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Ben and Bioware remains silent about the critisism for 5.1.


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Go figure... they're currently hated or seriously disliked at the moment, with players calling the

developers incompetent in thread after thread - with all rights. We're yet another update into the game,

an update that only managed to make the game even worse, more of the same grind... grind in more places

to get the same items.


Yet Ben and Biowares Absence of the forums is clear, probably avoiding flak of they just don't know how

to cook up a statement that doesn't make them look stupid, but they did that very well on their own.


The playerbase is failing in the game, and you have the worst F2P-model out of all mmo's where F2P players

doesn't even get gear rewarded for their missions... what kind of mmo has a F2P model where you need to

pay to get gear-rewards for simple missions ?.


It feels like speaking to a wall currently, but if Ben and Bioware continues to ignore the players

and run their own course, the course will see this game dead within a year and the "new content" planned

for dec 2017 will be canceled or heavily delayed.


/gg SWTOR - Rip.

Edited by Dreez
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Go figure... they're currently hated or seriously disliked at the moment, with players calling the

developers incompetent in thread after thread - with all rights. We're yet another update into the game,

an update that only managed to make the game even worse, more of the same grind... grind in more places

to get the same items.


Yet Ben and Biowares Absence of the forums is clear, probably avoiding flak of they just don't know how

to cook up a statement that doesn't make them look stupid, but they did that very well on their own.


The playerbase is failing in the game, and you have the worst F2P-model out of all mmo's where F2P players

doesn't even get gear rewarded for their missions... what kind of mmo has a F2P model where you need to

pay to get gear-rewards for simple missions ?.


It feels like speaking to a wall currently, but if Ben and Bioware continues to ignore the players

and run their own course, the course will see this game dead within a year and the "new content" planned

for dec 2017 will be canceled or heavily delayed.


/gg SWTOR - Rip.


It isnt even just in here. It is on fleet, and Odessa across all servers, it is on Reddit, on their Twitter page, on Facebook, and I guarantee you the gaming blogs are going to have a field day with this. SWTOR already got the worst business model of 2016. Who knows which negative reward they will get for this.

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Go figure... they're currently hated or seriously disliked at the moment, with players calling the

developers incompetent in thread after thread - with all rights. We're yet another update into the game,

an update that only managed to make the game even worse, more of the same grind... grind in more places

to get the same items.


Yet Ben and Biowares Absence of the forums is clear, probably avoiding flak of they just don't know how

to cook up a statement that doesn't make them look stupid, but they did that very well on their own.


The playerbase is failing in the game, and you have the worst F2P-model out of all mmo's where F2P players

doesn't even get gear rewarded for their missions... what kind of mmo has a F2P model where you need to

pay to get gear-rewards for simple missions ?.


It feels like speaking to a wall currently, but if Ben and Bioware continues to ignore the players

and run their own course, the course will see this game dead within a year and the "new content" planned

for dec 2017 will be canceled or heavily delayed.


/gg SWTOR - Rip.


They genuinely can't handle criticism, and are utterly afraid to communicate regularly with us. They can't own up to mistakes, interact with us, or work with us on what we want. They seriously need to grow a pair, and start talking to us regularly. They would find over time that we can be nice and quite reasonable.

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They genuinely can't handle criticism, and are utterly afraid to communicate regularly with us. They can't own up to mistakes, interact with us, or work with us on what we want. They seriously need to grow a pair, and start talking to us regularly. They would find over time that we can be nice and quite reasonable.


They are their own worse enemy. They create the situations they find themselves in and then keep compounding the problems by not listening properly. They need to stop following their rigid agenda and look at the situation.

Maybe they need to get someone else in to look at the problem with fresh eyes.

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I would really suggest Star Wars takes a real good look at Star Trek Online.


Star Trek Online does community relations much better and it has a much better free to play model then SWTOR has at the moment.


Star Trek Online still has it's flaws but from where it started to where it is at now is a vast improvement. Part of that vast improvement has been a attempt from devs to talk with and learn from players what they want and expect.


MMO should be a community game and while the players can not rule they should be given some input to the game.

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They are their own worse enemy. They create the situations they find themselves in and then keep compounding the problems by not listening properly. They need to stop following their rigid agenda and look at the situation.

Maybe they need to get someone else in to look at the problem with fresh eyes.


I would even say that they blame the players for things being the way they are. That's how out of touch they seem sometimes with their decisions.

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The vocal forum warriors don't represent the vast majority of players. They have access to metrics to show them if it is successful or not.


Yes, but metrics alone don't tell the whole story. It's like looking at how many people are in prison for drug charges and saying they are winning the war on drugs because of the amount of people they've arrested.

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They are their own worse enemy. They create the situations they find themselves in and then keep compounding the problems by not listening properly. They need to stop following their rigid agenda and look at the situation.

Maybe they need to get someone else in to look at the problem with fresh eyes.


They really are their own worse enemy, the community has provided more than sufficient feedback on what exactly we want in the game that we play yet the devs keep trying to save RNG at any and all cost. It's mind boggling.

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Consistent communication is something the Devs seem incapable of. Every time I think they've learned their lesson, and they did do a couple extra ones in December, they go and do something stupid like adding the bolster nerf to the patch notes at the last second and after they had already been posted. Even if they had been in the original patch notes, it is such a huge change that it deserved to be communicated well in advance.


BW/EA failing at every level now. You can make mistakes and survive, provided you don't totally alienate your player base and piss them off by failing in other areas, such as communication, but when you fail on that front too, you have everyone pissed, leaving, or both. Get your bleep together BW/EA.

Edited by Kirtastropohe
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The vocal forum warriors don't represent the vast majority of players. They have access to metrics to show them if it is successful or not.


We dont have metrics but we do have common sense. Look at the game overall, look at the servers, population, EA quarterly reports, press releases etc, From all those sources you can put together the metrics yourself.


SWTOR started off big with over a million subs but has been losing them ever since launch. It had its up and downs and now is definitely a BIG down. EA reports are silent about swtor, they preffer focus on GoH and Battlefront, servers are dead (only big ones are active) people writing about unsubbing on reddit and forums, a lot of guilds died, perished, i lost over 70 friends and if 1000 people say the same its 70k subs for example. All the referrals i have are non active and i could go on.


You dont need metrics to see the obvious, removing CM passes, putting gear behind sub barrier, GC only for sub, the eternal grind for gear meant to keep you subbed, all this are desperate measures and I don't need the metrics to see what is going on.

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Understandably so. The past has proven them right in that. Keyword: toxic.


When someone takes a piss on me, i'm not going to pretend it's raining. Thus when a developer acts

like their head is up their rectum, i'm not going to be polite about that either.


Respect is earned.


The devs has had ample input and feedback over the past 5+ years and has plenty of time to

get the game on track, yet they keep releasing updates that loses players .


Question: Why should i subscribe to a game where only 10% of the content is worth playing for me !?.

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The vocal forum warriors don't represent the vast majority of players. They have access to metrics to show them if it is successful or not.


Actually, the forum defenders represent the minority. The vocal forum warriors have the facts on their side.


To whit:


  • Over 180 servers at launch to 17 servers today.
  • Servers constantly at heavy to full loads at launch (sometimes having to wait in queue for an hour just to log in) to servers barely ever getting past light at present
  • 2 million players at launch down to 200,000 six months later (which doubled to 400,000 when F2P launched)
  • Four servers with okay populations today (TRE, JC, Har, BC), rest are almost ghost towns.
  • Three straight quarters of EA commenting on the declining revenue in SWTOR.


The problem is and always has been, that people think that the "vocal forum warriors", as you put it, represent the minority. Stinks when facts say otherwise though.

Edited by Wayshuba
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They genuinely can't handle criticism, and are utterly afraid to communicate regularly with us. They can't own up to mistakes, interact with us, or work with us on what we want. They seriously need to grow a pair, and start talking to us regularly. They would find over time that we can be nice and quite reasonable.


They aren't afraid. They are just arrogant enough to think that they can just implement their vision and people will fall in line, doesn't matter if they whine as long as they pay.

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Understandably so. The past has proven them right in that. Keyword: toxic.


maybe for the next stockholders report they can send EA a letter and tell them how mean the players their customers have been and it made them cry. I am sure that will explain away any down turn in revenue.

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Actually, the forum defenders represent the minority. The vocal forum warriors have the facts on their side.


To whit:


  • Over 180 servers at launch to 17 servers today.
  • Servers constantly at heavy to full loads at launch (sometimes having to wait in queue for an hour just to log in) to servers barely ever getting past light at present
  • 2 million players at launch down to 200,000 six months later (which doubled to 400,000 when F2P launched)
  • Four servers with okay populations today (TRE, JC, Har, BC), rest are almost ghost towns.
  • Three straight quarters of EA commenting on the declining revenue in SWTOR.


The problem is and always has been, that people think that the "vocal forum warriors", as you put it, represent the minority. Stinks when facts say otherwise though.


Why don't we talk about server closings since 5.0? None.

Server population since 5.0? Steady to rising.

Total population since 5.0? Well, if lots of people were quitting, I'm sure they would have actually changed something. So, I'd guess things are fine.

The decline revenue in SWTOR is why they made the changes. This new method is to stop the decline. All you folks seem to think is going back to a system that had a decline would be a good idea.

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Why don't we talk about server closings since 5.0? None.

Server population since 5.0? Steady to rising.

Total population since 5.0? Well, if lots of people were quitting, I'm sure they would have actually changed something. So, I'd guess things are fine.

The decline revenue in SWTOR is why they made the changes. This new method is to stop the decline. All you folks seem to think is going back to a system that had a decline would be a good idea.


Too funny. You need to spend some time on Twitch. Like watching TCthief who logged into EVERY SINGLE server (both NA and EU) to show there wasn't rising populations. Yes, every single server. He did a little over six hour live stream to show that those making the claim you are, are in fact completely wrong.


How many threads are there about certain servers being completely dead? Asking for free transfers or mergers? The truth is, this game could probably be run on four servers at this point. Just because they keep 17 servers going with 13 of them being almost dead doesn't mean things are going well.


Your second statement is too funny. You do know that they released Patch 5.1 yesterday, yes? You do know they put in major changes to the GC and gearing as a response, yes? You do know that four live streams (three of them emergency ones after launch) and a survey from EA on the expansion itself is a good indicator that things are going the opposite of what you claim.


They are declining because of a lack of diverse content. That is what is and has caused the decline. Does the new gear system change that? No! What would change the decline? Regular updates on new and diverse (story, PvP, FPs, raids, dailies, mini-games, etc.) content.


Sorry, but the evidence at this point since the 5.0 launch is that things are in fact NOT going well. Just because PvP queues are popping faster doesn't mean more people, it means many that are left are doing PvP because of the efficiency of the CxP rewards - that is all.

Edited by Wayshuba
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I would really suggest Star Wars takes a real good look at Star Trek Online.


Star Trek Online does community relations much better and it has a much better free to play model then SWTOR has at the moment.


Star Trek Online still has it's flaws but from where it started to where it is at now is a vast improvement. Part of that vast improvement has been a attempt from devs to talk with and learn from players what they want and expect.


MMO should be a community game and while the players can not rule they should be given some input to the game.


Seriouly? Do you remember or where even there when STO Devs/community managers insulted their playerbase when DR was launched or when the famous propaganda phrase was used " Best Expansion EVER and players loved it" then suffer a dramatic exodus of playerbase out of the game. Better NOT...worse might be.


I rather have silent devs than those who tell you LIES or INSULT you in your face...STO has not better community relationship and DO silence you if you have an opinion.

Edited by Christie_Swift
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I call BS, unless it was at 2 am NA time.


Here you go, have fun: https://www.twitch.tv/tcthief/videos/all


Also notice what a big streamer he was for the SWTOR raiding community. Also notice how, since that last videos that I described above were posted, he has stopped streaming SWTOR altogether.


Be forewarned, on the 6 hour and 14 minute one there are a lot of people on voice chat at the time discussing their being fed up and moving on. This streamer was known to be helpful for people wanting to learn about raiding and becoming very good at it in SWTOR.


So, sorry, it is not BS. You can watch for yourself.

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They genuinely can't handle criticism, and are utterly afraid to communicate regularly with us. They can't own up to mistakes, interact with us, or work with us on what we want. They seriously need to grow a pair, and start talking to us regularly. They would find over time that we can be nice and quite reasonable.


Some can be quite reasonable, some cannot. Remember the last time a class developer put his foot in the pool he got stalked and his family got death threats. Plenty of addicts in this game have 0 perspective and will turn from fluffy happy bunnies to furious wolverines at the drop of a hat if they get told the wrong thing in the wrong way.

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Here you go, have fun: https://www.twitch.tv/tcthief/videos/all


Also notice what a big streamer he was for the SWTOR raiding community. Also notice how, since that last videos that I described above were posted, he has stopped streaming SWTOR altogether.


So, sorry, it is not BS. You can watch for yourself.


Seeing as how the server I play on is more crowded now than it was in October, i'm still calling BS.

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