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Name A MMO That Puts Out Expansions Without New Flashpoints.


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Really please, I want to know what mmo it is. Which one would put out a expansion with zero flash points, zero new ops and such little content.


No one would try to pass off what SWToR calls a expansion as a expansion. It would be at best a minor content patch update.


If this game was a single player game on Steam and they put out these expansions for 15 bucks and placed them on it, they would get massive thumps down for lack of adding anything new to the game. People would scream about it being a cash grab and they would be right.


A five boss op takes a year and they have to put it out a single boss at a time? Really? No other mmo would do this. If they were to put up a stream or post about it, people would assume it's some kinda of April fool's joke.


This game without the lightsabers and the Star War's tag would of already been shut down years ago. It's the only thing keeping it going.

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Other MMOs have more than a skeleton crew as a development team.


Ever since SWTOR nearly went belly up shortly after launch and had to go F2P in record time, EA has been treating this game as a cash farm, investing as little as possible in it's development. It is now a Cartel Market with a game rather than a game with a Cartel Market. Much of the original development team was laid off.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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No. Most other games always have new 4 man dungeons per expansion. Best example is FF14. EVERY SINGLE EXPANSION has new content for everyone. They actually use your sub money for development instead of RNG crap.



i think he means is only SWTOR uses that term - other mmos, have other terms, when they refer to 4 man, or 8 and 16m (or above) group content.


flashpoints vs dungeons, operations vs raids, etc etc


but to be honest FF14, is..diferent - they do release alot of content, but if that content doesnt please one, how can one play it? no sabers no fun :D

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I just want better class design (gameplay) first and foremost.


Vengeance Juggernaut & Hatred Assassin gameplay is soooo boring and counter-intuitive.

Shatter - Should do high initial dmg and either apply a 1.5 sec stun or leave the target vulnerable for 2.5 sec (making it take 25% more dmg for the duration). What it currently does mechanically is counter intuitive to the class fantasy (wrecking ball) AND its animation. Its an acrobatic mid-air spin that overhead smashes the target that deals LOW initial dmg and applies a bleed........... lol.... noooo.

Retaliate should also be off the global cooldown just like it is in the immortal tree. It COULD also be an auto-crit as vengeance spec.


Hatred Assassin's Creeping Terror & Death Field should be 30m. If Creeping Terror cannot be 30m then it should be a melee strike with the double-bladed lightsaber rather than a 'waving of the hand'. Right now there are 2 DoT-abilities that wave the hand and it feels & looks silly.


Marauder feels great in my opinion. All specs.


Mercenary needs work obviously:

- Jet Out should have a 25 sec cooldown, down from 45.

- Jet Out should grant stun/slow/root/charge immunity for its duration. Remove the utility "Smoke Screen" that grants this.

- The absorb/reflect/heal defensive should have a 3 min cooldown

- Unload should be renamed Ghetto Blasters....


DPS Specs That Have Heals should only have 1 heal on 15 or 20 sec cooldown.

- These heals will be empowered by approximately 33% to 55%.

- The heals that required a cast time are removed from the dps specs. Your insta-cast heal will have a cooldown but will also be empowered.

- A utility could be added to where, when you heal an ally with your insta-cast heal, you also heal for 50% of that amount. Encouraging clutch hybrid play.

- Yes, the operative dps should not be able to apply 2 heal-over-time effects on herself or allies. Just the insta-cast heal as described above.


DPS Specs with Taunts & Guard

- Guard does not reduce damage taken by the ally by 15% unless you are the tank spec

- Guard now splits 25% dmg, down from 50% for dps specs.

- Tank Spec Guard can override lesser guard. This removes the dps version of Guard from the target ally.

- DPS spec taunts could be -15%, down from -30%. While tank spec taunts remains at 30%.

- {note} not all of these would need to be implemented. just ideas.

Edited by Warlord_Maliken
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Star Trek Online, they have STF's which are more equal to what the uprisings are here and thats it, no real Flaspoint style instances, certainly no raids and PvP in that game is hardly worth mentioning. The only plus sides are free character customization, if you love grinding then the game is fully F2P with no restrictions and its on a Mega server so you don't notice the small populaton like you do on some servers here.
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name an MMO like swtor


it literally is it's own unique genre of MMO, which is why it's so hard for so many to leave it.


Ok to be fair, its bloody STAR WARS m8. And the MMO market is basically barren. Theres WoW & SwtoR. I've played them all and they generally don't keep your attention for longer than 1-2 months. SwtoR and WoW can.

Why does SwtoR? A major part of it is because its, again, Star Wars.

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Ok to be fair, its bloody STAR WARS m8. And the MMO market is basically barren. Theres WoW & SwtoR. I've played them all and they generally don't keep your attention for longer than 1-2 months. SwtoR and WoW can.

Why does SwtoR? A major part of it is because its, again, Star Wars.


I didn't mean 'cause it's star wars, although I guess you're right, that's a big reason.


I meant like the fully voiced story driven MMO with companions, dialogue choices & personalized storytelling.

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I didn't mean 'cause it's star wars, although I guess you're right, that's a big reason.


I meant like the fully voiced story driven MMO with companions, dialogue choices & personalized storytelling.


That's definitely a draw for many. It is to some extent for me as well.


The problem with a sole focus on story however is that story content is less likely to keep people subscribed than multiplayer content. People burn through the new story chapters in a day or two and then are stuck with nothing to do. While some wait patiently for the next story update, many unsub and move onto other games, returning only for the next story update.


New multiplayer content would keep more people subbed. An ideal expansion would be a mix of both story and multiplayer content.

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Really please, I want to know what mmo it is. Which one would put out a expansion with zero flash points, zero new ops and such little content.


No one would try to pass off what SWToR calls a expansion as a expansion. It would be at best a minor content patch update.


How do you define "flashpoint"? What do you consider the new "Uprisings" to be? It's content for 4 people in extra instances. Aren't they "flashpoints" at the end? (Whether you like them or not is irrelevant for a definition.)

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name an MMO like swtor


it literally is it's own unique genre of MMO, which is why it's so hard for so many to leave it.


A lot of truth to this.


That, and there is a severe shortage of non-elf, non-orc, and non-<insert generic fantasy lore race here>. I can only take so much of the same repetitive races and classes in MMOs..... in a non sci-fi format. Which is why I primarily play SWTOR and EVE Online, but I do pull out LoTRO every now and then when I want to be elf'd every now and then.

Edited by Andryah
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How do you define "flashpoint"? What do you consider the new "Uprisings" to be? It's content for 4 people in extra instances. Aren't they "flashpoints" at the end? (Whether you like them or not is irrelevant for a definition.)


Exactly. The OP began with a hyperbolic false premise, and off the rails goes the discussion. Besides, different MMOs call group content by differing terms... so it's best to focus on numerical descriptions when trying to compare different MMOs. 4 man, 5 man, 8 man, 10 man, 16 man, etc.


We have had more new 4 man group content so far in 5.0 then we had in all of 4.0 and the better part of 3.0. And given the more casual nature of the player base as a whole and the general attraction to story content... smaller group content makes a lot of sense.


Now, whether said group content is to the liking of any given player..... completely depends on personal opinion.

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It sucks for you guys who like group content. I feel bad for you.


Although I do feel that at least it's awesome that Swtor allows subs to have access to all of the expansions for free instead of having to shell out 50 bucks for each one *coughwowcough*

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How do you define "flashpoint"? What do you consider the new "Uprisings" to be? It's content for 4 people in extra instances. Aren't they "flashpoints" at the end? (Whether you like them or not is irrelevant for a definition.)


Flashpoints Generally have story to them, uprisings are gutted flashpoints with a ridiculous amount of clustered mobs for people with short attention spans ( imo )

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Star Trek Online, they have STF's which are more equal to what the uprisings are here and thats it, no real Flaspoint style instances, certainly no raids and PvP in that game is hardly worth mentioning. The only plus sides are free character customization, if you love grinding then the game is fully F2P with no restrictions and its on a Mega server so you don't notice the small populaton like you do on some servers here.


Yea but STO does one thing well that I wish they could do here.... They are all balanced for 4 DPS... Yes every class/ship combo has pretty good self heals and defense. Yes everyone is essentially DPS, so it is a bit easier, but still... It was not always intended to be all DPS, it just migrated that way.


They do technically have 3 raid type environments though (or is it 4)... Not that you need all 20 people for it anymore...


But they also release new STFs with each "expansion" (I use that term really loosely) and sometimes in between. And I would say they are closer to FPs than Uprisings, they are just for the most part in one space instead of multiple zones. Even the normal modes have mechanics.


The one thing I miss there is the Kobayashi Maru. That thing was fun... Sure the intent of it was to kill everyone before they could finish it... I wish other games would do stuff like that... See how far your group can push something near impossible...

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Yea but STO does one thing well that I wish they could do here.... They are all balanced for 4 DPS... Yes every class/ship combo has pretty good self heals and defense. Yes everyone is essentially DPS, so it is a bit easier, but still... It was not always intended to be all DPS, it just migrated that way.


Sounds very similar to tactical FPs in this MMO.

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Sounds very similar to tactical FPs in this MMO.


Except when they're not... Granted they are getting somewhat better.... Then they failed with Uprisings being 4 person balanced... Then adjusted... and some are fine, some are not.... Yet all the story uprisings can be solo'd (well I have not tried the new ones yet).


Take the Tatooine one for example... Fine if you have 4 ranged DPS, unless the boss has LOS issues and resets. 4 melee DPS, that's a whole 'nother challenge....

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Really please, I want to know what mmo it is. Which one would put out a expansion with zero flash points, zero new ops and such little content.


No one would try to pass off what SWToR calls a expansion as a expansion. It would be at best a minor content patch update.


If this game was a single player game on Steam and they put out these expansions for 15 bucks and placed them on it, they would get massive thumps down for lack of adding anything new to the game. People would scream about it being a cash grab and they would be right.


A five boss op takes a year and they have to put it out a single boss at a time? Really? No other mmo would do this. If they were to put up a stream or post about it, people would assume it's some kinda of April fool's joke.


This game without the lightsabers and the Star War's tag would of already been shut down years ago. It's the only thing keeping it going.


:rolleyes: There are many cut and paste mmo's out there, but SWTor is very different than them, it's hard to compare. These "expansions" don't cost anything except a subscription and that is better value for me than waiting a year for Wow to put out a $60 + expansion that I'm going to get tired of in a month, anyway.


I like that I care about my characters here, I care about their stories and why they do what they do. That is a completely new feeling for me coming from other shallow mmo's and I am perfectly happy to get a free expansion to further the story (even if I don't really like how some of it goes). Maybe you didn't get anything "new" out of it, but I did.


I want everyone to be happy, and I'm glad they're putting out a raid boss as soon as it is done. That , to me, shows they are listening to people who are desperate to get their raid guilds up and running again and I applaud it. I don't see any negatives to it, especially since its going to be free to all subscribers.

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