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Everything posted by thetexascuban

  1. Many of the PvP achievements for Warzones are downright impossible to get (namely "get 55 player kills in 50 warzones" or "get 10 solo kills in 50 warzones," etc.). Either allow us to host private "warzones" so that we actually have a shot at completing these or change those ridiculous numbers!
  2. Honestly, at this point if you're digging around using your seeker droid, you're either doing it for the nostalgia or for achievements. I'd go beyond what you're saying and say that the whole seeker droid thing needs a revamp (new items, more unique loot, etc.). But then again, what percentage of the player base even knows about these seeker droid systems? It's unlikely to get any interest by most players, so I doubt they'll dedicate resources to this. That said, a simple update of the loot table for these areas would be a great simple start!
  3. But is it fair to force those of us who have the proper gear to carry those people through hard bosses that they wouldn't normally be able to handle? I'd say no. I want to be able to go in there, and have teammates that can at least do something to the bosses and not die in one hit... Those new players can do other master mode flashpoints instead. Or do veteran!
  4. Even better. Put this in Group Finder! I like that these questlines are puzzle and exploration oriented, and that some require multiple people. Who am I kidding? I LOVE that they have puzzles and make you explore planets Also, can we get more like this. Please? This is easily some of the best content that the game has to offer.
  5. Like the title says, I would love it if Group Finder had stricter requirements for certain flashpoints, especially the ones that have bosses which require good gear (vs those whose mechanics make up most of the difficulty). Yes, I'm talking about the Umabaran Spider Tank, and bosses like that. Anything lower than 306 simply won't cut it in that fight. I'm tired of going through the entire thing just to keep failing in that last boss. I'm at the point where I've become a gear nazi in flashpoints like that. I won't even ask and leave right away if I see someone with 270 gear... Can we just avoid that altogether? PLEASE? And yes, I am aware that knowing the fights well can make a difference, but not for bosses that have such steep dps and healing checks... Bad gear will be a problem regardless of how well you know the fight. Other hard bosses that may be more mechanically challenging but could also be a challenge due to bad gear are: - The bonus boss in the imperial version of Objective Meridian - The bonus boss in A Traitor Among the Chiss - The last boss(es) in The Nathema Conspiracy - The bonus boss in Battle of Rishi
  6. Sadly yeah. Let's just hope that they listen one day. They do seem to be paying more attention to conquest now, so hopefully they do listen
  7. My suggestion would be to make it so that planets will be awarded to more than just the #1 guild in the conquest leaderboard for each tier. Instead of locking planet conqueror achievements/titles behind the one guild that always wins a tier, this would make it so that.. say, the #2 and #3 guilds could also get something for their efforts! If you are worried about this making the #1 spot less rewarding, you could easily ramp up the rewards! That way, the players actually care about being #1 get rewarded accordingly, while those of us who just want the damn achievements also have a fighting chance while staying in our guild of choice!
  8. Hi all, it would be great if all planets were not locked to strictly small, medium, and large yield. If you could reshuffle those or maybe even make them random for ALL tiers that'd be great. The current system makes it nearly impossible for small-medium yield guilds to even have a fighting chance for large yield planets. Large yield guilds can also have a hard time "downgrading" to medium or small just to get achievements/titles. My guild is an example of that. We polled our players multiple times and nearly all people said that they were strongly opposed to going to other tiers just to get achievements/titles, further citing the "rewards" as a big reason why.
  9. Not sure if this is even possible, but I would love it if I could group gear sets together and only utilize 1 slot as opposed to taking up 7-15 slots. I'm running out of space again, but this time it's all because of all the new gear sets.
  10. Certainly, maybe this should just be part of a group finder re-do/overhaul. Bioware did recently hint at us being able to choose warzones, so maybe they can sneak something like this in? It's a long shot, but hey one can dream. Oh, and something that I just thought about is adding the microbinocular and seeker droid missions to a new version of group finder! Getting a group together for that is always difficult.
  11. Well, yes, but I'd like something like this to be added to group finder itself. I like running around doing dailies while waiting for a group finder match, as opposed to just sitting on the fleet waiting for the full group to form
  12. Achievement hunters like me have a very hard time getting people to agree to do bonus bosses in most flashpoints. I get where these "speed-runners" are coming from, but I do flashpoints for the achievements and that means that I WILL do the bonus boss if it has an achievement. Oftentimes I have to quit a group because they say no to bonus, and then I have to wait 12-15 minutes for the timer to end. Then, if I get unlucky again, I have to quit and wait a few more minutes. It gets very annoying. You could also make a point for the opposite. If people want to skip bonus and do a speed run, let them check that in group finder before they queue, that way someone like me who said yes to bonus will not get matched to them. Please add this. I don't mind slightly longer queues if it means that I will be matched with people who have the same goal as me.
  13. This dps nerf is not pvp-oriented. We are not complaining about mercs' dps output in pvp, but about their unbelievably op DCDs instead.
  14. Thanks for pointing that out, my memory was a bit clouded. But the ability is certainly not ok the way it is. Reduce its cd if you want, but nerf it the heck down, going from 0 to 70% health in a matter of seconds is way too unfair for enemies.
  15. Like others have said, mercs did need an actual defensive cd (something like shield probe), but these superheals are way too unfair on everyone else. Also, knives are operatives' weapons, there is nothing wrong with that. Plus, don't even dare to compare their survivability to that of mercs..
  16. As others have mentioned here, I never thought of mercs' dps being an issue. Their SUPER HEALS are the problem! I can understand if you guys are trying to find a middle ground against all those biased, die-hard merc/commando players and pretty much the rest of us, but this is no middle ground. You are quite simply not making anyone happy with this. Now, I have had lengthy discussions with friends of mine about mercs' suvivability. While I see some of their points I simply cannot come to agree with them. I understand that mercs had very little defenses before 5.0, I do, but that's no reason to give them the most op "defensive" cds in the whole game (I have more than 40 days of playtime on my commando). I am no outsider to mercs and can easily say I know quite a bit about them, so I will say what I think of the arguments pro-merc people have made to me (about Responsive Safeguards). I will do this from the point of view of someone who has played commandos a lot and someone who is too frustrated with how hard they are to kill. 1) they say "You can still aoe them while they use RS" True, but what good is that unless you are an engineer sniper? If you are pretty much any other class, you will only be able to take 5% (10 at most) of their health with aoe while they use 2-3 of their abilities and take a much bigger chunk of yours. Besides, most classes' aoe is very taxing on their energy, so you'd also be wasting that. 2) "You can put dots on them" True, but how much will that really achieve unless you're a dot class (aka, if you're burst you're screwed). Using dots outside of the rotation cycle can also be quite taxing on the class' energy, even for dot classes. 3) "You can take a little break, los them and heal up" You guessed it, only operatives, sorcs, and other mercs can do that. Nevertheless, even these classes are likely to win very little from trying to run away for an los (good luck if electronet is on you) and casting a couple of healing abilities that will only give them 5-20% health. Those abilities (with the exemption of scoundrel's "slow release medpac") can also be taxing on energy and will rarely crit, if they ever do. There are also the big self heals that sorcs and mercs have but those are very likely on a cd already, so yeah... 4) "Just stun them and move on" Yeah right... What if your stuns are on a cd? Stuns are very situational and tend to be used quite often, so most players won't have this option available when needed. Now, another thing I consider to be way too unfair for anyone fighting mercs is the damn utility that makes adrenaline rush the most op self heal in the entire game (do not even try to argue with this). Many a times I've had 1v1 fights with mercs/commandos that were pretty fun up until the moment when they magically went up to nearly full health, even though I was still stuck at my sad 20%... I think you can guess who won every time. I repeat, please understand that none of us is complaining about mercs' dps output, our problem is with their super healing! Nerfing their dps output makes them trash in pve content, and nobody wishes that. My suggestions? 1- Make responsive safeguards a reflect only, get rid of that ridiculous healing. Make it reflect 100% dmg if you must (shorten it's time though), but please just make it an actual defensive cd and not the multi-purpose (especially that healing) op skill it is today. Basically, make it similar to Jug's saber reflect, that'd be much more fair. 2- Eliminate the utility that makes adrenaline rush go up to 70% and bring it back down to 40-50% or so. Decrease its cd if you must. 3- For the love of God, don't nerf their dps for no reason...
  17. I'm really getting sick of all those people who are saying operatives need to get nerfed instead of mercs... The ones who are unfairly hard to kill as of right now are mercs. Period.
  18. To me, that kind of beats the purpose of the single-player challenge that master mode chapters bring though. I want to have a hard time doing it, but I also want to be able to beat it by myself. Good suggestion though, I may just have to invite friends over to just help me with that last boss.
  19. Long story short: Tayvor Slen in Master Mode CH X KOTFE is too ridiculously hard to survive. His Full Auto must either be nerfed or made interruptable. It hits too hard and is impossible to avoid due to the boss' interrupt immunity. Grav round is not as bad because it's short enough that you can use cds to defend against it, but Full Auto is impossible to avoid and is certainly making the fight itself nearly impossible to complete. Please please do something about full auto. I will not try it until this is nerfed. It just needs to happen. I can submit my combat logs if you want, that way you'll see what I'm talking about.
  20. OMG! This solved my problem, thank you very much
  21. Yes, this would be perfect as well. The point is, something needs to be done about this, and I am sure I am not the only one who feels like this
  22. Upgrading ships can be very slow and painful, especially since a mediocre ship will not be able to compete with the fully upgraded ships of veteran players. I myself have 3 fully upgraded ships (a scout, a bomber, and a gunship), and I find myself having to go back to them if I want to do decently because my non-upgraded ships are no match for the fully upgraded ships of other people. I want to level other ships (for the achievements and to try new things), but it is just to painful to start from zero in any given ship. I would like to propose something that could help with this. How about letting players transfer requisition among toons? This would allow us to get requisition on our more developed ships and send it to other toons that we want to get a jumpstart on. I myself would be all over upgrading new ships if we were allowed to do something like this. True, we can transform ship requisition into fleet requisition, but it is too expensive cartel coin-wise, and that certainly does not encourage players to do it.
  23. The Gladiator Striker Tech Blade and the Cathar Honor Sword would actually look nice with certain tunings.
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