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Unassembled Components and Their Vendor


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Hey folks,


As we talked about in the Galactic Command Thread, Unassembled Components are a way for PvP players to work towards a specific piece of gear. First we will talk about how many Components you get from playing PvP and then I will show you the costs of each item from the vendor.


This list is how many Unassembled Components you get based on the content you play:

  • 5 - Warzone Win
  • 2 - Warzone Loss
  • 3 - Arena Win
  • 1 - Arena Loss
  • 5 - Solo Ranked Win
  • 2 - Solo Ranked Loss
  • 8 - Group Ranked Win
  • 3 - Group Ranked Loss
  • 8 - GSF Win
  • 3 - GSF Loss


Now let’s talk about item costs from the vendor. The following costs are to purchase Tier 1 Unassembled Gear Pieces:

  • Chest - 100
  • Legs - 100
  • Head - 100
  • Hands - 100
  • Feet - 100
  • Waist - 75
  • Wrist - 75
  • Implant - 80
  • Earpiece - 80
  • Relic - 80
  • Mainhand - 120
  • Off-hand - 120


Keep in mind that Tier 1 is the only Tier that you can directly purchase. In order to get a Tier 2 or 3 Unassembled piece, you will need to turn in the previous Tier armor piece along with X amount of Unassembled Components (listed below). As an example if you wanted to get the Tier 2 Unassembled Chest Piece, you would need to go to the vendor with a Tier 1 chest piece and 150 Unassembled Components. This will then give you a Tier 2 Unassembled Chest Piece which you can turn in. Here are the Tier 2 and 3 costs:

  • Chest – 150/225
  • Legs – 150/225
  • Head – 150/225
  • Hands – 150/225
  • Feet – 150/225
  • Waist – 115/175
  • Wrist – 115/175
  • Implant – 120/180
  • Earpiece – 120/180
  • Relic – 120/180
  • Mainhand – 180/270
  • Off-hand – 180/270


Let me know if you have any questions or anything is unclear. Thanks everyone.



Edited by TaitWatson
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It takes 95 winning matches just to earn the tier 3 chest?


Ain't nobody got time for that. Much less an entire set. Much less additional sets for alts. What in blazes is wrong with you people???


The camel's back can't support this much straw, I'm afraid. :t_frown:

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You have lost your mind, all of you. the RNG system of GC is so bad most people were hoping this would help. NOPE! You need to cut the needed components to one-third of what you have listed. That is insane. 20- 50 matches for just 1 tier 1 chest piece. you people have lost your mind. Edited by Death-Hammer
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Hi, just one but important question:


In case of Tier 2, Tier 3, are we talking about:


234, 240 purples respectively ?




236, 242 yellow legendaries ?




Can I use shell that already dropped from command crate (purple Tier 2 or yellow Tier 2) and upgrade it to purple / yellow Tier 3?


Thx, for answer

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It takes 95 winning matches just to earn the tier 3 chest?


Ain't nobody got time for that. Much less an entire set. Much less additional sets for alts. What in blazes is wrong with you people???


The camel's back can't support this much straw, I'm afraid. :t_frown:


They could not foresee people would be displeased with these changes, so they decided to double down on the ****ery to see how much an average player can take.

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First off, thank you very much for the hard numbers. I appreciate that. :)




Some math (just for tier 1 as my brain doesn't even want to consider tier 2 or tier 3):

1290 components are required for a full set of tier 1.

Assuming a 50% regular unranked warzone win percentage ==> (5 + 2) / 2 = 3.5 components per warzone

1290 / 3.5 = ~369 regular warzones to get tier 1......*passes out*

Assuming a casual dude such as myself runs 5 warzones per day ==> 369 / 5 = 73.8 days to get tier 1


Like I said, I'm not mentally prepared to do the math for figuring out the other tiers. Please have mercy. :eek:


Lastly, a question that I brought up a while back in another one of these threads, which I'm assuming wasn't noticed or considered, is this: are we hosed for not keeping the empty shells of the purple gear drops we got from Galactic Command? So, if I got 230 gloves and pants on a character, I pulled the armor / mod / enhancement and sold the empty shell to a vendor ('cause why would I not want 10k or so credits from something that I will never need LOL). Now you are telling me that I actually should have kept those shells? WHOOOPSIE!!! Now I have to re-grind to purchase that shell from the vendor so that I can trade it in for the tier2 variant? I REALLY hope you guys thought about this....


Could I perhaps trade in the armoring instead? Pretty please? :(


Thank you.

Edited by teclado
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I was afraid that the reason that you waited so long to give us this information is because you knew how bad it was.


I was right. This is total bs. Maybe next time you should try doing more than the very least that you can do.

Edited by Exly
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Although it is still absolutely ridiculous, you would think we'd at least get bonuses for the dailies and weeklies. I guess not. Still, the numbers should be reduced by at least 50%.


I swear to the Maker, they are TRYING to drive people away from this game.

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It takes 95 winning matches just to earn the tier 3 chest?


What do you mean 'JUST' a tier 3 chest. It's 242 best gear in the game.


You have lost your mind, all of you. the RNG system of GC is so bad most people were hoping this would help. NOPE! You need to cut the needed components to one-third of what you have listed. That is insane. 20- 50 matches for just 1 tier 1 chest piece. you people have lost your mind.


20-50 matches is like 2 days for a PVPer.

Edited by DarthZaul
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Assuming a casual dude such as myself runs 5 warzones per day ==> 369 / 5 = 73.8 days to get tier 1


I'm more casual than you and just run the weekly which is 15 match assuming 50% loss. Your math give 24.6 week, or 6 months. I'll be ready in tier 1 for the next expansion.

Edited by Nkya
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So, 50 unranked losses for a tier 1 chestpiece. Let's assume, as an average, reasonably committed player with work and family obligations, you can play 1-2 hours a day after work, with maybe 3-6 matches per session on average, that's anywhere from 1 to 2 weeks per piece on average. With 14 slots, that works out to 14 to 28 weeks for a full set of Tier 1, or 3 to 6 months, assuming you are completely, utterly unlucky on drops in the interim. Someone who is not afraid of numbers will have to explain how we account for the impact of RNG on top of this, and that's not me.


It's a band-aid, not a fix. I don't know if its' enough, but we will see. It seems most likely to benefit the hard core players who have already ground to Tier 3 and are looking to fill things in, but that's true for anything, so not sure if that's much of a criticism.

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What do you mean 'JUST' a tier 3 chest. It's 242 best gear in the game.

95 minutes x 15min per average match (on my realm) is about one day of playtime for one item. I assume it will be 4 days average playtime which would be about a month for a full gear.

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What do you mean 'JUST' a tier 3 chest. It's 242 best gear in the game.


As a PvPer "best gear in the game" means I can be sure I am not at a disadvantage gear wise to my opponents, something that was relatively easy to do in past versions of SWTOR. Now you have essentially no chance of ensuring everyone is on even footing and alts are still screwed.


It was a mistake removing PvP gear and lumping all gearing into one pile. As this goal will not be achievable and any players that start later or new players will be at a disadvantage through out the life of 5.0.

Nicely done again BW.

This is a complete **** show...

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You grind and get your tier 1, then your tier 2 and can almost afford tier 3 and then you get the same piece out of a command crate...... all that work for nothing. So in reality, people with high command ranks are better off not buying anything until they can afford the full upgrade to tier 3. This is a really horrible system. I'm sorry I had some faith in the devs to do the right thing with the components. Should have just let my sub run out.
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First off, thank you very much for the hard numbers. I appreciate that. :)




Some math (just for tier 1 as my brain doesn't even want to consider tier 2 or tier 3):

1290 components are required for a full set of tier 1.

Assuming a 50% regular unranked warzone win percentage ==> (5 + 2) / 2 = 3.5 components per warzone

1290 / 3.5 = ~369 regular warzones to get tier 1......*passes out*

Assuming a casual dude such as myself runs 5 warzones per day ==> 369 / 5 = 73.8 days to get tier 1


Like I said, I'm not mentally prepared to do the math for figuring out the other tiers. Please have mercy. :eek:


Lastly, a question that I brought up a while back in another one of these threads, which I'm assuming wasn't noticed or considered, is this: are we hosed for not keeping the empty shells of the purple gear drops we got from Galactic Command? So, if I got 230 gloves and pants on a character, I pulled the armor / mod / enhancement and sold the empty shell to a vendor ('cause why would I not want 10k or so credits from something that I will never need LOL). Now you are telling me that I actually should have kept those shells? WHOOOPSIE!!! Now I have to re-grind to purchase that shell from the vendor so that I can trade it in for the tier2 variant? I REALLY hope you guys thought about this....


Could I perhaps trade in the armoring instead? Pretty please? :(


Thank you.

Don't worry. If you are a casual who runs 5 wzs a day, you will most probably won't be able to interact with the vendor. There will be a valor requirement on it.
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What do you mean 'JUST' a tier 3 chest. It's 242 best gear in the game.


20-50 matches is like 2 days for a PVPer.




That's not even accounting for the inevitable losses. And I call BS that "typical" PvPers would be playing 20-50 matches per day. You may not do anything else with your life, but most of us do.


The fact is, it will take several months at least to grind this stuff for most people. Well I ain't doing it. And I'll continue to queue ranked and stink up your group after you spend your life grinding this gear. You can thank BW for that.

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Easy, guys. They announced a ton of things today, lots of moving parts for all of it. We don't know how it's going to work out yet until we play through it a bit and see the interaction between RNG, Components, Tokens, and the non CC boosts that will be available now. This might turn out okay, we just need to play it first.
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As a PvPer "best gear in the game" means I can be sure I am not at a disadvantage gear wise to my opponents, something that was relatively easy to do in past versions of SWTOR. Now you have essentially no chance of ensuring everyone is on even footing and alts are still screwed.


It was a mistake removing PvP gear and lumping all gearing into one pile. As this goal will not be achievable and any players that start later or new players will be at a disadvantage through out the life of 5.0.

Nicely done again BW.

This is a complete **** show...


I suppose thats a point. BIS gear in PVE is overpowered but BIS gear in PVP is more of a basic requirement for balance.

Edited by DarthZaul
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So looking at the OPS piece requirements....


Spend 2 ish hours in an ops get a piece.... Spend 2 ish hours on PvP, and get maybe 20% of a piece.... Real fing fair there guys... Why not just put a bullet in the head of PvP players...


And of course once all the "winnners" are in full gear face rolling anyone who does not have top gear, what are you gonna do then...

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