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Everything posted by Zantoba

  1. Been here since day 1 of EGA and I have a 27 and an 11. Slowly working my way through the levels and having myself a good time. I level slowly because I have friends, a fiance, a dog, and a family that I have been hanging out with over this holiday season. Also, I work full time and will be getting a new job come the new year... So yeah, it's entirely possible to be in the level 20-30 range, love the game, and not feel like you are behind. Those people getting to 50... make my head hurt. And I saw the mention above about being unemployed and having a lot of freetime, and I agree that it sucks because I've totally been there. However, I still would spend some more time doing something other than playing the game when I was not working. Whether it was finding another job or spending time with people in real life; I still would consider people hitting 50 with nothing else to do as power-levelers only by my personal outlook on video-game playing time.
  2. ^This. My friends and I are all so hooked you may as well just call it Star Wars: Meth and get it over with cuz we are likely all going to die. But we will die happy.
  3. They nerfed it because it was not their intent to have it give you free millions of credits. It was meant in the first place to give you some creds back, but give you a chance at a new schematic to sell and the ability to gather from the nodes. I can not comprehend that all the slicers think that 250k credits a day is in any way equal income to people who have mat gathering crew skills that get them limited mats for their own limited gear, but does not sell on the GTN and vendors for a pittence. I like to think that I am a pretty good crafter since I did it in SWG and WoW, but I could only crank out about 50-60k credits from vendoring/GTN of my mats/gear and enough of my one type of mod I can make to keep my gear level appropriate. My friend, same level and playing less than I am a day used slicing to not only gain about 100k a day without having to do a darn thing, but also got a bunch of really sweet schemas that he sold for a bunch of credits on the GTN. How the #!(% was that fair?! Now you get some credits back, but actually have to sell your patterns and locate nodes in order to make profit just like my scavenger. So meh.
  4. I agree... Vocal minority = annoying but not necessarily doing anything. They will always be there... Try to ignore them. We work-time forum dwellers don't even get on the forums once we are home, and also the children and trolls running on the free 30 days will slow down at end of the month at least.
  5. Do not feel bad at all man, as long as your are enjoying it that's what really matters. They made this game for all sorts of play styles, and as long as what you are doing feels good then keep with it. As someone mentioned, you can always go back and do the side missions for kicks or even make an alt just for that purpose!
  6. I'm pretty much in for the long haul. This will be my MMO until it runs completely out of steam (WoW) or crashes entirely (SWG). Which, neither will happen for many years so I guess I am here for a while!
  7. Holy crap, learn to type... I can understand spelling errors and bad punctuation but if you are such a great game creator, then you really should be able to type a sentence that doesn't make my eyes bleed.
  8. ....What green lines? What in the force are you talking about? Did you break your computer again? I can see that you lost the space bar and all your punctuation keys so I think those may tie into the green lines.
  9. It's like that in most MMO's, the weekly maintenance. This week was extended, but it is the first week after launch... Last weeks was because of... you know... launch.... And as far as the European servers and their "primetime" I somehow doubt 10am to 4pm is a great time to be playing if you are employed... I know in the U.S. I would not be playing at those times, so I'm not seeing an issue...
  10. Those people power-gaming to 50 are the same people who grind for gear and just like to repeat their routines until they can obtain the best gear. World PVP in my opinion is about besting the other team and winning. Getting gear from missions/vendors/dailies/grinding is not WINNING. That's called boring... I don't think Bioware needs to give you more stuff, I think you need to change your perspective to "I need to lose/win 15 WZ's to finish getting this set piece! I like phat lewtz!" to "I want to get out there and CRUSH SOME SKULLS! They will bow before me!" The reason that open world PVP is failing is because nobody actually has a competitive edge, they just want to grind gear...
  11. 1) I'd feel worse if I didn't know that the 30k a day was out of your 100-200k a day you made. 2) I make myself weapons, and barrel mods for those weapons. And put things up on the GTN all the time but have only seen 30k credits or more twice in my account. I rarely ever have enough to buy/mod my armor through vendors, let alone GTN. I do not feel bad that you got a taste of your own medicine. And wait, my mats SELL on the GTN? When did that happen!? 3) *stomps my feet and whines like a 3 year old*
  12. Maybe I am just a noob, but I have a level 27 and a level 11 on the same server and I am content with this game. So far, I have only experienced a few of the issues that have been brought up by you and others, and when I did it was mostly something that I could ignore or would take me a few seconds to reload my UI. I really do not see most of what you expressed to be game-breaking. Now, this is coming from someone who did not power level, and spends more time out of game than in game. Reloading the UI 10 times in a play session sounds to me like you had very long play sessions compared to the vast majority of people playing (or your UI was WAY more broken than mine for some reason). Compound this with being max level in less than a week after launch and I have a feeling you may be a power-gamer (in comparison to me). I do not mean this in a negative way, just that you wanted to level, and you did so with gusto. Either you skipped storyline, or you spent much more time than I did in game; and this makes you a different kind of player than me. But not in a bad way. By that alone however, I can not take your review as seriously, nor can I agree that "these need fixed or the game feels unfinished" because frankly, I have not experienced as much content as you. I feel like savoring my time in game, and letting the devs know my issues as they come up through the in-game bug reporter. And because I am slowly progressing, I give the devs much more time to fix what comes up. Do not get me wrong, I really hope that Bioware takes these things into account (especially the GTN) and makes some changes. At the same time, I feel that many of your complaints stem from your own rushed push to max level and affinity for other MMO's and MMO styles. You played this game for the end-game content, but reached that point before it was entirely viable. Work needs done, just like it does on most new MMO's that come to market. But many of the things that are brought up are actively being worked on right now, and to me that is enough. I do not demand that Bioware change large amounts of stuff just to cater to my play style and I hope others do not either. I came from WoW where I was incredibly bored, tired of the grind, and sick of the snobbish elitists that seemed to fill the servers. Here I have a chance at a new adventure (which so far is fun as hell) with my friends, with a lot of room for expansion, and plenty to do that is NOT the normal MMO formula. Just because it's not like WoW, Rift (a true WoW clone), or SWG... Does not mean it is broken. The fact that it feels like a single-player game with multi-player functionality is entirely in how you play the game. I have a group of friends that play as well, but we all have different play times and we are all at different levels. However, our guild is expanding with more people and I almost always have a pool of people to pull from for FP's and likely OP's when I reach max level. Being the first of a small group to max level is a lonely place, but it will expand in time. And they will probably put in a LFG tool since so many people were spoiled by WoW's version. Anyways, that's my anti-rant rant. tl;dr: I respect your opinion, but have to disagree. And I think it's because you power-leveled and I am taking my time.
  13. Well then... maybe we should have spent some more time being employed, having relationships, and bettering one-self rather than plowing head-first through a game to get to max level? Hrm...?
  14. I live in the U.S. and I work through most of my "available play time". So... deal with it?
  15. Game was created and developed in the United States and is based in that same nation. DEAL WITH IT.
  16. Middle of the day...? Maybe in Europe. Here in the country that the game was created and developed in, it's what some like to call a "work day" so most people are not phased by it. Either grow up, get a job, or both.
  17. It may just be that they want it there for the possibility that they may change their minds in the future, or its a remanant from before they decided to close it off to other factions.
  18. I love it as well, especially when I get blown up on a really hard part and instead of going "Meh... I give up..." like I always did in Jump to Lightspeed. I always go "DARN! I'LL GET THOSE BASTARDS THIS TIME!"
  19. "Wait! The CE people get something cool and unique for paying extra money!? UNFAIR!"
  20. I only cruise the forums at work, hence why I am here. But I agree this game is amazing and only the people who WANT it to fail, so they can get their WoW buddies back or simply want to troll enough to get attention, are talking trash. I'm not saying all the negative posts are bad, some are very good criticism that needs to be brought up. However, there is a large chunk of "WoW has haircuts, this doesn't. failgameLAWL" out there that need ignored. Agreed, if you are interested I'd suggest buying it, playing it, and never coming to the forums until you've had time for it to seep into your soul. XD
  21. 100% of the people I play with would say that you and your 75% did something wrong.
  22. I agree. They are keeping to their word that they are not screwing around and intend to hang around for a long time.
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