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Everything posted by Genada

  1. What a total crock. File a ticket for what? So your customer service can ignore the issue or flat out lie? People have taken every step asked and they are not getting the rewards they EARNED. You promised to fix it and you have not. It's been weeks now and still not resolved. We have opened tickets. No response. We have sent you messages. No response. It's not poor customer service you have. It's no customer service you have.
  2. Still missing the promised rewards from the conquest we did not get. Ten toons and never got the rewards for any of them, Put it a ticket. Nothing. PM Eric. Nothing. This game doesn't have terrible customer service. It has no customer service.
  3. I didn't get any plans for ten toons and no one in my guild did either. Contacted Eric and no answer. We put in tickets and were told by customer service well isn't that too bad, there's nothing we can do. So pretty much just cheated out of ten plans with no ability for recourse or anyone to ask for recourse because customer service does not care.
  4. No rewards for my toons that got it and I want the plans. I do not care about the other stuff but I do care about the ten flagship plans I lost.
  5. It's this what your going for with 6.0? Crafting changes are terrible. No one wanted them and no one is pleased with them. Gearing system is terrible. No one wants them and no is pleased with them. Command was hard enough for people to accept and you went with let's try that again but make it worst? Really? Conquest changes no one was asking for and no one was wanting. How did you come up with this? Why did you come up with this? You should of named these changes Death To All Small Guilds. Outside of the story content for 6.0 the rest is a flaming dumpster fire. It's all bad. Changes no one asked for and no one wants. I am really hoping this is some kinda of secret plan to destroy the game because Star Wars the Old Republic 2 is coming out and you need a way to kill the first one. It's the only thing that could explain the dumpster fire that is the current state of the game and the changes your making.
  6. You think after 8 years they would of gotten some idea of how to do it. You would think after 8 years just by accident they would of made some changes people would be pleased with. Outside of the story of 6.0 everything else is a disaster. Crafting, conquest, lack of content, EVERY PART of it is just bad.
  7. I am not sure they care about retention at this point. This expansion is a grade A disaster. Things no one asked for: A new gearing system like they have put in place that sucks. Sucks really hard. A new crafting system that puts insane costs on mats and makes crafting pretty much useless due to not being able to craft due to cost. Conquest changes that may as well be called Kill All Small Guilds. Really other then making it pretty much impossible for small guilds to hit conquest what was the point of these changes? No one was asking for this or wanted it. NO ONE. All in all 6.0 is terrible. Lack of new content. Changes people hate. I am hoping this is part of some secret plan to kill this game and bring a new version.
  8. This isn't a expansion and shouldn't have been billed as one. It's more of a pre expansion as far as the amount of content given. I run a medium size guild and we have had a large amount of returning players looking forward to this but after they have seen what was given they are all talking about quitting again. There is just not enough content to keep people wanting to play. This expansion lacks the content of any of the original story planets other then Quesh. It's sad how little was put into this and billing it as a expansion is just misleading.
  9. A lot of people are stuck on the idea they need the best gear because they still think they are playing a real mmo. In a real mmo, you need gear to further your progress in the game and to view the new content that is put out. Not gearing leads to a lose of game experience due to not being geared enough for new content patches. In this game, why people care about gear is beyond me. They do not put out content that is a challenge and your able to do the content they put out with a very low level of gear.
  10. This game came out with the hopes of being a mainstream mmo that would compete against WoW. Star Wars was a big selling point but it was suppose to go further then that reaching a broader audience. Today it's nothing more then a niche mmo that survives off of it being Star Wars. They need to merge servers, consolidation of the playerbase should be something they should focus on. It helps improve the overall enjoyment for the playerbase they have left.
  11. Your problem op is you seem to want to gear your toon and be able to do it and other toons in a reasonable quick fashion. My question is to what end? Why would you bother? This game doesn't have content that requires you to really get max level gear. It doesn't put out content that needs min/max. So why beat your head on the wall to try to do so?
  12. The basic problem remains the same. This game is really the next KoToR, KoToR III. When it came out tho they wanted to jump into the mmo market because it was the rage and made the game a mmo. Bioware has zero idea how to do a mmo. They never knew what they were doing from the start, they keep on failing at it now. If SWToR was a single player game, it would be looked at as a major success. It's terrible expansions would be looked at as decent dlc content. The problem is of course that SWToR is not a single player game, it's suppose to be a mmo. So they put out "expansions" which are a joke, they would be viewed as content patches in other games but in this one they are entire expansions. They seem unable to be able to put out real group content and have been unable now for a very long time. If your looking for a mmo, you need to play a different game. If your looking to enjoy a Star Wars game like KoToR, then play this one for a bit, do your story and walk away until they put out more...rinse and repeat. That's how you enjoy this game.
  13. The simple solution is to make transfers free. No one should have to pay to leave a dead server, not even a reduced price. It's not the players fault that SWTOR has failed to bring in new players or keep them. As far as guilds and flagships go, they just need to be able to allow them to transfer like they do with Strongholds. It's a pain to have to reset them up but it's not that huge of a pain to do it. They have know about this for a long time. They will not address it because they would rather pretend all is well. ALL IS NOT WELL. SWTOR is not doing well, it fails to keep players, it fails to bring in new players. It's time for someone in upper management to figure this out and for major changes to take place.
  14. Part of the reason I think they did this is to try to keep people like me wanting to play and having a sub for longer then a month a a time. I have played this game from launch and taken several long breaks. I started doing this after they quit putting out content, new flashpoints and new ops. These are the type of content that keep me playing a game. So they instead went to a story model. So I went to a story model of playing. Which to me is to sub for a month every year or so, play the new content and leave again. They have put a system in place designed to keep people playing by making gear harder to get and that will take longer to get. The problem here is for a player like me and why I will be letting this sub run out again is that I do not care about gear anymore. The methods of getting gear never bothered me, the lack of content did. You hurt your longer term players by trying to solve a problem with your in and out again players. If you really want to keep players, it's really simple....provide content that is worth staying and playing.
  15. So when you mention top end guilds I am assuming your placing this post on the World of Warcraft forums as well since all the raiders left this game long ago.
  16. There is a great documentary on New Coke. Your entire team should sit down and watch it. One day they will have a documentary on your new gearing system and it's going to play out like New Coke. Your customers are not the problem. It's not that your customers do not understand how "great" the new system is. It's not they just do not get "it". The problem is you. The problem is your team. The problem is failing to listen to your customers and providing what they want. BRING BACK THE OLD SYSTEM.
  17. What a joke. Go back to the old system. Why do you insist on putting in a system that is clearly hated by the players? Admit you made a mistake, restore the old system and move on. Really it's not that hard to do. You people are like the morons that did New Coke, the main thing different between you and them is they didn't insist the customers were wrong and refuse to restore the old Coke. They quickly learned and reverted the changes they made. How in the world can you people be this dense?
  18. They should just admit this system sucks and go back to the old system. It's fun to try new things but sometimes you should stick with what works, which was the old system. No one is rushing to copy this new system that has been put in and no one will. They will not do it because it's a hated system, they see it but somehow the SWTOR devs fail to see that.
  19. Really please, I want to know what mmo it is. Which one would put out a expansion with zero flash points, zero new ops and such little content. No one would try to pass off what SWToR calls a expansion as a expansion. It would be at best a minor content patch update. If this game was a single player game on Steam and they put out these expansions for 15 bucks and placed them on it, they would get massive thumps down for lack of adding anything new to the game. People would scream about it being a cash grab and they would be right. A five boss op takes a year and they have to put it out a single boss at a time? Really? No other mmo would do this. If they were to put up a stream or post about it, people would assume it's some kinda of April fool's joke. This game without the lightsabers and the Star War's tag would of already been shut down years ago. It's the only thing keeping it going.
  20. I really think they have a budget around zero. They force interns to work on this game before they are ever offered a real job to work on real games like Battlefield. Battlefield, not a mmo but gets more content updates then SWToR. For real, check it out. That's how sad this game is.
  21. Well your right but they do not offer a sub for a week or I would do that. They got you on the month. So I play the new chapters, do whatever else they may have put in and gone again. For 15 bucks, this game's expansions (dlc) is worth it but just barely. I would think about playing the game more if it had some real end game content and if the free to play model wasn't so horrible. I would pay for a sub and keep it if this game didn't fail so hard at providing content updates.
  22. I will be back when the new expansion comes out to then do all the new content they have added and then leave for the next year or two. A pattern I have stuck with since they quit adding new group content. Sorry but I really feel bad for players of this game at this point. The amount of content they add is just sad. You get more group content in games like GTA online at this point. Really it's that bad. No game gets away with putting out as little as SWToR does. What they call expansions other games call patches. Really go look at any other mmo that has put a expansion out over the last couple of years and find me one with less content then SWToR puts out. A mmo that puts out a expansion without new ops, without new flash points. It's like they are trolling the players at this point.
  23. How in the world does this game have a raiding community? Just how? I think SWToR may have the most abused player base in the history of mmo. The one thing I will give BioWare credit for is it's ability to abuse the players and still keep them. They put out a tiny amount of content compared to other games. What they call expansions other games call patches, content updates. No game would get away with not putting out new flashpoints and new ops for 2 and half years. No game would get away with that. The chapter system, feeding them out slowly as possible in a attempt to keep players like they did. No one other then Bioware would try that and get away with it, yet they did. It's neat to see that they are doing a new ops but I will keep to the pattern I now have with this game. Sub for a month, see the new content come back in a couple of years and then view everything new they added in a month and leave again. Grats to Bioware on being able to add a new ops over the course of a year....really BRAVO..../golfclap.
  24. What they want to do is try to stop players like me. Players that have figured out it's a scam calling this game a mmo and that sub for a single month, view the new expansion and leave again. You can play all the new content of ENTIRE expansions in a single month. Every other real mmo has content updates, patches that are adding new content in a timely manner. They add more content in patch updates then this game does for entire expansions. This new op, this is a joke. Only a abused player base accepts this. One boss every couple of months? Really? Are you kidding me? This is the best EA/Bioware can do? What. A. Joke. This game has gone from being something that could compete with WoW to being the butt of jokes within in the mmo community.
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