been insulting to you. I've also always stated im a Carnage marauder. To blanketly say that the difficulties melee are facing vs snipers/Plasma probe is do solely to inexperience or not knowing how the play ones class or L2P is an insult.


I've been playing a Carnage Marauder for 5 years, I'm a NiM/HM progression raider [well at least I was, 5.0 killed raiding by taking gear out of operations, progression groups disbanded], I have a reputation on Shadowlands as a highly skilled Carnage marauder and I have dozens of uploaded parses on parsley that I think would confirm that I've learned my class/spec entirely. I'm including some screenshots of WZs as well for the same purpose. I'm Grim'alkun -








If you want to make such insinuations that it is a L2P issue, thats fine, but I'd like to see some comfirmation of the ease a carnage marauder should have in fighting a competant equally skilled sniper, especially an engineering sniper. I know you play a Fury mara, but you could just switch specs and upload some videos of how well you fair against them and demonstraite the tactics you've referred to that over come snipers defensives and abilties that keep a carnage marauder at bay a large amount of the time. Equally, how it is easy for a marauder to circumvent spammed Plasma probes that are frequently being reset so as to null and void the blockers used to break previous ones.


I agree with you that there are plenty of snipers out there that aren't maximizing the classes full potential, plently of rerollers just like mercs that arent very good. I do not doubt engineering snipers and viru snipers require skill to play to their potential [unlike mercs]. The complaints made aren't regarding unskilled snipers.


I'm sorry your sick of hearing so many people complain about snipers and plasma probe, but melee are equally sick of having to deal with sniper's superiority and spending 80% of wzs in a constant state of slow.


I hope that we can keep discussions civil, people should be able to disagree without having to include insults. I respect your opinions even if I disagree with them. I've nothing against you and as I stated in another post, I usually tend to agree with you on pretty much everything. - Whereas I'd love to see mercs gutted [ =p ], I do not want to see Snipers anything other than very good at what they do. In my opinion they should be the best ranged damage dealers in the game as they are a pure dps class. They have simply veered from that description in this meta. A tweak or two is all I feel would be necessary to even things out with regard to melee opponents, and nothing more.


I wasn't trying to be insulting. Just pointing out that just because you are good in pve it doesn't always transfer to dynamic pvp. I'm also not suggesting you try to 1v1, I'm saying you need some tactics and team work. That's what I mean by L2P, not how well you can fight.

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There are lots of classes you can't 1v1 with other classes.

That's true. But in snipers case the only class beating a sniper is a sniper.


Double team a sniper with 2 Sins and you'll watch them crumble.

(english isn't my first language so not sure what you meant with "double team")

But if you meant that two sins will kill easily a sniper, doesn't that say anything? "Take two people against a sniper and you will kill them"

(And incase you meant 2snipers vs 2sins. I don't see sins winning that one)

Edited by Kirpputori
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That's true. But in snipers case the only class beating a sniper is a sniper.



(english isn't my first language so not sure what you meant with "double team")

But if you meant that two sins will kill easily a sniper, doesn't that say anything? "Take two people against a sniper and you will kill them"

(And incase you meant 2snipers vs 2sins. I don't see sins winning that one)


Double team means 2 sins vs 1 sniper....because somehow that's a fine balance......


Yes to beat a sniper you need tactics and numbers....to play one you need....to be a sniper. Its broken right now and that's clear. Bringing up Mercs is a smoke screen. We can talk about Mercs in other threads all you like or we can even agree Merc defenses are too good and move on. None of the merc talk makes what is going on with snipers ok. Broken is broken be it one class or two. But as bad as Mercs are they don't shut down all melee in the area easily. Playing nova coast fighting for south I shut the other team's melee down allowing our healer and melee to own it. They had no sniper only mercs, and as hard to kill as mercs are they don't throw a massive slow down that melee just gets bogged down in. Mercs can be lept to, CC'd and beaten down with some care. Snipers can't be lept to, have long periods of immunity to CC, and roll away even when you do get close only to leave you in your another flaming slow field. So maybe Merc defenses top even a snipers....but what a sniper can do beyond defenses makes up for that in spades.

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after a +3m radius they became immortal !




so immortal that warzones are full of sniper, min 4/8 are sn....oh wait...no they are mercs :rolleyes:


it's a joke, how many snipers in warzones? i don't see a lot and they are killable far more quicker than mercs and they do far less damage especially engineering.


How does Sabo have more burst than sharpshooter?


exactly. if all player playing sniper will play sharpshooter/MM you will see a thread againt the OP ambush and 80% snare penetrating blast.


ok an engi can snare and roots you for numerous seconde ..but a MM don't need, he kills you before. just think about it.


engi is a spec to defend a position or a group or a node. if you consider it's totally OP because they don't die, look the heal numbers of sorc and you will see where is the problem . if you lose always in 1vs1 it's a "learn the class" issue.


but yes it's a good class now, but like marauder is the top chain melee class and really strong too.


BUT i fully agree about the numerous stun, bump and snare in this game, it's too much but it's not because of sniper only, first stop the 3sec stun bubble of sorcs and e-net.

Edited by Thaladan
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That's true. But in snipers case the only class beating a sniper is a sniper.



(english isn't my first language so not sure what you meant with "double team")

But if you meant that two sins will kill easily a sniper, doesn't that say anything? "Take two people against a sniper and you will kill them"

(And incase you meant 2snipers vs 2sins. I don't see sins winning that one)


Same goes for a healer or tank, if they are any good can't solo a them and you will need 2 to kill them.


Mercs can also kill snipers 1v1 if they don't try to facetank the sniper. You also don't need to kill someone to shut them down. If you can keep making the sniper move and not do their job, they are shut down and might as well be dead.


Its always objectives and tactics in 8 man. Even in Arena you have tactics and people learn how to focus and shut down classes or kill them by all focusing that one person.


Maybe if this game had a 1v1 tournament format we would need every class able to 1v1 and win. But that's not how the Devs balance.

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after a +3m radius they became immortal !




so immortal that warzones are full of sniper, min 4/8 are sn....oh wait...no they are mercs :rolleyes:


it's a joke, how many snipers in warzones? i don't see a lot and they are killable far more quicker than mercs and they do far less damage especially engineering.




exactly. if all player playing sniper will play sharpshooter/MM you will see a thread againt the OP ambush and 80% snare penetrating blast.


ok an engi can snare and roots you for numerous seconde ..but a MM don't need, he kills you before. just think about it.


engi is a spec to defend a position or a group or a node. if you consider it's totally OP because they don't die, look the heal numbers of sorc and you will see where is the problem . if you lose always in 1vs1 it's a "learn the class" issue.


but yes it's a good class now, but like marauder is the top chain melee class and really strong too.


BUT i fully agree about the numerous stun, bump and snare in this game, it's too much but it's not because of sniper only, first stop the 3sec stun bubble of sorcs and e-net.


You do realize that MM is the second lowest dps build right? Behind even a sage dps. While Eng is the third highest. While those are dummy parses they still speak to potential.


The burst that kills is the one you don't see coming. Sharpshooter burst they know is coming because its built up from a series of hits, but sabo lays charges you can easily not notice before setting it all off in a burst that hits extremely hard.


While not a huge fan of e-net its needed. It is the only counter to sage god bubbles, phase walks, and the various stealth outs that exist. There needs to be more hard counters to those things in my book.


The thing that makes the sabo gunslinger so tough isn't just the increased size of his fire but also the strength of his defenses, his mobility, and his dps. No class exists with more CC immunity then the gunslinger, that can't be argued. No class is as easy to prevent leaps, shadow strides to as a gunslinger and that can't be argued. No class has more knockbacks, roots, and slows as a gunslinger......and yet the gunslinger has better defenses then just about anyone other dps and better dps then most as well. Its all too much. The reason this isn't overboard on a sharp shooter is his dps is just not there, so while he's tough he doesn't have the hitting power of a sabo gunslinger nor the eternal slow field of one either. I just don't see any dirty fighting gunslingers in PvP and I don't play one so I can't speak to well to them, but I bet their issues is a lack of burst even if they over time will slightly outshine the dps of a sabo gunslinger, ranked 2 and 3 on Bant's dps charts the dps difference isn't great, not like sabo 3 and sharpshooter 17.....


That fire field is too much, combined with their ability to block leaps and do multiple knockbacks they are too protected from melee now, melee all of which save ops that has lower dps then the gunslinger. And even if the melee isn't going for the gunslinger that fire field is a huge edge in that your healer can use it to "benny hill" the enemy melee easily. So not only does it protect the gunslinger but its easy to use to protect his whole team making melee classes very hard to play effectively.

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Same goes for a healer or tank, if they are any good can't solo a them and you will need 2 to kill them.


Mercs can also kill snipers 1v1 if they don't try to facetank the sniper. You also don't need to kill someone to shut them down. If you can keep making the sniper move and not do their job, they are shut down and might as well be dead.


Its always objectives and tactics in 8 man. Even in Arena you have tactics and people learn how to focus and shut down classes or kill them by all focusing that one person.


Maybe if this game had a 1v1 tournament format we would need every class able to 1v1 and win. But that's not how the Devs balance.


Healers are op, I have always agreed they should be able to be beaten by a single dps not easily but it should be possible. Right now maybe yo can beat a merc healer but no chance in hell of beating an op or sorc one. That's broken always has been.


You seriously think there is a tank out there a sabo gunslinger can't own? 1 v 1? Really, certainly even a skank van or guard is toast easily. A shadow one? Nah they might give you a short scare but they just wont last against you, they may stealth out and try to reset the fight but still I don't see them winning. Plus if you keep your fire under their feet they might not even be able to stealth out.


Admitting no class can 1 v 1 the sabo gunslinger is a start at least. Admitting that is broken is the next step.

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I am glad we agree.


On the rare occasion I play sniper, it has always been marksman. So with no gear, no experience, no premade I still gave eng-sniper a go, and it's loleasy and moronic all the way. The slow combined with all the numerous dcds makes the spec terrible OP.


No offence but you must have been playing some pretty bad or mediocre people. I'm not sure what server you are on but on Harbinger I can tell you that people pressure the crap out of you if you play an engineering sniper. Sometimes I think I get focused more than the healers. It doesn't matter how good you are if they focus you hard with a few Maras or Sins. It's even worse if they multilayer the attack with another sniper taking you out of cover and then the Juggs and PTs leap in fast and finish you off.


I have always respected your posts and agree with most things you say, I'm also pretty sure you're a decent player. So please understand when I say if you find those situations easy then you are either playing morons or you are a pvp God.


I understand people are annoyed at the ability because it slows them down, but it's hardly a death dealing blow in dps. I can think of a few abilities just as annoying and my pet hate is operative backstab and you can't turn to even defend yourself. To me it's the most unfair ability given to any class. If you have a good operative they can stay in that zone and you can't do anything if you have you DC down. You can't defend and you can't even go down fighting because they are in that zone, but I don't QQ about it because that's the way it is. I know if there is an operative around I need to take precautions and adjust my strategy, especially now when they can stand a metre from you and you can't see them, how did Bio ever think that was a good idea for pvp. How about Enet and Sorc flash, how about all the other snares and stuns. I know plasma can be spammed, but you do "f" all damage if you just spam it. Plus only one can be active at one time, so if I drop it on you and spam it somewhere else you will be freed from it. Spamming it is stupid because you lower your dps output and unless you are marching that spam in front of that person's direction they escape it next time you spam it.


Face it, most of the people complaining are because it pisses them off to be slowed down while they are trying to move somewhere or focus another target and that target gets away because they run through a snipers plasma probe or the sniper defends them by doing so. All of that is no different really to a tank defending someone or a healer keeping someone alive. I get that people are annoyed at that, but the ability isn't OP and if Bio are going to nerf it then they should look at nerfing a lot of other snares and stuns as well as all the immunities, stun breaks and speed boosts. This game has way too many of both.


There is an ability arms race going on and it's just getting stupid. They started adding too many snares and stuns a few years back and then added more speed to classes and immunities. When one or the other becomes annoying or OP the Devs will add more of one to compensate. Then if they do nerf something those other abilities have no counter and are the OP ones. I'm sure we've all seen those Sins zipping around now like the flash if they take all the right utilities. They are so fast, that spamming plasma in front of them won't slow them and they are immune to stuns while they are speeding about anyway. If we saw someone running that fast a few years ago we all would have called it a speed hack and said it was OP.


Classes need to have specific roles and they don't anymore because everyone's got a little of something from every role. While ever you have hybrid or utility classes there are problems, DPS shouldn't be able to tank or off heal people and tanks shouldnt be able to 1v1 dps and expect to kill them with the amount of dps they can produce at the moment, at best it should be a draw.

There are so many issues that are more damaging to this game than plasma probe and I think it is being made a scape goat because it's easy to complain about something that is annoying.


What happened to all the people QQing about Mercs? Most went away when people realised they could be killed and all they needed to do was learn how. This is the same problem where people haven't spent enough time working it out or actually asking people how to do it ... /forehead slap

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Healers are op, I have always agreed they should be able to be beaten by a single dps not easily but it should be possible. Right now maybe yo can beat a merc healer but no chance in hell of beating an op or sorc one. That's broken always has been.


You seriously think there is a tank out there a sabo gunslinger can't own? 1 v 1? Really, certainly even a skank van or guard is toast easily. A shadow one? Nah they might give you a short scare but they just wont last against you, they may stealth out and try to reset the fight but still I don't see them winning. Plus if you keep your fire under their feet they might not even be able to stealth out.


Admitting no class can 1 v 1 the sabo gunslinger is a start at least. Admitting that is broken is the next step.


I didn't say no class, I said not all classes. Its always been this way where some classes have a hard or easy time against other classes. What's easy for one class might be hard for another.


Tanks shouldn't be able to solo any dps and get a kill, it should end in a draw if the tank is geared as a tank. But that's not how Bio set stuff up.


I will agree Balance is broken and it's because they are trying to make every class a jack of all trades.

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@Icykill_ I have deleted my posts. I have been having a terrible ingame day today, and some random sniper got the better of me. In hindsight I believe they had healer(s) and I later learned he is in full 242.


I still think eng-snipers need to be tone down, but skill and team composition is a much bigger factor than gear and class specs (skill > team composition > class spec > gear). Take care.

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I didn't say no class, I said not all classes. Its always been this way where some classes have a hard or easy time against other classes. What's easy for one class might be hard for another.


Tanks shouldn't be able to solo any dps and get a kill, it should end in a draw if the tank is geared as a tank. But that's not how Bio set stuff up.


I will agree Balance is broken and it's because they are trying to make every class a jack of all trades.


No melee class has a chance to solo a sabo gunslinger, Mara or assassin included. You'd have a better chance with an operative frankly. Even then I don't see it happening. Maybe a merc but not if you play smart. It all comes back to your defenses, CC immunity, and dps are too much for even a Merc to overcome. Yes it will be a long fight Merc defenses are silly right now but not their dps and they have no CC immunity so....


Tanks right now other than for their guard and taunt ability are not that strong. Their defenses are barely or not even on par with Merc/Sniper defenses, their dps is trash, and they can't move in all the fire that is about.....Shadow tanks are a little better off, true. But Guardian and Vangard .... not in a good place at all. Still a tank should be able to best a dps just right now...at least two of the three have little chance. Skank builds are all both classes have and those work to a degree, I've been playing around with a Skank Guardian and he's a brute. I've yet to meet a melee dps I can't push to the wall trying to beat me, and I beat more then I lose too. Mercs aren't a problem but I think most merc players are still working out how best to play their now empowered class. Still nothing I can do with a sabo gunslinger, nothing.


The problem is sabo gunslingers have too many defenses, too many knockbacks, too many slows/pins, and too much immunity to the like. Only one class can even stop a gunslinger from rolling away. There needs to be more counters to the gunslinger, and his slow field needs to go away. No one class should be the clear winner an any 1 v 1 between DPS classes, and right now there really is.

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You do realize that MM is the second lowest dps build right? Behind even a sage dps. While Eng is the third highest. While those are dummy parses they still speak to potential.


ok and operative lethalty ? rank 1 and ?? and nothing, they don't shine in pvp. it's irrelevant. MM is more effective to kill fast than engi, dps..even with pyro pt i can do lot of dps.


It's amusing than all here speak about a plasma probe although one real thing to change for engineer is the capacity to root ennemies even full resolve with their roll.

Edited by Thaladan
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I wasn't trying to be insulting. Just pointing out that just because you are good in pve it doesn't always transfer to dynamic pvp. I'm also not suggesting you try to 1v1, I'm saying you need some tactics and team work. That's what I mean by L2P, not how well you can fight.


Okay, I understand what you're saying now, I hadn't taken your previous comment in this context as 1v1 wasn't mentioned so I assumed you were referring overall.


PVE is a totally different beast than PVP. When I PVP I don't play anything like I do if I'm raiding, whole different set of circumstances.


Certainly, if you are able to have few players on the same sniper at once, you can absolutely taken him down. {"If" being you are able to get and stay on the sniper, which can be difficult for melee, but, whatever the case may be], if you can manage to keep some decent uptime on the sniper, multiple opponents on a sniper, can take him down.


It seems most parties are in agreement, 1v1 will not end well if you are not the sniper! heh

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Double team means 2 sins vs 1 sniper....because somehow that's a fine balance......


Yes to beat a sniper you need tactics and numbers....to play one you need....to be a sniper. Its broken right now and that's clear. Bringing up Mercs is a smoke screen. We can talk about Mercs in other threads all you like or we can even agree Merc defenses are too good and move on. None of the merc talk makes what is going on with snipers ok. Broken is broken be it one class or two. But as bad as Mercs are they don't shut down all melee in the area easily. Playing nova coast fighting for south I shut the other team's melee down allowing our healer and melee to own it. They had no sniper only mercs, and as hard to kill as mercs are they don't throw a massive slow down that melee just gets bogged down in. Mercs can be lept to, CC'd and beaten down with some care. Snipers can't be lept to, have long periods of immunity to CC, and roll away even when you do get close only to leave you in your another flaming slow field. So maybe Merc defenses top even a snipers....but what a sniper can do beyond defenses makes up for that in spades.


Yeah, totally. It's really not about any one thing in particular [except in the case of engineering snipers, in their case it's more about the Plasma probe]. - Its the counter for everything they seem to have. No weakness, they more of less are in total control when you are facing off with one. You just can't keep up with the plethora of CC of all different types they can throw out and really pretty much just circulate. They seldom seem to run out of CC of sort or another. -


Great defenses, strong heals for a DPS, CC up the yippy, great DPS, immunities galore, and the ability to be in range of attacking any class while being able to be out of range of any other class except another sniper. You put that all together and you have a class that is more than a match vs any other one [if played to potential].

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No offence but you must have been playing some pretty bad or mediocre people. I'm not sure what server you are on but on Harbinger I can tell you that people pressure the crap out of you if you play an engineering sniper. Sometimes I think I get focused more than the healers. It doesn't matter how good you are if they focus you hard with a few Maras or Sins. It's even worse if they multilayer the attack with another sniper taking you out of cover and then the Juggs and PTs leap in fast and finish you off.


I have always respected your posts and agree with most things you say, I'm also pretty sure you're a decent player. So please understand when I say if you find those situations easy then you are either playing morons or you are a pvp God.


I understand people are annoyed at the ability because it slows them down, but it's hardly a death dealing blow in dps. I can think of a few abilities just as annoying and my pet hate is operative backstab and you can't turn to even defend yourself. To me it's the most unfair ability given to any class. If you have a good operative they can stay in that zone and you can't do anything if you have you DC down. You can't defend and you can't even go down fighting because they are in that zone, but I don't QQ about it because that's the way it is. I know if there is an operative around I need to take precautions and adjust my strategy, especially now when they can stand a metre from you and you can't see them, how did Bio ever think that was a good idea for pvp. How about Enet and Sorc flash, how about all the other snares and stuns. I know plasma can be spammed, but you do "f" all damage if you just spam it. Plus only one can be active at one time, so if I drop it on you and spam it somewhere else you will be freed from it. Spamming it is stupid because you lower your dps output and unless you are marching that spam in front of that person's direction they escape it next time you spam it.


Face it, most of the people complaining are because it pisses them off to be slowed down while they are trying to move somewhere or focus another target and that target gets away because they run through a snipers plasma probe or the sniper defends them by doing so. All of that is no different really to a tank defending someone or a healer keeping someone alive. I get that people are annoyed at that, but the ability isn't OP and if Bio are going to nerf it then they should look at nerfing a lot of other snares and stuns as well as all the immunities, stun breaks and speed boosts. This game has way too many of both.


There is an ability arms race going on and it's just getting stupid. They started adding too many snares and stuns a few years back and then added more speed to classes and immunities. When one or the other becomes annoying or OP the Devs will add more of one to compensate. Then if they do nerf something those other abilities have no counter and are the OP ones. I'm sure we've all seen those Sins zipping around now like the flash if they take all the right utilities. They are so fast, that spamming plasma in front of them won't slow them and they are immune to stuns while they are speeding about anyway. If we saw someone running that fast a few years ago we all would have called it a speed hack and said it was OP.


Classes need to have specific roles and they don't anymore because everyone's got a little of something from every role. While ever you have hybrid or utility classes there are problems, DPS shouldn't be able to tank or off heal people and tanks shouldnt be able to 1v1 dps and expect to kill them with the amount of dps they can produce at the moment, at best it should be a draw.

There are so many issues that are more damaging to this game than plasma probe and I think it is being made a scape goat because it's easy to complain about something that is annoying.


What happened to all the people QQing about Mercs? Most went away when people realised they could be killed and all they needed to do was learn how. This is the same problem where people haven't spent enough time working it out or actually asking people how to do it ... /forehead slap


^ All this. I couldn't agree more.


And yeah, snipers are getting mobbed now whenever the opportunity presents itself. {This is usually when the sniper in question isn't very skilled because realistically, if played to potential they can keep melee away from them]. People are making beelines at snipers [ mostly in the case of engineering snipers] because they know what's coming if that sniper is left to his own devices. Engineering Sniper is target number one for me now if they let me near them and give me some uptime. Thankfully, alot of these snipers we are seeing are new to it, jumping on the OP train so they don't play the class to its potential. If I see an engineering sniper leaves himself vulnerable, I'm camping him for the entire match if I can heh.


Part of the problem is that some people are afraid to try and take on a sniper before even checking to see if they are skilled or not. But when some people realize that the sniper is allowing them to get uptime on them people are prioritizing them to minimize the threat of constant slow fields from plasma probe.


You let a sniper freecast all match if they aren't that skilled and aren't keeping people away from them as they can, you've got no right to complain.


I'll be very honest here, there is no question that there is a part of it that is a QOL issue with plasma probe [the other part being how it can make or break a match and have a direct influence on a win or less in and of itself]. Being constantly slowed thru a match you cannot have fun. But it absolutely affects DPS output. Every extra second that plasma probe keeps you away from any target, that you would otherwise have reached sooner is lost dps.


The CC in PVP is insane, it's incessant and it comes from all classes. Plasma probe is just becoming much more common now and it's, IMO, what broke the camels back. There are plently of other CC offenders, Operatives being extremely annoying and game effecting as well. It's the every present constantness of plasma probe that sets it apart. Imagine if Operatives could keep their CC going constantly!


Way to much CC in PVP.

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after retesting and many warzones i can conffirm without a doubt that MM is better than engi, so continue playing engi, i am good with this. :)


penetrating blast with serie of snare + followtrough flash grenade ambush with the big crit bonus and damage bonus of the spec, lol.

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after retesting and many warzones i can conffirm without a doubt that MM is better than engi, so continue playing engi, i am good with this. :)


penetrating blast with serie of snare + followtrough flash grenade ambush with the big crit bonus and damage bonus of the spec, lol.


Well that's evidence we cannot refute...::rolleyes:


In a world were many people have reflects that work only on single target damage and yourbuild having a low dps cap with lots of casting I don't feel you seen how bad it is. Sure your defenses are top shelf....I think we've established snipers have great defenses but your way to easily los or reflected back at. Further you aren't helping your team disable the melee at anywhere near the level the eng sniper is. Look enjoy your mm build but it simply doesn't bring to the table what eng does and what it does bring is easily countered.

Edited by Sargrith
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it's sure that if you play ambush during a reflect... :rolleyes: that's why i spoke about flash bang before in a key moment.


just a l2p issue so.


and it's not like tech damage can be avoided easaly too (decoy, shroud..etc :p)


engi is for sniper that innovative ordonnace is for mercs. try innovative ordonnace it's a really good spec in some situation and annoying for your ennemy like engi is, but for lot of parameters, arsenal is better.


I can assure you that Thaladin knows the class and all three specs pretty well dude.


it's thaladan mate ;)


i hope you play a little, now you sub again. engi is op you know, engi sniper everywhere :D or not.


see ya dude.

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a sniper? :)


me after a quasi 4 year of service, i stopped sniper as a main for the challenging pyro powertech :cool: but i am sure i will return to the engi one day.


perhaps we'll play again together. :)

Edited by Thaladan
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