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So I guess devs are content to let Eternal Championship become irrelevant?


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Probably the only thing about KOTFE that I liked was Eternal Championship and it was certainly the only single player content that even remotely presented a challenge (if just a small one). I'd hoped that 5.0 would see EC expanded on with new bosses and new rewards but...... instead it's now pointless. Can't buy any real gear with the trophies now, bosses drop 208 gear even though they are level 70 bosses, CXP reward is a joke except the weekly and honestly that isn't great. Is EC going to be another in a long line of good ideas left to rot (legacy system, macrobinoculars, seeker droids, etc)? In the absence of real endgame content I'd think that a premium would be put on motivating people to do old content, people like to be rewarded for the effort but obviously this fact eludes the devs as evidence by GC and RNG.
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I really like the EC as well. I always do the weekly.


I put in a bug report about the lvl 65 rewards because I can't think of what else to do about it.


I'd also like to see them add some more achievements for it. That'd be a really easy way to keep me entertained lol.

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I would not make that assumption yet. They may or may not refresh it to make it relevant again.


They do have a history of adjusting, refreshing or repurposing older PvE content, so they may in fact commit a 5.x patch that refreshes EC to make it relevant in terms of rewards for effort.


Like in 4.0 when they really did not upgrade crafting fully... they released a patch a few months later that did. Clearly something planned, that just did not make the 4.0 release window. Same could be true for EC.. they have plans... but they have not yet completed them.


Time will tell.

Edited by Andryah
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The visual effects on the cosmetic orange shells are pretty cool in my opinion and I use the tokens to buy those. I'd say it's far more relevant than the Star fortresses where they broke the loot completely so that literally nothing drops from any boss at all. Since SF is broken EC becomes the only way to get an Eternal Empire Walker now.
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First GSF and then EC. So much wasted dev time and resources.


This, I wouldn't care as much if there was any decent amount of actual new content other than the abandoned stuff, but that's too difficult I guess. Not that pretty much everybody except the devs and the white knights saw this coming though.

Edited by Dewlmenow
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It's a no win isn't it? If they added on fights or gave new reward drops instead of this post you'd see the following: BW YOU EXPECT ME TO GRIND OLD CONTENT FOR NEW REWARDS! I'M QUITTING GRRRR. :mad: :mad:


Hehe. This is me having a sarcastic joke. Yes BW has adhd but we also are never ever happy.

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I strongly suspect it was meant to be endgame content at lvl 65. Meant to be super challenging. They're focused on uprisings now. It's entirely possible that the amount of people playing EC didn't justify upgrading it either. We may get more of that kind of content in the next few months. Their announcement on new stuff is in 2 wks
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Even though I took a swipe at it in a previous post, I have come to find Eternal Championship useful. First I did the grind for the awesome legacy gear while getting me reacquainted with game mechanics after extended absences.


The legacy gear vendor should at least be returned, then maybe add the gear sets only upgraded to say 234/236/240 ratings.

Edited by jimmorrisson
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Of course they are. They always do. Ask GSFers. Ask PvPers. Ask raiders.


The funny part is, even though there hasn't been new content added for those game modes, they were included in Galactic Command. That made them relevant again (if one were to believe they were ever irrelevant)


EC wasn't. For all the extra time they put into developing it they seem to have just given up on it as failed, or forgotten it completely.


I had high hopes for EC. I'd hoped it would be good training for boss mechanics, and I found it very helpful in that sense. I'd grind it on bonus day if it had been included. As it stands now, I've gone as far as I care to with it and see no reason to ever even think about it. And that's a waste.

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I still do not understand why they pushed the level up to 70 for this.


If you work through the story, 65 is probably about the level you get to it, they have level sync to deal with people over that. It would then be level appropriate content dropping level appropriate gear. Now its over level for ist place in the story dropping gear that is not good enough to use to complete the thing in the first place.

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  • 1 month later...
I still do not understand why they pushed the level up to 70 for this.


If you work through the story, 65 is probably about the level you get to it, they have level sync to deal with people over that. It would then be level appropriate content dropping level appropriate gear. Now its over level for ist place in the story dropping gear that is not good enough to use to complete the thing in the first place.


Tried this for the first time since returning for 5.0. My lvl 50 companion Ranos get's destroyed by Mister Ripper and Breaktown Brawler in 20 seconds. Found and read this thread what a shame this piece of content is now walled off like certain flashpoints due to bosses dishing out an unrealistic level of damage.

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But... but... upgrading it would require work! And nothing about the EC is based on EXCITING!!!!!!!™ RNG mechanics! Obviously it's not worth your time on that alone, right? Who wants consistent rewards for specific content!? That's crazy talk! Why would you even care about that anyways? Go run some cut and pasted, unbalanced content (i.e. Uprisings) instead! Experience THE THRILL OF THE HUNT!!!!!!!!™ (and fluff EAWare's almighty mystical metrics so the suits don't fire Ben Irving for being the incompetent, out of touch dunce that he is). Edited by AscendingSky
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