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Hey guys, what are your favorite zones?


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Mine are Alderaan, Hoth, and Tatooine.


Aside from those three being all around epic, I felt like they had a slightly more open feel to them. Coruscant belongs on that list as well, because it is pretty beautiful overall, Especially around the outside of senate tower.


What is yours and anything awesome that could be overlooked by many, that I should go visit while leveling my new smuggler?

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Hoth, the story is just pretty neat there. You have the empire, republic and the white maw pirates.


Next is alderaan. Really need to play all 8 classes there. Each has an impact in a different way.


I agree with the above poster. I wish Manaan had more to it. Lastly I love Corellia. My favorite planet to play through with all classes. It looks like a war zone.

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I always enjoy going through Rishi . Love other planets too, but that one just has the aesthetic look I like and enough entertaining quests for me, add in the class specific one, clear lighting <3 , even if it is so much smaller to base story planets (but loads bigger then kotfe/kotet ones so far).
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I'm a big fan of the Rakata Prime flashpoint. I've used the area for RP before, such lovely beaches.


I also really like Ilum, especially the skybox. I love the Gree aesthetic too, so I'm always happy when that event is running there.

Edited by AscendingSky
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I like the big wide open planets. There are many smaller ones I wish were bigger so they felt more like a planet and less like a backyard. Oricon, Darvanis, Quesh, Yavin, Rishi, Zakuul swamps, Odessen, Rakata Prime (ok, ok, not a planet, but it should be!). I'm not a fan of city planets.
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I love sci-fi city planets like Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa. (Nar Shaddaa *is* Chiba City from Neuromancer. )I think they're easy to quest in cause all your objectives are usually in one big circle you run through.


I also like the atmosphere of Korriban or Dromund Kaas. Some of the later worlds feel sorta empty, but those two starter planets really give you a feel for the Sith and Imperial way of life.


I think Belsavis is sorta cool, going deeper into the planet gets you deeper inside an ancient mystery.

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Every once in a while I like to find myself a quiet spot on Tython. Love climbing mountains there. Alderaan too.

But Voss is kinda my favorite now. The autumn colors are just like where I live. Its also open, serene, beautiful and big.

I'm a big fan of Hoth and Alderaan too.


And, I don't know really why I'm always eager to quest on Imp Balmorra. The music maybe?

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I'm going to combo break it a little and suggest Ziost before the ending of the story. Odessen wilds -outside the base - is pretty neat. Of course, also Alderaan and Voss.


Ziost? Man I hate Ziost. If it wasn't for the fact I can run its dailies in about 15 minutes for GC points I'd never go there.


I do like the cities, Nar Shadda and Coruscant. Absolutely HATE Corellia, with its one way roundabout streets.

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Absolutely HATE Corellia, with its one way roundabout streets.


Whoever designed Corellia was a sadist. Dead ends, tunnels with aggro mobs in them, sunken areas to fall into, etc. Like, I'm heading in the right direction for my quest, but I've got to take about 14 rights and 11 left turns to get there. Reading the map itself is a quest.


Balmorra was confusing for me the first time with its different levels, but the atmosphere and music is nice. I just hate the quests involving Collicoids.

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