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Thanks Bioware for this nonsense


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Such balanced game :) :)


Edit : I have tons of images like this :rak_03:

Like it's any different now than it's been with sorc's or PT's in the past? Give it time and it'll balance back out.




Looking at the leaderboard, I'm not seeing the imbalance you are - The top 100 Group Ranked are as follows:

20 = Sorcs

18 = Maras

17 = Assassins

14 = Powertechs

12 = Snipers

9 = Mercs

7 = Juggs

3 = Operatives


TBH...that's the most balanced I've seen it in a long time. It's generally been 40+ Sorcs and 30+ PTs...

Edited by TUXs
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Like it's any different now than it's been with sorc's or PT's in the past? Give it time and it'll balance back out.




Looking at the leaderboard, I'm not seeing the imbalance you are - The top 100 Group Ranked are as follows:

20 = Sorcs

18 = Maras

17 = Assassins

14 = Powertechs

12 = Snipers

9 = Mercs

7 = Juggs

3 = Operatives


TBH...that's the most balanced I've seen it in a long time. It's generally been 40+ Sorcs and 30+ PTs...

The problem isn't in ranked smart guy, its in regs. They are everywhere like flies on a corpse.

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So lots of Mercs? Maybe that's because people have been posting in chat and the forums for months how OP they are?


You: Mercs are OP and unkillable!!!

New player: You don't say....? *rolls a Merc*


Rinse and repeat.


Apparently it's not "rinsed and repeated" enough otherwise they would have fixed this :rolleyes:

Edited by TyrionGraphiste
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I disagree. Ranked is extremely important in trying to determine a classes "actual" effectiveness vs. FOTM popularity.


I agree with you TUXs. What is visible on that picture in the OP is the FOTM crap. It's just like that Taric hullaballoo back when in LoL. Ok, Taric was much, much more useful than Mercs are. But it didn't mean that once you were a support, you auto picked Taric(lol no)-on the contrary, if anyone picked Taric with Caitlyn or Ezrael...gg, what can I say, gg.


What's important to note is what's what in the ranked part and how effective it actually is when people actually give a damn about the outcome of the game. I care for the outcome of even the casual, but most people(~80%) don't. They can perfectly fine play casual PvP while stoned and drunk lol-an act which is a heresy to me and my ilk.


Ideally, the spread would be: 5 / 5 / 5 ... / 5. But that's only ideally. Realistically, there shouldn't be above 20 on top position and below 5 on the bottom one. So, the balance does need some help, but it's fine imo. What needs looking at is not the big picture(aka class balance), but the details(aka Discipline balance). One doesn't have to be Sherlock to deduce that Focus / Conc are largely useless outside PvP and Watchman outside group PvE. Maybe tone down the usefulness within the current domination aspects and bring up the lesser used aspects(so that Focus is actually useful in some sort of PvE)? idk


It's ok currently imo. But nothing above ok, mind you.


edit: One interesting question: What gives rise to the FoTM-itis? What causes it as it were.

Edited by Cuiwe
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This is a HUGE can of worms that I'd rather not get into...but...ego has to do with 99% of it imo.


Heh all I know is that I was combat spec Sent and then switched to watchman... instead of getting FaceRolled in 2 seconds I can now last 10 seconds... woot! ;)

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This is a HUGE can of worms that I'd rather not get into...but...ego has to do with 99% of it imo.


Funny. I've an instinct to play something that's NOT POPULAR(provided it's fun too). I don't really like FoTMs and the like. Wonder what that tells about me. Hm.

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I'm curious how you guys can conclude anything just by looking at the leaderboards.


Does it tell you who is attacked first? Who is incapacitated most of the time? Whether heals are overpowered or ok? Whether these heals allow other classes to stay alive longer and to dish out more damage now? Does it tell you how hard people triy, whether players have left the game and when? Does it tell you whether the ranking is defined by an uneven distribution among classes and consequential by certain group constellations? (f.e. Sorcerer = 331 pages; Sniper = 122 pages)


Because even in regular warzones, there's a huge difference whether you look at fulfilled objectives, individual performance, group constellations or the frequency of 'uneven numbers' fights.


In a 1vs1 situation, it doesn't help to state: "Don't attack a Mercenary while his shield is up".

- There's a 6s 'don't hit him' duration while Responsive Safeguard is active

- There's another 12s 'don't hit him' duration due to Trauma Regulators (cancelable while incapacitated)

- And there's a 8s 'useless to attack unless you gank him' duration due to Kolto Overload


Sure, it's easy to call it a L2P issue as long as you look at uneven or group fights. In a 4vs4 fight f.e., you might be able to defeat him if your group focuses on other targets first and eventually bursts him down while he's stunned... but that tells you nothing about class balance... only that he didn't survive a 4vs1.


Likewise, it's one thing to check how well an Engineering Sniper performs in a last-man standing scenario and how well he performs spamming his Plasma Probe on objectives that must to be activated, preventing any attempts to claim it (while he has up to 2x20=40sec immunity to incapacitating effects)


So once again, how does the leaderboard tell you anything about class balance?

Edited by realleaftea
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Why it's the Thrill of the Hunt™! Isn't it Exciting™?!




We should start a movement- anytime anything goes horribly wrong and we post about we should end the post with Isn't it Exciting.


Can't get that item on GC after reaching lvl 300- isn't it exciting

Guild disbanded cause people stopped playing-isn't it exciting

Item you want no longer available-isn't it exciting

Can't romance character because of bug-isn't it exciting

Don't stand a chance in PVP because of unbalance-isn't it exciting

No new content- isn't it exciting


Did I miss anything?

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Like it's any different now than it's been with sorc's or PT's in the past? Give it time and it'll balance back out.




Looking at the leaderboard, I'm not seeing the imbalance you are - The top 100 Group Ranked are as follows:

20 = Sorcs

18 = Maras

17 = Assassins

14 = Powertechs

12 = Snipers

9 = Mercs

7 = Juggs

3 = Operatives


TBH...that's the most balanced I've seen it in a long time. It's generally been 40+ Sorcs and 30+ PTs...


Well that is kinda biased as there are more specs to some classes. While Maras are pure dps Sorcs can be heal (well some good kitting dps). Snipers are also clear.

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In a 1vs1 situation, it doesn't help to state: "Don't attack a Mercenary while his shield is up".

- There's a 6s 'don't hit him' duration while Responsive Safeguard is active

- There's another 12s 'don't hit him' duration due to Trauma Regulators (cancelable while incapacitated)

- And there's a 8s 'useless to attack unless you gank him' duration due to Kolto Overload?


So yeah it's very fair in comparison to others classes

In another words it's useless to attack a merc because you have a 26s lag :rak_03:

Edited by TyrionGraphiste
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I'm curious how you guys can conclude anything just by looking at the leaderboards.


So once again, how does the leaderboard tell you anything about class balance?

The leaderboard reflects the best and the most competitive PvPers in this game. They're the ones who know their class (in PvP) best and they're the players who know PvP the best. They're the guys who stomp the crap outta you in regs. They're the people who play the PvP portion of this game over anything else. They don't write guides on how to beat Soa, they PvP...and just like any good raid leader, they know what classes to bring to win.


The leaderboard reflects the classes they play with. When Sorcs were OP, the leaderboards reflected it. When PTs were OP, the leaderboards reflected it. YOU may not know how to beat a Merc right now, but I guarantee that these guys do.

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We should start a movement- anytime anything goes horribly wrong and we post about we should end the post with Isn't it Exciting.


Can't get that item on GC after reaching lvl 300- isn't it exciting

Guild disbanded cause people stopped playing-isn't it exciting

Item you want no longer available-isn't it exciting

Can't romance character because of bug-isn't it exciting

Don't stand a chance in PVP because of unbalance-isn't it exciting

No new content- isn't it exciting


Did I miss anything?


I'm sure Ben Irving finds all those results of his utter incompetence EXCITING!!!!!!! indeed.

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I disagree. Ranked is extremely important in trying to determine a classes "actual" effectiveness vs. FOTM popularity.


Strange as it may seem, on this, I tend to agree with TUXs.


Me too. I regularly yolo mercs on my ruffian scoundrel.


Bads will be bads, and regs will be regs.



PS - I'm back... for now.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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