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Master mode chapters


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So I just played through master mode KOTFE, all 16 chapters solo on my merc. Had never done story on her before si I took the challenge and had a lot more fun than I thought I would.


Some fights are really challenging, and need to find news ways to play to beat some of them. Chapt 12 valkorion was hard, and chapter 16, the two mini-bosses before arcann (had to put lana in DPS mode to just burn before I get burn, influence 5 doesn't heal much) and the arcann fight made me wipe quite a few times. I enjoyed myself a lot more than expected, nice work.


Looking forward to doing MM KOTET

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Ok, so first, grats on completing all the chapters on Master.


Second, I find them extremely tough so far. Maybe not 1 and 2 from KotFE, but the walker boss at the beginning of Chapter 3 in KotFE absolutely wrecks me in 3 shots. Like, absolutely nothing I can do, no way I can set my companion, prevents me from dying within 10 secs (on a sorc dps). I then thought that BW intended Master Chapters to be multiplayer content with the trinity composition, but now you are saying you soloed all Master Chapters on a merc.


Without a pole to LOS-dance, I find them pretty overtuned for solo play.. unless I totally cheese it out and run heals with a heal companion. I mean, is that the direction I need to go here?

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Master mode chapters are not hard, they're just stupid. I did the first 3 and the amount of damage is just dumb. Trash hit harder than NiM bosses, bosses hit way more than what you could have in health in BiS, that's just stupid. If Bioware really wanted to make them hard, they would have added new mechanics to the boss instead they just made everything hit harder and have more health. That's fake difficulty, that's why they remove EV and KP NiM. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind the challenge, but I like my challenge to not rely on luck (i.e. kill the boss because I paried his last attack that would have killed me otherwise no matter what I did even though I was full health, happened to me on the walker in chapter 3)
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For the record I don't think they are doable on every class, but for mercs, I thought the challenge was good. Not having a 1 min CC makes it hard, I know a mara and a sniper that are stuck on chapter 10 2 elites.


Yes, everything hits like a truck, but it is actually a mechanic. You got to rotate cooldowns, kite perfectly, interupt the ability that one shots and so on. I got to say tho, reflect makes it a lot easier.


Apart from chapter 16 (the 2 champions) I didn't have to micro manage my companions, and they were all (apart from torian, who is 38) influence level 1-5. My command level is 120 or so, mix of 230 and 236 gear.

Edited by Eloi_BG
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Had a bit of free time today, played through KOTET chapter 1 and 2 master mode, but got stuck at the end of chapter 2. Can't seem to find a way to kill the GenoHaradan leader + 2 hunters.


If anyone managed to solo it successfully please tell me how you did (and I hope its not level acina to influence 50 lol). I manage to get a hunter down, and the leader to about 70% on good pulls (with under hunter CCed). I always interupt hail of bolts cause if the casts goes all the way Acina dies and I'm at like 5%. LOS ultimate shot, but can't seem to avoid nearly enough damage from the rest of the attacks to make it. I have to do way too much companion comp micro management to make acina survive more than 30 seconds.

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if its nintendo hard then its good :p that was always fun

but if u wanted more fun out of games you always had ya neighbourhood to think about new goals out like a playthrough without dying. ^^:cool:

thats why i stick to wildstar and been stuck since beta/release :p


if ea/bwa would trust more in the ip star wars could also be a cashgrab beyond WOW

but cos of reasons :o:rolleyes:

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Had a bit of free time today, played through KOTET chapter 1 and 2 master mode, but got stuck at the end of chapter 2. Can't seem to find a way to kill the GenoHaradan leader + 2 hunters.


If anyone managed to solo it successfully please tell me how you did (and I hope its not level acina to influence 50 lol). I manage to get a hunter down, and the leader to about 70% on good pulls (with under hunter CCed). I always interupt hail of bolts cause if the casts goes all the way Acina dies and I'm at like 5%. LOS ultimate shot, but can't seem to avoid nearly enough damage from the rest of the attacks to make it. I have to do way too much companion comp micro management to make acina survive more than 30 seconds.


Do not LOS Ultimate Shot, let him cast until there are 2 secs left. He won´t do anything else during that time so always use this to heal yourself and Acina up a bit and then shoot him since any attack will interrupt it.


I strongly recommend killing the second elite before engaging the boss himself.


Whenever he enters "Death from above mode", have the passive button ready to call Acina back and try to LOS him behind some pillars or graves.


Hope that helps. :)

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Do not LOS Ultimate Shot, let him cast until there are 2 secs left. He won´t do anything else during that time so always use this to heal yourself and Acina up a bit and then shoot him since any attack will interrupt it.


I strongly recommend killing the second elite before engaging the boss himself.


Whenever he enters "Death from above mode", have the passive button ready to call Acina back and try to LOS him behind some pillars or graves.


Hope that helps. :)

Thanks a lot for the Ultimate shot tip, didn't realise any attack would interupt it. Still took me quite a few pulls to get them but got it in the end!

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If anyone managed to solo it successfully please tell me how you did (and I hope its not level acina to influence 50 lol).


I've done it with 2 healers. 1 minute stun on first hunter, burn second one with heroic moment. Then kite leader while heroic moment on CD and reapply stuns on hunter. Burn leader with second heroic moment, then kill second hunter.


Probably possible with you being DPS with good defensive CD/tank, got myself overhealed constantly, only reason I've needed Acina as healer is because of cleanse, leader uses stuns quite often.

Edited by ddttor
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Finnaly done, actually i have to say since some chapters were really fast to go through it really was nice struggle a bit with the boss fight, it really felt like a boss fight at least!


The end of the chapter felt more "earned" than before.

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While I do agree with the difficulty overall, I have some serious rage issues when it comes to the damn walker parts of chapter 8... This mess of a design was driving me nuts so much that I considered uninstalling at some point. :p


It´s not that I don´t know what to do but here it is really impossible to do this without dying at least a dozen times before finally moving on. I have yet to find footage of someone who manages to get past the enemies without a single death.

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  • 1 month later...

Long story short: Tayvor Slen in Master Mode CH X KOTFE is too ridiculously hard to survive.


His Full Auto must either be nerfed or made interruptable. It hits too hard and is impossible to avoid due to the boss' interrupt immunity. Grav round is not as bad because it's short enough that you can use cds to defend against it, but Full Auto is impossible to avoid and is certainly making the fight itself nearly impossible to complete.


Please please do something about full auto. I will not try it until this is nerfed. It just needs to happen. I can submit my combat logs if you want, that way you'll see what I'm talking about.

Edited by thetexascuban
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Long story short: Tayvor Slen in Master Mode CH X KOTFE is too ridiculously hard to survive.


His Full Auto must either be nerfed or made interruptable. It hits too hard and is impossible to avoid due to the boss' interrupt immunity. Grav round is not as bad because it's short enough that you can use cds to defend against it, but Full Auto is impossible to avoid and is certainly making the fight itself nearly impossible to complete.


Please please do something about full auto. I will not try it until this is nerfed. It just needs to happen. I can submit my combat logs if you want, that way you'll see what I'm talking about.


If you just "want to beat it" inv a few friends to help you, Devs wont be touching those, im sure.

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To me, that kind of beats the purpose of the single-player challenge that master mode chapters bring though. I want to have a hard time doing it, but I also want to be able to beat it by myself. Good suggestion though, I may just have to invite friends over to just help me with that last boss.


If you just "want to beat it" inv a few friends to help you, Devs wont be touching those, im sure.
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To me, that kind of beats the purpose of the single-player challenge that master mode chapters bring though. I want to have a hard time doing it, but I also want to be able to beat it by myself. Good suggestion though, i may just have to invite friends over to just help me with that last boss.


Ofc I know, I was just trying to offer an solution to help. I really dont remember what i did in the fights, so cant help you in that way, it all comes as you play.


Surely you use cc, interrupt, kiting etc, thats something I like about Master mode. Like the fight with the boss of the Zions i was kiting around one of th pillars with my sentinel to interrupt his cast. Valkorion in chapter 12 I oneshoted, dont even know how! Its also a lot about luck, crits and rng.

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  • 1 month later...
I really don't see how to beat Arcann 2nd time in chapter 8, with low influence companion, he fewshots him, he hits super hard even through saves and they last not long enough to kill him, cant cc him, cant really kick, any advices on that fight?
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So I just played through master mode KOTFE, all 16 chapters solo on my merc. Had never done story on her before si I took the challenge and had a lot more fun than I thought I would.


Some fights are really challenging, and need to find news ways to play to beat some of them. Chapt 12 valkorion was hard, and chapter 16, the two mini-bosses before arcann (had to put lana in DPS mode to just burn before I get burn, influence 5 doesn't heal much) and the arcann fight made me wipe quite a few times. I enjoyed myself a lot more than expected, nice work.


Looking forward to doing MM KOTET


You did Master Mode Chapter 16 with a Rank 5 Lana?


"Impressive. Most impressive."

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  • 2 years later...

BioWare, please *********** nerf Tayvor Slen on Master. His Full Auto is ABSURD. I'm in full 246 gear, augmented with 240, and I can't beat him on my Assassin or Mercenary. (Same gear level on both.)


This is just f'ing ridiculous. I'll write you guys a check for $5,000 USD if 8 of your devs, each playing a different class, can all kill him in Master within five attempts each. (That means nowadays, not having done it in the past.)


I'm extremely confident that the above challenge could not be accomplished right now.


Also, yes, I've watched the YouTube videos of it being done by Aeyix and Shintar. They are both taking less damage than I am no matter how many cooldowns and heroic moments I use; AND when Shintar is line-of-sighting him, his aggro stays on her. When I try that, aggro switches to Kaliyo and she gets killed.


I suspect code changes between a couple of years ago when these videos were recorded and most people were doing Master runs and now have made this more difficult. Please revisit.

Edited by RageFury
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AND when Shintar is line-of-sighting him, his aggro stays on her. When I try that, aggro switches to Kaliyo and she gets killed.


I suspect code changes between a couple of years ago when these videos were recorded and most people were doing Master runs and now have made this more difficult. Please revisit.


As far as I know, there were no changes to Master chapters. They are actually easier to do these days as you can have full 258 gear.


You can easily face-tank Full Auto, use your DCDs, you have Force Speed as a sin, you can pretty much ignore that attack... Also don't play Hatred unless you want to make these chapters uber-Master Mode. You have to play Deception or Tank, Hatred is way too squishy. I can imagine that you might actually get one-shot by Full Auto is you are playing Hatred and don't use Force Speed/Shield Adrenal/Medpack/Unity against that attack.


Personally, I completed most of Master chapters with 242/248 gear. I was done with all of them before they even released 252+ gear. I mostly played guardian and marauder when completing them. If I remember correctly, Tayvor Slen, specifically, was done on Annihilation marauder, I don't remember any difficulties in that fight.


P.S. I just watched Shintar's video of that fight. He literally face-tanks Full auto, as I said. He does not break line of sight to deal with it. Doesn't even mitigate it as well as it could have been done on a sage. Also, if a clicker who doesn't even use Heroic Moment and Unity can beat this fight... Anyone can. :D

Edited by Equeliber
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You did Master Mode Chapter 16 with a Rank 5 Lana?


"Impressive. Most impressive."


I have recently en-devoured in getting all my kotet master cheevos and have so far done the last 2 of kotfe.

I have done this across 2 toons, 1 admittedly is my main and has a lvl 50 lana, and senya, the other doesn't.

Before I elaborate on that, what I noticed is that all the chapters with specific abilities, said abilities are IMMENSELY imbalanced. If you use said skill as intended or in the proper succession etc, they decrease significantly the duration of the fight.


Aside from this 258 gear makes all the master chapters rather easy. I have recently tried and got my eternal championship 15 min cheevo (and the all classes EC cheevo - btw Heroic moment rips through almost all of them) and then went to do the master chapters. If you go with a dps class and apply any form of rotation that is not even HM worthy you should still be able to rip through anything without dying to often. On top of that most of the challenging fights do not reset adds and even bosses (if theres 2 eg). sometimes u can walk back to a single boss whose hp hasn't even rest. I can only remember 2 bosses that required a bit more effort (2 dudes at electric station in senya chapter in lower zakuul, and the gemini). Everything else is mostly 1 shotted and deaths are occasional, there is hardly a mob that will kill you twice throughout the 16 chapters. in comparison i remember veteran chapters being harder in 248 gear.

Basically, if you havent gotten your master chapter cheevos till now, and want them, then hurry before 6.0 ><

Edited by SushaBrancaleone
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As far as I know, there were no changes to Master chapters. They are actually easier to do these days as you can have full 258 gear.


You can easily face-tank Full Auto, use your DCDs, you have Force Speed as a sin, you can pretty much ignore that attack... Also don't play Hatred unless you want to make these chapters uber-Master Mode. You have to play Deception or Tank, Hatred is way too squishy. I can imagine that you might actually get one-shot by Full Auto is you are playing Hatred and don't use Force Speed/Shield Adrenal/Medpack/Unity against that attack.


Personally, I completed most of Master chapters with 242/248 gear. I was done with all of them before they even released 252+ gear. I mostly played guardian and marauder when completing them. If I remember correctly, Tayvor Slen, specifically, was done on Annihilation marauder, I don't remember any difficulties in that fight.


P.S. I just watched Shintar's video of that fight. He literally face-tanks Full auto, as I said. He does not break line of sight to deal with it. Doesn't even mitigate it as well as it could have been done on a sage. Also, if a clicker who doesn't even use Heroic Moment and Unity can beat this fight... Anyone can. :D


Changing to tank spec made all the difference in the world. I just returned to the game after a couple years off, and only bought 248 stuff off the GTN; I don't have any items above 248 right now. Even in DPS gear as tank spec, it's absurd how squishy Hatred is...bah. I beat him on my first attempt after switching to tank spec in the same gear. Sigh, lol. I think it's dumb to have to do that, but whatever. :)

Edited by RageFury
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