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On Tacos and Tattoos


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Who is Musco going to pick on now that Tait is leaving? Honestly........Did no one even stop to consider poor Eric's feelings on this matter?


Seriously though it is sad to see you leave and I wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors whether they be taco related or not.

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In honor of Tait leaving, let me share with you my favorite Tait story from his time here. It's the time that we convinced Tait we were letting him go when we were actually hiring him.


When Tait got hired into his current role, he was hired on as a contractor with the intent we would convert him to be a full-time EA employee in the future. Well when we got approval to "flip" him to full-time, me and Keith (my boss) decided to have a little bit of fun with him.


We brought him into a room and we made sure to both seem pretty somber as we pulled him in. We had to ensure he was on edge thinking something bad was happening. Keith starts the meeting by going into this whole speech about how things are changing around BioWare (they weren't) and that because of that some changes need to be made (they also weren't). Keith then ended this speech with three words, "you've been impacted."


Now, this is the part where I was supposed to jump in and be like "surprise, your hired!" However, I was concentrating so hard on not laughing that I didn't react as fast as I was supposed to. This meant poor Tait was sitting there for like 20 seconds in a dead silent room thinking he just got let go.


Then I handed the folder with his paperwork to him and said "welcome to the team." Tait reacted by turning red and saying lots of four letter words at us while laughing. It was pretty awesome.


TLDR - That one time we convinced Tait we were letting him go while we were hiring him and it was great.




You are a cruel, cruel person:d_evil:


Also, that was indeed a great story.

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This whole thread is sickeningly sweet... I may have had a "aww how cute" moment reading it. Now I'll have to punch a Jawa in the face to get my heartless imperial status back.


Goodbye Tait. Good luck on your future adventures.


As a side note, I'm really happy to see this dev activity on the forums. It reminds us players that you're all just people, and not big scary overlords or whatever.

Edited by Radzkie
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Grats on the move up Tait. The commuter traffic will be just as bad as Austin, but you will LOVE it there:

  • (the good) being that close to the ocean,
  • (the bad) state income tax & cost of living,
  • (the ugly) Chula Vista and Nasty City,
  • (the special) I HIGHLY recommend celebrating the move by taking the family to Reuben E. Lee's for dinner once you're settled in. Best surf & turf south of Long Beach.

Cheers mate.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Thank you very much for all your work. You will be missed. And I really wish to you the best in your new path.

MTFBWY always.


*Okay, but, for real. There is this restaurant/bar in San Diego that has the best fish tacos I've ever had and I can't remember what it is called. Send help. It's on 3rd, 4th, or 5th within a few blocks of Market. I think it had a small stage in it? I went during SDCC one year.


If you eated that tacos near the San Diego Convention Center, it should be Tin Fish Gaslamp, in 6th avenue.:cool:

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I live in San Diego!!! Let me be the first to welcome you to "America's Finest City"!!! Let's grab some tacos and compare tattoos!!!


IG: @daddymc82


Heh.. I grew up in San Diego, lived there for many years, and still have family there. But San Diego has definitely lost some of it's "fineness" over the years. And it was never "America's Finest City" in my view, being a native from there. Catchy catch phrase though, and they definitely have the tourists fooled.


Home town for Rubios though... so it has that going for it. Rubios rules IMO, and that is where you find the best fish tacos in San Diego. :D

Edited by Andryah
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*Okay, but, for real. There is this restaurant/bar in San Diego that has the best fish tacos I've ever had and I can't remember what it is called. Send help. It's on 3rd, 4th, or 5th within a few blocks of Market. I think it had a small stage in it? I went during SDCC one year.


I think you are looking for "Michos"

It is at 762 Fifth Ave, San Diego, CA 92101


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I'm just going to straight out say it. It pains me to break character but sometimes you have to.


I'm genuinely going to miss you. Not only did I personally like you, I think you're the only member of the community team I haven't called out during your time at bioware. That's because you really did a good job and any company that hires you will have gained a genuine asset.


I just hope they replace you with someone more competent :)


Tait was by far the most proficient member of staff they had interacting with the community. By far. My assumption is you were never in a position where you had anything to discuss so you never had the pleasure of meeting him. He was competent, more than.


Farewell, hope they find more competent developer than u. Bars and tacos were in your head last 2 years :csw_jabbapet:


Bars and Tacos are great. Why would you ever have a go at someone for liking bars and tacos? We work 60 hour weeks so we can afford bars and tacos. I, no, WE, liked Tait BECAUSE he had bars and tacos on his mind. Who doesn't like those things? Are you going to hate him because he likes cats and puppies?


I doubt BW will even bother to fill your position. If it's that hard to describe what you do besides be a player advocate; which by the way, has failed miserably if you look at every aspect of this game being anti-player in 5.0


Good luck, hopefully you find a place to make a difference.


A lack of action from higher ups does not equal a failure of the person responsible for reporting them. Please, as a community start targeting the people who actually make decisions rather than the people trying to feedback to them.


Tait "Taint" Watson, it was a pleasure to have met you, it was an honour to spam email you accounts that were hacking ranked PvP so you could ban them in real time. It was a tragedy that Ben "Benji" Irving stopped me from doing a shot out of your belly button.


I've given more than my fair share of criticism towards the SWTOR community team over the years and I think people should realise that my only ever caveat has been "no not Taint, he's the only one doing a good job".


Sincere best of luck, if Musco tucks you up for a reference you can use me instead.


You're a good guy Tait and, thank you.

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Thank you Tait for all the support you gave us players. We know you did the best you could, I hope whomever replaces you can fill your shoes and help the gamers here. That being said, may the sun always shine on all your ventures and wish you good fortune in Cali.
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