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Anyone else besides me not rushing the game and still in their 20s


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I only rushed to get the Legacy names I wanted (one Republic, one Empire on a different server).


Since then my progress has been realllllly slow. Mostly going back and finishing up multiplayer quests I missed, working on crew skills, and a little bit of alt play.

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I have not rushed. I hit 50 today.


"I have not been drinking. I failed a blood alcohol test." See how that sentence doesn't make sense either?


I am 23, enjoying my class story and companions. I rolled an alt and got it to 10 for giggles. Took a day or two to level Underworld Trading. Been a fun ride so far.

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You sound insecure and in need of validation.


Validation....yes because he's asking a question (Same gaming pace as he/she) to others within the forum. Insecure? I don't see where there was evidence of this.



OP. I'm not truly taking as slow, but enjoying the game as well. Good to hear you're enjoying it though!

Edited by carthedani
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"I have not been drinking. I failed a blood alcohol test." See how that sentence doesn't make sense either?


I am 23, enjoying my class story and companions. I rolled an alt and got it to 10 for giggles. Took a day or two to level Underworld Trading. Been a fun ride so far.


I have not rushed. I simply have a lot of time to play lately, because since september and thankfully ending january 5th, I have been out of a job.


I am tired of being insulted because I simply have a lot of free time on my hands.


Who cares if someone is 50. Stop harassing them as though you're better.

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I got in first day, and I have a 24 Smuggler, 17 Dark Jedi and 13 Consular. I also have a job, volunteer duties, friends, family, animals, and music to keep me occupied. Could I have been 50 by now? No doubt about it, just got off a week long vacation, but I learned to balance my life years ago, and don't play in 18-30 hour shifts like some of the MMO junkies I've known and been.
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I have not rushed. I simply have a lot of time to play lately, because since september and thankfully ending january 5th, I have been out of a job.


I am tired of being insulted because I simply have a lot of free time on my hands.


Who cares if someone is 50. Stop harassing them as though you're better.


I dont think he was harassing you as much as pointing out if you are 50 you did indeed rush. I havent even hit 30 yet.

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Back on the official launch day, I started over on one of the new servers. To date, I only have x2 character that are both 17th. Instead of questing non-stop, I've been content to take over the gear economy in certain areas of my server. This process has been extremely useful for giving me the funds to level up my crafting and other crew skills. However the trade off is that I've basically stopped level. To be honest, I prefer it that way.


My goal is to hand each of my characters Blue armor whenever they hit the appropriate level to equip it. The same goes for upgrading lightsaber hilts every two levels. All things considered, I've managed to achieve that and I'm turning a nice little profit as well.


So OP, you're not alone. Let everyone else run to the end game scene and start to flood the market with gear drops. By that point in time, I'll have a sack of credits and will happily purchase cheaply priced gear (due to the high supply) as I keep my characters at their maximum effectiveness.

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I dont think he was harassing you as much as pointing out if you are 50 you did indeed rush. I havent even hit 30 yet.


I have been playing since day 1 of early access, so two weeks of playing almost all hours of my waking day to reach 50 doesn't really equal rushing.


If I had been employed during the time I'd probably be halfway there, instead! However all I have to do right now is sit back and wait to start my new job. So it's been pretty sweet timing.

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You sound insecure and in need of validation.


Unfortunately all threads/posts about how other people play the game as opposed to how the poster plays it tend to sound like that.


On topic, I've been rushing the game and I'm still in my 20s :p

(don't get enough play time I suppose, but partly kidding about rushing the game)

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Only thing I don't like about taking my time is the PvP bolster system. I like to mix in a little PvP and I think that system punishes us for taking our time with the game (makes little sense from a developers stand-point).


In the MMO world, your worst customer is one that plays for 30 (and the speed levelers WILL burn out first, they always do) days and hampers the fun for those those that would play the game long-term... so why create a system that fosters this?

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I have not rushed. I simply have a lot of time to play lately, because since september and thankfully ending january 5th, I have been out of a job.


I am tired of being insulted because I simply have a lot of free time on my hands.


Who cares if someone is 50. Stop harassing them as though you're better.


You have a point sir or ma'am. I did not know your entire situation before I posted. However, it is detestable to think some players have been Spacebar Commanders and essentially skipped the bulk of the game for the sake of being able to say "I GOT FIFTEH!!"


But I owe you an apology, I'm sorry.

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Unfortunately all threads/posts about how other people play the game as opposed to how the poster plays it tend to sound like that.

Never ceases to amaze me how many people in this community need to look down on others for something as irrelevant as simply having a different playstyle.

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"I have not been drinking. I failed a blood alcohol test." See how that sentence doesn't make sense either?


I am 23, enjoying my class story and companions. I rolled an alt and got it to 10 for giggles. Took a day or two to level Underworld Trading. Been a fun ride so far.


There's a difference between not rushing and making and playing several alts. I have no rushed, I've got one level 50 and playing my second character now. I level my crew skills while I do quests, since you can set it and forget it. So I'm not taking a day or two just to do that.

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Been here since day 1 of EGA and I have a 27 and an 11. Slowly working my way through the levels and having myself a good time. I level slowly because I have friends, a fiance, a dog, and a family that I have been hanging out with over this holiday season. Also, I work full time and will be getting a new job come the new year... So yeah, it's entirely possible to be in the level 20-30 range, love the game, and not feel like you are behind. :)


Those people getting to 50... make my head hurt.


And I saw the mention above about being unemployed and having a lot of freetime, and I agree that it sucks because I've totally been there. However, I still would spend some more time doing something other than playing the game when I was not working. Whether it was finding another job or spending time with people in real life; I still would consider people hitting 50 with nothing else to do as power-levelers only by my personal outlook on video-game playing time.

Edited by Zantoba
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